Topic: Cration Vs. Evolution Part 3 | |
Part 3
I know lengthy but alot to cover in 3 and very informative. Why is gravity always the same? If the universe began as a spinning dot, why do some planets spin backwards, which is the opposite of the conservation of angular momentum. Spinning the same direction hen breaking off. Venus, Uranus, Pluto 8 of 9 moons spin backwards, Jupiter, Saturn, & Neptune have moons orbiting in both directions? Sun 98% hydrogen helium but the rest of the planets less then 1% hydrogen helium. Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury. If they all came from a big bang, why do the planets all have different compositions? And why do whole galaxies spin backwards? From the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and God did it that way just to make the big bang look stupid. There is a big bang in scriptures 2 Peter 3:10 The heavens shall pass away with a great noise, you better get ready for it, have your heart right with God. If the big bang theory were true, matter would be evenly distributed. 2nd law of thermodynamics "Everything tends toward disorder." If you leave something done for awhile is going to rot, rust, breakdown, wear out, fall down. Nothing gets better by itself. Heb 1:10 (Law of Dynamics) Everything tends towards chaos. The law everything is getting worse. "Kids text books say humans evolved from bacteria which appeared 4 billion years ago. Evolutionists say if you add energy you can overcome the 2nd law of thermodynamics. And the earth receiving energy from the sun since earth is given system we overcame the law. The Big Bang idea began with George Lemaitre-Astronomer. The mass was 12 trillion miles in diameter. Over the decades the mass was determined to be much smaller. By 1983 the mass was reduced to 1 trillionth of the diameter of a proton, today nothing at all. Discover Magazine quoted Alan Guth, “Where did everything come from? Alan Guth said in Scientific American, “A dot: we all came from a dot and the dot came from nothing. They call it science and put it in our science books. We need to call it a fairy tale and file it under science fiction. Over 20 billion all the dirt in the universe was drawn into this tiny dot and it spun faster and faster and all of the sudden exploded, big bang and the pieces that flew off became galaxies, sun, moon, stars, forming the complex solar systems and galaxies you see today. This was all star dust. No life. Where did all the dirt come from? If you believe 8000 years ago God created the universe and I cannot tell you where He came from. I believe in the beginning God/others believe in the beginning don’t tell me theory is religious and yours is scientific. This is not science vs religion, this is two religions. Evolution vs Creation are both religions. You have to believe in one or the other. Where man fits in: If every man decided he was the god of his own universe, could you imagine a world where every man did what was right in his own eyes? Without a God, how do you tell right from wrong? In one persons universe in which he is god, he decides there should be no people of Jewish decent. How would and atheist tell whether that is right or wrong? Should Osama Bin Laden decide right from wrong? Should President Bush? Is it really simple to tell right from wrong “Thus saith the Lord” written literally 413 times in the Bible…..assumed throughout….nothing is absolute! What it comes down to is many people just don’t know what God’s word say whether they care or not they need to know. God says don’t do it, did it in the past. Back in the 1950’s science text books had very little teaching on evolution from about 2000 to 3000 words. In 1959 someone asked congress for 1 billion for the Department of Health Education and Welfare for the promotion & publication of the new Science of Evolution. The result was 10 ½ million given to the NSP (National Science Foundation) for the 9 part theme curriculum teaching evolution. Science curriculum was rewritten to make sure evolution was taught. In 1963 the average text book was 33,000 words about evolution. At the same time prayer was taken out of our school system. A great rise in pre-martial sex followed and with it STD’s grew to an alarming rate of 400% 550% increase in pregnancies. Today 1/3 of all kids born in hospitals are without a father married to mom. Unmarried couples have risen since 1963 800%. Gods word has not changed for the commandment still remains. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Jesus said, “If you ever look & lust you have committed adultery in your heart” Math 5:28 Child abuse up 2300% since 1963….yes folks that is not a typo. Illegal drug use up 6000%, violent crimes 1000% increase. When I was young we did not lock our house, or the car, we shared with our neighbors, sugar, milk, eggs. SAT results have plummeted since 1963 even though they have modified the test twice by making it easier to try and bring the scores back up. Teen suicide rate nearly 400%. If you kiss frog and it turns to a prince quickly that is a fairy tale….But in the theory of evolution the frog is a link in the development of animals and ultimately us. If it happen slowly, it is considered modern science. The majority of Americans do not believe the earth is millions of years old but is considered science, it is true nearly 60% of scientist believe in evolution. But that doesn’t make