Topic: Creation Vs. Evolution The Series
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Tue 12/11/07 12:13 PM do know that ctuthlu is only a profile picture ..right do know that you are really a Frog..right

Please capitalize my first name, when you type it or I will be forced to report you to the mods for suggesting that I am not a Great Old One. I don't know how you are used to acting, but racism is not acceptable in these forums.

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:18 PM

And without sounding crazy......I do know......I am who I am and know what I know from experience.....not from being taught or from anything other then my own experiences......And trust me sweets he is very real.

those that claim beliefs or theories as truth or fact are either lying deceiving deluding floating around in ignorant bliss or delusional ..sorry feralcatlady

according to whom know what happen to me....NOPE.......You know who I am honestly you have not a leg to stand on here....Because I know the truth....and the truth has set me free....And as much as I wish I could shake people and say, "Get a clue" I cannot......But please don't take what I do know and turn it into your own personal joke....cuz your act is weak at best.......and I say that with respect and love.

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:32 PM

according to whom know what happen to me....NOPE.......You know who I am honestly you have not a leg to stand on here....Because I know the truth....and the truth has set me free....And as much as I wish I could shake people and say, "Get a clue" I cannot......But please don't take what I do know and turn it into your own personal joke....cuz your act is weak at best.......and I say that with respect and love.


I hate to have to say this to you, but 'funches' is doing you a huge favor describing the meaning of 'delusional' to you.

Neither he, nor anyone else need to know anything about you, other than the fact that you are a human being, to suggest that going around claiming to KNOW 'THE THRUTH' is a serious and definitive sign of delusion.

Unless you have some proof of being something other than a human being, 'funches' is doing you a big favor.

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:35 PM
aaah my fav person.....

You are so wrong.....and again voile none of you I know what I know....So don't #1 sterotype me into your (Religion) whatever...and #2.....Don't think your pulling the wool over anyones eyes with what you spew either. And I suggest along with others that you read Matthew 11:25-27 and try with all your heart to grasp the meaning of it.

And also just for another tidbit of information you don't know the relationship I have with God, Jesus Christ, or anyone for that please don't pretend that you do.

azrae1l's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:37 PM
ok i got a serious question here, i'm not going to slam anybody or anything just give me your opinion.

ok it's commonly believed christianity started around 500ad or something like that, before that it was jewdism, and so on back for like 6000 years or something right? ok then what happened to all the people living before that time that didn't believe in the catholic god? i mean it wasn't even thought of yet, were they all blasphemous and went to hell even though the god as you know it hadn't even been invented yet? did god create the earth then just walk away from it for eons?

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:41 PM

ok i got a serious question here, i'm not going to slam anybody or anything just give me your opinion.

ok it's commonly believed christianity started around 500ad or something like that, before that it was jewdism, and so on back for like 6000 years or something right? ok then what happened to all the people living before that time that didn't believe in the catholic god? i mean it wasn't even thought of yet, were they all blasphemous and went to hell even though the god as you know it hadn't even been invented yet? did god create the earth then just walk away from it for eons?

Christianity is the first religion ever. Cain and Abel sacrificed, their sacrifices were done in the shadow of Christ. Only Christians will go to heaven. The laws given to Moses were the shadow of Jesus. Before they were given, the people still knew that a sacrifice was required to attone for their sins. All such sacrifices and observances were the shadow of Jesus. Once Jesus made his sacrifice on the cross, people were able to follow the man instead of his shadow.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:42 PM

ok i got a serious question here, i'm not going to slam anybody or anything just give me your opinion.

ok it's commonly believed christianity started around 500ad or something like that, before that it was jewdism, and so on back for like 6000 years or something right? ok then what happened to all the people living before that time that didn't believe in the catholic god? i mean it wasn't even thought of yet, were they all blasphemous and went to hell even though the god as you know it hadn't even been invented yet? did god create the earth then just walk away from it for eons?

Naw, the catholic church started around 400 AD, Islam was born around 500 AD, Christianity was already around by the great fire in Rome in the year 56, this marked the begining of Nero's persecution. Of course, our religion evolved from Judaism which is much much older;^]

azrae1l's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:43 PM
wow, cristianity was the first religion ever huh? so cave men were cristians.... egytians having a civilization long before anybody else were all cristians.... interesting.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:44 PM
Edited by Turtlepoet78 on Tue 12/11/07 12:51 PM

ok i got a serious question here, i'm not going to slam anybody or anything just give me your opinion.

ok it's commonly believed christianity started around 500ad or something like that, before that it was jewdism, and so on back for like 6000 years or something right? ok then what happened to all the people living before that time that didn't believe in the catholic god? i mean it wasn't even thought of yet, were they all blasphemous and went to hell even though the god as you know it hadn't even been invented yet? did god create the earth then just walk away from it for eons?

Sorry, I have to call you out on that, christianity started following the death of christ, there were many religions before christ including our former Judaism;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:46 PM

wow, cristianity was the first religion ever huh? so cave men were cristians.... egytians having a civilization long before anybody else were all cristians.... interesting.

