Topic: Creation Vs. Evolution The Series
yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 11/22/07 01:50 PM

Repeating yourself doesn't make any sense here. I thought you were trying to point out the science of evolution. You have not represented it in an honest way. Some kind of view from the crazy right maybe, but not what is really taught and thought in regards to the science of evolution.

wouldee's photo
Thu 11/22/07 01:56 PM
Edited by wouldee on Thu 11/22/07 02:03 PM

Micro evolution (as you call it) is evolution. It is small changes that take places over a very long time. Look in the mirror you are an example of the transition you seek. The change has to be very small or the offspring will not survive. We are talking about changes over huge time periods. Your complete misunderstanding of the theory of evolution is amazing. A trip of mile must be taken one step at a time.

When I look in the mirror, I see an aging animal that does not attract the young females anymore...but I do know that I'm in here.

I'm getting younger, and Christ SHOWED me how to throw off the old man that is corrupted in lust and depravity and be renewed in the Spirit that makes me more like a child.

My inner child likes to romp and tromp and rumppa bum bump with the older females that have set their inner child free too!!!!
( no sexual overtones here. Clean it up!!)

Micro that!!!!! Can't be done....even in a macro sense!!!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

smokin drinker bigsmile

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:01 PM
I actually repeated with good reason rabbit.....I didn't feel like typing it all out again....giggle...and I took from the other thread to show it to Lizard.....

And I would look at you always wouldee.....

wouldee's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:06 PM
AAWWWW.. why thank you... heart ya:heart:

See that, rabbit? no wut i meen?

smokin drinker bigsmile

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:08 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

the wouldee-meister major......I want that scientifically broken down...

lizardking19's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:43 PM

Sorry lizard but again all you have put up just proves my points. I will agree that an animal can change within it's species to adapt to environmental sitautions...But a horse that was born a horse over the course of years will never turn into a cow. A dog will never turn into a cat. And there to date is no iron clad proof that we fell from a dust particle with the big bang, fell into the water, turned into a tadpole, that turned into a frog, crawled out and turned into a monkey, who then turned into an ape who then became human.....there is no proof scientifically or other. And honestly in all the time that man has inhabited this earth has anyone seen this happen...NOPE

that really is the equivalent of putting your hands over your ears And going "la la la la la I cant hear you!"

wouldee's photo
Thu 11/22/07 03:45 PM

Sounds like something you know too!!

I used to try and do the same thing, but God still spoke to me without raising His voice and the noise I made didn't help at all!!!!

I know you know what I mean, so let's not kid ourselves.

You know what time it is.

smokin drinker bigsmile

lizardking19's photo
Thu 11/22/07 04:26 PM
Howdy doody time?
time to get a new watch?
Happy hour at the crucixion clinic?

I really have no idea what ur talking about

wouldee's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:28 PM
Edited by wouldee on Thu 11/22/07 05:34 PM
It is time to let us know what you believe so that we all can understand the intent behind your coded messages that seem to only parrot the idle chatter of undisciplined discourse by grandstanders and posturers that like to see their profile in print more than bringing anything digestible to the feast.

Words with context and premise are comprehensible.

Words without distinction are just noise.

I refuse to paint a plainer picture as you are capable of, and displayed as much elsewhere, comprehending this and find it clever and amusing to hide behind evasive ambiguities.

smokin drinker bigsmile

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 10:10 AM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 11/24/07 10:10 AM

This will be more then one thread, as there is alot to cover. And depending on how it does will depend on how much I put out there. This was done with the help of my Pastor Mike Shaffer to whom this is dedicated, and to Jesus Christ my Savior.


First off I want to say that every message that I share with you, I support my ideas with scripture. The Bible to me is the infallible, inspired, inherent Word of the Living God. I believe each and every word from Genesis to Revelation, cover to cover. It is the owners manual for human being-a must read. And one of my jobs as a Christian is to "Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks me a reason of the hope that is in us with meakness and fear." (1 PH 3:15) In the last 100 years, it is fair to say that Christians have not done a good job to answer the evolution theory; and we have allowed this philosophy of evolution; actually, it is a religion; we have allowed this religion to take over our school system, or legal system, our whole thinking process as a society is based on a philosophy which has zero scientific evidence. NONE

