Topic: Another cop/teen shooting in St. Louis
no photo
Sun 08/23/15 04:31 PM

:laughing: let's see whose political thread will last the longest...slaphead oops :banana:

Knock it off with the common sense.. o.k. Pansy?.. no need for that here...Lol

I like throwing a curveball from time to time. Keeps me on my toes. :wink: :angel:

Lpdon's photo
Sun 08/23/15 07:07 PM

If we had better gun control laws and harsher penalties for the people illegally redistributing them she'd still be alive. She's not the first child to be claimed by stray bullets. I'm sure no one there is getting drugs from the source either. They have to be imported and trafficked to their destinations. Synthetic and chemically processed drugs are obtained from outside the US, with the exception of meth and pharmaceuticals.
Problem there is some people don't want any gun control or accountability for 'evidence' or the actions corrupt police take.
There are also sick people who enjoy watching the country rip itself to shreds. They are ignorant enough to believe that things like this will never happen where they live, hurt or kill someone that they care about. They're wrong and they are outnumbered. The end of their ignorance won't be blissful.

Really? Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and also has one of the highest murder rates in the country as well.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 08/23/15 07:15 PM

If we had better gun control laws and harsher penalties for the people illegally redistributing them she'd still be alive. She's not the first child to be claimed by stray bullets. I'm sure no one there is getting drugs from the source either. They have to be imported and trafficked to their destinations. Synthetic and chemically processed drugs are obtained from outside the US, with the exception of meth and pharmaceuticals.
Problem there is some people don't want any gun control or accountability for 'evidence' or the actions corrupt police take.
There are also sick people who enjoy watching the country rip itself to shreds. They are ignorant enough to believe that things like this will never happen where they live, hurt or kill someone that they care about. They're wrong and they are outnumbered. The end of their ignorance won't be blissful.

The last 3 shootings I looked at involving cops and criminals, the criminals had STOLEN guns.

STOLEN.. not purchased legally... STOLEN

As in broke into someone's home or a legal business and stole their legally owned weapons. Which was then REPORTED to the police by the legal owner.

If the criminals were not the ones who actually STOLE the gun, they sure as hell were the ones who purchased the stolen item. knowing FULL WELL IT WAS ILLEGAL. With one intent in mind. To use it to commit crimes. WHICH THEY DID.

You continue to deflect responsibility from the people who have these STOLEN guns in their belt. From the people who are pulling the trigger on these STOLEN guns. From the people who are making their PERSONNAL DECISIONS to carry stolen guns, to sell illegal drugs. to commit crimes as their main means of supporting themselves.

Nobody forces the gun in their hand.. nobody puts the crack in their pocket to sell.. nobody makes them car jack. nobody makes them rob at gun point

personal choices.. THEIRS!!!.. they made those decisions... they have to live with the consequences.

Not the cops.. not whitey.. not the government.. They do.!

And let me pull out my crystal ball... when the cops catch up with the guy that put the bullet in that little girls head.. you know what will be on the screen?... another black thug. A bi product of the black community and their non family structure.

And you know what America will hear from the black community and their so called leaders... absolutely NOTHING

Why do you think there is no word from Sharpton, from Farrakhan.. on the most precious of life being taken away... one of their kids. I'll tell you why... because they already know the color of the skin of the shooter.

But black on black crime is hushed up by the black community. Its easier to blame others.

No, the 7 year old son of a gang member (also arrested and released) was mourned. Chicago didn't deflect that. Spike Lee is shooting a movie there and (positive)rapper and film star Common played a huge part in bringing corporate heads in for a first of its kind job fair. It made headline perhaps you missed it.
Stolen guns, if I paid $3-800 on a handgun, you can be damned sure I know where it's at at all times. If it went missing I'd have a tent and a cot in the PD parking lot until I got it back. If I paid $100 for a used LEGAL .380 I'd do exactly the same thing. Why is it that the courts don't uphold CERTAIN laws for certain people? We have asked that question before. Why aren't the city county and state police combing the streets doing stop and frisk to recollect their evidence(stolen guns)? We asked that.
We have seen 1 gun, actually seen involved in a crime the rest are speculation.
That picture... And the reports connected to it (Fox exclusive) of one man all alone in 'Ferguson' is kinda bothersome. That image is very grainy. School photographers and even private photography studios( the kind that print pictures on stickers like they used to in the 80's and early 90's) have much better quality printstock, ink and cameras these days. Waiting on that one. Meanwhile.... BOLO but CYA:

BODYCAM FOOTAGE of NEAR FATAL SHOOTING of ALLEGEDLY armed BLACK TEEN fleeing from scene of UNKNOWN armed assailants who fired first, MISSING presumed DESTROYED.
If found please call the FBI, the Ferguson police will probably shoot you. Chances you survive the shooting are 33.3%.

I think you are a nice guy and I also think you are a good man. A good family type man. But I just can't follow your thought pattern GC.. just can't. I read you messages 3 -4 times and still have no idea what you are trying to say or can't follow the core point. And I am a fairly intelligent man.

So, in my opinion.. there is no point.


Lpdon's photo
Sun 08/23/15 07:52 PM

Untrue. Some of us know personally the dangers they face and worse. We appreciate the good that police do and I am sorry to hear about your friend. No BS. I know that pain, I lost brothers in arms I knew personally in Iraq Afghanistan and as I said in other posts one of my doctors Michael Cahill died on Ft Hood. We know that not all police do things like this.