it true. 55% of natural scientist believe in Darwin’s evolution. Scientist use to also teach that the planets revolved around the earth. The scientist used to teach a big rock will fall faster then a little rock. For 2000 years Galeleo proved all objects fall at the same speed . Adam lived 800 years, how many kids could he have had? Noah’s son Shem lived long enough after the flood to know Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. One of Jacob’s sons was Joseph he saw to Pharaoh in Egypt. He lived a 130 years, but this is nothing compared to our forefathers. Joseph was introducing his father Jacob to Pharaoh who asked how old are you? Its true since he cold have known Shem who was 600 years old. Public school text books say the earth is billions of years old and Jesus said the Creation of Adam was the beginning. Was he lying? Math 19:4 Was he right? If we use the ages the bible gives us for Adam, his descendents, to Noah and his descendents to Jesus we have 4000 years of history. But the textbooks say the earth cooled from liquid & water to form 3 billion years ago. Many big name Christians a dozen names that you wold know teach the earth is billions of years old. Some individuals said to me, Debbie “Who cares” It is a man issue. I beg to differ. It makes a huge difference, because if you are going to have millions of years, your are going to have death before sin. If we accept millions of year’s death before sin, scripture is filled with lies; the Bible authors were heretics. Jesus would be a lier, Paul would be a liar, Yahweh is a liar. To Adam Gen 3:19 “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your good until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” Also vs 22 God said, The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever”! So the Lord banished him from the Garden of Eden. Roman’s 5:12 “Therefore, just as sin entered into the world through one man and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men because all sinned.” John 5:16 “There is a sin that leads to death” Is teaching our children evolution or accepting for ourselves acceptable. It makes God out to be a liar!!!! The Bible clearly teaches the earth is about 6000 years old. Let’s see what the scientific evidence says. In 1999 the world’s population crossed over the 6 billion mark, in 1955 there were 5 billion people on the planet earth. In 1800 there was 1 billion people here. No one disputes there was about a billion people around in 1810. Everybody agrees the population is growing rapidly. But the world is not overcrowded, undernourished yes, but not overcrowded. Did you know that all 6 billion people could fit side by side in the city of Los Angeles……Twice We are talking about 25 billion sq feet. There is plenty of room in America trust that. I looked out the window on a plane when I flew the last time. And there was a lot of unused space out there. At the birth of Christ there was an estimated population of 250 million. If we were to create a chart it looks as f the world’s population began 4400 years ago with the 8 survivors of the Great Flood. If you believe in evolution you have a problem believing men has been here 3 million years. If we went from a ¼ billion to 6 billion since Jesus was born what would we have for a population today of 681 X 4400 years in 3 million years, the population would have grown to 150,000 people per sq. inch, new that would be overcrowded. In Gen 1:28 God told Adam multiply and fill the earth with lots of kids. Isa 45:18 tells us God formed the world to be inhabited. We have people on the other side following satan’s plan to reduce the population. American contributes greatly to the plan by murdering 1000 of babies a day. Abortion is not a good thing and clearly violates scripture. And God’s laws. Anybody know the name Jacque Cousteau – love fish more then man. He said we need to eliminate 350,000 people per day. Ted Turner - powerful media guru said “We need a 95% decline in population from present levels, would be ideal.” Maybe he could lead the way. The Goal of the new world order wants to reduce the world’s population to ½ billion. You see the lord told satan in the Garden of Eden. (Gen 3:14-15) Satan knows someday the seed of the woman is going to stomp him out completely, and he is not looking forward to that, he tried to wipe out the Israelites numerous times, he tried destroying all male babies at the time Jesus was a young child, he is trying to destroy the nation that stand with Israel quickly by using medical clinics around the world. To be continued |
Edited by
Sat 11/24/07 08:26 PM
actually feral, gravity being the same everywhere is something that is under debate within the scientific community, it is hypothesized that dark matter is a place where gravity is weaker and black holes where it is stronger also the universe is not a spinning dot, some galaxies may be that shape, but we have no proof of the shape of the entire universe which leads some to believe that it is infinite
And evolution is not a religion despite what u say, I gave u evidence on a previous thread and u told me "Nuh-uh" like a little child denying theft of sweets or some such trivial thing in spite of undeniable evidence, evolution is part of science: the way the universe works Creationism is part of christianity: the way u want the universe to work |
A few more and it's off to the catacombs we go...
