Topic: Effort, understanding, time, positivity, and patience | |
are very important attributes in your search for that special someone. How many of these do you use in your search?
Sometimes we do not meet "the one" through no fault of our own. Fate, opportunity, and circumstances play a large part in the search. However, based on many years of observation, most people do not help themselves. Is that you? |
Honestly, I don't 'look' anymore. I have from a young age felt 'complete' and happy with my own company and avoided becoming slave to sexual gratification.
I have high empathy so most of these attributes are second nature for me however, it is another level to embarking upon actual 'romance' with another as I have been on my own for so long at this point, those standards are higher I do want closer to an 'ideal' to sacrifice the peace and drama free life on my own with a life intertwined with the ups and downs of another,,, |
Honestly, I don't 'look' anymore. I have from a young age felt 'complete' and happy with my own company and avoided becoming slave to sexual gratification. I have high empathy so most of these attributes are second nature for me however, it is another level to embarking upon actual 'romance' with another as I have been on my own for so long at this point, those standards are higher I do want closer to an 'ideal' to sacrifice the peace and drama free life on my own with a life intertwined with the ups and downs of another,,, Alone is not lonely and being alone is almost always preferable to settling for someone who is not right for us. |
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However, based on many years of observation, most people do not help themselves. Is that you? how old are you grandpa ??? ![]() |
Sometimes we do not meet "the one" through no fault of our own. Fate, opportunity, and circumstances play a large part in the search.
This is true. There are many people looking that have no idea what to do when the 'right' one comes along. Some do not even have a clue what the 'Right' one is, they are hoping someone else tells them. Alone is not lonely and being alone is almost always preferable to settling for someone who is not right for us.
Another true statement. You sir, are gaining my respect. I've been alone for five years. The first year I was lonely and angry. After that I was just alone. I am here now because I am tired of being alone. I am not lonely. I don't pine for companionship. I could go to a local bar, flash some money and get laid but I am not really driven by sex anymore. I am looking for someone to share me with that wants to share themselves with me. I don't need a date, a housekeeper or a sex toy. What I need is someone special that thinks I am special. Life is going by. A VERY WISE PERSON TOLD ME ''THE RIGHT PERSON IS ALWAYS THERE AT THE TIME''...MYSELF AND JUST ABOUT EVERY EVERY ONE ON THE PLANT HAVE A TENDENCY TO PUT ''THE BLAME OUT THERE'' FOR THE DIRECTION THERE LIVES HAVE GONE.....
I agree. I blame someone for my life problems...ME. It is my life after all. Removing delusional thinking has helped me to rectify myself. I am thinking very clearly now. Mr Waterloosunset, here is some more stuff to ponder... "You can blame anyone for your life but you are the one living it" "Nobody on the planet can make you feel anything. Your feelings are yours and yours alone" "You cannot make anyone else feel anything without their permission" Searching for someone special requires you to be honest to get good results. To be someone special for someone else you must be able to accurately and honestly present yourself as someone special. Everyone's someone special is different. Some traits are desired, some are tolerated and some are deal breakers. Your task is to present a wide enough range of traits for your potential someone to make an informed decision. That is the purpose of your profile. Once contact is made, fine focus can be achieved with personal correspondence. When someone does not have the traits you seek it is not their fault. Anger and resentment are not justified. Use that mismatch to gain wisdom. If someone else is contacting you and they are not right for you - do them a favor and tell them why. |
"Effort, understanding, time, positivity, and patience"
Agree on this attributes, I try to take advantage and considered them as I go. I see them on equal plane as all and each are very important. Also, very wise, we need to be mindful and feel comfortable with ourself before go out there. |
Edited by
Mon 12/19/16 07:16 AM
we need to be mindful and feel comfortable with ourself before
I agree A woman once told me (not my X): "You control your destiny in life" For years I could not see it. Stuff always happened to me. I found out I was living in a make believe world under unrealistic expectations. When I started clearing my head and removing my delusions I started to feel better about my life, my choices and my circumstances. I am mindful of what I do and comfortable with who I am. I still have some delusions but it is an ongoing quest. The world we live in is geared to promote delusional thinking and I get bombarded everytime I go outside. My current mindset is to try to identify the delusional influence. As I learn that trait, I am seeing how manipulated everyone is. My stress is gone, my drama is gone and I can express my self better. |
Before you make this step...." i mean relationship must good thinking
we need to be mindful and feel comfortable with ourself before
I agree A woman once told me (not my X): "You control your destiny in life" For years I could not see it. Stuff always happened to me. I found out I was living in a make believe world under unrealistic expectations. When I started clearing my head and removing my delusions I started to feel better about my life, my choices and my circumstances. I am mindful of what I do and comfortable with who I am. I still have some delusions but it is an ongoing quest. The world we live in is geared to promote delusional thinking and I get bombarded everytime I go outside. My current mindset is to try to identify the delusional influence. As I learn that trait, I am seeing how manipulated everyone is. My stress is gone, my drama is gone and I can express my self better. Be aware that some, including myself, have felt that they've reached a level of self-actualization that begs the desire to express themselves honestly and COMPLETELY. No matter your desire for total honesty NO ONE wants to hear all of your crap. Less is more. Express yourself with succinctness and positive vibes. Your self-awareness is a very good thing, but no one wants to hear about it... |
are very important attributes in your search for that special someone. How many of these do you use in your search? Sometimes we do not meet "the one" through no fault of our own. Fate, opportunity, and circumstances play a large part in the search. However, based on many years of observation, most people do not help themselves. Is that you? It's important to work on yourself, not only concerning your love life, but in general. I'm quite certain that with the right attitude and feel almost everyone -if not everyone- would find love. That takes investing in yourself (time, learning, motivation and desire) and most can't be bothered. I'm quite sure that in a few generations people will find it much much easier to attract what they want, no matter what it is. Meaning more and more people will learn to work with the Law of Attraction and the Art of Allowing. Hopefully my yet to be born grandchildren and their generation will get the hang of that. If I'm still around when they're born, I sure as heck will do my best to teach them about it. |
Your self-awareness is a very good thing, but no one wants to hear about it...
