Topic: Another cop/teen shooting in St. Louis
mightymoe's photo
Thu 08/20/15 10:09 PM

So sick of this one sided media coverage. Black people unfortunately die every day in America. When they are murdered, the killer over 90% of the time is black as well. When are we gonna actually see that matter? You know like 'Truthful Lives Matter'? How about THAT on a t-shirt black America? Maybe 'Honest Lives Matter' or 'Crime Free Lives Matter'.

I keep on going back to this case in Houston a couple weeks ago. Domestic violence case. Black man handcuffs and shoots to death 8 people in a home. 6 of them were kids.

Outrage? Meh, no biggie.

Media coverage? Meh, a guy killed 8 people today. He had a record for domestic violence. Used a gun. Killed his ex and some kids. Meh, s*it happens.

Oh well, there must be White House comments on gun control or black violence, or domestic violence, right? *chirp* *chirp*

Well Obama is gonna send the FBI to investigate civil rights violations right? *chirp* *chirp*

Well he's at least gonna sing at the funeral, right? *chirp* *chirp*

Aw, c'mon now. CNN gonna do a prime time special right? Like 'Black Day in Houston' graphic and we gonna get us some Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon love right? *chirp* *chirp*

The hypocrisy is STUNNING in regards to main stream media. Absolute orgasms in the control room when another black kid bites the dust at the hands of a white cop. Black on black crime? Sorry. Someone get me a latte.....zzzzzzzzzzz

Tell ya what, I'll sell 'Black Lives Matter' t-shirts on golf courses and you sell a shirt with a picture of (former) officer Darren Wilson's face on them. I'll wear my shirt proudly in public. Will you?

good thinking, that will solve everything...

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 08/21/15 01:14 AM

So sick of this one sided media coverage. Black people unfortunately die every day in America. When they are murdered, the killer over 90% of the time is black as well. When are we gonna actually see that matter? You know like 'Truthful Lives Matter'? How about THAT on a t-shirt black America? Maybe 'Honest Lives Matter' or 'Crime Free Lives Matter'.

I keep on going back to this case in Houston a couple weeks ago. Domestic violence case. Black man handcuffs and shoots to death 8 people in a home. 6 of them were kids.

Outrage? Meh, no biggie.

Media coverage? Meh, a guy killed 8 people today. He had a record for domestic violence. Used a gun. Killed his ex and some kids. Meh, s*it happens.

Oh well, there must be White House comments on gun control or black violence, or domestic violence, right? *chirp* *chirp*

Well Obama is gonna send the FBI to investigate civil rights violations right? *chirp* *chirp*

Well he's at least gonna sing at the funeral, right? *chirp* *chirp*

Aw, c'mon now. CNN gonna do a prime time special right? Like 'Black Day in Houston' graphic and we gonna get us some Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon love right? *chirp* *chirp*

The hypocrisy is STUNNING in regards to main stream media. Absolute orgasms in the control room when another black kid bites the dust at the hands of a white cop. Black on black crime? Sorry. Someone get me a latte.....zzzzzzzzzzz

Tell ya what, I'll sell 'Black Lives Matter' t-shirts on golf courses and you sell a shirt with a picture of (former) officer Darren Wilson's face on them. I'll wear my shirt proudly in public. Will you?

good thinking, that will solve everything...

What's wrong with that? I thought wearing a t-shirt with a name or picture of someone you support was common in America.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/21/15 01:27 AM

So sick of this one sided media coverage. Black people unfortunately die every day in America. When they are murdered, the killer over 90% of the time is black as well. When are we gonna actually see that matter? You know like 'Truthful Lives Matter'? How about THAT on a t-shirt black America? Maybe 'Honest Lives Matter' or 'Crime Free Lives Matter'.

I keep on going back to this case in Houston a couple weeks ago. Domestic violence case. Black man handcuffs and shoots to death 8 people in a home. 6 of them were kids.

Outrage? Meh, no biggie.

Media coverage? Meh, a guy killed 8 people today. He had a record for domestic violence. Used a gun. Killed his ex and some kids. Meh, s*it happens.

