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Topic: Depression??....The truth comes out
Jess642's photo
Thu 09/13/07 01:56 AM
:wink: I figured you were...and chilies for worms...laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 09/13/07 01:58 AM
gnite everyone.....my cat is calling me to my bed.....damn them !!!!grumble grumble grumble laugh laugh laugh

Jess642's photo
Thu 09/13/07 01:59 AM

Mandie44105's photo
Fri 09/14/07 05:36 AM
I am in NO means putting people down for it.. but read the question this supposed person is not medicating it.. well ya know what its like having a headache don't ***** to me if you won't take tylenol or SOMETHING.. if your sick GET HELP.. and/or stay OUT of MY LIFE.. I have fought TOOO damn hard to get my life where it is today and I have survived what TO ME is worse than cancer.. Mental Health is NO joke but it also isnt an excuse to sit on your ass and take prozac, zoloft,paxil, welbutrin,seroquel,desyrl,lithium OR WHATEVER and NOT DO SOMETHING ELSE.. Medication doesn't treat it, it suppresses it in order for you to attempt to have a normal life and hopefully in doing so SEEK HELP TO FIX THE PROBLEM... THATS MY ISSUE with Mental Illness..

HillFolk's photo
Fri 09/14/07 06:10 AM
Suzy, my son was on phenylbarbitol and dilantin for his epilepsy. His doctor changed it ritylin and finally to tegretol. Finally, the tegretol worked great. Doctor told him to take it when he needed it. I was lucky that my daughter missed the epilepsy. It was strange that it went from father to daughter to son. Freaked me out first time my wife was driving the car and she had a seizure. I was glad my dad had taught me how to switch passengers while driving 55 miles a hour without stopping the car. He had taught my sister and me how to do that in case the driver had a heart attack. Lucky we were going through town when she had the seizure and she was only driving 35 miles per hour. First time my son had a grand mal I leanred how to lay him on his side so that he didn't swallow his tongue. Doctor told us to never put our fingers in his mouth when he had the seizures. I just about lost him one time when he was drunk; on drugs and having a grand mal at the same time. That time pretty much cured him from huffing and he gave up the drinking, too.

no photo
Fri 09/14/07 07:41 AM
Same with my sis and brother, they both have epilepsy as well, runs in my family, though it tends to skip around. My sister and brother, 2 of my cousins, one uncle and my grandmother, that I know of. The doctors say my sister's and brother's kids will probably be ok, but I'll have to watch my son. And, it's adolescent onset, so I'm coming up there :) I thank God my sister and brother never had a grand mal in a dangerous situation, both of them only at home. They have had petit mal in some not so great situations, but no one ever got hurt.

And, it's Suz or Suzanne, thanks! I hate Suzi, pet peeve of mine bigsmile

creationsfire's photo
Fri 09/14/07 07:48 AM
This thread is why I don't date anymore. Why I stopped looking for a mate.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Fri 09/14/07 08:35 AM
Depression has affected us all at one time or another in our
lives. Some of us are hit harder by it than others.

If someone is shallow enough to dump a person who suffers from depression or is on meds- they are pathetic and you don't need
them to begin with.

Believe me- even people who think they have never had depression- Have had it...

ImWhtUWnt19's photo
Fri 09/14/07 10:11 AM
Depression I realized is when the truth relly comes out...I think Id know because thats when I found out the peron I thought I could trust widd my life was cheatin on me and using me to get to another person

