Topic: Creation Vs. Evolution The Series
Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:07 PM
Spider, Christianity is the name of our branch of Judaism, in essence we are really still Jews, as was our prophet in Christ. But you can't call a group of people by the new name who lived before the new name, as a religion, they were still Jews;^]

azrae1l's photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:08 PM
thank you turtle

thats all i was asking

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:09 PM

Christianity is the first religion ever.

uhhh no I read that too Spider and my reading comprehension is just fine ...

I am sure you didn't mean that quite the way it came out ...

...otherwise there are several billion Buddhists, Taoists, Vedics, Cherokee, etc... people who would disagree with that statement ...

Oh no! I have a belief that others might not agree with! I better change what I believe quick or they might not like me anymore. Thanks for the heads up.


no photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:13 PM

Spider, Christianity is the name of our branch of Judaism, in essence we are really still Jews, as was our prophet in Christ. But you can't call a group of people by the new name who lived before the new name, as a religion, they were still Jews;^]

Christianity is the perfection and clarification of Judaism. Call them Jews or Christians or whatever, their beliefs were different from mainstream Judaism. Judaism to this date believes that sins can be atoned for through actions. Christians (and those OT believers) knew that they required a savior from their sins. Christian is just a label for a general set of beliefs. I don't think that they were Catholics or Baptists, but their fundamental beliefs on sin, punishment and salvation were the same as a Christian and completely different from every other religion (including other Jews) in the world.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:18 PM
Dude, pre christian Judaism had as much differance in sects and beliefs as we christians have now, a belief that sins are atonable through actions made up a small percentage of Jews. Ugg, I give up once again, many of us would like to seperate ourselves from the jews and do what you're doing to seperate our prophets from the jews, but I know better. There were not christians before christ, there were jews;^]

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:25 PM

Dude, pre christian Judaism had as much differance in sects and beliefs as we christians have now, a belief that sins are atonable through actions made up a small percentage of Jews. Ugg, I give up once again, many of us would like to seperate ourselves from the jews and do what you're doing to seperate our prophets from the jews, but I know better. There were not christians before christ, there were jews;^]

No, there weren't. There were only four main sects of Jews at the time. We know that all four of the most prominent sects Sadducces, Pharisees, Zealots and the Essenes all believed that sins were forgiven through works.

Believe what you want, but Abraham said "God will provide a sacrifice" and was saved through his faith in that sacrifice. Noone goes to heaven, except through Jesus (the sacrifice) Abraham was a Christian and never even knew it.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:28 PM
Heh, thanks for proving my point about trying to seperate our prophets from the jews. Mel Gibson fan?

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:29 PM

Unless you have some proof of being something other than a human being, 'funches' is doing you a big favor.

I'm merely steering feralcatlady on the path to true rightousness

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:49 PM

Heh, thanks for proving my point about trying to seperate our prophets from the jews. Mel Gibson fan?

Playing the race card? laugh

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:53 PM

Heh, thanks for proving my point about trying to seperate our prophets from the jews. Mel Gibson fan?

Playing the race card? laugh

Well, you certainly seem to be trying awful hard to get away from our judaic roots, shame too, whether christian, muslim or jew it's the same god and the same prophets before Jesus anyway;^]

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 01:59 PM

Heh, thanks for proving my point about trying to seperate our prophets from the jews. Mel Gibson fan?

Playing the race card? laugh

Well, you certainly seem to be trying awful hard to get away from our judaic roots, shame too, whether christian, muslim or jew it's the same god and the same prophets before Jesus anyway;^]

That's your personal, biased opinion. You don't understand what I am saying, or you don't like what I'm saying so you call me a racist. That's truely pathetic.

Did Jesus teach that the Jews didn't understand the scriptures? Yes, he did. Did I say the same thing? Yes, I did. Therefore, Jesus was a self-hating Jew? Get a clue man and stop playing the race card, you don't know me and you obviously don't know enough about Christianity to correct me.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 02:09 PM
OOOOOkkkaaayyyyy, for someone claiming to know it all you seem to know awfuly little about Judaism. But, I'm gonna stop myself there from sinking to your leval, God bless & I'll pray for you;^]

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 02:12 PM

OOOOOkkkaaayyyyy, for someone claiming to know it all you seem to know awfuly little about Judaism. But, I'm gonna stop myself there from sinking to your leval, God bless & I'll pray for you;^]

This from the man who just accused me of being a racist.


You would have to rise to get to my level, I am not a race-baiter.

But putting that aside, what have I said that is not true about Judaism/Christianity? Let me guess, you are going to take the "high-ground" and not tell me. laugh

damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 12/11/07 02:19 PM
Dumb question...are jews a race? Cause they seem all colors? I dunno tho =X

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 02:21 PM

Dumb question...are jews a race? Cause they seem all colors? I dunno tho =X

Jew is both race and religion. Anyone who is born to a Jewish woman is a Jew, regardless of skin color. But a Jew could then convert to any religion of their choice. For instance: "Jews for Jesus" are people who were born Jews, but they are Christian in beliefs.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 12/11/07 02:21 PM

Dumb question...are jews a race? Cause they seem all colors? I dunno tho =X

Technicaly Hebrew is the race & Judaism is the religion. Not too many full blooded Hebrews left though since the European intigration;^]

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 02:21 PM

Christianity is the first religion ever.

For those whom wish to buy into a 'pre-thought', straight and simple dogma, this is the way to go. Christianity is all there is!!!
720 easy monthly payments of 112,12$, and you've got yourself an all inclusive, absolute 'TRUTH' certified faith.

Christianity is the perfection and clarification of Judaism.

For the light sceptics, this is the answer for those whom dare question the 'pre-thought' dogma, but still wish to 'belong' to the absolute 'TRUTH' certified faith. Certain to be a party favorite with all those weak 'bragging' souls. Get this package before your Christmas parties!

'spider' is the absolute Christian authority on whatever Christian!!!

For anyone else whom argues with history of religions dates and facts, you get refered to 'spider'. This man is where the facts get blown out of human reality, and where 'divine revelation' gets a whole new twist.
You think you know your bible interpretations?!?!? Think again. You're already wrong if you didn't check by 'spider' first.

Should you you come across any facts, which constitutes a contradiction of the bible, of simply something or someone wom doesn't agree with you, 'spider' will 'apologetics' them with his 'TRUTH'. This our ultimate 'fundie' package! And it comes with the assurance that you'll never have to make sense again.

You too, will just 'KNOW IT ALL'!!! Whatever it is!!!

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 12/11/07 04:03 PM
a lil testy sweet voile.....

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:27 PM
How come Atheists only bash Christianity?

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:47 PM

I'll say this again for you. Christians feel the need to proselytize. Its in your little book. It is terrible insulting to the rest of the world. Stop trying to convert everyone to your point of view and maybe it will lighten up.