Simple and to the point... You made two assumptions You assume I care what you think about me (Here to meet women) and That I belive you have the right to speak for everyone To state that No One wants to hear about it you have clearly demonstrated your need to have power over others. If even one person wants to hear about it then you are in error. Granted, I do have a tendancy to over type but that is from the experience of years of having to constantly explain myself. It is more of a habit than a purpose now. |
realistically positive, deeply connected, utmost respect, heart full of sincerity and maybe giving it the best effort to work out...these will all lead to 50 plus first dates or 100 days of summer
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we need to be mindful and feel comfortable with ourself before
I agree A woman once told me (not my X): "You control your destiny in life" For years I could not see it. Stuff always happened to me. I found out I was living in a make believe world under unrealistic expectations. When I started clearing my head and removing my delusions I started to feel better about my life, my choices and my circumstances. I am mindful of what I do and comfortable with who I am. I still have some delusions but it is an ongoing quest. The world we live in is geared to promote delusional thinking and I get bombarded everytime I go outside. My current mindset is to try to identify the delusional influence. As I learn that trait, I am seeing how manipulated everyone is. My stress is gone, my drama is gone and I can express my self better. Be aware that some, including myself, have felt that they've reached a level of self-actualization that begs the desire to express themselves honestly and COMPLETELY. No matter your desire for total honesty NO ONE wants to hear all of your crap. Less is more. Express yourself with succinctness and positive vibes. Your self-awareness is a very good thing, but no one wants to hear about it... So the only time you posses the Effort, understanding, time, positivity, and patience to listen to someone else express them self is when they are succinct and have positive vibes. based on many years of observation, most people do not help themselves. Is that you?
So the only time you posses the Effort, understanding, time, positivity, and patience to listen to someone else express them self is when they are succinct and have positive vibes.
That is not true. Everyone is complicated, including myself. The more they express themselves the better I understand them. If they demonstrate positive anything I am not as concerned and less is needed. See, I'm a 'fixer' by nature. My childhood and marriage was broken and I failed to fix them. My profession was a mechanic - fixing broken cars and trucks and equipment. I became a master in that. When someone relates to me they are in pain or having problems my personality tends to want to help them fix it. Like fixing a truck, you study what makes them break. The common thread for people is that they are deluded many times. I was and still am deluded about some things. I have been able to strip away many common delusions and I try to share that with people in need of clarity. In reading topics in this community I see that there are a great many people in pain and operating under the same delusions. I have communicated with a few very nice women and realize that they are not sure what they actually want. This thread is a positive thread and I liked it. I did not post on it to ruin its positivism. However, as innocently as I posted, I am being attacked for my opinions. Perhaps it is because y'all don't know me yet. So now I am explaining myself. I am not interested in immature flame wars, I am interested in making my personality known to perspective women so they can determine if I am interesting and stable enough to give me a chance. |
So the only time you posses the Effort, understanding, time, positivity, and patience to listen to someone else express them self is when they are succinct and have positive vibes.
That is not true. Everyone is complicated, including myself. The more they express themselves the better I understand them. If they demonstrate positive anything I am not as concerned and less is needed. See, I'm a 'fixer' by nature. My childhood and marriage was broken and I failed to fix them. My profession was a mechanic - fixing broken cars and trucks and equipment. I became a master in that. When someone relates to me they are in pain or having problems my personality tends to want to help them fix it. Like fixing a truck, you study what makes them break. The common thread for people is that they are deluded many times. I was and still am deluded about some things. I have been able to strip away many common delusions and I try to share that with people in need of clarity. In reading topics in this community I see that there are a great many people in pain and operating under the same delusions. I have communicated with a few very nice women and realize that they are not sure what they actually want. This thread is a positive thread and I liked it. I did not post on it to ruin its positivism. However, as innocently as I posted, I am being attacked for my opinions. Perhaps it is because y'all don't know me yet. So now I am explaining myself. I am not interested in immature flame wars, I am interested in making my personality known to perspective women so they can determine if I am interesting and stable enough to give me a chance. My Opologies to you. Bad quoting on my part. My post was directed at the thread originator Waterloosunset |
My Opologies to you. Bad quoting on my part.
My post was directed at the thread originator Waterloosunset Apology accepted. I held no ill feelings towards anyone but I am on guard for trolls and flamers. They can destroy a good thread. |
So the only time you posses the Effort, understanding, time, positivity, and patience to listen to someone else express them self is when they are succinct and have positive vibes. Pretty much. No one really wants to hear whiny negative long winded crap. |
Topic: Effort, understanding, time, positivity, and patience
are very important attributes in your search for that special someone. How many of these do you use in your search? Sometimes we do not meet "the one" through no fault of our own. Fate, opportunity, and circumstances play a large part in the search. However, based on many years of observation, most people do not help themselves. Is that you? Yes at times that would be me. One of lifes difficulties is working out what is in our own best interest. Claiming to know what is in someone elses best interest only adds to that difficulty. I would say that to varying degrees I utilise all the attributes you list most of the time but don't claim perfection. One thing I have learnt that works against my own contentment and attractiveness to others is expecting others to live up to my rules and expectations. Even though I don't always live up to my own council I do know where first to look when I find myself discontent Balancing good advice against demanding expectation is another of lifes challenges |