Topic: Which is sexier? A woman's body or her personality?👀👀
no photo
Tue 04/16/19 02:17 AM
Depends on the woman...

Sometimes the personality

Sometimes the body

Youre lucky if it’s both! love

Raj Roy's photo
Tue 04/16/19 02:21 AM

 (1rin12 =line  rinskie2 =Instagram  's photo
Thu 04/18/19 05:42 AM
Of course a personality! Beauty fades body gets older!


Hunny's photo
Sun 05/19/19 09:49 AM
yas OK

Duttoneer's photo
Sun 05/19/19 10:48 AM
Edited by Duttoneer on Sun 05/19/19 10:49 AM

Maybe it's something to do with the way they move.

no photo
Sun 06/16/19 08:23 AM
Edited by Bottom only on Sun 06/16/19 08:26 AM
The eyes only see what the mind tells them too therefore beautiful mind means beautiful body

Sanjay Tiwari's photo
Mon 06/17/19 06:40 AM

Solace84's photo
Sat 06/22/19 07:03 PM
Edited by Solace84 on Sat 06/22/19 07:15 PM
To me, her outward appearance means a lot. I mean that's what will attract me in the first place. The inward beauty which is good personality is what determines whether I fall in love or not.
You really have to meet people to really know the sort of personality they posses.

Bootyman69's photo
Sun 06/23/19 08:00 AM
Personality is great but it’s the body that you’re gonna be banging. Thick figure for me :ok_hand:

GoodOlDog's photo
Sun 06/23/19 09:05 AM
Edited by GoodOlDog on Sun 06/23/19 09:09 AM
Remember that old saying "pretty is as pretty does"?

I am inclined to believe that completely. Physical characteristics are superficial and temporary. But your spirit and soul wlll transcend a lifetime.

From this man's point of view, there's nothing sexier than a kind, honest woman that's genuine in her attention. Like looking into the eyes of a woman while she is holding a baby in her arms. There is something inherintly magical in that.

Anyway, that's from a corny old guy that still believes in truth, Justice and the American way lol.

Mehakpreet Randhawa's photo
Sun 06/23/19 01:19 PM

no photo
Sun 06/23/19 02:42 PM

Many men look at Body before brains but then many men are Visual creatures.


Exactly right.
Most women are far less visual than men and most men don't know that.

I really hoping that you are joking......

no photo
Sun 06/23/19 02:44 PM

Personality is great but it’s the body that you’re gonna be banging. Thick figure for me :ok_hand:

so you never heard of someone ******* with your mind?

GoodOlDog's photo
Mon 06/24/19 06:16 PM
Ladies, wanna know what's really sexy? Try telling your man what you're going to do to him when he gets home. Let him think about it all damn day. Make it really steamy and let him simmer...,,

Final Dreamz's photo
Mon 06/24/19 06:23 PM
The body is going to fade and turn into a lump of something you used to admire if she ain't got the personality other than a cutesy bunny it's not worth investing into... this ain't heaven making beauty last forever but being attracted to either will be important... true beauty shines knowing she might be 500 pounds now and you give her a chance... you take her running everyday she has the heart and soul of an angel... you get her down to 130 you struck the gold mine... but has she changed knowing she can do better than you now... or is she happy you changed her life?

Red's photo
Tue 06/25/19 05:25 PM
My personality is far sexier than my body. :wink:

Mach39420's photo
Fri 06/28/19 09:54 PM

Cam's photo
Sat 06/29/19 07:38 PM
I just wanna smash a hot chick

no photo
Sat 06/29/19 07:55 PM
It's fine if a guy can get past the looks, and be attracted to personality from the first five minutes.

So sorry. I'm a man, it's looks first, that's the way it is. I'm not going past it, I'm not trying. I can do without, and that's never going to change.

darkowl1's photo
Sun 06/30/19 08:48 AM
Edited by darkowl1 on Sun 06/30/19 08:51 AM
All women are sexy when they want to be, from my observation, and in so many different ways. In lieu of this:

I think, the cleaner they eat, the more clearly they think, and the healthier they are, and the more they enjoy life, longevity, strength, open-mindedness, efficiency, positive thinking, and happiness.

The body that fits in these modes takes care of itself, and truly never fades in the eyes of the truly observant beholder, and only improves with time. True beauty never waivers, even through injury or trauma. It's always seen in the eyes.

A good secret from the thousands I have talked to, and from personal experience... never get rid of your silliness. always try to find time to act "3".