Topic: If life gives you..... | |
dont get black & blue... fighting about
if life gives you bogus directions ? |
ask death for a map...
if life doesn't give you GPS... |
give taxi driver an address...
if life gives you sleepless nights ? |
Sit up and play games on mingle
If life gives you a phone call..... |
Answer the phone.
If life gives you a blackout..... |
Light candles
If life puts obstacles in your way.... |
Go over, around, or through them!
If life shows you your purpose.... |
do everything to fulfil it
if life takes you away from were you are now |
Adjust and make the best of it
If life gives you two options ..... |
Wait for the third..
If life gives you a trade.. |
Then I'd consider myself 'blessed'
If life gives you a thousand reasons to cry... |
Let it out.. and then heal...
If life gives you three scoops of raisins in a package of Kellogg's Raisin Bran.. |
...kill them with a flyswatter...
If life puts cream in your coffee... |
give it to someone else
i live gives you snow???? |
...shovel that ****.
If life melts your ice cream.. |
pour it in your fruit loops
if life gives you jimmies |
...throw them in your Fruit Loops and ice cream...
If life makes you go to work... |
Be grateful you have a job to go to
If life breaks your heart..... |
Find someone who won't.
When life puts you under the weather... |
...ride out the storm.
If life winks at you.... |