Oh well, there must be White House comments on gun control or black violence, or domestic violence, right? *chirp* *chirp*

Well Obama is gonna send the FBI to investigate civil rights violations right? *chirp* *chirp*

Well he's at least gonna sing at the funeral, right? *chirp* *chirp*

Aw, c'mon now. CNN gonna do a prime time special right? Like 'Black Day in Houston' graphic and we gonna get us some Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon love right? *chirp* *chirp*

The hypocrisy is STUNNING in regards to main stream media. Absolute orgasms in the control room when another black kid bites the dust at the hands of a white cop. Black on black crime? Sorry. Someone get me a latte.....zzzzzzzzzzz

Tell ya what, I'll sell 'Black Lives Matter' t-shirts on golf courses and you sell a shirt with a picture of (former) officer Darren Wilson's face on them. I'll wear my shirt proudly in public. Will you?

good thinking, that will solve everything...

What's wrong with that? I thought wearing a t-shirt with a name or picture of someone you support was common in America.

you went from selling them to wearing them... they are unrelated...

selling means your in it for the money, wearing it means you might stand for something...

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 08/21/15 04:18 AM

So sick of this one sided media coverage. Black people unfortunately die every day in America. When they are murdered, the killer over 90% of the time is black as well. When are we gonna actually see that matter? You know like 'Truthful Lives Matter'? How about THAT on a t-shirt black America? Maybe 'Honest Lives Matter' or 'Crime Free Lives Matter'.

I keep on going back to this case in Houston a couple weeks ago. Domestic violence case. Black man handcuffs and shoots to death 8 people in a home. 6 of them were kids.'

Outrage? Meh, no biggie.

Media coverage? Meh, a guy killed 8 people today. He had a record for domestic violence. Used a gun. Killed his ex and some kids. Meh, s*it happens.

Oh well, there must be White House comments on gun control or black violence, or domestic violence, right? *chirp* *chirp*

Well Obama is gonna send the FBI to investigate civil rights violations right? *chirp* *chirp*

Well he's at least gonna sing at the funeral, right? *chirp* *chirp*

Aw, c'mon now. CNN gonna do a prime time special right? Like 'Black Day in Houston' graphic and we gonna get us some Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon love right? *chirp* *chirp*

The hypocrisy is STUNNING in regards to main stream media. Absolute orgasms in the control room when another black kid bites the dust at the hands of a white cop. Black on black crime? Sorry. Someone get me a latte.....zzzzzzzzzzz

Tell ya what, I'll sell 'Black Lives Matter' t-shirts on golf courses and you sell a shirt with a picture of (former) officer Darren Wilson's face on them. I'll wear my shirt proudly in public. Will you?

good thinking, that will solve everything...

What's wrong with that? I thought wearing a t-shirt with a name or picture of someone you support was common in America.

you went from selling them to wearing them... they are unrelated...

selling means your in it for the money, wearing it means you might stand for something...

If someone endorses a product of any kind and they are found not to be using it (ex. Michael Jordan wearing adiddas or Reeboks) stands little chance of being successful selling it. Not talking about drugs.

I'm willing to sell Black Lives Matter t-shirts to spread awareness and bolster POSITIVE change and advocating the people to push for POSITIVE change from their local state and Federal governments. The people who ARE actually involved with this movement, not the movement of drugs or stolen firearms who ARE NOT part of the movement, wear their shirts and likely sell them as a means to fund the POSITIVE protests.
>the movement doesn't condone any criminal activities by anyone, hence the 'non violent peaceful protest civil rights' movement title.

PEOPLE support awareness of the alarming raise in reports of law enforcement officials ENDING THE LIVES of unarmed blacks, teens, women and men in most cases for minor infractions, misdemeanors and a FEW felonies. We get it, what we don't get is DUE PROCESS Miranda Laws and proportionate arrests treatment and penalties for the SAME CRIMES.

Are you willing to publicly support your cause? Are you willing to publicly show your support for the people you're defending? (Former) Officer Darren Wilson, (former) officer Ray Tensing, (former) officer Randall Kerrick, (former) officer Brad Miller. Publicly show your support. Are you willing to drink your own Koolaid?

I am.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 08/21/15 05:09 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Fri 08/21/15 05:10 AM


Posted By: Red Rock Editorial Staff August 20, 2015

Black lives don't matter when the killer is not a white cop.

