Wii would like to play
when SSBB comes out i will be looking for friend codes to play you all I'm looking for other people's console codes right now! hee hee |
Looking for ppl to lan with
do pcgammers always have to play FSP's? Why not some warcraft or somthing =) Because you can play WarCraft for free against the world on and get pwned and realized you're the best on your block, and in your circle of friends, but compared to the world...your feeble skillz just don't add up to people with APM's over 300. |
New virus Alert !
Actually, many Anti-Virus programs can scan your master boot sector but require a restart. It will scan during your boot up, and take about 5 minutes depending on size of your drive and speed of your processor.
bad news my SSBB fans:(
That's awful...first it was Feb 11., now Mar. 9th!
![]() As bad as the delay is, it will make for a better game, so I'm not complaining. Just sad I have to wait longer. |
Back for Advice
So, if you remember my past ex-gf, the one who would break up and get back with me all the time for no apparent reason...she needed help moving back from TX to CA. She needed help because she was driving back with all her belongings in her car, and didn't feel safe driving back on her own. She couldn't get her friends to do it (verified to be true). So, I agreed to help her. A few weeks prior to this she was leaving me 15 minute voicemails about how she wants me back, she made a mistake, she needs me, she'll do anything for me, if I don't trust her I can check her email, her phone, anything to gain my trust back, etc. She left voicemails because I wasn't answering her calls. She left 12 + of these kinds of voicemails.
So, I fly out to TX (paid by her), and she picked me up at the airport. The night prior, she said she was going out to dinner with her co-workers as a farewell kind of thing. It got to be 10pm TX time, and I sent her a text message asking where she was (usually she's texting me often and I hadn't heard from her for over 6 hours). No reply. I send another one at 12pm TX time, and another one at 2am TX time. Finally, at 4am TX time, I get a reply saying, "I went to sleep early because of the big day tomorrow, and I need my sleep. Well, I'm going back to sleep now." Now for the part where I need the most help. About 1am TX time driving, she says she's really tired and we need to stop at a hotel. I said, "I thought you went to sleep early last night, you should be able to stay up later than 1am." She protested she's tired, so we stopped at a hotel. As we were turning in for the night, something didn't seem right to me. I inquired if I could check her phone. She made a big deal about it and started yelling at me. I told her, "if you want me to trust you, and you have nothing to hide, then I should be allowed to check it like you said to me all those times, right?" She just continued yelling at me telling me I have no right to do it, it's her personal stuff and she doesn't want me to. Finally, I'm able to check it for 1 min., and I discover she's tired because she went to the club last night. Now, my mind is going a million miles a minute. I figure, she sent me a text message that said she went to sleep early, and just woke up at 4am TX time. She didn't reply to my messages because she was at the club. If she wants me back so bad, why is her phone full of text messages talking to her friends about hot guys at the club and how much fun she was having. She continues to lie to me that she went to sleep early, and said she went to a friend's house, not the club. Finally, it becomes more clear than water that she did go to the club and she confesses. She got down on her knees and begged for another chance. I told her to get away from me and let me sleep because now it's 4am and we have a lot of driving ahead of us. She sat up all night, and didn't sleep. I didn't really sleep much either. She confessed to me that the only reason she's moving to CA is to be with me...I told her we can turn around tomorrow, you can buy me a ticket back to CA, and you can return to your life in TX, but she burned her bridges with her family there by leaving in the first place, so now she's stuck. In the course of that night, she lied to me over 20 times, mostly lies to cover up her previous lies about where she was, and what she was doing. If you count the fact that she didn't reply to my text messages, that's even more lies, and the final text message at 4am she sent me was another lie. A pre-conceived and thought out lie. It's not so much I have a problem with her going to the club, it's that she felt she had to lie about it. I don't know what to do, she's still begging me for another chance. My feelings are torn, because in part, I still hold her in my heart, but then again...that's a lot of lying... |
I think internet dating isn't for me.
