Topic: Why my God is not jealous...
Abracadabra's photo
Mon 11/19/07 01:26 PM
Creativesoul wrote:
I am not amused with your pettiness...

I've been reading your posts Michael and I think that everything you’ve posted and gave references for shows that you are indeed open to investigating truth in a very sincere and open-minded way.

You ask sincere questions.

Ever notice that Spider NEVER asks any questions?

All he ever does is give ANSWERS!

He’s the Answer Man!

And he takes personal offense to anyone who doesn’t accept his answers. laugh

It’s getting really old,... and petty.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 11/19/07 01:27 PM
Thank you so much Miles... may Yahweh bless you and yours also...

Be Well My Friend,

Michael Gabriel

no photo
Mon 11/19/07 01:35 PM


Very informative sight...indeed ...although I generally prefer "hard" text...

Read a little farther down the pages... There were several examples of those people engaged in the study who directly questioned the validity and their reasons for their questioning of it.

I find it quite odd that I "hand" you exactly what you wanted... and ANYONE who follows this thread can go see what I have said... is, IN FACT, true...

The validity of the true origin of the great commission has been questioned and still is... I simply found a site which has BOTH sides of the arguement...

To which you have only chose to read one of those sides...which happened to be the first few examples...all of which supported the Christian's widely held belief....

Honestly, it does not surprise me in the least... based purely on my observations of your displayed behaviours...

By the way, just so you know, my deductive reasoning skills have been well-documented and they were found to have no "weaknesses"...

I am not amused with your pettiness...


I am at work, so I didn't have time to read the whole tread. For that, I am sorry. You are correct, the document does discuss a process it describes as "radical Historical Criticism", wherein whole themes in the Bible are rejected offhandedly (like the resurrection and healings) and then they question such topics as the Great Commission. I wasn't aware of any such movement and I appreciate your link. There still is no evidence that this movement is very large.

I hate to say this, since you and Abra are dead set on making me the villian, but all I did was ask a question. When you refused to answer the question twice, I pointed out the logical fallacies that you were commiting. Abra claims that I never ask questions, but I often do. I have asked you many questions, most of them you refuse to answer. When you criticize me, you refuse to tell me the specifics of yoru criticisms, etc.

I am not amused with your pettiness...

Dare I ask for an example? Yes, I dare. Can you please tell me what you mean by that? Asking for proof to support a statement which I believe is false? That's petty in your mind? The Burden of Proof lies with the one who makes the statement. If you aren't willing to accept the Burden of Proof, then don't make the statement. It's really not hard to have open and honest conversations with people, but when you refuse to back up your statements all the time, I find that I have less and less interest in having conversations with you.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 11/19/07 01:37 PM

I wish for all to have the love and the peace of our God...

I do my very best to hold each person "up" within my mind... to give the benefit of the doubt... until the evidence becomes overwhelmingly to the contrary...

Even then, I will not allow another's continual negativity to hamper that which I know...

There comes a time for each one of us to determine the amount of "space" which we will allow another's being to occupy within us... thereby living in that said space...

So, the question would then beg... Is it worth it?

Jess642's photo
Mon 11/19/07 01:39 PM

Mike said...

The concept behind these forums is to encourage anyone to participate and post their opinions and thoughts as long as they are on-topic. Topics which do not adhere to that philosophy will be removed, and the poster may lose his/her posting privileges.

Intentionally taking a thread off topic is against the rules. If you don't like the discussion, it's a pretty good idea to just void the thread.

It was completely on topic...

Read it again.

In a simplified and child like manner, which sometimes suits the silent eyes that read these threads and don't post.

Rather than be bogged down with the same four posters debating, name calling, and speaking in absolutes, of which
there can not be, as all of these religious debates are speculation..

Jess642's photo
Mon 11/19/07 01:42 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Mon 11/19/07 01:46 PM
In case my 'nonsense' is a little above you, Spider....

'Unicycle' = metaphor for god.

and you know's an assumption you made of me in an earlier thread...'you will have to do better than that'...

no photo
Mon 11/19/07 01:54 PM

Voile wrote:


Although I don't embrace any Chistian militant doctrine, Carlton Pearson is a Christian just like you, or 'feral', or 'wouldee', or any of the other 2,1 billion claiming to be Christians. A Christian my friend and not a heretic, as a 'fundie' condemnation for not agreeing with your fews few and scattered fundie friends, 'spider'.

