Topic: player fights nice guy
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Fri 10/26/07 09:24 PM
Just really think about what we said to you though. Be a gentleman to this one...treat her well, give her the benefit of the doubt, and give her the space she needs.

Totage's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:24 PM
Glad to hear you're getting help. Hope everything works out for you.

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:25 PM
Same here. Good night everyone.

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Fri 10/26/07 09:27 PM
no i feel that my problem is that i havent seen my mom. but im just good with women i wont discuss the player issue

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Fri 10/26/07 09:28 PM
Try to work on the issue with your mom...get a relationship going with her again. I hope everything works out for you. As you get older, you will realize that women hate players and think they are totally lame and insecure. A player deserves NO respect.

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Fri 10/26/07 09:33 PM
i will doubt that if i was on my comp i could explain. i feel players that cheat are lame and insecure. BUT AS I SAID MANY TIMES BEFORE there are many types. a famous example "hitch" the guy in how to lose a guy in ten days. these types are like me

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Fri 10/26/07 09:38 PM
the guy in "hitch" a type of player. a good guy. as i am a confident cocky and funny guy to be around with im outgoing and very creative this is thatplayer this is me who i am. if a woman hates this i dont know why.

Mystynga's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:40 PM
o.k. your not a Player You are a CONTROL FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to bed nite allyawn

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Fri 10/26/07 09:42 PM
but at the same time i realize i have flaws i have bad memory of things that dont concern me im concieted. not very smart. and more. but my good side allways burns my bad sides when women discover my bad side

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:46 PM
Look "player" obviously your not ready to have be in a relationship. And if you know all your problems then fix'em. Take your own advice and go read a book about them. Instead of filling this tread with a whole bunch of non-sense. Seriosly get help.

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:47 PM
well player is gone now


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Fri 10/26/07 09:51 PM
i only fix problems i feel harm me. how dare you tell me or anyone they are not ready for a relationship...that was harsh i see if i was 13. damn

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/26/07 09:54 PM
you said you were not ready player reread your posts

i see you figured out how to do it now

glasses glasses glasses

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Fri 10/26/07 09:58 PM
yea i understand my mistakes that i made.

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Fri 10/26/07 10:25 PM
we all make mistakes ,being able to admit it and trying to improve yourself that makes you a good person,i think you have some issues with women maybe because of the relationship you have with your mom i dont think your as much as a control freak as you may be insecure take it easy and try to work on that give yourself some credit even if those around you dont

unsure's photo
Fri 10/26/07 10:38 PM
I think you need time to figure out who you are. I think you are very insecure with yourself and thats why you try to control everything around you. The best thing you can do is learn now that the only person you can control in life is YOU. I wish you luck and I do think you should seek counseling about your mom...sometimes it helps to talk about things that are bothering us.
God bless flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 11:11 PM
You gotta help yourself on this one. You are insecure plain and simple. The only way you are going to get over this is by (forgive my saying) growing some balls. If you are weak, then don't play hard. Meaning if your heart is fragile, then don't gamble at all. Don't gamble unless you can afford to lose some. Otherwise you are going to be broke in the "feel good" department.

no photo
Sat 10/27/07 12:23 AM
thatplayer89 - I think you are just pulling these people's legs and that is how you get ya kick from.

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Sat 10/27/07 12:37 AM
I agree!!!smokin

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Sat 10/27/07 01:06 AM
the reason why player, is that you are not 100% secure with yourself and your self concept. Im getting hints on lses-than-high-self esteem too.