A 9-year-old girl was shot dead as she did her homework in Ferguson on Tuesday night, but the same community that rioted in response to Michael Brown's death was nowhere to be seen.

The difference? Jamyla Bolden was killed in a drive-by shooting and not by a white police officer.
The father of Jamyla Bolden said the girl was in her bed doing homework inside a home in the 9200 block of Ellison when she was shot around 9:30 Tuesday night. Her mother was also shot in the leg, reports KMOV 4.

Pastor Willis Johnson commented on the tragedy by emphasizing that all lives matter.
There needs to be a reevaluation of human life: [whether] black, white, young, seasoned, whether in Ferguson, or areas considered affluent,said Johnson.This has to stop. This epidemic of lost life under false pretense and of no real significant reason has to change.

1onlyaname's photo
Fri 08/21/15 05:36 AM

so tell me why USA soldiers die protecting drugs and citizens die selling it?????? I think there should be protests!!
Good Lord...laugh
So...protests in the St. Louis area are over the military and heroin? The one yesterday also?

Have you taken a recreational vacation to Colorado recently?[/quote. yes end the war on drugs. if police had not raided the house no one would have die. we fight n kill to grow it then fight and kill who sells it makes no sense. look how many have had their lives wasted in prison for pot now its legal.

beachdog50's photo
Fri 08/21/15 07:34 AM

so tell me why USA soldiers die protecting drugs and citizens die selling it?????? I think there should be protests!!
Good Lord...laugh
So...protests in the St. Louis area are over the military and heroin? The one yesterday also?

Have you taken a recreational vacation to Colorado recently?[/quote. yes end the war on drugs. if police had not raided the house no one would have die. we fight n kill to grow it then fight and kill who sells it makes no sense. look how many have had their lives wasted in prison for pot now its legal.
yes I have been to Colorado recently and I live in washington state where recreation marajuana is also legal and you aren't making any sense

no photo
Fri 08/21/15 11:21 AM
No protests, no catchy chants, no #BlackLivesMatter.......just a beautiful lil girl, shot dead by thugs while trying to do her homework.

brokenheart The pic of this little girl, really got to me. The smile & the barrettes in her hair. My daughter, my youngest cousins ( I have over 30), all my nieces, my friends children, my neighbors.... all the girls... probably most little girls in the USA, at that age, want decoration on their head.
And I am sure I spent a small fortune, helping them do that.

I will remember you, little one & I am sure you have the best decorated head on you cloud. :angel:

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/21/15 12:09 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 08/21/15 12:09 PM

evidently so,, no chance in HELL that the suspects will be considered 'justified' in their actions

Hmm....really? I noticed in your first post in this thread, not one mention was made of this young girl's murder. But, there was lots of excuses made for the protesters. Protesters who were protesting the shooting of someone running from a drug house and pointing a gun at cops....protesters, who a week or so ago, were protesting the shooting of a person out on bail for felonies who fired at police with a stolen handgun.....protesters, who a year ago, protested the shooting of someone who robbed an elderly store owner and tried to take a cops weapon....all the while shouting and hollering around the fake "Hands up, dont shoot" meme.
Seems maybe they should go back to protester school.

considering the thread is to highlight why people protest one situation and not another, I Didnt NEED to be any more specific than I was

protestors dont need an 'excuse'

dont 'taxpayers' protest and whinge when government wants more taxes or wants to use their money to help the needy? a form of 'theivery', they say?

yet they arent out protesting every incident of intra or interracial THEFT that happens huh?


because the SYSTEM is already set up to handle CIVILIANS offenses against CIVILIANS

what it doesnt address is abuse of civilians by those given authority over citizens lives by the government,,

protestor school doesnt have room for all those who apparently dont understand the purpose of a 'protest'

and, sidenote, we still dont have the death penalty in this country for stealing or 'strong' arming others,, the justice doesnt call for that consequence in the MAJORITY of cases,,

protestors are tired of police (of any race, they all share the color BLUE) being EXCUSED when they take lives unnecessarily and / or unprovoked,,,,besides that someone isnt 'obedient' enough

never should that be an 'excuse'

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/21/15 12:11 PM


Posted By: Red Rock Editorial Staff August 20, 2015

Black lives don't matter when the killer is not a white cop.