Not many in Law Enforcement do this at all. Deputy Howell saved a lot of lives after being mortally wounded, he could have probably survived if he didn't stay in place and keep shooting.

I am sick of all these police are evil posts and threads. Everyday they walk out that door they don't know if they are going to walk back in.

You can't stop all crimes from happening, same for wars and accidents and I have seen deaths occur in all three. I'm tired of it myself. Most people wouldn't believe that when soldiers are sent overseas whoever is there weapon or not has more protection from the Geneva convention rules of engagement than an unarmed Veteran has in America. Policing for profit and the private prison systems are the evils. Cocaine herion meth and an array of unsafe synthetic drugs are the evils. The sick bastards who get a good chuckle when a kid gets gunned down are the evils. That sadistic sonofabitch that handcuffed those kids above the elbows backwards and the Kentucky Sreriff defending him are the evils.
Do you have any idea what would happen to an American soldier if he did that to a POW?

I am confused, none of this post made sense. Who handcuffed someone above the elbows? That just violates common sense and good judgment right there. I will admit I have had to get creative with handcuffs over the years but not like that.

germanchoclate1981's photo
Sun 08/23/15 11:38 PM
Edited by germanchoclate1981 on Sun 08/23/15 11:42 PM

If we had better gun control laws and harsher penalties for the people illegally redistributing them she'd still be alive. She's not the first child to be claimed by stray bullets. I'm sure no one there is getting drugs from the source either. They have to be imported and trafficked to their destinations. Synthetic and chemically processed drugs are obtained from outside the US, with the exception of meth and pharmaceuticals.
Problem there is some people don't want any gun control or accountability for 'evidence' or the actions corrupt police take.
There are also sick people who enjoy watching the country rip itself to shreds. They are ignorant enough to believe that things like this will never happen where they live, hurt or kill someone that they care about. They're wrong and they are outnumbered. The end of their ignorance won't be blissful.

Really? Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and also has one of the highest murder rates in the country as well.

Do the math. If they stop and frisk SEIZING the guns, they're gone right? Where did THAT gun come from??
Missed one, better frisk more thoro-- bang, 1 kid - 1 gun =3 guns? what Damnit. It's not one gun it's 10, 25, 309, frustrated

Perfect example of agency blunder: fast and furious
You can walk the streets with a 357 concealed and be legitimately missed. You can't do that with a shotgun or an AK. You can't do it with 1500 handguns either.

Let's say a legit owner of a legal weapon wants to sell it, needs the money and finds he can make a given price even if the gun isn't well maintained. He jumps on craigslist and starts making transactions - 5 a week. Itd take him 20 weeks to move 100, demand is high supply is good and he makes a profit. We both know he's now a criminal but how hard is it to find HIM? Not the victims, not the shooters, the trafficker? If you find one that's supplying handguns, if he wouldn't sell rifles or shotguns, you can bet somebody is but who? Where are they? How many of them are there?

Otherwise, how are these teens getting the guns? They're not ordering them from Glock or S&W. Just like Richard Matt and David Sweat, they had help from the outside.

'Stolen'... Any weapon that isn't in the possession of the legal owner is stolen. How many of these stolen guns were reported stolen and where are those reports? Fresh ink anyone? A stolen gun is a clean conscious jury conviction, adding to the criminality of someone they may otherwise see as non threatening. It's an easy excuse that people usually won't question.
As are behaviors induced by the recent synthetic drugs. They are sold in gas stations and tobacco stores, online... The government jumped to ban the Clemson university stuff, that was safe. It had almost 30 years of research behind it. Once they made a test that could find that, then legal, signature chemists creating the stuff in labs changed a few things around or blazed trails on new digitally refined clones of other drugs. No controlled laboratory tests, no research, for what? Who cares? The mother of the guy who had his face eaten in Florida by the man on bath salts. The government is way behind the learning curve. Stop synthetic mj but let the cocaine herion crack embalming fluid pcp and bath salts flow and let the zombie apocalypse begin.
The kid in Texas was high on something. Before all the 'designer drugs' and pharmaceuticals hit the market i I would have guessed pcp but nowadays you can't tell.

Blame....... Who for all these laboratory concoctions? Who for reselling, recycling, releasing all the guns, many made overseas : into certain areas? Who for taking jobs out of these areas? Who for incarceration for going on a third generation of who COULD have been good fathers but were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You today may not arrest or maximum sentence someone for their skin color but that affect over time is the result that you see. These kids aren't magicians, they can't MacGyver a Glock out of random scrap metal and plastic. They can't hocus pocus up a kilo of Bolivian snow either. There are established and maintained networks to channel contraband from global source to local markets just like your groceries.

no photo
Mon 08/24/15 12:13 AM


No protests, no catchy chants, no #BlackLivesMatter...... I am just lil girl, shot dead by thugs while trying to do my homework. :angel:

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/24/15 12:33 AM

If we had better gun control laws and harsher penalties for the people illegally redistributing them she'd still be alive. She's not the first child to be claimed by stray bullets. I'm sure no one there is getting drugs from the source either. They have to be imported and trafficked to their destinations. Synthetic and chemically processed drugs are obtained from outside the US, with the exception of meth and pharmaceuticals.
Problem there is some people don't want any gun control or accountability for 'evidence' or the actions corrupt police take.
There are also sick people who enjoy watching the country rip itself to shreds. They are ignorant enough to believe that things like this will never happen where they live, hurt or kill someone that they care about. They're wrong and they are outnumbered. The end of their ignorance won't be blissful.

