Topic: Creation Vs. Evolution The Series
no photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:34 PM

an apology is in order, V. seriously, u no wut i meen?

I totally agree with you wouldee.

If what I wrote about isn't the truth as 'fearalcatlady' claimed on these threads, then I agree with you,


wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:34 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 11/24/07 01:35 PM

i believe that if a an animal changes to adapt than thats evolution. A wombat is a wombat because environment told it that it was a wombat. Now whether God tells what the environment what to do is beyond me. But I know lately mother nature has been pretty mean.

Just my thoughts on this.

the environment and the inhabitants do have a symbiotic necessity.

The eat or be eaten observation of nature and its habitats does suggest to me that there exists some iniquity uncontrollably running amuck within it.

That is not immaculate to me, either.

Nor pleasant.

smokin drinker bigsmile

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:37 PM

an apology is in order, V. seriously, u no wut i meen?

I totally agree with you wouldee.

If what I wrote about isn't the truth as 'fearalcatlady' claimed on these threads, then I agree with you,


Do NOT BE COY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry:

TRY AGAIN, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!brokenheart

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:38 PM
And on the flip side, I think the big bang is silly. Its like "once there was nothing...then it exploded!"

So I'm scared to put nothing in my Tupperware and close the lid or it will explode and I'll have a universe in it, and then I wouldn't know what to do with that...does it go in the fridge or freeze? laugh

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:41 PM

And on the flip side, I think the big bang is silly. Its like "once there was nothing...then it exploded!"

So I'm scared to put nothing in my Tupperware and close the lid or it will explode and I'll have a universe in it, and then I wouldn't know what to do with that...does it go in the fridge or freeze? laugh

You are scaring me now!!!!!

I'd put it outside away from the pets to be sure!!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

smokin drinker bigsmile

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:43 PM
And if the tiny people start exploring space, what would I do then!? just open the top and pray they all die? then I'd feel bad for killing the little buggers. I have too much time to think about this lol

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:46 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 11/24/07 01:47 PM

And if the tiny people start exploring space, what would I do then!? just open the top and pray they all die? then I'd feel bad for killing the little buggers. I have too much time to think about this lol

I prefer dust bunnies.

they grow and multiply with little or no intervention and seem to have a handle on their own destiny, except of course, should they be disturbed.

We all must make choices.

Hope yours are great ones!!!

smokin drinker bigsmile

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 02:21 PM

an apology is in order, V. seriously, u no wut i meen?

I totally agree with you wouldee.

If what I wrote about isn't the truth as 'fearalcatlady' claimed on these threads, then I agree with you,


Do NOT BE COY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry:

TRY AGAIN, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!brokenheart

What's this 'sirring'???

Are you seriously suggesting I should apologize to Feralcatlady?

Is this a side of your 'funny' sense of humour kicking-in wouldee???

She calls me "... just an arrogant ass..." in a conversation with someone else, and I need to apologize to her, according to you?!?!?

You're losing me wouldee.

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 02:34 PM
I refuse to dignify your insult to Feralcatlady.

Take the opportunity to apologize to her, while you have the the time.

I, for one, am apalled and quite offended at your conduct and arrogance that finds place in your heart.

That is no way to talk to a lady.

Not in anyones mind that is respectful and sincere.

Either edit away your epitaph or apologize to her.

You have only succeeded in disgusting me with your lapse of manners and subsequent selective memory loss.




feralcatlady's photo
Sat 11/24/07 02:54 PM
I apologize voil that your an arrogant ass.......and maybe the missing link........

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 11/24/07 02:56 PM
and I apologize the the rest of the people here that voil is an arrogant donkey........or ass which ever you prefer......and voil Im only messing with you........dang don't super intelects have a sense of humor......geezzzzzz

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:23 PM

and I apologize the the rest of the people here that voil is an arrogant donkey........or ass which ever you prefer......and voil Im only messing with you........dang don't super intelects have a sense of humor......geezzzzzz


I don't get it either.

Why should 'wouldee' get so upset with you calling me an 'arrogant ass', and then calling me 'the missing link', which obviously in this metaphorical exchange, would make of you 'a evolved piece, or product of an arrogant ass'.

Which of course reminds us all of the power of metaphors, parables, and myths, at the heart of the topic of this thread, which should never be confused with facts, truth, or reality.

Can't wouldee understand metaphor, parables, myths, and allegories?!?!? Images. Representations. Corrolaries allowing to draw lessons, often moral lessons about life and about each other. But never life itself.

How could 'feral' ever think that I'm 'litterally' arrogant??? As in not knowing what I'm talking about and just pretending??? Inconceivable in realityu. Can only be a 'metaphor', not the truth. Needless to say, same goes for her calling me an ass. Look at that face!!! Nothing could be furhter from a 'litteral' ass. Feral knows that it is inconceivable to even suggest that as fact about me. It is a metaphor, about what moral lesson exactly, I'm not sure, but we are both meditating on that as we speak. Right 'feral'?!?!?

Can't wouldee understand that we're just metaphorically and biblically sparring and 'messing' with each other 'feral'?!?!?

I apologize too that you're a superior 'evolved' version of a '... piece of arrogant ass' yourself. It's obviouslly a metaphor. Can't see it any other way.

And thus the mataphoric 'missing link' is dead.

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:33 PM
close enough, v.

smokin drinker bigsmile

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 11/24/07 03:50 PM
I did tell him in an e-mail....but hey I love wouldee for being my protector. And I love him, he is my bro for sure.....But I also assured him that I could handle you or abra or anyone for that matter.