Creationlists have offered for more than 15 years a 1/4 million dollars to anyone who has real scientific evidence for evolution. There has been no claim of the money because there is no evidence. I understand that people believe in it, but that does not make it science. I am hoping to strengthen you faith in the Word of God and build your confidence in the Creator God, to help you stand up to the evolution bullies who try to intimidate you and deny your trust in God. You cannot buy into the lie that evolution had anything to do with your existence, or the lie that claims that God kick stated evolution and then took a huge vacation only to come around to find human beings polluting His planet. You know, there are Christian Scientist claiming to be evolutionist as well. This angers me,, but not as much as the canvoluted-belief angers the atheists. Pultzer Prize winning sociobiologist Edward Wilson barks "humankind evolved by Darwinian, natural selection, genetic chance and environmental necessity, not God, made the species." Another leading evolutionist, and one time ordained priest, Francisco Ayala, said in a recent interview, Darwin’s "greatest accomplishment was to show that: living beings can be explained as the result of a natural process, natural selection, without any need to resort to a Creator or other external agent. In essence, he attempted to nullify the scriptures and the writings of Moses, King David, the Apostles John, & Paul. Paul told Colossians that Jesus Christ created all things in heaven and earth visible and invisible, all things were created by Him and for Him.

There are two ways to look at this world. That is called your world-view. If you follow Darwinian thinking, I wold like to change your world view. How do you view this world? Some people look at the world from this direction (up) Some look at it the other way (down) The way you view the world is how you answer the Four Great Questions of life. There are 4 fundamental question regarding life that every single religion on earth tries to answer. The way you answer those questions is totally determined by your world-view. Some people look at the world and say “It’s amazing – a big bang made this world from nothing! “That is a humanist world-view based on the theory of evolution. Other people look at the world and say, “It’s is incredibly designed. There must be an intelligent designer! That is the creationist world- view based on creation by God. And those two world-views are at war with each other. I tell you straight out- “Somebody is wrong!” I don’t have a problem showing the evolutionist that he is wrong even though he might not accept it.

If the evolution theory were true, how would you answer the Great Questions of Life? Who am I? What am I worth? Well if evolution is true you are nothing important. You are just a piece of protoplasm that washed up on the beach. You are not worth a thing. Actually, you are part of the problem because you are one of the polutters of the environment. Just breathing you and contributing to the global warming crisis. You are creating green house gases and taking us back before the ice age. Environmentist want you gone. The more humans gone the happier the environment. And that is normal thinking if the evolution theory is true. Where did I come from? Well if evolution is true, you cam from a cosmic burb about 20 billion years ago. Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? Well if evolution is true, there is not purpose to life; you might as well have loads of fun, if it feels good, go ahead and do it. There would be no divine authority to watch over you and keep you accountable. Where am I going when I die? Well, if evolution is true, you are going to the grave to be recycled into a worm or into a plant. You see, the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Gen 1:1) So if that is true, that puts a
whole different set of answers to those questions. That means we better try to figure out who God is, and find out what He wants and do what He says. Because he created this place, which means He owns it, which means He makes the rules. We better find out what He wants while we are alive. And if you are not obeying His rules, you may be in trouble on of these days. Satan doesn’t like this idea that God created this earth. So he came to Eve in the Garden of Eden. The first thing he said to the woman was, “has God really said.” He is trying to raise doubts about God’s world. Satan always tries to raise doubts and that is one of the reasons we have confusion over Bible versions. Which version can we trust; which versions are inaccurate?

I will ascend about the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the most high. You see, satan wants to be God. But the job is not available and he is all upset that he can not be God, so he lied to Eve and told her she could be like God. Satan loathes us almost as much as he hates God because we are made in God’s image. That is why he went after Even and she fell for it because it sounded to good. “Wow I get to be God! Hitler was used by satan. Let me share a quote from him. “If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough the people will believe it.”

The second thing he said to Even “You will not really die if you eat the fruit.” Basically, he is calling God a liar. And the third thing he said to the woman is the thing I am most interested in for this message. He said, “Eve if you eat from that tree you will be like God.” Right there is where the whole idea of evolution got started. If didn’t start with Darwin, it started with satan and the Garden of Eden.

Several religions teach that you will become like God when you die. Even key religious leaders believe we are more than God’s created beings. Kenneth Copeland made this statement in one of his messages. “Gods reason for creating Adam was the desire to reproduce himself. (Adam) was not a little like God. He as not almost like God. He was not subordinate to God even Adam was as much like God as you can get, the same as Jesus. Adam in the Garden of Eden was God manifest in the flesh. You don’t have a God in you, you are one.” I don’t know that he was retracted that statement which is on tape. Kenneth Hagin said, “The believer is as much an incarnation as as Jesus of Nazareth. The believer is called Christ. That who we are; were Christ! No Kenneth, Jesus is the one and only true God, we are nothing like God and we couldn’t do His job. The job is taken. If you think you are Christ, try walking on water, someday. Lucifer is the one who wants to be God.

The next installment of this series will talk about science…../

Feral, just had a thought.

thought maybe the refresh button would bring back to the surface that which is preface to the next so others have the context yet once again fresh in their minds.