Really? Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and also has one of the highest murder rates in the country as well.

Do the math. If they stop and frisk SEIZING the guns, they're gone right? Where did THAT gun come from??
Missed one, better frisk more thoro-- bang, 1 kid - 1 gun =3 guns? what Damnit. It's not one gun it's 10, 25, 309, frustrated

Perfect example of agency blunder: fast and furious
You can walk the streets with a 357 concealed and be legitimately missed. You can't do that with a shotgun or an AK. You can't do it with 1500 handguns either.

Let's say a legit owner of a legal weapon wants to sell it, needs the money and finds he can make a given price even if the gun isn't well maintained. He jumps on craigslist and starts making transactions - 5 a week. Itd take him 20 weeks to move 100, demand is high supply is good and he makes a profit. We both know he's now a criminal but how hard is it to find HIM? Not the victims, not the shooters, the trafficker? If you find one that's supplying handguns, if he wouldn't sell rifles or shotguns, you can bet somebody is but who? Where are they? How many of them are there?

Otherwise, how are these teens getting the guns? They're not ordering them from Glock or S&W. Just like Richard Matt and David Sweat, they had help from the outside.

'Stolen'... Any weapon that isn't in the possession of the legal owner is stolen. How many of these stolen guns were reported stolen and where are those reports? Fresh ink anyone? A stolen gun is a clean conscious jury conviction, adding to the criminality of someone they may otherwise see as non threatening. It's an easy excuse that people usually won't question.
As are behaviors induced by the recent synthetic drugs. They are sold in gas stations and tobacco stores, online... The government jumped to ban the Clemson university stuff, that was safe. It had almost 30 years of research behind it. Once they made a test that could find that, then legal, signature chemists creating the stuff in labs changed a few things around or blazed trails on new digitally refined clones of other drugs. No controlled laboratory tests, no research, for what? Who cares? The mother of the guy who had his face eaten in Florida by the man on bath salts. The government is way behind the learning curve. Stop synthetic mj but let the cocaine herion crack embalming fluid pcp and bath salts flow and let the zombie apocalypse begin.
The kid in Texas was high on something. Before all the 'designer drugs' and pharmaceuticals hit the market i I would have guessed pcp but nowadays you can't tell.

Blame....... Who for all these laboratory concoctions? Who for reselling, recycling, releasing all the guns, many made overseas : into certain areas? Who for taking jobs out of these areas? Who for incarceration for going on a third generation of who COULD have been good fathers but were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You today may not arrest or maximum sentence someone for their skin color but that affect over time is the result that you see. These kids aren't magicians, they can't MacGyver a Glock out of random scrap metal and plastic. They can't hocus pocus up a kilo of Bolivian snow either. There are established and maintained networks to channel contraband from global source to local markets just like your groceries.

Bro, were talking Chicago. The stop and frisk was in New York and it blew up in their faces badly. It got that Jacka$$ who's mayor now put into office.

no photo
Mon 08/24/15 08:07 AM
Do the math. If they stop and frisk SEIZING
the guns, they're gone right? Where did
THAT gun come from??
Missed one, better frisk more thoro-- bang, 1
kid - 1 gun =3 guns? Damnit. It's not
one gun it's 10, 25, 309,
Perfect example of agency blunder: fast and
You can walk the streets with a 357
concealed and be legitimately missed. You
can't do that with a shotgun or an AK. You
can't do it with 1500 handguns either.
Let's say a legit owner of a legal weapon
wants to sell it, needs the money and finds h
can make a given price even if the gun isn't
well maintained. He jumps on craigslist and
starts making transactions - 5 a week. Itd
take him 20 weeks to move 100, demand is
high supply is good and he makes a profit.
We both know he's now a criminal but how
hard is it to find HIM? Not the victims, not
the shooters, the trafficker? If you find one
that's supplying handguns, if he wouldn't sell
rifles or shotguns, you can bet somebody is
but who? Where are they? How many of
them are there?
Otherwise, how are these teens getting the
guns? They're not ordering them from Glock
or S&W. Just like Richard Matt and David
Sweat, they had help from the outside.
'Stolen'... Any weapon that isn't in the
possession of the legal owner is stolen. How
many of these stolen guns were reported
stolen and where are those reports? Fresh ink
anyone? A stolen gun is a clean conscious
jury conviction, adding to the criminality of
someone they may otherwise see as non
threatening. It's an easy excuse that people
usually won't question.
As are behaviors induced by the recent
synthetic drugs. They are sold in gas stations
and tobacco stores, online... The government
jumped to ban the Clemson university stuff,
that was safe. It had almost 30 years of
research behind it. Once they made a test
that could find that, then legal, signature
chemists creating the stuff in labs changed a
few things around or blazed trails on new
digitally refined clones of other drugs. No
controlled laboratory tests, no research, for
what? Who cares? The mother of the guy
who had his face eaten in Florida by the man
on bath salts. The government is way behind
the learning curve. Stop synthetic mj but let
the cocaine herion crack embalming fluid pcp
and bath salts flow and let the zombie
apocalypse begin.
The kid in Texas was high on something.
Before all the 'designer drugs' and
pharmaceuticals hit the market i I would have
guessed pcp but nowadays you can't tell.
Blame....... Who for all these laboratory
concoctions? Who for reselling, recycling,
releasing all the guns, many made overseas :
into certain areas? Who for taking jobs out of
these areas? Who for incarceration for going
on a third generation of who COULD have
been good fathers but were just in the wrong
place at the wrong time. You today may not
arrest or maximum sentence someone for
their skin color but that affect over time is th
result that you see. These kids aren't
magicians, they can't MacGyver a Glock out
of random scrap metal and plastic. They can't
hocus pocus up a kilo of Bolivian snow either.
There are established and maintained
networks to channel contraband from global
source to local markets just like your