Egyptions didn't have the first civilisation either, Sargon conquered the greater part of ancient Sumer long before the dynasty of Pharoahs in Egypt;^]

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:49 PM

wow, cristianity was the first religion ever huh? so cave men were cristians.... egytians having a civilization long before anybody else were all cristians.... interesting.

Did I say that every religion of Chrsitianity? Man, reading is fundamental. Your reading comprehension needs some serious work. Cain and Abel were Christians. They didn't know they were Christians, but they were following the shadow of Jesus by sacrificing to God for forgiveness from their sins.

i'm not going to slam anybody or anything just give me your opinion

laugh Yeah, like anyone believed that for a second.

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:51 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Tue 12/11/07 12:54 PM

ok i got a serious question here, i'm not going to slam anybody or anything just give me your opinion.

ok it's commonly believed christianity started around 500ad or something like that, before that it was jewdism, and so on back for like 6000 years or something right? ok then what happened to all the people living before that time that didn't believe in the catholic god? i mean it wasn't even thought of yet, were they all blasphemous and went to hell even though the god as you know it hadn't even been invented yet? did god create the earth then just walk away from it for eons?

The Flood happen

APPROX 2500 BC - From Noah after the flood Judaism starts with the the Creator God Yahveh choosing a people to be His LAW keepers from the progeny of Noah who had three sons, Ham Shem and Yapheth; From these three persons the earth was repopulated after the flood. From Shem derives the lineage of Abram later to be renamed Abraham who had two sons Ishmael and Isaac; Isaac had two sons Jacob and Esua, and it is from Jacob that emerges twelve tribes one of which is the Tribe of Judah from which comes the royal line of kings over the people now called Israel or Jews.The first 10 Chapter of Genesis shows all sections of the "Ten Commandments" will be enacted prior to the retification of the Law at Sinai.

APPROX 1,500 BC Genesis 11:28-31: And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity in Ur of the Chaldees. And Terah took Abraham his son and Lot the son of Haran his son's son and Sarai his daughter in law -- his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Harran

azrae1l's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:52 PM
hey you said "chritianity was the first religion ever" my reading comrehension is just fine. and i din't insult you at all just said interesting, got my answer and i'm on my way.

like anybody believed that for a second, dude you got serious issues....

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:52 PM
Uggg, you can't follow a religion before it forms, if anything and literal people they would have been JEWS, however Judaism wasn't called Judaism until Abraham;^]

azrae1l's photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:00 PM
actually i didn't get an answer at all. i didn;t ask about the history, ok i don't know my religious time line, who cares. i asked about the people who lived before all that came around.

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:00 PM do know that ctuthlu is only a profile picture ..right do know that you are really a Frog..right

Please capitalize my first name, when you type it or I will be forced to report you to the mods for suggesting that I am not a Great Old One. I don't know how you are used to acting, but racism is not acceptable in these forums.

nah I saw that episode about ctuthlu on rod sterling night gallery ..I'm ok as long as I don't speak the name of out loud

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:02 PM

Uggg, you can't follow a religion before it forms, if anything and literal people they would have been JEWS, however Judaism wasn't called Judaism until Abraham;^]

Do you believe in the new testament?

Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

This verse tells us that those who were saved in the Old Testament were saved through their faith in Jesus. They didn't know that they had faith in Jesus, but they did have faith that God would offer a sacrifice for their sins.

They weren't Christians in name. They didn't even know the name Jesus. But Christians and Old Testament beleivers alike had faith that God would supply a sacrifice for their sins. This is what makes them Christians in the truest since, their theology being that all fall short of God's glory and need a savior.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:04 PM

actually i didn't get an answer at all. i didn;t ask about the history, ok i don't know my religious time line, who cares. i asked about the people who lived before all that came around.

Thing is, we don't really know where the Judaic God started, I personaly believe he was always there and so were his followers, but since it predates the Sumerian alphabet there's no historical documents to know factualy when it did start. It's a leap of faith;^]

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:04 PM

And without sounding crazy......I do know......I am who I am and know what I know from experience.....not from being taught or from anything other then my own experiences......And trust me sweets he is very real.

those that claim beliefs or theories as truth or fact are either lying deceiving deluding floating around in ignorant bliss or delusional ..sorry feralcatlady

according to whom know what happen to me....NOPE.......You know who I am honestly you have not a leg to stand on here....Because I know the truth....and the truth has set me free....And as much as I wish I could shake people and say, "Get a clue" I cannot......But please don't take what I do know and turn it into your own personal joke....cuz your act is weak at best.......and I say that with respect and love.

I remember the Pet Rock craze when everyone was going around with Pet Rocks playing like the rocks were actually alive was totally nuts the way people was far that's all you are doing by claiming your beliefs as truth's delusional behavior

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:07 PM

Christianity is the first religion ever.

uhhh no I read that too Spider and my reading comprehension is just fine ...

I am sure you didn't mean that quite the way it came out ...

...otherwise there are several billion Buddhists, Taoists, Vedics, Cherokee, etc... people who would disagree with that statement ...