Mandie44105's photo
Mon 09/17/07 09:15 AM
Ms Teddybear...you claim those of us shallow and all that but you don't even know what you are talking about.... SOME of us have suffered from depression and THAT more than anything is why I WOULD not date someone who is an UN-MEDICATED, closet case depressive.. Ya know people whine and complain WAY TO MUCH, you may call me cold hearted and WHATEVER truth of the matter is.. life has always dealt ****ty hands to me.. and somehow through the GRACE and LOVE Of God, I have recovered, and MOVED ON... but those who would rather NOT help themselves and just take pills or drink or whatever to suppress it WILL NEVER recover.. they will continue to wallow in their OWN self pity...I learned a valuable lesson years ago.. stop blaming others and REALIZE in EVERY situation that happens to you AT THE VERY LEAST 1% of it is YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT... you might not want to believe that but if people started doing a little less crying and a little more self evaluation. Then perhaps we wouldnt be a world full of miserable people.. GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND MAKE YOUR LIFE HAPPEN STOP WATCHING OTHERS, DO IT FOR YOURSELF....and THEN when you fall, if you fall, you will have something REAL to cry about and something REAL to grown from.. I agree some people need some medicines but its a REHABILITATION method NOT a way of just suppressing your TRUE emotions and problems for the rest of your lives.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 09/17/07 09:21 AM
Mandi dear...
I was'nt talking about Physcopaths...
I was talking about depression.
FYI I am well aquainted with depression.

Lisa1961's photo
Mon 09/17/07 09:35 AM
I believe if a person is taking thier medication as prescribed, if they are being a proactive patient and do what they can for thier diagnosis, then there is nothing wrong w/ getting involved in a relationship ....

iRon's photo
Mon 09/17/07 10:10 AM
I see depression as a medical issue while there mental is effected it comes back to a treatable and manageable medical issue. Would anyone treat or feel different toward someone with diabetes, cancer or fiber Malaga.

The answer comes down to how we may feel about dealing with a medical issue of any kind. Some would say hell know and run and if that is who they are, that’s cool. If we can deal with the issues at hand then we should accept the person for who they are and if we choose to love them, then so be it.

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 10:23 AM
Of course I would continue dating the person! Would you stop dating someone just because they had diabetes or a heart condition???

morethanjust_janedoe's photo
Mon 09/17/07 11:14 AM
it depends on you and how much affect their depression has on you and your relationship.

no photo
Mon 09/17/07 11:34 AM
I can go on and on about depression but they were pretty much posted here....depression is a "real' thing....and NOT an easy thing to go through...i have gone thru it and some of my family have gone thru it too..its not easy and support is really important....if i was in love with this person..i would try my best to support him..:heart:

no photo
Thu 09/20/07 10:31 AM
wow.I was with my girlfriend for 14 years she was diagnosed with depression. 3 years ago she attempted suicide , trying to overdose on pills .Iwas heading to kmart about half way there i decided to turn around and go home.when i got home she was laying in the bed and asked me if i would help her go to the bathroom,i noticed she didnt sound right upon talking with her some more i noticed her speech was slurred i kept asking her what was wrong and she told me that she had taken a whole bottle of prescription meds i called 911 immediately and they dispatched an ambulance ,took her to the hospital they didnt know what she had taken and the police kept calling me to find out after they had admitted her to intensive care i finally got it out of her.she had kept this bottle locked up for 3 years, the doctor later told me that she had 15 minutes at life left had i not called 911. well her parents blamed me.one day while giving my son a hug at bed time i noticed his door was locked i reached arond him under his pillow to give him a hug g nite and my hand brushed something under his pillow ..it was his BB gun i asked him what it was doing there and he said he was keeping it there because he was afraid mommy was going to try and kill him too he was 10 at the time. Still blaming me for her attempted suicide her parents kicked my son and I out from the house we were renting from them.So if anyone wants to blame me go ahead im pretty much use to it,just remember you werent there

creationsfire's photo
Thu 09/20/07 01:05 PM
I could go on and on, having had to deal with MI problems all my life. What I've read from some of the posters who have closed minds, selfrightous attitudes and judge all people with MI by the actions of a small few are cold hearted Azzes.

From the posters who have seen through that and are supportive, thanks you. Your hearts are warm and forgiving, understanding and kind.

Like I posted before: This is topic is exactly why I have chosen not to date anymore until I find someone who can accept me for who I am. I can't believe some of the negativity and hostility of some people who judge so vehmently due to the actions of a few, and not look at the whole picture. The hype about people with MI is cruel and disrespectful to us as a whole and I think it just f**cking stinks.

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Thu 09/20/07 02:51 PM
I would say as long as she's trying to help herself and not put it all on you don't worry yourself about it. If you care for her then keep caring. Nothing helps depression like not feeling alone.
<<< Knows this topic quite well.

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