Topic: hidden racism continues..
msharmony's photo
Fri 10/25/13 04:04 AM

Just because of the name of this thread I wanted to say that sometimes racism isn't so secret. Like when I found out the KKK has a website. I was surprised. Almost as surprised as when I found out NAMBLA has a website. lol

I never would have thought a pro-pedophile site would actually get made. But they used to also have a magazine. So I guess it shouldn't be to surprising. It would be much more surprising if they actually listed the names of all their members on the site and gave addresses. It would be like drawing a bull eye on your head and handing someone a hunting rifle. hahaha

that's freedom of speech working, and ID much rather know they are there ,, less surprises that way honestly

I think hidden racism is often more frustrating than those who are upfront and honest with it,, at least you know where they stand so you can avoid them,,,lol

izzyphoto1977's photo
Fri 10/25/13 11:11 AM

Just because of the name of this thread I wanted to say that sometimes racism isn't so secret. Like when I found out the KKK has a website. I was surprised. Almost as surprised as when I found out NAMBLA has a website. lol

I never would have thought a pro-pedophile site would actually get made. But they used to also have a magazine. So I guess it shouldn't be to surprising. It would be much more surprising if they actually listed the names of all their members on the site and gave addresses. It would be like drawing a bull eye on your head and handing someone a hunting rifle. hahaha

that's freedom of speech working, and ID much rather know they are there ,, less surprises that way honestly

I think hidden racism is often more frustrating than those who are upfront and honest with it,, at least you know where they stand so you can avoid them,,,lol

Or maybe plot to mess them up. hahaha

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/25/13 12:05 PM

Just because of the name of this thread I wanted to say that sometimes racism isn't so secret. Like when I found out the KKK has a website. I was surprised. Almost as surprised as when I found out NAMBLA has a website. lol

I never would have thought a pro-pedophile site would actually get made. But they used to also have a magazine. So I guess it shouldn't be to surprising. It would be much more surprising if they actually listed the names of all their members on the site and gave addresses. It would be like drawing a bull eye on your head and handing someone a hunting rifle. hahaha

that's freedom of speech working, and ID much rather know they are there ,, less surprises that way honestly

I think hidden racism is often more frustrating than those who are upfront and honest with it,, at least you know where they stand so you can avoid them,,,lol

Looked in a mirror lately?

izzyphoto1977's photo
Fri 10/25/13 12:17 PM

Just because of the name of this thread I wanted to say that sometimes racism isn't so secret. Like when I found out the KKK has a website. I was surprised. Almost as surprised as when I found out NAMBLA has a website. lol

I never would have thought a pro-pedophile site would actually get made. But they used to also have a magazine. So I guess it shouldn't be to surprising. It would be much more surprising if they actually listed the names of all their members on the site and gave addresses. It would be like drawing a bull eye on your head and handing someone a hunting rifle. hahaha

that's freedom of speech working, and ID much rather know they are there ,, less surprises that way honestly

I think hidden racism is often more frustrating than those who are upfront and honest with it,, at least you know where they stand so you can avoid them,,,lol

Looked in a mirror lately?

Every time I wash my hands after using the toilet. But that's only because the mirror is over the sink. lol

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/25/13 12:40 PM
Keep the posts on the topic and NOT on each other


willowdraga's photo
Fri 10/25/13 12:59 PM
And Harmony, you have to remember that some are taught what they are taught isn't racist so they really do not believe that they are racist. They just think people are using it to push buttons. They can't see it.

There are those who veil it but most white racists who know they are racist spout it off pretty proudly usually. They like that they are and feel truly superior to anyone who isn't white, straight or their religion.

This president has shown us the true racist core in this country. Of course, they don't consider themselves racist though again so if you call them that they will not look to themselves as racist, they will look outside themselves for the reasons they feel the way they do.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/25/13 01:12 PM

Just because of the name of this thread I wanted to say that sometimes racism isn't so secret. Like when I found out the KKK has a website. I was surprised. Almost as surprised as when I found out NAMBLA has a website. lol

I never would have thought a pro-pedophile site would actually get made. But they used to also have a magazine. So I guess it shouldn't be to surprising. It would be much more surprising if they actually listed the names of all their members on the site and gave addresses. It would be like drawing a bull eye on your head and handing someone a hunting rifle. hahaha

that's freedom of speech working, and ID much rather know they are there ,, less surprises that way honestly

I think hidden racism is often more frustrating than those who are upfront and honest with it,, at least you know where they stand so you can avoid them,,,lol

Looked in a mirror lately?

IM pretty straight forward with what I think,, its why peoples panties get all in a bunch when I try to discuss race or race relations,,,,

but yeah,, I do look in the mirror,,

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/25/13 01:14 PM

And Harmony, you have to remember that some are taught what they are taught isn't racist so they really do not believe that they are racist. They just think people are using it to push buttons. They can't see it.

There are those who veil it but most white racists who know they are racist spout it off pretty proudly usually. They like that they are and feel truly superior to anyone who isn't white, straight or their religion.

This president has shown us the true racist core in this country. Of course, they don't consider themselves racist though again so if you call them that they will not look to themselves as racist, they will look outside themselves for the reasons they feel the way they do.

don't I know it,, IM reminded everyday,, not just in these threads,, but out in life

things people say around me feeling 'comfortable',, that Im one of the exceptions,,,lol

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 10/25/13 01:14 PM

And Harmony, you have to remember that some are taught what they are taught isn't racist so they really do not believe that they are racist. They just think people are using it to push buttons. They can't see it.

There are those who veil it but most white racists who know they are racist spout it off pretty proudly usually. They like that they are and feel truly superior to anyone who isn't white, straight or their religion.