unicycles dust bunnies magic tricks whiners wafflers apeman frogs and froggies dogma ideas postules fierce debate rhetoric myths people religiousity pseudo-science cheerleaders neo-cortexii idideait police and much more. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
those r all words i associate with u and ur ilk
Evolution is somthing you rely on for your belifes? It is to a religion
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lzard, you're in the list too, buddy o pal o' mine!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Feral wrote:
If the universe began as a spinning dot, why do some planets spin backwards. I can’t imagine why any educated person would read beyond this sentence. You may as well just scream at the top of your lungs,... “I know NOTHING about physics!” |
It CANNOT b argued that evolution is a religion
Science could b argued to be a religion but not that single chunk of it thats like saying Your a Reincarnatorian because u believe in reincarnation that could b several different religions And science is just as fractured as christianity, there r those of us who believe in the infinite universe theories, those of us who dont, some scientists scorn fringe science or metaphysics, some love those Evolution: not a religion Science: possibly a religion that has evolution in it |
ok abra then answer it.....instead of repeating over and over that you think I am stupid...wheres your proof of any said above.....
HUH......put your proof where you mouth is. |
lizard I will have to agree to disagree with you on all said points. If you believe in evolution then so be it....but you can't believe in evolution and believe in sir in the sense they both are religions as I clearly stated in part 3.....believe in one or the other.
Edited by
Sat 11/24/07 08:48 PM
Feral I gave u a mountain of proof on creationism versus evolution 1 and u Denied it
Im sure abras given u proof as well and uve dismissed it bcause it doesnt fit with ur beliefs i gave u multiple pages and heres what u said back "Sorry lizard but again all you have put up just proves my points. I will agree that an animal can change within it's species to adapt to environmental sitautions...But a horse that was born a horse over the course of years will never turn into a cow. A dog will never turn into a cat. And there to date is no iron clad proof that we fell from a dust particle with the big bang, fell into the water, turned into a tadpole, that turned into a frog, crawled out and turned into a monkey, who then turned into an ape who then became human.....there is no proof scientifically or other. And honestly in all the time that man has inhabited this earth has anyone seen this happen...NOPE" |
Im totally open minded lizard....if abra has any proof of this universe being created by the big bang...and at the same time he can explain why all the planets are not made of the exact same thing......and all the rest...totally listening....
Again scientists r split on whether the big bang happened or whether it really had any bearing on the universe at large
I personally side with the infinite universe theorists on this one in that the big bang has happened an infinite amount of times and indeed is still happening in the limitless universe u know it could b argued that the planets not being made of the same stuff proves god didnt make the universe otherwise it would b more perfect |
but thats wrong....because if the big bang theory....operative word again theory......did happen then all the planets would be made exactly the same..and since they are not....and it is pretty perfect....then you answered your own question.