A 9-year-old girl was shot dead as she did her homework in Ferguson on Tuesday night, but the same community that rioted in response to Michael Brown's death was nowhere to be seen.

The difference? Jamyla Bolden was killed in a drive-by shooting and not by a white police officer.
The father of Jamyla Bolden said the girl was in her bed doing homework inside a home in the 9200 block of Ellison when she was shot around 9:30 Tuesday night. Her mother was also shot in the leg, reports KMOV 4.

Pastor Willis Johnson commented on the tragedy by emphasizing that all lives matter.
There needs to be a reevaluation of human life: [whether] black, white, young, seasoned, whether in Ferguson, or areas considered affluent,said Johnson.This has to stop. This epidemic of lost life under false pretense and of no real significant reason has to change.

black lives DO matter

the difference is when black citizens kill black citizens, the JUSTICE system seeks justice for the victim

but when OFFICERS do it,, the JUSTICE system seems to seek to excuse them instead

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/21/15 12:27 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Fri 08/21/15 12:29 PM

So sick of this one sided media coverage. Black people unfortunately die every day in America. When they are murdered, the killer over 90% of the time is black as well. When are we gonna actually see that matter? You know like 'Truthful Lives Matter'? How about THAT on a t-shirt black America? Maybe 'Honest Lives Matter' or 'Crime Free Lives Matter'.

I keep on going back to this case in Houston a couple weeks ago. Domestic violence case. Black man handcuffs and shoots to death 8 people in a home. 6 of them were kids.'

Outrage? Meh, no biggie.

Media coverage? Meh, a guy killed 8 people today. He had a record for domestic violence. Used a gun. Killed his ex and some kids. Meh, s*it happens.

Oh well, there must be White House comments on gun control or black violence, or domestic violence, right? *chirp* *chirp*

Well Obama is gonna send the FBI to investigate civil rights violations right? *chirp* *chirp*

Well he's at least gonna sing at the funeral, right? *chirp* *chirp*

Aw, c'mon now. CNN gonna do a prime time special right? Like 'Black Day in Houston' graphic and we gonna get us some Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon love right? *chirp* *chirp*

The hypocrisy is STUNNING in regards to main stream media. Absolute orgasms in the control room when another black kid bites the dust at the hands of a white cop. Black on black crime? Sorry. Someone get me a latte.....zzzzzzzzzzz

Tell ya what, I'll sell 'Black Lives Matter' t-shirts on golf courses and you sell a shirt with a picture of (former) officer Darren Wilson's face on them. I'll wear my shirt proudly in public. Will you?

good thinking, that will solve everything...

What's wrong with that? I thought wearing a t-shirt with a name or picture of someone you support was common in America.

you went from selling them to wearing them... they are unrelated...

selling means your in it for the money, wearing it means you might stand for something...

If someone endorses a product of any kind and they are found not to be using it (ex. Michael Jordan wearing adiddas or Reeboks) stands little chance of being successful selling it. Not talking about drugs.

I'm willing to sell Black Lives Matter t-shirts to spread awareness and bolster POSITIVE change and advocating the people to push for POSITIVE change from their local state and Federal governments. The people who ARE actually involved with this movement, not the movement of drugs or stolen firearms who ARE NOT part of the movement, wear their shirts and likely sell them as a means to fund the POSITIVE protests.
>the movement doesn't condone any criminal activities by anyone, hence the 'non violent peaceful protest civil rights' movement title.

PEOPLE support awareness of the alarming raise in reports of law enforcement officials ENDING THE LIVES of unarmed blacks, teens, women and men in most cases for minor infractions, misdemeanors and a FEW felonies. We get it, what we don't get is DUE PROCESS Miranda Laws and proportionate arrests treatment and penalties for the SAME CRIMES.

Are you willing to publicly support your cause? Are you willing to publicly show your support for the people you're defending? (Former) Officer Darren Wilson, (former) officer Ray Tensing, (former) officer Randall Kerrick, (former) officer Brad Miller. Publicly show your support. Are you willing to drink your own Koolaid?