no photo
Mon 08/24/15 01:42 PM
Who for incarceration for going
on a third generation of who COULD have
been good fathers but were just in the wrong
place at the wrong time

_____________________________________________________________________well, I guess when your father and grandfather ( 3rd generation) are also criminals you tend to follow in their foot steps.. Which is to rob, sell drugs and carry guns to commit felonies. Bad choices. Choices is the key word.

And going to jail is a by product of choosing a life of crime as opposed to doing what good fathers do.. which is not to choose a life of crime. So no body but themselves is responsible when they get caught.. nobody.

By your own admission this has been going on for a very very long time.. generations. Don't you think it is about time that the black community start doing something about it. Like raising their kids not to carry guns.. sell drugs. loot and plunder. Not to kill their own. Our do they not have the ability to parent?.. Is that it?

But I guess that is tough to do when Dad and Pops are also in jail.. for doing the same.

You fathers and grandfathers lead example and the black community is a TOTAL failure at this. Total failure

Stop blaming society and other races for your own short comings and failures and start taking responsibility for your OWN actions and YOUR OWN kids.

And about the jobs.... there were plenty of business in Fergerson employing local people.. until they were robbed and burnt to the ground. Not too good for the local economy... is it.

But you expect businesses to rebuild or operate in a environment where bullet proof glass is the most important thing in your life when you go to work or getting robbed and killed is a real possibility... really?. Guess what.. ain't happening.

So when you have to take a road trip just to buy a gallon of milk.. maybe it will set in that burning down the only food super market was not a good idea.

Self inflicted by generations of criminal minds... not the government,cops or other nationalities.

Your own did it.

germanchoclate1981's photo
Mon 08/24/15 01:42 PM
Edited by germanchoclate1981 on Mon 08/24/15 01:49 PM

If we had better gun control laws and harsher penalties for the people illegally redistributing them she'd still be alive. She's not the first child to be claimed by stray bullets. I'm sure no one there is getting drugs from the source either. They have to be imported and trafficked to their destinations. Synthetic and chemically processed drugs are obtained from outside the US, with the exception of meth and pharmaceuticals.
Problem there is some people don't want any gun control or accountability for 'evidence' or the actions corrupt police take.
There are also sick people who enjoy watching the country rip itself to shreds. They are ignorant enough to believe that things like this will never happen where they live, hurt or kill someone that they care about. They're wrong and they are outnumbered. The end of their ignorance won't be blissful.

Really? Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and also has one of the highest murder rates in the country as well.

Do the math. If they stop and frisk SEIZING the guns, they're gone right? Where did THAT gun come from??
Missed one, better frisk more thoro-- bang, 1 kid - 1 gun =3 guns? what Damnit. It's not one gun it's 10, 25, 309, frustrated

Perfect example of agency blunder: fast and furious
You can walk the streets with a 357 concealed and be legitimately missed. You can't do that with a shotgun or an AK. You can't do it with 1500 handguns either.

Let's say a legit owner of a legal weapon wants to sell it, needs the money and finds he can make a given price even if the gun isn't well maintained. He jumps on craigslist and starts making transactions - 5 a week. Itd take him 20 weeks to move 100, demand is high supply is good and he makes a profit. We both know he's now a criminal but how hard is it to find HIM? Not the victims, not the shooters, the trafficker? If you find one that's supplying handguns, if he wouldn't sell rifles or shotguns, you can bet somebody is but who? Where are they? How many of them are there?

Otherwise, how are these teens getting the guns? They're not ordering them from Glock or S&W. Just like Richard Matt and David Sweat, they had help from the outside.

'Stolen'... Any weapon that isn't in the possession of the legal owner is stolen. How many of these stolen guns were reported stolen and where are those reports? Fresh ink anyone? A stolen gun is a clean conscious jury conviction, adding to the criminality of someone they may otherwise see as non threatening. It's an easy excuse that people usually won't question.
As are behaviors induced by the recent synthetic drugs. They are sold in gas stations and tobacco stores, online... The government jumped to ban the Clemson university stuff, that was safe. It had almost 30 years of research behind it. Once they made a test that could find that, then legal,
signature chemists creating the stuff in labs
changed a few things around or blazed trails on new digitally refined clones of other drugs. No controlled laboratory tests, no research, for what? Who cares? The mother of the guy who had his face eaten in Florida by the man on bath salts. The government is way behind the learning curve. Stop synthetic mj but let the cocaine herion crack embalming fluid pcp and bath salts flow and let the zombie apocalypse begin.
The kid in Texas was high on something. Before all the 'designer drugs' and pharmaceuticals hit the market i I would have guessed pcp but nowadays you can't tell.

