Topic: Depression??....The truth comes out
Motevia's photo
Wed 09/12/07 08:25 AM
Thank you for the wonderful comment, iam4u. It makes me feel a lot better to hear support like that. Today has been one of my "up" days.

There are days when I feel like just balling up in a blanket and sleeping until I feel better. On those days, I just want someone to bring me some ice cream and tell me what they're going through. I'll admit that I am self-absorbed a great deal of the time, but that doesn't mean I don't care about those around me. In fact, I've sacrificed a lot for those I've cared about. It's come back to bite me in the end, but I'm still alive. The way I see my life is that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I want to be self-sufficient. My current boyfriend has been wanting to help me financially, but that's not what I want. I want to help myself and help other people. I know my healing has to come from the inside. I'm always there for my friens when they need me- no matter if I'm having a "high" or "low" day. It also helps to have a good piece of literature by me at all times to help me clear negative thoughts. Yay for Edgar Allen Poe!

HillFolk's photo
Wed 09/12/07 03:30 PM
My ex suffered from deep depression. She was very strong willed; Had a lot of common sense and always kept the house looking nice. She was a great mother; Went to church regularly and was a very social person. She is still professional in her job; Not lazy but she could get withdrawn. The prozac turned her into a zombie. When she didn't have it she went into withdrawals. It was like she didn't have any feelings at all. I believe she was on the wrong medication. I have noticed where I work the difference between a resident who is on the right medication and the ones who are not. They just act differently. The ones who are not on the right medications even display the symptoms of the dementia they are diagnosed with.

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 03:57 PM
You're right Hillfolk. Different people respond differently to different medications, what might work great for one person can have no effect or bad effects on someone else. Sometimes, people just need to keep trying different things until they find what works for them.

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 07:05 PM
dude run like the wind and don't look back you've been warned

Marie55's photo
Wed 09/12/07 09:55 PM
I see a lot of you talking about different types of depression, situational, chronic, manic/bipolar, all different types of depression and have different treatments. Some are easier to live with than others. Situational, like when you lose a loved one, then eventually you go back to being normal. Chronic is one that lingers for months/years or a lifetime, who knows what started it. Manic/bipolar is a much harder to deal with. Possibly helped with medications but it is a struggle for them. I am sure there are others I am missing.

I have battled depression most of my life starting in childhood. I tried different meds, but had side effects, so I used counseling/groups and that helped. I never missed a day of work because of it, have worked 1-1/2 jobs for the last 27 years and raised a daughter by myself since she was 5. I don't like to see people with depression labeled as bad or unable to function.

If you care about the person, and she is working to control her depression, I wouldn't run away from her. I am not so sure that depression is incurable, under the right circumstances, with support, the right combination of therapy and maybe medication, I have seen people cured.

sweetcountrygirl1982's photo
Wed 09/12/07 10:26 PM
I only have one comment to make

I know this isn't going to mean much to most of you cuz you don't know me well yet and it's coming from myself, but here goes anyway...

I am suffing from depression, and I only have a problem with one thing that was said. I don't remember who said it, nor do I care to remember...

I'm not completely self obsorbed or self centered, in my friendships or any other relationship...I always try to put other before me. Like Motevia, I'm also always there for my friends when they need someone to talk to. And no matter my mood I always try to put my boyfriends' wants and needs above my own.

Yes, it is tring at times, but I don't think everyone should automatically run from relationships involving someone who is suffering from depression.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 09/12/07 10:34 PM
i should not matter
would u stop dating somebody just because he/she has allergies?

YeaBigsexy's photo
Wed 09/12/07 10:42 PM
((((((((((((((((((WHAT THE F!CK?)))))))))))))))))))))))))
That kind of question is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have a (relationship) with someone and then they tell you
they suffer from depression.And then you ask should i stay with them??????Thats the most F!CKED UP THING IVE EVER HEARD!!!
Even if it is hypothetical!!!!!!!!
No wonder people are f!cked up!!Im sorry but thats just being an assh0le.people get depressed from things just like this!!!
Sorry but that makes me mad!!!!
Nobodies perfect and so cast the first stone!!
mad mad

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 09/12/07 10:45 PM
i agree with u big
but why the heck u have to come across all the time with those terms.

YeaBigsexy's photo
Wed 09/12/07 10:46 PM
Sorry!!!I just like to get my point across!!

Marie55's photo
Wed 09/12/07 11:00 PM
Thank you BigSexy and Walker. Having depression does not make you deformed, it can make it difficult at times, but if you you care about the person you help them the best you can, and if the person is working on helping themselves, then it is workable. There are times when it does get to be too much, and just is not fixable due to overwhelming issues.

I figure no one is perfect and if you love someone, you love their flaws too.

YeaBigsexy's photo
Wed 09/12/07 11:11 PM

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 11:15 PM
so basically you are saying that people should accept and deal with it???

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 11:16 PM
I can agree to a point.....but if they go crazy nuts violent then Im freaking out of there......

YeaBigsexy's photo
Wed 09/12/07 11:18 PM
You are crazy nuts babygirl!!!
laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 11:20 PM
Im not crazy nuts......Im slightly eclectic!!!laugh laugh laugh

YeaBigsexy's photo
Wed 09/12/07 11:20 PM
Your fun sized!!!

Marie55's photo
Wed 09/12/07 11:21 PM
To a point, there are degrees of depression and different types and medications. If the person is in control of their depression, then there should not be a major problem. After all, he said they were dating and then SHE TOLD HIM SHE WAS IN A DEPRESSION - he did not notice it, so she was obviously dealing with it pretty well.

I am not saying put your life or sanity in danger, heck no. There are exceptions of course. I am not talking about severe mental illness which is not just depression, like schizophrenia. And bipolar disease is very hard for people to control and that is up to the people involved to decide how they want to deal with it.

I am just saying, that all depressed people shouldn't be labeled as lepers and dysfunctional because they are in a depression.

no photo
Wed 09/12/07 11:24 PM
I swear most of my friends were on prozzac put everyone on antidepressants and Ive been on them myself as well......I suffer from depression!!! who knew??? hmmmmmmm but I havent been on them for a long time.....mostly because Im too lazy to go to the docs~

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 09/12/07 11:26 PM