I am.

whats my cause? personally, i could care less that thugs are being killed by the police, makes the US safer for the rest of us that are not thugs... if the police don't kill them, another thug will, and maybe innocents like the 9 year girl would still be alive from not getting caught in the idiots crossfire... keep on defending these aholes, your just showing your intelligence level here...whoa

no photo
Fri 08/21/15 12:28 PM
I am confused...

What happens if a black officer kills a black civilian and vice versa?

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/21/15 12:31 PM

I am confused...

What happens if a black officer kills a black civilian and vice versa?

they don't care... it's a one sided argument and they know it...

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 08/21/15 02:51 PM

I am confused...

What happens if a black officer kills a black civilian and vice versa?

they don't care... it's a one sided argument and they know it...

Oh. It's a one sided argument. The black media networks had their black editors producers and directors report only black news to only black viewers. You just tuned to the wrong channel read the wrong newspapers and surfed the wrong websites, simple mistake.
It's AMERICAN news. It happened in AMERICA.
How one sided is it? In a town that is 70% black has 5 black police and 45 non black police, Ferguson, MO just to be clear. Who are these guns being stolen from? Were they legally acquired registered and permitted by their 'owners'? Accountability and chain of custody is a requirement for the legal sale of handguns isn't it?
Black parents and clergy politicians and other concerned citizens have been trying to get the drugs and guns out of their schools and neighborhoods for DECADES. We have been mourning and burying children for DECADES. When someone does a driveby shooting,
<{[ There is no one to protest to]}>.
Justice for the 9 year old shot will have to come from Ferguson PD. They would'nt dream of writing it off as just another stolen gun and close the case.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/21/15 03:02 PM

I am confused...

What happens if a black officer kills a black civilian and vice versa?

they don't care... it's a one sided argument and they know it...

Oh. It's a one sided argument. The black media networks had their black editors producers and directors report only black news to only black viewers. You just tuned to the wrong channel read the wrong newspapers and surfed the wrong websites, simple mistake.
It's AMERICAN news. It happened in AMERICA.
How one sided is it? In a town that is 70% black has 5 black police and 45 non black police, Ferguson, MO just to be clear. Who are these guns being stolen from? Were they legally acquired registered and permitted by their 'owners'? Accountability and chain of custody is a requirement for the legal sale of handguns isn't it?
Black parents and clergy politicians and other concerned citizens have been trying to get the drugs and guns out of their schools and neighborhoods for DECADES. We have been mourning and burying children for DECADES. When someone does a driveby shooting,
<{[ There is no one to protest to]}>.
Justice for the 9 year old shot will have to come from Ferguson PD. They would'nt dream of writing it off as just another stolen gun and close the case.
whatever.... cry me a river...sad sad

no photo
Fri 08/21/15 03:37 PM
Edited by alleoops on Fri 08/21/15 03:50 PM


Posted By: Red Rock Editorial Staff August 20, 2015

Black lives don't matter when the killer is not a white cop.

A 9-year-old girl was shot dead as she did her homework in Ferguson on Tuesday night, but the same community that rioted in response to Michael Brown's death was nowhere to be seen.

The difference? Jamyla Bolden was killed in a drive-by shooting and not by a white police officer.
The father of Jamyla Bolden said the girl was in her bed doing homework inside a home in the 9200 block of Ellison when she was shot around 9:30 Tuesday night. Her mother was also shot in the leg, reports KMOV 4.

Pastor Willis Johnson commented on the tragedy by emphasizing that all lives matter.
There needs to be a reevaluation of human life: [whether] black, white, young, seasoned, whether in Ferguson, or areas considered affluent,said Johnson.This has to stop. This epidemic of lost life under false pretense and of no real significant reason has to change.

black lives DO matter

the difference is when black citizens kill black citizens, the JUSTICE system seeks justice for the victim

but when OFFICERS do it,, the JUSTICE system seems to seek to excuse them instead

whoa yea right. Where did that happen?
Officers kill thugs, black and white and brown, so that the thugs don't kill them instead or someone else.

no photo
Fri 08/21/15 03:41 PM
Black parents and clergy politicians and other concerned citizens have been trying to get the drugs and guns out of their schools and neighborhoods for DECADES. We have been mourning and burying children for DECADES.
Well, one way to cut down on the guns and drugs in your schools and neighborhoods is to teach your children not to carry guns and drugs in the first place.

