Topic: Why do so many men refuse to date women with children?
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Tue 12/11/07 08:01 AM
Boy,First off!Kids are not bagage.They are a blessing...My kids are growing up.And will always be in my life.Don't like it?tuff sh-t.Our children are not a option.They are our family,our life.Our greatest asset in life.
Every one has a right to chose.I think it's great when a person tells it streate out.:smile:
That way you know where they stand.And that they should look else where.So should you.
To me it's no big deal.You won't kids or you don't.Don't sweat it.A person that can't except kids is just not for the ones that do.

Kravynn's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:08 AM
Im a single mom with a 13 yr old boy and a 6 year old girl. Its hard enough to raise kids, nevermind alone (with no child support and right now no job grrr....) But I have invested a lot of time and energy implanting manners, morals and decency into my kids. I dont even bring the kids into the equation until I know its mega serious, and thats only been once since my daughters father.

We flow pretty well in this family, my kids respect me, they understand I have a life outside of them. I dont need a man to help me support them, raise them or discipline them. I know guys see the kids as a turn off, but the way I see it, one day someone will accept and respect me and my kids as a whole. hell also understand hes really in it for me, the kids are an added bonus. Blending anyone into what I have going with my kids is going to be tough, its either going to be like oil and water, or coffee and cream. Im really hoping for the caffine.

hardworkingmom2's photo
Thu 12/13/07 02:58 PM
I am almost 24 with a 4 year and a 1 year old...single mom. I don't let my children meet the men I'm dating. Once in a blue moon I will have my sister watch them for a couple hours but for the most part I enjoy just hanging out and watching a movie after they go to bed. I don't see myself in a serious relationship anytime soon because men my age don't want their own children much less mine. It doesn't bother me; I've just gotten used to it.

diablotattooz's photo
Thu 12/13/07 03:01 PM
Edited by diablotattooz on Thu 12/13/07 03:01 PM
NO ONE should EVER call a child bagage thats BS!mad explode smokin children are the best thing ever! my son is the world to me and if a woman with a child wants you in her childs life you should consider yourself privlaged! children can teach you what lifes all about!

itsmetina's photo
Thu 12/13/07 06:29 PM
my son wants a step dad so if a guy doesn't like it he can move on.i dont want a guy w 5 kids or more thats alot of financial responsibility

azrae1l's photo
Thu 12/13/07 07:39 PM
i couldn't get a date with or without kids....... for me or her...

5PEEDY's photo
Fri 12/14/07 12:47 PM

gizmo778's photo
Fri 12/14/07 05:01 PM
Hey all , ok check it out... I'm a single father of two kids. Yes , I have full custody . And getting a date is a little tough. especially with a woman who does'nt have kids. She either does'nt want kids , nor a man with kids . Or , she wants to have kids in the future. But I have no intention of having more children....HELP ! I'm kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place here.

no photo
Fri 12/14/07 05:04 PM
its not my job to raise some other guys child. sorry.

no photo
Fri 12/14/07 06:07 PM

its not my job to raise some other guys child. sorry.

Notin wrong with that.
And i'm sure you won't be complaining if the women the women of your dreams turns out to be a single parent...
:smile: :smile:

no photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:50 PM

its not my job to raise some other guys child. sorry.

I would say that this would be the number one answer...

no photo
Fri 12/14/07 09:22 PM
Edited by howlandp on Fri 12/14/07 09:22 PM
if there are two girls out there who are similar in every way except that one has children, I'm gonna go with 'not a mommy' every time. That said, I don't have anything specifically against dating women with kids.
it's like people who don't want to date smokers, or short guys, or rodeo clowns or whatever: personal taste.

dmx_wyrw's photo
Fri 12/14/07 10:20 PM
whats wrong with kids?huh
No prob with kids the person they're attached to might be a different story. I

ive met a few nice people with kids though. just to clear the last part up.

Rob1964's photo
Fri 12/14/07 10:57 PM
I would rather they had kids.At least then they would understand the compromises you sometimes have to make.

no photo
Fri 12/14/07 11:02 PM
Why is it if you have think you are looking for a 'daddy' or someone to take care of them? I never understood that...

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 05:24 AM
Edited by mustbesincere1 on Sat 12/15/07 05:33 AM
brokenheart brokenheart
I agree with all of you.
Women are picky about dating men with kids as well. It doesn't make it right but most women put more heart into a relationship more often then men. When datng a man with kids we are more likely to treat his kids as ours. The other women often times cause so much drama, until you question if it's all worth it. How serious (if at all) is an important factor when being involved with someone with kids. The kids get attached too.

A man whom doesn't want to date someone with kids are doing mom and the kids a big favor. My problem with that is the attitude about the issue at hand. Kids are not baggage.What if you get married, have kids and divorce? Now doens that men you have baggage? Should wome avoid you now? You have the right. I am not against it. The attitued is back when speaking of women with kids. Women get kids from men. Maturity level plays and important role with anyone that view it in a negative fashion. Yes, it is alot of work. No matter what relationship you get into, there isn't going to be a smooth plane.

Personally, I've tried to date men with children and it has been a nightmare. It isn't only the kids. It's you, the person you are dating and the outside parent that makes this union difficult at times. Why do people involve kids so early in relationships before, they establish themselves as a couple? You may be involved for only 2mos or less and you drag the kids in.

This is all I will say about this. I happen to read all the post. I'm not here for this. To each its own opinion.
Honestly I am here to find a nice, friendly guy to establish a friendship. I'm not looking for anyhing in between.

merry xmas to all of you. I will not reply to anyone bashing me. I'm here( like You) stating my opinion.

AllSmilesInTulsa's photo
Sat 12/15/07 05:33 AM
It is not only men that do not want to date someone with children. I won't date someone with children under 15 or 16 at the youngest. I have raised mine (alone) and feel this is my time.

A good father will always put the children first. I respect that very much but that always puts me down the ladder. My time to spend with someone is limited and scheduling around visitation has proven to be difficult.

R1chard's photo
Sat 12/15/07 06:24 AM
I wouldn't mind meeting someone with a child my age or older. Doesn't and wouldn't ever bother me a bit to be with someone that all ready has a child, but I would like to have one of *my* own also is kind of the preference at my age.

Jimatthebeach's photo
Sun 12/16/07 07:43 AM
I'm a single dad. You wouldn't believe how many women get scared away when they find that out.

no photo
Mon 12/24/07 07:21 AM
There are alot of guys out there with kids also. En these guys are the sweetest, kindest, warmest people you will ever meet. AND they are wonderful DADS. So for all of the single guys out there with kids. KUDOS! Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.