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Topic: Online Dating...The Hard Part
leander67's photo
Wed 07/02/14 08:57 AM
For me personally; online dating has not been kind to me. Not that I have experienced anything terribly traumatizing, like a stalker, or a serial killer. But just many fake profiles. Who end up being from Nigeria, or Ghana...

Now and days I try not to get too interested in a pretty picture and a well polished profile, because people are never who they claim to be. The internet is a fantastic tool to be something or someone you are not.

Which brings me to my discussion how can you tell when a person is being real and sincere when you talk to them and try to get to know them online?

Beachfarmer's photo
Wed 07/02/14 09:03 AM
<-------has never had any introductions without "the forums" as the catalyst.

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Wed 07/02/14 09:07 AM
The internet can be a great deciever. Even though I've dated a few men from this site, I'm starting to consider whether dating sites are really for me anymore. I always feel not that enthused about it. I can take it or leave it. And I think getting too excited about it, can be the worst thing you can do to yourself, because there's a lot of liars about.

no photo
Wed 07/02/14 09:08 AM

<-------has never had any introductions without "the forums" as the catalyst.

Roger that....

metalwing's photo
Wed 07/02/14 09:17 AM

<-------has never had any introductions without "the forums" as the catalyst.

It works best that way.

soufiehere's photo
Wed 07/02/14 09:20 AM

<-------has never had any introductions without "the forums" as the catalyst.

It works best that way.


MariahsFantasy's photo
Wed 07/02/14 09:20 AM
Before dating sites were a big thing I remember in the mid 90s we had online chat rooms, those were swell. Had a good run until we discovered more than half were escorts on the take. Every insecure person has been on a dating site at one point, if anything just to manipulate the system. They don't really work if you're the real deal, but they are magically delicious if you're a pathological liar. bigsmile

Thomas27's photo
Wed 07/02/14 09:25 AM

Before dating sites were a big thing I remember in the mid 90s we had online chat rooms, those were swell. Had a good run until we discovered more than half were escorts on the take. Every insecure person has been on a dating site at one point, if anything just to manipulate the system. They don't really work if you're the real deal, but they are magically delicious if you're a pathological liar. bigsmile


2469nascar's photo
Wed 07/02/14 11:00 AM
Edited by 2469nascar on Wed 07/02/14 11:58 AM

<-------has never had any introductions without "the forums" as the catalyst.

no photo
Wed 07/02/14 11:12 AM

Which brings me to my discussion how can you tell when a person is being real and sincere when you talk to them and try to get to know them online?

I think it takes a lot of communication to get to know someone, either online or in person. A fake will slip up eventually and you can usually catch it and sense something is off. I also think the forums are the perfect place for getting to know someone. Sometimes that too can be a mask, so I think trusting your gut instincts is a must, as they are usually right in the end.

no photo
Wed 07/02/14 11:27 AM

<-------has never had any introductions without "the forums" as the catalyst.

It works best that way.



gibbs1602's photo
Wed 07/02/14 11:50 AM

<-------has never had any introductions without "the forums" as the catalyst.

It works best that way.



Ditto..........the above!

no photo
Thu 07/03/14 05:43 AM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Thu 07/03/14 05:44 AM

Which brings me to my discussion how can you tell when a person is being real and sincere when you talk to them and try to get to know them online?

You can't tell when a person is being real and sincere if your communication is strictly online.

Heck, you can't even tell when somebody's being real and sincere face to face until you get to know them through various types of experiences together.

As far as the online dating world goes... as a woman I was surprised shocked to discover that men actually beg women for love and financial support online using all kinds of crocodile tear stories.

But that was a sure give away they are just scammers because all the men I've ever associated with in person know better than to come off at me as being needy before they hook me. laugh

It's like when we're newbies we are being scaled and appraised for what players think they can get out of us. And I guess there are some women who are needy enough to fall for the schemes and fork over money.

The only thing I ever give away willingly is my time and artistic expressionism. :tongue:

I'm curious though... if women on these dating sites beg men for money, love and marriage with sob stories too?

no photo
Thu 07/03/14 06:54 AM
The hard part is knowing some of the great guys are living so far away.....then realizing that some are just next door....

no photo
Thu 07/03/14 07:12 AM
hello am very very happy to se you in this site u look like the girl i won marri and am soo in love for you babe

MariahsFantasy's photo
Thu 07/03/14 08:09 AM
Some of the best people are far away. It's that excitement in learning about their diversity that makes them really great.

ShyandBlue's photo
Thu 07/03/14 09:00 AM
for me I've learned that hot girls that have only one pic on their profile are %99 fake, it's against nature for a beautiful woman to post only one pic of her, if she knows she's such a good looking girl she would post more than one.
I also experienced few girls here that after I messaged her I have received such a long letter so fast, you knew it was copy and paste and it was very much well thought of to be written so fast.
if I see a phone number or an email on the profile I ignore it's either fake or definitely one I don't want to date
I also ask them to email me some pictures if they're fake our conversation ends right there cause I simply don't get a reply
so this way I never have to get to the dating stage if it's really fake

as for fake guys I'd think much the same here but also their intention
if it's a guy that asks you for nude pics than if he's not a fake you still don't want to talk to such a guy
anything they ask you before even meeting you would raise an eyebrow
wedding offers online, ya right, if you fell for it you deserve it!!!
in general fake people wont be able to provide many pictures of themselves, ask for some and see what answer you'll get this is the best fastest way.

TBRich's photo
Thu 07/03/14 09:06 AM

hello am very very happy to se you in this site u look like the girl i won marri and am soo in love for you babe

Wow, I am gonna cut and paste this on all my e-mails!

I have gone out with both women from the forums and women I cold e-mailed. I find the cold calls work out better.

ShyandBlue's photo
Thu 07/03/14 09:39 AM

for me I've learned that hot girls that have only one pic on their profile are %99 fake, it's against nature for a beautiful woman to post only one pic of her, if she knows she's such a good looking girl she would post more than one.
fake how? if I was a scammer, I would steal a bouquet of pics to put in my profile rather than just one. that wont make it more real.

Not really Klc today you can actually find out on Google if the pic is from the Internet or not, that alone tells me right out if it's fake.

ShyandBlue's photo
Thu 07/03/14 09:44 AM

for me I've learned that hot girls that have only one pic on their profile are %99 fake, it's against nature for a beautiful woman to post only one pic of her, if she knows she's such a good looking girl she would post more than one.
fake how? if I was a scammer, I would steal a bouquet of pics to put in my profile rather than just one. that wont make it more real.

Not really Klc today you can actually find out on Google if the pic is from the Internet or not, that alone tells me right out if it's fake.
I saw that on catfish. still, having only one pic isnt what falsifies. its the fact that its a stolen pic. be it one or many. I guess i just dont get it why one pic means she's fake.

Not all but with women it's only natural for you girls to show your beauty if you are just that beautiful, just doesn't make sense that a gorgeous girl would post only one pic
other profiles are a different story but I was aiming on those profiles with a model like pics

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