Blame....... Who for all these laboratory concoctions? Who for reselling, recycling, releasing all the guns, many made overseas : into certain areas? Who for taking jobs out of these areas? Who for incarceration for going on a third generation of who COULD have been good fathers but were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You today may not arrest or maximum sentence someone for their skin color but that affect over time is the result that you see. These kids aren't magicians, they can't MacGyver a Glock out of random scrap metal and plastic. They can't hocus pocus up a kilo of Bolivian snow either. There are established and maintained networks to channel contraband from global source to local markets just like your groceries.

Bro, were talking Chicago. The stop and frisk was in New York and it blew up in their faces badly. It got that Jacka$$ who's mayor now put into office.

They used stop and frisk in Chicago and Baltimore, the Mayor talked about it in a press conference where she said they were confiscating guns a a rate of one per hour. Not sure how long that went on but if guns weren't being channeled back in, which I'm sure they are with a slightly higher price, these shootings wouldn't be able to continue.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/24/15 02:22 PM

If we had better gun control laws and harsher penalties for the people illegally redistributing them she'd still be alive. She's not the first child to be claimed by stray bullets. I'm sure no one there is getting drugs from the source either. They have to be imported and trafficked to their destinations. Synthetic and chemically processed drugs are obtained from outside the US, with the exception of meth and pharmaceuticals.
Problem there is some people don't want any gun control or accountability for 'evidence' or the actions corrupt police take.
There are also sick people who enjoy watching the country rip itself to shreds. They are ignorant enough to believe that things like this will never happen where they live, hurt or kill someone that they care about. They're wrong and they are outnumbered. The end of their ignorance won't be blissful.

Really? Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and also has one of the highest murder rates in the country as well.

Do the math. If they stop and frisk SEIZING the guns, they're gone right? Where did THAT gun come from??
Missed one, better frisk more thoro-- bang, 1 kid - 1 gun =3 guns? what Damnit. It's not one gun it's 10, 25, 309, frustrated

Perfect example of agency blunder: fast and furious
You can walk the streets with a 357 concealed and be legitimately missed. You can't do that with a shotgun or an AK. You can't do it with 1500 handguns either.

Let's say a legit owner of a legal weapon wants to sell it, needs the money and finds he can make a given price even if the gun isn't well maintained. He jumps on craigslist and starts making transactions - 5 a week. Itd take him 20 weeks to move 100, demand is high supply is good and he makes a profit. We both know he's now a criminal but how hard is it to find HIM? Not the victims, not the shooters, the trafficker? If you find one that's supplying handguns, if he wouldn't sell rifles or shotguns, you can bet somebody is but who? Where are they? How many of them are there?

Otherwise, how are these teens getting the guns? They're not ordering them from Glock or S&W. Just like Richard Matt and David Sweat, they had help from the outside.

'Stolen'... Any weapon that isn't in the possession of the legal owner is stolen. How many of these stolen guns were reported stolen and where are those reports? Fresh ink anyone? A stolen gun is a clean conscious jury conviction, adding to the criminality of someone they may otherwise see as non threatening. It's an easy excuse that people usually won't question.
As are behaviors induced by the recent synthetic drugs. They are sold in gas stations and tobacco stores, online... The government jumped to ban the Clemson university stuff, that was safe. It had almost 30 years of research behind it. Once they made a test that could find that, then legal,
signature chemists creating the stuff in labs
changed a few things around or blazed trails on new digitally refined clones of other drugs. No controlled laboratory tests, no research, for what? Who cares? The mother of the guy who had his face eaten in Florida by the man on bath salts. The government is way behind the learning curve. Stop synthetic mj but let the cocaine herion crack embalming fluid pcp and bath salts flow and let the zombie apocalypse begin.
The kid in Texas was high on something. Before all the 'designer drugs' and pharmaceuticals hit the market i I would have guessed pcp but nowadays you can't tell.

Blame....... Who for all these laboratory concoctions? Who for reselling, recycling, releasing all the guns, many made overseas : into certain areas? Who for taking jobs out of these areas? Who for incarceration for going on a third generation of who COULD have been good fathers but were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You today may not arrest or maximum sentence someone for their skin color but that affect over time is the result that you see. These kids aren't magicians, they can't MacGyver a Glock out of random scrap metal and plastic. They can't hocus pocus up a kilo of Bolivian snow either. There are established and maintained networks to channel contraband from global source to local markets just like your groceries.

Bro, were talking Chicago. The stop and frisk was in New York and it blew up in their faces badly. It got that Jacka$$ who's mayor now put into office.

