Topic: If life gives you..... | |
give it away to orphanages and hospitals if life gives you sleepless nights |
Sleep when you can.
When life gangs up on you....... |
stand your ground
when life builds you an ice fortress.. |
Let it go, let it go! The cold never bothered me anyway!
If life sends an amazing person into your life..... |
Cherish them...
If life keeps knocking you down..... |
Take my hand. I'll help you up.
If life reverses course..... |
Hold on and see where it goes
If life antagonizes you..... |
Don't back down.
If life keeps stalking you.... |
Tell it to pi** off...
If life keeps you awake..... |
Sic your dog on it so you can sleep!
When life gives you a hug.... |
Hold on tight.....
If life gives you love..... |
Spread it around.
If life spanks you...... |
Ask for
If life makes you cry....... |
I'll dry your tears.
If life gives you a break..... |
enjoy it
if life gives you chocolates |
nom nom nom...
if life gives you your favorite dessert... |
Thank your grandmother.. (she made the best pies in the world!)
If life gives you yet ANOTHER day below zero..?! |
Bundle up!
When life gives you a hat trick..... |
pull a pinkbunny from the hat....
if life gives you soggy french fries ? |
...throw em in the deep fryer for one minute....
If life looks white and gold.... |