Topic: do you respond to your messagesm
ujGearhead's photo
Sun 10/14/07 10:10 PM
I always respond even though it's kinda hit or miss with the ones I send out.

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 10/14/07 10:13 PM
I think if someone takes time out of their day to write to me they deserve a response. I always feels rude not to. Just what works for me...

Jtevans's photo
Sun 10/14/07 10:44 PM
i always respond to my emails,i might not have alot to say in them but i try to never be rude

Sizematters9's photo
Sun 10/14/07 11:01 PM
Not to all of them, just getting too many

no photo
Sun 10/14/07 11:03 PM
I always reply

nurjoyce's photo
Sun 10/14/07 11:05 PM
i respond to mine unless there is something said about sex, someone gives me their yahoo/aim name, or something like that

transientmind's photo
Sun 10/14/07 11:05 PM
Usually, unless they're looking for donations or green cards.

...Or there's nowhere to go in the conversation.

I must confess, I got a couple today that stumped me as to what to reply.

Wiitard's photo
Mon 10/15/07 01:22 AM
I respond to every message I get, even if it is just a "Hi"

Jess642's photo
Mon 10/15/07 01:32 AM
Wiitard, you can have some of mine if you want....

all the UR hot!!!

and the please send money to my sister's neighbour's cat, cause he's really an Afrikan prince in disguise...

you can have those mails if you want..laugh laugh laugh

angelus1226's photo
Mon 10/15/07 05:55 AM
I respond to all emails. If an email gives me the creeps, I would just tell the person ty for their interest, and wish them luck in their search. Unfortunately, in rare occasions, the person will not get the hint, and get even creepier. At which point they wounld have to be blocked. But I have yet to meet anyone like that on here.

Twitch's photo
Mon 10/15/07 06:05 AM
i always respond; if someone took the time to say hi; i can take the time to return it. you never know what can develop by just saying hi to or back to someone.

no photo
Mon 10/15/07 11:53 AM
i hate how all i do is say HI and i don't even get a hi back it's like all these people are so rude. It's basically impossible to find someone if no one responds to you emails it's so annoying.

no photo
Mon 10/15/07 01:05 PM
Even though I am in Illinois, and am contractually obligated to be rude and insensitive anfd ignore everyone who writes, the fact is I have chosen to shirk my appointed duties and write back to everybody who writes to me. Ask anybody on this site who has ever written me, and to hell with the "Illinois Rudeness Requirement," I say!

There have been a few exceptions -- scammers, spammers, trolls, and a handful of unmistakable whacko nutjobs. Everybody else gets AT LEAST a response.

LuckyMe81's photo
Mon 10/15/07 01:14 PM
I will answer you :)

I don't get emails.. so i don't answer. I think there is a horn growing from my head or something. LOL

wizewizard70's photo
Mon 10/15/07 01:17 PM
I try to answer all my msgs. I think that's what we are all here for... socializing and meeting new people.

no photo
Mon 10/15/07 02:00 PM
yea the whole no one emailing me back has really soured me on this site. no one from my area goes on the message boards and few women on here are young enough to go out with me it really sucks.

no photo
Mon 10/15/07 02:03 PM
sorry, Im terrible..........please forgive me!!! I try to respond to all but it can get a bit crazy!!!ohwell

bigbayhrsrider's photo
Mon 10/15/07 02:04 PM
how bout the ones that ck out your profile like a t least 50 times... [ i know this as i delete every day] and never say hi.. or W~T~H..
oh welllllllllll........ nothing gained nothing lost eh?
noway noway noway noway noway noway noway

hotandspicey's photo
Mon 10/15/07 02:06 PM
UUHHHMMM...Welcome to JSH?? laugh laugh laugh

The best thing to do is to post in the forums, that way people who might not initially respond to your e-mails might respond in the forums where they feel less pressure and you can go from there.

saturnswirls's photo
Mon 10/15/07 02:12 PM
I respond to all emails unless the person is being creepy, weird or nasty. I guess some of it has to do with the people you are writing to. Maybe you are writing to people that are self-absorbed, shallow and have no concept of manners. In that case, maybe you are better off that they don't respond!