They used stop and frisk in Chicago and Baltimore, the Mayor talked about it in a press conference where she said they were confiscating guns a a rate of one per hour. Not sure how long that went on but if guns weren't being channeled back in, which I'm sure they are with a slightly higher price, these shootings wouldn't be able to continue.

anyone say Eric Holder?

germanchoclate1981's photo
Mon 08/24/15 03:44 PM
Can't change local laws, can't choose a judge, can't pick a prosecutor, can't fabricate witness or evidence, can't pick jurors, can't change their votes, can't fund legal defense. It's part of conducting the office of U.S. Attorney General honorably, you can't break any laws in the pursuit of justice even if someone else has.
Sold any t-shirts?

no photo
Mon 08/24/15 03:49 PM

If we had better gun control laws and harsher penalties for the people illegally redistributing them she'd still be alive. She's not the first child to be claimed by stray bullets. I'm sure no one there is getting drugs from the source either. They have to be imported and trafficked to their destinations. Synthetic and chemically processed drugs are obtained from outside the US, with the exception of meth and pharmaceuticals.
Problem there is some people don't want any gun control or accountability for 'evidence' or the actions corrupt police take.
There are also sick people who enjoy watching the country rip itself to shreds. They are ignorant enough to believe that things like this will never happen where they live, hurt or kill someone that they care about. They're wrong and they are outnumbered. The end of their ignorance won't be blissful.

Really? Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and also has one of the highest murder rates in the country as well.

Do the math. If they stop and frisk SEIZING the guns, they're gone right? Where did THAT gun come from??
Missed one, better frisk more thoro-- bang, 1 kid - 1 gun =3 guns? what Damnit. It's not one gun it's 10, 25, 309, frustrated

Perfect example of agency blunder: fast and furious
You can walk the streets with a 357 concealed and be legitimately missed. You can't do that with a shotgun or an AK. You can't do it with 1500 handguns either.

Let's say a legit owner of a legal weapon wants to sell it, needs the money and finds he can make a given price even if the gun isn't well maintained. He jumps on craigslist and starts making transactions - 5 a week. Itd take him 20 weeks to move 100, demand is high supply is good and he makes a profit. We both know he's now a criminal but how hard is it to find HIM? Not the victims, not the shooters, the trafficker? If you find one that's supplying handguns, if he wouldn't sell rifles or shotguns, you can bet somebody is but who? Where are they? How many of them are there?

Otherwise, how are these teens getting the guns? They're not ordering them from Glock or S&W. Just like Richard Matt and David Sweat, they had help from the outside.

'Stolen'... Any weapon that isn't in the possession of the legal owner is stolen. How many of these stolen guns were reported stolen and where are those reports? Fresh ink anyone? A stolen gun is a clean conscious jury conviction, adding to the criminality of someone they may otherwise see as non threatening. It's an easy excuse that people usually won't question.
As are behaviors induced by the recent synthetic drugs. They are sold in gas stations and tobacco stores, online... The government jumped to ban the Clemson university stuff, that was safe. It had almost 30 years of research behind it. Once they made a test that could find that, then legal,
signature chemists creating the stuff in labs
changed a few things around or blazed trails on new digitally refined clones of other drugs. No controlled laboratory tests, no research, for what? Who cares? The mother of the guy who had his face eaten in Florida by the man on bath salts. The government is way behind the learning curve. Stop synthetic mj but let the cocaine herion crack embalming fluid pcp and bath salts flow and let the zombie apocalypse begin.
The kid in Texas was high on something. Before all the 'designer drugs' and pharmaceuticals hit the market i I would have guessed pcp but nowadays you can't tell.

Blame....... Who for all these laboratory concoctions? Who for reselling, recycling, releasing all the guns, many made overseas : into certain areas? Who for taking jobs out of these areas? Who for incarceration for going on a third generation of who COULD have been good fathers but were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You today may not arrest or maximum sentence someone for their skin color but that affect over time is the result that you see. These kids aren't magicians, they can't MacGyver a Glock out of random scrap metal and plastic. They can't hocus pocus up a kilo of Bolivian snow either. There are established and maintained networks to channel contraband from global source to local markets just like your groceries.

Bro, were talking Chicago. The stop and frisk was in New York and it blew up in their faces badly. It got that Jacka$$ who's mayor now put into office.

They used stop and frisk in Chicago and Baltimore, the Mayor talked about it in a press conference where she said they were confiscating guns a a rate of one per hour. Not sure how long that went on but if guns weren't being channeled back in, which I'm sure they are with a slightly higher price, these shootings wouldn't be able to continue.

It would be great to get all the guns from these really would. Then when they switch to knives.. clear the communities of all of those to. then Louisville slugger baseball bats ect, ect.

Work your way down to where entire communities are stripped of anything that can be used as a possible weapon... Child proof them.. from adults.

Your blaming a piece of material for what a human mind decides it will do with that piece of material.

Let me ask you a simple question.