Recently, I've had some luck attracting from school and through friends and work. As of such, I won't be as active on I'm actually kind of happy that it worked out this way, because I was a little skeptical about internet dating. I'm also just happy to be getting out in the world...even if it means I can't play with my Wii as much. On the bright side, now I'll have someone to play with my Wii with me! To those who embrace finding a mate on the 'net, I wish you the best of luck. But let's not forget the real world too! Best of luck to you all, and I'll still drop by, even if it is to "Just Say Hi." |
No, but I was usually only using 1 scoop, even on non-training days.
Today was a non-training day, and I used one scoop. But on training days I've been using 2 scoops. Yesterday was the second time I used 2 scoops. If it happens again tomorrow, I'll assume 2 scoops is the culprit. |
Best gaming system
hell if you don't want your PSP,send it to me! ![]() ![]() ![]() I won't give it to you, but I'll sell it to you. White PSP from Japan -Giga Pack, 1GB Card, Stand for watching movies, soft case, charger, USB cable to connect to your PC -Games- Lumines Final Fantasy Tactics Tekken 5 DR Initial D DJ Max -UMD Movies- (note they are Region 2 and work with this PSP) Goonies Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (You can watch the movies dubbed in Japanese, or you can have Japanese subtitles with English original voice) |
Imagine this: "Hey girl, I noticed your personality from across the room and I thought..."
Now more realistically: (thinking damn...look at that @$$, I wanna get wit'cha...) "Hi, my name's Wiitard. How are you?" |
dating a potsmoker?
ever seen this movie? hilarious! |
dating a potsmoker?
I think it's only valid to do so if it interferes with their life, your life, and your relationship.
It's a great recreation, and in all honesty, safer than alcohol. If you love them for who they are, and their smoking doesn't have a negative effect on their life, your life, or your relationship, why end a good thing? |
I'm also just stressed, so that could be it too...
Great, but I'm under the impression that I shouldn't intensify it it if I'm trying to gain weight. I'm not going for the "cut" look. I want the "mass" look.
I'm experiencing an increased heart rate even while at idle. I've been on N.O. Xplode for 5 days. Is this a side-effect of N.O. Xplode? I took it about 7 hours ago, so I don't know why I'm getting it now. |
Best gaming system
Best Overall would be a kick@$$ PC (why? emulators will emulate most console systems. MMORPG's, FPS control so much better with a keyboard and mouse than thumbsticks, USB controllers = XBox, XBox360, PS2 Controller USB HUB = PS2, PS1, NES, SNES, only PS3 and Wii is hard to emulate).
Console = XBox360; although I love my Wii to death, if I honestly had to say which system has the largest library of fun games to play, and internet connectivity, I would give it to the XBox360. Handheld = DS. Lots of PSP fans, but my PSP hasn't been touched since I got my DS. DS has WiFi play, PSP only has ad-hoc. DS has no loading, some PSP games have short loading, but a majority have long loading. Battery life on DS is better. Graphics on PSP are better. If I want a portable system, I want DS. If I want a portable system that plays like a home system I want a PSP. Another bad thing about the DS is how stupid you may look in public blowing into the microphone. Favorite = Wii. Even though I say the XBox 360 is the better console, I would personally choose the Wii because I feel it suits my needs. I'm trying not to game that heavily, and be able to have fun with my friends who "aren't gamers." The Wii fits this category perfectly, with enough games to be fun for the gamer in us all. Super Mario Galaxy is a great example, your average Joe will be able to get 60 stars, and complete the game, while more hardcore gamers like myself will be able to get all 240 stars. |
list of video games
IMO, Morrowind > Oblivion. Anyone else feel the same?
Unique Date Ideas
naked twister.
Feeling Depressed? Try This!
Well, my intention was to share something that made me feel better, in the hopes that others could benefit as well.
Great, I will refer him to HIIT. You're right, there's lots of information on it by doing a simple Google search.
So, should I cut the amount of time I do on cardio? |
Couture is awesome! I remember when I was at my friend's house watching him and Ortiz. All my friends are Ortiz fans, and I was the only one in the room rooting for Randy.
I remember the crowd who was there live were all rooting for Ortiz too. It was so awesome to see him win...especially against such an opposing, ominous, and dangerous man like Ortiz. |
Feeling Depressed? Try This!
I don't worked for me...and I really don't know why. I just know I even had a smile on my face after a while.