It works for me!!!:heart: bigsmile

smokin drinker bigsmile

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 10:53 AM

Sat 11/24/07 10:31 AM, on the 'bible inconsistencies' thread, 'Kerry'O.' wrote:

"... The Texas Sharpshooter Effect is where someone fires bullets at the side of a barn, then paints targets around the holes. He then claims that every effort is a bullseye, and goes on to challenge the dissenter to a gunfight based on his phony credentials on the side of that barn.

Trouble is, sooner or later he runs across a real straight shooter who knows the game and isn't intimidated..."


We have proof of the origins of the Texas Sharphooters!!! And thus have found the infamous 'missing link'!!!

It has been unquestionnably demonstrated that the 'ORIGINS' OF the 'Texas Sharphooters', is the 'prostestanicus-presuppositionisticus-apologeticus-bible/inerrancycus-fundiecus', a primitive form of the two legged primates, and not yet extinct, whose main distinction with modern 'homo sapiens' is an inherent limitation of the Cortex, to 'fallacicus-circularis-logicus', a form of epidemic disease which may very be the eventual caused of extinction of that species.

To this date, and most ironically, this is the only proof of a validatable living 'link' for 'evolution'. That's right, you've heard here:

"... 'The Texas Sharpshooters' have helped scientists shot a bull's eye, and kill forever the 'fallacicus-circularis-logicus' 'missing link' apologeticus argument against evolution. Sort of a 'revelational backfiring', of Divine Redifinational proportions.

Thanks to the texas sharpshooters, this 'fallacicus-circularis-logicus' debate over our origins, is over, and 'creationism is DEAD!!!

There will never a greater truism: LONG LIVE 'EVOLUTION' !!!

There will never a second greater (if ironic) truism: 'THANK GOD, CREATIONISM, AND BIBLE INERRANCY ARE DEAD!!!'

We realize this can represent a veritable 'end of world' sentiment for most of our 'bible inerrancy' friends and fellow humans of the fundamental word for word bible view of the universe.

Join me all, in extending a sincere and authentic 'open arms' invitation, and claim high and strong to our 'presuppositionist' friends THAT THERE IS REAL LIFE BEYOUND BIBLE INERRANCY.

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 11:00 AM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 11/24/07 11:03 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Funny. ROFLMAO, really.

Without evidence showing the links between ape and man, we are still in the hypothetical phase of the postule that Darwin birthed. Too bad, it doesn't have a mother.

Not to mention, the wing of a bird of flight. Show me the link.

In the meantime, I will continue to believe that creation at present is just as it is intended to be. CREATED as it is.

smokin drinker bigsmile

ps....V, that is a commercial for cut and paste.
keep it pithy.bigsmile

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 12:15 PM

Wouldee wrote:

Without evidence showing the links between ape and man, we are still in the hypothetical phase of the postule that Darwin birthed.

"reprise from other repetive and false debaticus-creationisticus".

I wrote:

Who needs an old link like that, when we are fortunate enough to hold the living within our walls.

Read the 'EVIDENCE':

November 24, 2007. "... It has been unquestionnably demonstrated that the 'ORIGINS' OF the 'Texas Sharphooters', is the...

'prostestanicus-presuppositionisticus-apologeticus-bible/inerrancycus-fundiecus', ...

... a primitive form of the two legged primates, and NOT YET extinct, whose main distinction with modern 'homo sapiens' is an inherent limitation of the Cortex, to 'fallacicus-circularis-logicus', a form of epidemic disease which may very well be the imminent cause of extinction of that species..."

Opemn your eyes 'wouldee', the 'prostestanicus-presuppositionisticus-apologeticus-bible/inerrancycus-fundiecus' is NOT A MISSING LINK AT ALL!!!
It is all around you!!!

If Galileo has proven that the earth was not the center around which the Universe revoled, will you be one to claim that since it wasn't THE TRUTH 500 years ago, Galileo clam will never be valid!?!?!

Ponder on this won wouldee!!!
'Bible inerrancy' is an unnecessary, self-imposed Neo-Cortex lock!!!

God has never asked that much of us...

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 12:21 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 11/24/07 12:22 PM

Wouldee wrote:

Without evidence showing the links between ape and man, we are still in the hypothetical phase of the postule that Darwin birthed.

"reprise from other repetive and false debaticus-creationisticus".

I wrote:

Who needs an old link like that, when we are fortunate enough to hold the living within our walls.

Read the 'EVIDENCE':

November 24, 2007. "... It has been unquestionnably demonstrated that the 'ORIGINS' OF the 'Texas Sharphooters', is the...

'prostestanicus-presuppositionisticus-apologeticus-bible/inerrancycus-fundiecus', ...