When a thug slips a stolen or illegal gun under his shirt and walks out the door.. what is his reasoning for doing that?. What is his intension for having that gun.

who put the gun in his belt?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/24/15 03:58 PM

Can't change local laws, can't choose a judge, can't pick a prosecutor, can't fabricate witness or evidence, can't pick jurors, can't change their votes, can't fund legal defense. It's part of conducting the office of U.S. Attorney General honorably, you can't break any laws in the pursuit of justice even if someone else has.
Sold any t-shirts?

i guess thats how all the guns slated for melting wound up in the mexican cartel hands, everyone doing their job legally... whoa

no photo
Mon 08/24/15 03:59 PM
Let me ask you a simple question.
I bet you wont get a simple, or coherent, answer laugh

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/24/15 04:10 PM

Let me ask you a simple question.
I bet you wont get a simple, or coherent, answer laugh

or anything that relates to the question...

no photo
Mon 08/24/15 04:16 PM
I know Lol...

but I just had to throw it out there anyway because I wanted to hear more about the zombies

germanchoclate1981's photo
Mon 08/24/15 06:36 PM

If we had better gun control laws and harsher penalties for the people illegally redistributing them she'd still be alive. She's not the first child to be claimed by stray bullets. I'm sure no one there is getting drugs from the source either. They have to be imported and trafficked to their destinations. Synthetic and chemically processed drugs are obtained from outside the US, with the exception of meth and pharmaceuticals.
Problem there is some people don't want any gun control or accountability for 'evidence' or the actions corrupt police take.
There are also sick people who enjoy watching the country rip itself to shreds. They are ignorant enough to believe that things like this will never happen where they live, hurt or kill someone that they care about. They're wrong and they are outnumbered. The end of their ignorance won't be blissful.

Really? Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and also has one of the highest murder rates in the country as well.

Do the math. If they stop and frisk SEIZING the guns, they're gone right? Where did THAT gun come from??
Missed one, better frisk more thoro-- bang, 1 kid - 1 gun =3 guns? what Damnit. It's not one gun it's 10, 25, 309, frustrated

Perfect example of agency blunder: fast and furious
You can walk the streets with a 357 concealed and be legitimately missed. You can't do that with a shotgun or an AK. You can't do it with 1500 handguns either.

Let's say a legit owner of a legal weapon wants to sell it, needs the money and finds he can make a given price even if the gun isn't well maintained. He jumps on craigslist and starts making transactions - 5 a week. Itd take him 20 weeks to move 100, demand is high supply is good and he makes a profit. We both know he's now a criminal but how hard is it to find HIM? Not the victims, not the shooters, the trafficker? If you find one that's supplying handguns, if he wouldn't sell rifles or shotguns, you can bet somebody is but who? Where are they? How many of them are there?

Otherwise, how are these teens getting the guns? They're not ordering them from Glock or S&W. Just like Richard Matt and David Sweat, they had help from the outside.

'Stolen'... Any weapon that isn't in the possession of the legal owner is stolen. How many of these stolen guns were reported stolen and where are those reports? Fresh ink anyone? A stolen gun is a clean conscious jury conviction, adding to the criminality of someone they may otherwise see as non threatening. It's an easy excuse that people usually won't question.
As are behaviors induced by the recent synthetic drugs. They are sold in gas stations and tobacco stores, online... The government jumped to ban the Clemson university stuff, that was safe. It had almost 30 years of research behind it. Once they made a test that could find that, then legal,
signature chemists creating the stuff in labs
changed a few things around or blazed trails on new digitally refined clones of other drugs. No controlled laboratory tests, no research, for what? Who cares? The mother of the guy who had his face eaten in Florida by the man on bath salts. The government is way behind the learning curve. Stop synthetic mj but let the cocaine herion crack embalming fluid pcp and bath salts flow and let the zombie apocalypse begin.
The kid in Texas was high on something. Before all the 'designer drugs' and pharmaceuticals hit the market i I would have guessed pcp but nowadays you can't tell.

Blame....... Who for all these laboratory concoctions? Who for reselling, recycling, releasing all the guns, many made overseas : into certain areas? Who for taking jobs out of these areas? Who for incarceration for going on a third generation of who COULD have been good fathers but were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You today may not arrest or maximum sentence someone for their skin color but that affect over time is the result that you see. These kids aren't magicians, they can't MacGyver a Glock out of random scrap metal and plastic. They can't hocus pocus up a kilo of Bolivian snow either. There are established and maintained networks to channel contraband from global source to local markets just like your groceries.

Bro, were talking Chicago. The stop and frisk was in New York and it blew up in their faces badly. It got that Jacka$$ who's mayor now put into office.

They used stop and frisk in Chicago and Baltimore, the Mayor talked about it in a press conference where she said they were confiscating guns a a rate of one per hour. Not sure how long that went on but if guns weren't being channeled back in, which I'm sure they are with a slightly higher price, these shootings wouldn't be able to continue.

It would be great to get all the guns from these really would. Then when they switch to knives.. clear the communities of all of those to. then Louisville slugger baseball bats ect, ect.

Work your way down to where entire communities are stripped of anything that can be used as a possible weapon... Child proof them.. from adults.

Your blaming a piece of material for what a human mind decides it will do with that piece of material.

Let me ask you a simple question.

When a thug slips a stolen or illegal gun under his shirt and walks out the door.. what is his reasoning for doing that?. What is his intension for having that gun.

who put the gun in his belt?

The kid does. A few reasons, they've been threatened by someone else who may have a gun, to shoot someone OR just incase something happens to them like the 1 instance anyone has seen (Nationally on video) in Ferguson of any black teen pulling a gun out.

no photo
Mon 08/24/15 06:48 PM

If we had better gun control laws and harsher penalties for the people illegally redistributing them she'd still be alive. She's not the first child to be claimed by stray bullets. I'm sure no one there is getting drugs from the source either. They have to be imported and trafficked to their destinations. Synthetic and chemically processed drugs are obtained from outside the US, with the exception of meth and pharmaceuticals.
Problem there is some people don't want any gun control or accountability for 'evidence' or the actions corrupt police take.
There are also sick people who enjoy watching the country rip itself to shreds. They are ignorant enough to believe that things like this will never happen where they live, hurt or kill someone that they care about. They're wrong and they are outnumbered. The end of their ignorance won't be blissful.