This explains it pretty good for me..... From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea Creation’s revealing Your majesty From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring Every creature unique in the song that it sings All exclaiming Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name. You are amazing God All powerful, untamable, Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim You are amazing God Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night None can fathom Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name You are amazing God All powerful, untamable, Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim You are amazing God You are amazing God |
Feral wrote:
ok abra then answer it.....instead of repeating over and over that you think I am stupid...wheres your proof of any said above..... Take physics 101 for God's sake!!! What do you expect someone to post on an internet forum that would prove physics to you???? You need to go and learn the concepts, do the expermiment and SEE how it works for yourself!!! Bottom line is that you obviously don't have a clue how physics works. Why is all of this so important to you anyway? Do you doubt your faith in God???? You shouldn't need to seek proof that your God exists. You either believe in God or you don't. Make up your mind. If you actually learned that evolution did occur would that shatter your faith in your God? I seriously doubt it. So why are you playing these STUPID games???? Does your faith in your God rely on science being wrong? |
Roman’s 5:12 “Therefore, just as sin entered into the world through one man and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men because all sinned.”
Spiritual death... inviting darkness(sin) into your spirit equals spiritual death... That is my understanding... |
Feral wrote:
ok abra then answer it.....instead of repeating over and over that you think I am stupid...wheres your proof of any said above..... Take physics 101 for God's sake!!! What do you expect someone to post on an internet forum that would prove physics to you???? You need to go and learn the concepts, do the expermiment and SEE how it works for yourself!!! Bottom line is that you obviously don't have a clue how physics works. Why is all of this so important to you anyway? Do you doubt your faith in God???? You shouldn't need to seek proof that your God exists. You either believe in God or you don't. Make up your mind. If you actually learned that evolution did occur would that shatter your faith in your God? I seriously doubt it. So why are you playing these STUPID games???? Does your faith in your God rely on science being wrong? again the same ole same ole.......take physics 101 I have taken plenty and your not prooving anything....except that your great at not answering.....what about all the other stuff in the thread about population about the other statistics.....nothing Boy and I thought you were one of the intellects....... |
Part 3 I know lengthy but alot to cover in 3 and very informative. To be continued Can't believe it!!! She's going to post more! Isn't there an unwritten law in american culture, ... three strikes you're out!!! If you stay on this forum and read enough of these delusional posts, you get this eerie feeling that the whole planet has gone mad!!! Fundamentalism is not Christianity folks. It is dangerously delusional. It is not part of the solution, IT IS THE PROBLEM!!! Simple scientific information taught in schools, knowledge! is equatesd by fundamentalism as the root of all evil. ENOUGH! CAN'T STAND FOR THIS AND EXPECT THINGS TO TURN OUT!!! The Monkey trial took place in the first part of the 20th century. Protestant fundamentalist looked stupid back then. Imagine their reperesentatives nearly 100 years later. 'Feral' do yourself a favor, tell your mentors and bible teachers you have decided to move on. Give up the 'bible inerrancy' brigade, apologetics training classes. They truly are in left field. Besides, I don't know if those same mentors are responsible for recommendng this to you, but it is truly not a good idea to confuse a pubic 'religion chat' forum such as this one, as a terrain to practice your 'presuppositionalist-apologetics' manipulative tricks. This forum is for real religions, and for ALL real religions and faiths. It is meant for discussion, NOT ENDOCTRINATION. It isn't the 'feralcatlady and fundamentalist friends': '... do you want a ticket to hell, or to heaven???...' extravaganza!!! Come on 'feral', send a multiple e-mail, and call the training brigade off!!! They'll all be humiliated in the end, and turn against God for not coming through, when God never had anything to do with this sad mascarade. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() afraid you might actually learn something aa (you know what that means) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Roman’s 5:12 “Therefore, just as sin entered into the world through one man and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men because all sinned.” Spiritual death... inviting darkness(sin) into your spirit equals spiritual death... That is my understanding... Remember my friend, if the glass holds any water, then it holds water at all. LET US SUPPOSE THE CAVEAT AND LEAVE IT AT THAT FOR THE MOMENT. Romans5:13( ..........but sin is not imputed when there is no law.) ![]() |