... a primitive form of the two legged primates, and NOT YET extinct, whose main distinction with modern 'homo sapiens' is an inherent limitation of the Cortex, to 'fallacicus-circularis-logicus', a form of epidemic disease which may very well be the imminent cause of extinction of that species..."

Opemn your eyes 'wouldee', the 'prostestanicus-presuppositionisticus-apologeticus-bible/inerrancycus-fundiecus' is NOT A MISSING LINK AT ALL!!!
It is all around you!!!

If Galileo has proven that the earth was not the center around which the Universe revoled, will you be one to claim that since it wasn't THE TRUTH 500 years ago, Galileo clam will never be valid!?!?!

Ponder on this won wouldee!!!
'Bible inerrancy' is an unnecessary, self-imposed Neo-Cortex lock!!!

God has never asked that much of us...

Once again, reminiscent of other posts you entertain in your cut and paste mentality, you have unwittingly added fuel to the fire of Darwins' muse.

You're description of the return of man whence he came is suggesting the approach of a proto-plasmic mushy destiny for mankind.

Your evidence speaks to the decay of man, not his survival.

Pack your bags, We are going home sooner than you think.

smokin drinker bigsmile

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 12:34 PM
Thank you wouldee,

... for lending yourself to this selfless exercise designed to demonstrate the living proof and absolute existence of the...

... 'prostestanicus-presuppositionisticus-apologeticus-bible/inerrancycus-fallaciouscicus-circularicus-logicus-fundiecus'

As a friend though, I 'would'ee' stronlgy advise you give-up with the proof now. I think everyone gets the point.

Furhter offering yourself as proof in this exercise, will give people the impression that you realy are a...

... 'prostestanicus-presuppositionisticus-apologeticus-bible/inerrancycus-fallaciouscicus-circularicus-logicus-fundiecus'...

... and that would be a shame!!!

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:01 PM
maybe voil is the missing link........

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:08 PM

Thank you wouldee,

... for lending yourself to this selfless exercise designed to demonstrate the living proof and absolute existence of the...

... 'prostestanicus-presuppositionisticus-apologeticus-bible/inerrancycus-fallaciouscicus-circularicus-logicus-fundiecus'

As a friend though, I 'would'ee' stronlgy advise you give-up with the proof now. I think everyone gets the point.

Furhter offering yourself as proof in this exercise, will give people the impression that you realy are a...

... 'prostestanicus-presuppositionisticus-apologeticus-bible/inerrancycus-fallaciouscicus-circularicus-logicus-fundiecus'...

... and that would be a shame!!!


You're being intractible and incoherent.

Benefit me with the relevance of your opinion of me vs. this debate and you continue to distract yourself and others.

Evading the cutting and pasting of imperical evidence of ape to man does in no way negate the need to prove the "Delusions Of Darwin".

I will suppose then, that your motives are disengenuous to the debate.

Perhaps an OP in the forums of your choosing would serve your interests best.

You seem distracted from the coherence of establishing your stand in this one.

There is no need to further frustrate yourself.

I don't understand the exercises of futility.

I'll look forward to your conspicuous absence as a sign of your peace of mind returning to your control once again.

But would much prefer some evidence to support your criticisms.

A debate of the efficacy of Christianity in your life is not the topic, nor is your attention of my influence that seems to dsturb you more than the debate itself.

The world you embrace is listening. So am I.

Your attentions are unavoidable and my rtespect for you demands my diligence towards your concerns and needs of me.

Perhaps we can have coffee?

Or lunch?

But this is not the appropriate venue for personal and intimate musings that exclude others.

I have a mail box, you know....

smokin drinker bigsmile

no photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:13 PM

maybe voil is the missing link........

Well you'll have to make up your mind up 'feralcatlady,.

You are obviously the superior being between the two of us, I mean God, Christ, Truth, Mentors, and bible teachers on your side and all, I trust you must be right when you call me nothing else than an "... arrogant ass..." in previous post.

Given your personnal position with God, I obviously didn't read that as a lowly, brainless, personnal insult. From an upstanding Christian such as you claim to be, I figured that it was nothing other than THE TRUTH, and a message from God herself.

But given that I am an "... arrogant ass...", and now learning that I might be the "... missing link..." from which you would have evolved, I hate to think what that makes of you 'feralcatlady'.

... Just "... a piece of evolved arrogant ass?!?!?"

Just couldn't be!!! Ask your God again. She must have erred.

wouldee's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:19 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 11/24/07 01:22 PM
:angry: noway noway noway noway noway noway


an apology is in order, V. seriously, u no wut i meen?

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 11/24/07 01:27 PM
i believe that if a an animal changes to adapt than thats evolution. A wombat is a wombat because environment told it that it was a wombat. Now whether God tells what the environment what to do is beyond me. But I know lately mother nature has been pretty mean.

Just my thoughts on this.