Really? Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and also has one of the highest murder rates in the country as well.

Do the math. If they stop and frisk SEIZING the guns, they're gone right? Where did THAT gun come from??
Missed one, better frisk more thoro-- bang, 1 kid - 1 gun =3 guns? what Damnit. It's not one gun it's 10, 25, 309, frustrated

Perfect example of agency blunder: fast and furious
You can walk the streets with a 357 concealed and be legitimately missed. You can't do that with a shotgun or an AK. You can't do it with 1500 handguns either.

Let's say a legit owner of a legal weapon wants to sell it, needs the money and finds he can make a given price even if the gun isn't well maintained. He jumps on craigslist and starts making transactions - 5 a week. Itd take him 20 weeks to move 100, demand is high supply is good and he makes a profit. We both know he's now a criminal but how hard is it to find HIM? Not the victims, not the shooters, the trafficker? If you find one that's supplying handguns, if he wouldn't sell rifles or shotguns, you can bet somebody is but who? Where are they? How many of them are there?

Otherwise, how are these teens getting the guns? They're not ordering them from Glock or S&W. Just like Richard Matt and David Sweat, they had help from the outside.

'Stolen'... Any weapon that isn't in the possession of the legal owner is stolen. How many of these stolen guns were reported stolen and where are those reports? Fresh ink anyone? A stolen gun is a clean conscious jury conviction, adding to the criminality of someone they may otherwise see as non threatening. It's an easy excuse that people usually won't question.
As are behaviors induced by the recent synthetic drugs. They are sold in gas stations and tobacco stores, online... The government jumped to ban the Clemson university stuff, that was safe. It had almost 30 years of research behind it. Once they made a test that could find that, then legal,
signature chemists creating the stuff in labs
changed a few things around or blazed trails on new digitally refined clones of other drugs. No controlled laboratory tests, no research, for what? Who cares? The mother of the guy who had his face eaten in Florida by the man on bath salts. The government is way behind the learning curve. Stop synthetic mj but let the cocaine herion crack embalming fluid pcp and bath salts flow and let the zombie apocalypse begin.
The kid in Texas was high on something. Before all the 'designer drugs' and pharmaceuticals hit the market i I would have guessed pcp but nowadays you can't tell.

Blame....... Who for all these laboratory concoctions? Who for reselling, recycling, releasing all the guns, many made overseas : into certain areas? Who for taking jobs out of these areas? Who for incarceration for going on a third generation of who COULD have been good fathers but were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You today may not arrest or maximum sentence someone for their skin color but that affect over time is the result that you see. These kids aren't magicians, they can't MacGyver a Glock out of random scrap metal and plastic. They can't hocus pocus up a kilo of Bolivian snow either. There are established and maintained networks to channel contraband from global source to local markets just like your groceries.

Bro, were talking Chicago. The stop and frisk was in New York and it blew up in their faces badly. It got that Jacka$$ who's mayor now put into office.

They used stop and frisk in Chicago and Baltimore, the Mayor talked about it in a press conference where she said they were confiscating guns a a rate of one per hour. Not sure how long that went on but if guns weren't being channeled back in, which I'm sure they are with a slightly higher price, these shootings wouldn't be able to continue.

It would be great to get all the guns from these really would. Then when they switch to knives.. clear the communities of all of those to. then Louisville slugger baseball bats ect, ect.

Work your way down to where entire communities are stripped of anything that can be used as a possible weapon... Child proof them.. from adults.

Your blaming a piece of material for what a human mind decides it will do with that piece of material.

Let me ask you a simple question.

When a thug slips a stolen or illegal gun under his shirt and walks out the door.. what is his reasoning for doing that?. What is his intension for having that gun.

who put the gun in his belt?

The kid does. A few reasons, they've been threatened by someone else who may have a gun, to shoot someone OR just incase something happens to them like the 1 instance anyone has seen (Nationally on video) in Ferguson of any black teen pulling a gun out.

So they walk out the door with a illegal or stolen gun ( committing a crime right there) with the intent of using it.. which by the way is a felony

Who is responsible for those choices that were made?... to take the gun out.. to use the gun. Is it the police?. the government?, the white community?


germanchoclate1981's photo
Mon 08/24/15 07:52 PM
Where was the gun stolen from? What State? No National database, no answer, no accountability. I'll tell you where they didn't steal it from, between the fruit loops and the apple jacks. It's also a felony to premeditate shooting someone with a legal gun.

Rest in peace Louisiana State Trooper Steven Vincent. Vincent was murdered while responding to a disabled truck in a ditch when the driver opened the door and shot him in the head with a sawed off shotgun. Good Samaritans took down 54 year old Kevin Daigle who was standing over Trooper Vincent telling him he would die soon. After disarming Daigle they used Vincents cuffs to restrain him before using the radio to call for help. It was later established that Diagle's roommate was dead at his home and the truck was reportedly driving recklessly belonged to the deceased.