I do really honestly and with massive amounts of love think you can be an ass......but only in the sense of how you deliver your messages sometimes, not you as a human being.....and yes when I said hey maybe your the missing link........h e l l o totally a joke.

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:03 PM

I did tell him in an e-mail....but hey I love wouldee for being my protector. And I love him, he is my bro for sure.....But I also assured him that I could handle you or abra or anyone for that matter.

I do really honestly and with massive amounts of love think you can be an ass......but only in the sense of how you deliver your messages sometimes, not you as a human being.....and yes when I said hey maybe your the missing link........h e l l o totally a joke.

Quite right 'feral', and same here.

I really do honestly, no kidding think you can be a superior piece of evolved ass.

And exactly like you, it has only to do with the way in which you deliver your message, which was the first ever message I addressed to you a few weeks back, to which you agreed wholeheartedly in an e-mail to me, along with your appreciation for pointing it out.

As for love, you can count on the fact that I'll keep 'toughloving you' to the end.

Now, with respct to wouldee, I think that for the sake of balance here, I would like to see you coming out defending me next time!!!
Not that I need it, but hell, if you're going to be 'feral' body guard, I think it is only fair to expect that you be equally a 'BUDDY GUARD' for all your friends !!!

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:17 PM
Anyone that insults you within my witness and displaying bad manners and drawing at straws meant to demean or denegrate you, Voila, will be addressed if I am involved in the discussion that presents the infraction or not.

The degree of my attention to any insult you or anyone, for that matter, must endure will vary with my knowledge of the situation.

Personal attacks are unconscionable (sic) intrusions upon my sense of discretion.

There always exists a wholesome and intelligent choice of words to be used to express oneself.

That is what language and communication do at best.

We all fall short of painting masterpieces.

we move forward better for it.....

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Eljay's photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:25 PM


You are obviously the superior being between the two of us, I mean God, Christ, Truth, Mentors, and bible teachers on your side and all, I trust you must be right when you call me nothing else than an "... arrogant ass..." in previous post.

I don't know if we have enough evidence about either of you to determine who is more superior - but I will say this about the two of you. Feralcat comes in here - states her case about what she believes and supports it from the source of her belief. I've yet to see you EVER post with a single FACT about your claim from any reputable source that perhaps an individual outside yourself might even begin to agree with. And though you are asked NUMEROUS times by NUMEROUS people on the threads to P-L-E-A-S-E help us out with ANYTHING we can investigate so we can make in intelligent and informed opinion about - you deem the asking of such - a trivial matter. I'm sorry we cannot match up to your higher sense of truth Voile, but please - for the sake of us poor Christian ignorants, why do you with hold this invaluable information and references from us? We're wallowing in our ignorance - be a good Atheist and help us out - would-ya.

Eljay's photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:27 PM

And on the flip side, I think the big bang is silly. Its like "once there was nothing...then it exploded!"

So I'm scared to put nothing in my Tupperware and close the lid or it will explode and I'll have a universe in it, and then I wouldn't know what to do with that...does it go in the fridge or freeze? laugh

It depends on what you get. If it comes out a cow - fire up the barbeque - if it's a horse, go get yourself a saddle.

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 04:56 PM


You are obviously the superior being between the two of us, I mean God, Christ, Truth, Mentors, and bible teachers on your side and all, I trust you must be right when you call me nothing else than an "... arrogant ass..." in previous post.

I don't know if we have enough evidence about either of you to determine who is more superior - but I will say this about the two of you. Feralcat comes in here - states her case about what she believes and supports it from the source of her belief. I've yet to see you EVER post with a single FACT about your claim from any reputable source that perhaps an individual outside yourself might even begin to agree with. And though you are asked NUMEROUS times by NUMEROUS people on the threads to P-L-E-A-S-E help us out with ANYTHING we can investigate so we can make in intelligent and informed opinion about - you deem the asking of such - a trivial matter. I'm sorry we cannot match up to your higher sense of truth Voile, but please - for the sake of us poor Christian ignorants, why do you with hold this invaluable information and references from us? We're wallowing in our ignorance - be a good Atheist and help us out - would-ya.


I think you're just having a bad day. I chose not to enter into a reponse to your latest post.

We haven't engaged in the bias 'us-good' vs 'them-bad' pissing contest with each other in the past, and I see no reason to start now.

And for the record, I am Christian, not Atheist. Don't know where your misconception comes from, but figured it was a bit out there.

I definitely have stated my irreconciliable differences with 'fundamentalism' (imposed apologetics, word for word bible inerrency, presuppositionalism,etc.). I think it is dangerous, and IMO must be denounced without hesitation. If you hold that against me and confuse it with being Chrisitan, we can talk in a civil manner.

If you intend to relitivize or soft sell 'fundamentalism' to me as acceptable, it is a waste of your time. We can still talk about it in a civil manner, but we will keep agreeing to disagree. 'fundamentalism' gives Christianity a 'dirty name'.

If you wish to use apologetics to discredit me personnally for thinking that Ejay, I'll denounce the hypocrisy and double-talk. But not you personnally.

With all due respect to you Eljay.

winnie410's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:00 PM
could you please explain your beliefs to me? do you believe in the bible? Jesus as Lord and Savior????? i have seen you argue against what you call "fundies" but i still dont know what you believe. actually, you are confusing me. laugh please explain. flowerforyou