That starts with the parenting. Fathers play a big role in how their sons ( the majority of the gun toting & drug toting young men) grow up. They are supposed to be role models... set a example for their sons. At the very least be there.

But in the black community 72% of children grow up in a single parent household... 72%. They are raised by the mother... not the father. He's not around.

They certainly know how to father children.. that's for sure. No problem there, but just don't know how to stick around to support and raise them.

And after all.... isn't that what fathers are supposed to do?.. raise they kids.. teach them right from wrong.. be a role model?. Well, it appears 3 out of 4 in the black community.... do not

change that and see what the results are.

Cops can't change that, neither can white folks, neither can the government. It is solely the black community responsibility as is the ramifications of their offspring's actions.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/21/15 03:42 PM

Black parents and clergy politicians and other concerned citizens have been trying to get the drugs and guns out of their schools and neighborhoods for DECADES. We have been mourning and burying children for DECADES.
Well, one way to cut down on the guns and drugs in your schools and neighborhoods is to teach your children not to carry guns and drugs in the first place.

That starts with the parenting. Fathers play a big role in how their sons ( the majority of the gun toting & drug toting young men) grow up. They are supposed to be role models... set a example for their sons. At the very least be there.

But in the black community 72% of children grow up in a single parent household... 72%. They are raised by the mother... not the father. He's not around.

They certainly know how to father children.. that's for sure. No problem there, but just don't know how to stick around to support and raise them.

And after all.... isn't that what fathers are supposed to do?.. raise they kids.. teach them right from wrong.. be a role model?. Well, it appears 3 out of 4 in the black community.... do not

change that and see what the results are.

Cops can't change that, neither can white folks, neither can the government. It is solely the black community responsibility as is the ramifications of their offspring's actions.

it's easier just to blame the white men for it...

no photo
Fri 08/21/15 03:43 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Fri 08/21/15 03:50 PM
Who are
these guns being stolen from?
Law abiding citizens who have fhe right to purchase and own them...and theyre stolen by thugs who point them at police and get their azz blown off...Thank you Darwin.

Were they
legally acquired registered and permitted by
their 'owners'?
Legally aquired? By the owner they were stolen from, probably. As for registered and permitted by their owners, I dont know Missouri law...but where I live I dont have to register or permit any firearm I own. Its an assumption on your part that Missouri residents have to register firearms......or its just total lack of understanding of firearms laws by you. Either way, youre trying to assign blame for crimes committed to owners of firearms who had them stolen...Fail

Accountability and chain of
custody is a requirement for the legal sale of
handguns isn't it?
"Lack of understanding of firearms laws by you" it is! laugh

On to another post...

and, sidenote, we still dont have the death
penalty in this country for stealing or 'strong'
arming others,,
None of the three examples I gave you of thugs being shot dead are because they robbed someone....all three were killed because they decided to assault police in one form or another. Thank you again Darwin.
The rest of your post that quote came from still had no mention of the dead little girl and her assailants.....very telling, but not surprising.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/21/15 03:47 PM

Who are
these guns being stolen from?
Law abiding citizens who have fhe right to purchase and own the....and theyre stolen by thugs who point them at police and get their azz blown off...Thank you Darwin.

Were they
legally acquired registered and permitted by
their 'owners'?
Legally aquired? By the owner they were stolen from, probably. As for registered and permitted by their owners, I dont know Missouri law...but where I live I dont have to register or permit any firearm I own. Its an assumption on your part that Missouri residents have to register firearms......or its just total lack of understanding of firearms laws by you. Either way, youre trying to assign blame for crimes committed to owners of firearms who had them stolen...Fail

Accountability and chain of
custody is a requirement for the legal sale of
handguns isn't it?
"Lack of understanding of firearms laws by you" it is! laugh

On to another post...

and, sidenote, we still dont have the death
penalty in this country for stealing or 'strong'
arming others,,
None of the three examples I gave you of thugs being shot dead are because they robbed someone....all three were killed because they decided to assault police in one form or another. Thank you again Darwin.
The rest of your post that quote came from still had no mention of the dead little girl and her assailants.....very telling, but not surprising.

in Texas, if you kill someone while robbing them, your up for the death penalty... just using a gun gets you an extra 25 years on top of any other sentence...