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Topic: revised, revamped and redirected
kc0003's photo
Sat 03/29/14 09:05 AM
after far too long i figured it was time for a fresh coat of paint and a new approach. ahhhh, how liberating!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 03/29/14 09:24 AM

no photo
Sat 03/29/14 09:37 AM

after far too long i figured it was time for a fresh coat of paint and a new approach. ahhhh, how liberating!

You golf swing.
Your left foot looks a little to much off the floor.
Try slowing your swing a little next time you practice.
For instance, if you swing at 80% now, try 75% next time.

Most impotant of all, ignore all advice and just enjoy the game:wink:

I've been playing since I was 14, I'm no tiger but I'm not bad either.

pkh's photo
Sat 03/29/14 09:38 AM
Love it Kevin though the 83 gets me every time

soufiehere's photo
Sat 03/29/14 09:55 AM
Nice :-)

(Did I miss the part about your enduring love
for the moderators?)

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/29/14 09:57 AM

hi (K)...waving

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/29/14 10:02 AM

You golf swing.
Your left foot looks a little to much off the floor.
Try slowing your swing a little next time you practice.
For instance, if you swing at 80% now, try 75% next time.

Most impotant of all, ignore all advice and just enjoy the game:wink:

I've been playing since I was 14, I'm no tiger but I'm not bad either.

good eye on the foot...though it is but a fraction of what is wrong with my swing. oh well, can't let that get in the way of enjoying the game.

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/29/14 10:03 AM

Love it Kevin though the 83 gets me every time

ha! not to worry, it soon will change. (damn calenders keep turning don't they?)

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/29/14 10:04 AM

Nice :-)

(Did I miss the part about your enduring love
for the moderators?)


did i leave that out?
guess i'll catch that in three years when i revise again.

no photo
Sat 03/29/14 10:45 AM
I Love your profile. :thumbsup: So much better than most I have seen. My favorites of the poetry is *I Should Learn To Write* and *Desire*

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/29/14 11:08 AM

I Love your profile. :thumbsup: So much better than most I have seen. My favorites of the poetry is *I Should Learn To Write* and *Desire*

awwww, thank you...

no photo
Sat 03/29/14 11:56 AM
well done kc.. *insert applause*.. well worth the read!! :thumbsup:

by the way.. are you, perchance, still accepting applications??? :wink:

soufiehere's photo
Sat 03/29/14 11:58 AM

Nice :-)

(Did I miss the part about your enduring love
for the moderators?)


did i leave that out?
guess i'll catch that in three years when i revise again.

You're 83.
You think you have the 3 left?

no photo
Sat 03/29/14 11:59 AM
Hey you've given me an idea.
I think I'll revamp mine but mention poop in some way.
I may finally get some attention:tongue:

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/29/14 12:02 PM

well done kc.. *insert applause*.. well worth the read!! :thumbsup:

by the way.. are you, perchance, still accepting applications??? :wink:

well i haven't gotten any as of yet, (maybe the mail is running slow today) so yes! :banana:

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/29/14 12:03 PM

Nice :-)

(Did I miss the part about your enduring love
for the moderators?)


did i leave that out?
guess i'll catch that in three years when i revise again.

You're 83.
You think you have the 3 left?

i'm counting on life support to get me there.

kc0003's photo
Sat 03/29/14 12:06 PM

Hey you've given me an idea.
I think I'll revamp mine but mention poop in some way.
I may finally get some attention:tongue:

dammit! i forgot the (apparently) popular insertion of poop (topic)...oh wow, that came out wrong. aaand so did that.

just let me know how that works for you.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 03/29/14 01:07 PM

hi (K)...waving

waving it and yes I read the whole thing...... made me smile...bigsmile laugh :thumbsup:

soufiehere's photo
Sat 03/29/14 01:28 PM

Hey you've given me an idea.
I think I'll revamp mine but mention poop in some way.
I may finally get some attention:tongue:

Like a ..warning?

I won't poop at your place
if you don't poop at mine.
I'll hold it til a purple face
is all I leave behind.

Of course, it just might kill me
butt what a way to go
your excuse, endlessly
'I never thought she'd blow!'

no photo
Sat 03/29/14 02:12 PM

well done kc.. *insert applause*.. well worth the read!! :thumbsup:

by the way.. are you, perchance, still accepting applications??? :wink:

well i haven't gotten any as of yet, (maybe the mail is running slow today) so yes! :banana:

great!! :banana: so.. where do I get an application?? spock

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