The fact that 2,099,499,999 billion Christians don't agree, nor share the delusional 'fundie' edicts, doesn't make them heretics. It just means that as a fundie, you are part of very narrow and select 'club' of delusional religious diehards.

I would like to know what you base your criteria on to claim that Carlton Pearson is in fact a Christian? And why tou think that I (being one of the 2+ billion, billion Christians you are refuring to) agree with you? You have used this statement of Spiders to somehow discredit what he said - however your statements show a serios lack of support. In the same way that you do not consider Lee Strobel to be a representative of the Atheist population - those Christians who have examined Pearson's beliefs disqualify him in the same way you disqualify Strobel. If you want us to have respect for your claims, then support them like you did with Strobel. Why are you right in claiming Pearson is a Christian, and Spider wrong?

I'm not sure you really mean to go there Eljay!!!

You may be confusing me with someone else. This is not an argument you want to have with me.

If you seriously suggest that Lee Strobel is a credible and objective critic of the scientific community, and some sort of authority when it comes to the subject of 'evolution', I have nothing to add.
My contention with respect to Strobel, is that while he has full rights to being profoundly bias towards his personnal religious convictions, he can't hav it both ways, and be listening to as objective and non-partisan.

That being said, I fail totally to grasp the link you seem to make with Carlton Pearson.

If you don't agree with the fact that Pearson is a Christian, go argue your case in front of the 'United Church of Christ',

- a mainline Protestant Christian denomination, within the Reformed tradition, and formed in 1957 by the union of two denominations, the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Churches -

... where Pearson serves as a Christian Minister.

If you selectively use the fact that the very 'Joint College of African-American Pentecostal Bishops', whom elected him Bishop of their pentecostal church, also denounced him a heretic, in 2004, after fielding a few questions about Pearson's 'GOSPEL OF INCLUSION', you are entering a seriously slippery alley.

This is dirty laundry YOU protestants of all variety, evangelical, pentecostal, fundamentalists, and whatever other 'reformist' origined movement, need to clean amongst yourselves.

As for the 'heretic' label, I would truly suggest you people get a grip. The Magisterial Reformers, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli, believed that they were reforming a corrupt and heretical Catholic Church. NOTHING LESS, the whole catholic movement denounced by 'reformists' as 'heretics'.

Based on that alone, I believe Pearson, in the path of Jesus himself, sits in great company of those controvertial Christians.

But again, you may be confusing me with someone else, Eljay. I am not a militant christian.

But by all means take up the Pearson Christian argument with the Church of Christ, and ask them why, Pearson is a Christian Minister.

N.B.: I sense a bit of an acrimonious tone in this last post Eljay. If I'm wrong to sense that let me know. If it is the case, maybe we can discuss it.

Jess642's photo
Mon 11/19/07 01:57 PM

My unicycle has a shinier wheel than your unicycle..neener nee ner neener

Want me to shine yours for you?

Or do you want to ride mine?

"My god's better than your god...neener nee ner neener."

"Want me to take a look at your god?"

"Or would you like to know more of mine.."

An initiator, of the first sentence..then an opportunity for resolution of the initial infammatory remark..

yours has too small of a seat

race ya to the mud puddle

'Your god does not suit me'.

'Shall we do something we both enjoy, TOGETHER?'

Whoo Hoo !!!!!


"Yes you are my friend, and I respect you."

That whole conversation, on my part was completely on topic, and shared with another who completely understands how imagination and a joyful spirit, can make the topic enjoyable , with out getting bogged down in the quagmire,some of you people love to create...

Jess642's photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:01 PM
Oh ! And just in case you cannot equate unicycle with god, any god...

A unicycle is a vehicle....and one wheeled at that.:wink:

Jess642's photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:04 PM
Apologies Michael, but I am not so good with assumptions, and obviously need to spell my posts out for some....otherwise, goodness knows, I might get reported. flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:04 PM

In case my 'nonsense' is a little above you, Spider....

