Topic: player fights nice guy
Totage's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:02 PM
Player, it sounds like you're insecure. You should see about fixing that, maybe talk to a counselor, or other professional about your issues, it may help. You brought up that you haven't seen your mom in 14 years, this could be part of your problem, which is why I suggest you talk to a professional about your issues. If you can contact your mom, do so also.

ladynluv2be's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:02 PM
how many more excuses can you come up with that you say you are not that but you do not know what the problem is..... maybe you are these things we are saying and you just will not admit it and that is the problem.... think that might be it.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:03 PM
Exactly. It sounds like there are big insecurities, perhaps with your mom leaving you...abandonment issues. There are people out there who could really help you process your emotions and deal with what you are going through in a healthy manner.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:04 PM
i rather not. get help if they will tell me the same stuff i know. true i need to see my mom. but im not sure why you say im insecure

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:05 PM
They say that we attract people who are like us...meaning, that if you are not healthy, you are not going to attract healthy people into your life and your relationships will be messed up. You should really concentrate on not being in a relationship right now...not until you are strong emotionally and mentally. You should be your number one concern right now.

Mystynga's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:05 PM

I justed looked an you are 18bigsmile

Honey let me tell ya,you better get the control issue under control!!!!!!!!You have a lot to learn an remember MEN DO-NOT control women......We are not your personal property!!!!!!!!!.......grumble

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:06 PM
It's very obvious by what you have said that you are insecure. There is no shame in admitting it. You need to get genuinely honest with yourself first and foremost and face your character defects.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:07 PM
ha i admit i am a control freak but its playfull not like i want you to do this or fix me this

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:07 PM
You really need to get yourself together before you try to have a relationship with any woman. Please listen to people who know better. I promise you I am right about this.

Mystynga's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:07 PM

Yes you are you said that you would keep calling wanting to know where she is at an what she is doing!!!!!!!Leave her be an you will talk in the morning!!I think you scare these girrls............JMObigsmile

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:08 PM
You are minimizing it. It is not playful. It is controlling.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:09 PM
If I was your age and dating you and you did that with me, I would be gone so fast your head would spin. No possible way I would ever put up with that bullsh*t.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:11 PM
i mean my ex have not talked for a week. now we used to talk everyday then after she told me she loved me it got shorter and then she didnt call. im not being controling i just wanna know whats up why waste my time say you are busy or we should end this

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:15 PM
Well...ideally she would be mature and level with you and tell you what is going on, but unfortunately, she doesn't have to, and that is not always the way it goes in the real world. You might just have to let her go, get over it and move on.

Mystynga's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:17 PM

You keep saying your EX.............Did I miss something???noway
I have not answered or spoke to my EX in 20yrslaugh

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:18 PM
That's true. Ex means it's over. MOVE ON.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:19 PM
i wont be as needy. and let me say that i thought about it im controling but its like we should go to the movies that kind of control. not some scary control stuff. but thanks for the advice i will seek help

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:21 PM
I am so proud of you for saying you will seek help. You are young. It will help you understand yourself and it will do you worlds of good. Let the girl go. Work on yourself and stop being a player! No girl wants to be with a player. Players suck and they're lame and insecure. There is no such thing as a "player" who is secure in himself.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:23 PM
ha ha i moved on i have another chick that wants me. but my ex saved my life at one time so i cant just end my friendship all my exs are my friends lol.

widowerseeking's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:24 PM
player what are you some kind of moron, you keep saying ex that means it is over and done with, still you are wanting her to let you know every thing she does and you keep checking with her that sounds like stalking. sre you a STALKER?????????