'Unicycle' = metaphor for god.

and you know's an assumption you made of me in an earlier thread...'you will have to do better than that'...

Okay, you were on topic in an obtuse way. I admit that my terrible two lines about staying on topic were wrong. You guys get so happy when you think you have found something to nail me on, I would hate to take the joy away from you.

I was wrong. You were not off topic, you were simply belittling those who take the subject of God seriously. Thank you for offering that powerful and insightful opinion.

Jess642's photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:06 PM
Again Spider, there is no belittling of any god.

None...another choose to believe this is belittling of someone's god...that is and wasn't the case.

no photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:06 PM

How many more posts can you make in response to my two sentence comment? Let's find out...

no photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:07 PM

Again Spider, there is no belittling of any god.

None...another choose to believe this is belittling of someone's god...that is and wasn't the case.


you were simply belittling those who take the subject of God seriously

Jess642's photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:07 PM
Well, Spider I am not posting on an employer's I can post all day...

Jess642's photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:09 PM
Yes, absolutely chose to see my comments of THOSE who take the subject of god seriously...

I was wrong in my post...

Eljay's photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:10 PM

I will not pretend that I know Spider well enough to proclaim him a Christian - but I recognize from his posts that he has the heart of an apologetist for scripture. He does a pretty good job at it, for someone who has been a believer for the length that he has.

As to the question of "Jesus saying to spread the word" - I think the more correct interpretation can be found in the great commision of Matthew. "Go and make Disciples... ...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Not quite the same as "spreading the word. A disciple is someone who WANTS to aspire to a "mentor" - in this case Jesus. If the desire is not there to want to follow - it does not follow that one feel obliged to teach. However we are told to "give defense" for the gospel that is preached, which is where the desire to bring false representations to light comes from. I'm not trying to convert you to Christianity. But when I think you've mis-represented a Christian concept, I've not been shy to point it out. I don't feel obliged to "educate" you about Christianity -unless you were to ask me to, nor do I feel as though I should "re-define" anyone else idea of it, unless it appears illogical, or I question the conclusion. That is what I interpret the "great commission" to mean. However - I often think there's a line of demarcation between "pounding the word down someone's throat", and defending a Christian tennet that often gets blurred on the threads.

no photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:11 PM

- a mainline Protestant Christian denomination, within the Reformed tradition, and formed in 1957 by the union of two denominations, the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Churches -

... where Pearson serves as a Christian Minister.

No, he's not...

He started his own relgion called "New Dimensions", which is billed as "The Friendliest, Trendiest, Most Radically Inclusive Worship Experience!"

s1owhand's photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:12 PM
My God is not jealous because - well why should there be jealousy? There is no jealous in God! My God is God of the Bible and is also Abra's pantheistic God. And, like Tigger - the only one...


creativesoul's photo
Mon 11/19/07 02:25 PM
Look spider:

I do not believe that my claim of the great commission came as a surprise to you... did not believe it then... Do not believe it now...

Why, you might ask?....

Because I know better... that is why.

In addition you have spewed sporadic insults on me and my character... Because of YOUR frustration.... because of that which lives in you... not me.

As a direct result of me ignoring this inappropriate expression and the aforementioned things, I have deemed your arguement "petty"... Why?...because it is my right.

And if it better suits you, then go have a discussion with someone else... That would be completely acceptable to me.

However, do not ever expect me to blatantly paint you in a negative light... Unless you give me no other choice.

You have painted not, another picture to look at, spider...

You have painted what I have seen...You Sir, not me...

And when the scales are weighed, your negativity and unapologetic words FAR outweigh the opposite...

By whose scales, you might ask?... Mine.

Why?...because I own them.

In conclusion, if you would care to engage in this debate with a little more honest intregrity attached, and a little less pettiness...then, by all means, be my guest... However, if you continue your unwarranted personal "jabs"... I can and will take the personal option of avoiding you and a fruitless situation... walking away with a lesson in "recognition"...

If you will not allow this option to be chosen, expect me to dissect your entire "stance" very systematically... it is your choice... I have chosen to "walk away"... Allow me that choice, or have your arguement dissected legitimately, systematically, and blatantly... right before your eyes... and everyone else's...

I pull no punches... Now, if you would, leave me be.