This president has shown us the true racist core in this country. Of course, they don't consider themselves racist though again so if you call them that they will not look to themselves as racist, they will look outside themselves for the reasons they feel the way they do.

Yeah, and some liberal Democrats have been taught to see racism where there isn't any. They have been brain-washed into seeing non-existing racism, and they can't see that they have been brain-washed.


If you are going to keep presenting a non-falsifiable hypothesis, then don't be surprised if someone else does the same thing in opposition to what you are doing.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 10/25/13 01:21 PM

And Harmony, you have to remember that some are taught what they are taught isn't racist so they really do not believe that they are racist. They just think people are using it to push buttons. They can't see it.

There are those who veil it but most white racists who know they are racist spout it off pretty proudly usually. They like that they are and feel truly superior to anyone who isn't white, straight or their religion.

This president has shown us the true racist core in this country. Of course, they don't consider themselves racist though again so if you call them that they will not look to themselves as racist, they will look outside themselves for the reasons they feel the way they do.

99% who hate him,hate him because he is the biggest Bumbler-President in the History of the US,,not because of his color,he even putting Peanut-Jimmy to shame,and that takes some doing!!
If the Liberals didn't scream Racism anytime someone criticizes Obama,they would have to face the reality of his Incompetence,which means that their House of Cards will collapse!!

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/25/13 01:27 PM
some people do some of everything

some hate OBama for doing the same things as other presidents before him did without earning the same type of hatred

SOME have that hypocritical and extreme difference in PERSONAL VIRULENCE Against him, with the only difference being his RACE

,,if that reality causes some to become defensive,, perhaps they should do some inner soul searching as to why....

just a suggestion

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 10/25/13 01:36 PM

some people do some of everything

some hate OBama for doing the same things as other presidents before him did without earning the same type of hatred

SOME have that hypocritical and extreme difference in PERSONAL VIRULENCE Against him, with the only difference being his RACE

,,if that reality causes some to become defensive,, perhaps they should do some inner soul searching as to why....

just a suggestion


What other president criticized conservatives as bitterly clinging to their guns and Bibles?

What other president has told people who started their own businesses "You didn't build that"?

What other president signed into law legislation that had absolutely no bipartisan support?

What other president keeps promoting legislation that has cost people their insurance policies?

Have you really eliminated the possibility that something other than racism is driving the opposition to President Obama's policies?

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 10/25/13 01:48 PM

some people do some of everything

some hate OBama for doing the same things as other presidents before him did without earning the same type of hatred

SOME have that hypocritical and extreme difference in PERSONAL VIRULENCE Against him, with the only difference being his RACE

,,if that reality causes some to become defensive,, perhaps they should do some inner soul searching as to why....

just a suggestion


What other president criticized conservatives as bitterly clinging to their guns and Bibles?

What other president has told people who started their own businesses "You didn't build that"?

What other president signed into law legislation that had absolutely no bipartisan support?

What other president keeps promoting legislation that has cost people their insurance policies?

[Have you really eliminated the possibility that something other than racism is driving the opposition to President Obama's policies?

To admit that would be tantamount to waking up!

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/25/13 02:33 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 10/25/13 02:35 PM

some people do some of everything

some hate OBama for doing the same things as other presidents before him did without earning the same type of hatred

SOME have that hypocritical and extreme difference in PERSONAL VIRULENCE Against him, with the only difference being his RACE

,,if that reality causes some to become defensive,, perhaps they should do some inner soul searching as to why....

just a suggestion


What other president criticized conservatives as bitterly clinging to their guns and Bibles?

What other president has told people who started their own businesses "You didn't build that"?

What other president signed into law legislation that had absolutely no bipartisan support?

What other president keeps promoting legislation that has cost people their insurance policies?

Have you really eliminated the possibility that something other than racism is driving the opposition to President Obama's policies?

what other president criticized single mothers as being 'welfare queens driving cadillacs'? the American hero , Reagan

what other presidential candidate has said that those who support OBama,, 47percent of AMERICANS,, are victims dependent upon government with a sense of entitlement? Romney,,

what president passed civil rights act with NO SUPPORT From southern republicans? President Johnson

what president promoted legislation that put black males in jail at disproportionate rates? Ronald Reagan, war on drugs

as I was saying though,, through the tit for tat, I can find similar 'offenses' whatever you name,, and yet for those Presidents I don't feel HATRED

and for those who feel a similar HATRED for those Presidents , I have respect for their consistency

and those who don't HATE the others for their policies and choices, I will continue to charge with hypocrisy and very likely racism,,since the only difference between the men being compared is their RACE

are you eliminating the possibility that many reasons INCLUDING Racsim drives the opposition to this president? but mostly racism drives the HATRED (personal vitriol) for this president?

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 10/25/13 02:50 PM

some people do some of everything

some hate OBama for doing the same things as other presidents before him did without earning the same type of hatred

SOME have that hypocritical and extreme difference in PERSONAL VIRULENCE Against him, with the only difference being his RACE

,,if that reality causes some to become defensive,, perhaps they should do some inner soul searching as to why....

just a suggestion


What other president criticized conservatives as bitterly clinging to their guns and Bibles?

What other president has told people who started their own businesses "You didn't build that"?

What other president signed into law legislation that had absolutely no bipartisan support?

What other president keeps promoting legislation that has cost people their insurance policies?

Have you really eliminated the possibility that something other than racism is driving the opposition to President Obama's policies?

what other president criticized single mothers as being 'welfare queens driving cadillacs'? the American hero , Reagan

what other presidential candidate has said that those who support OBama,, 47percent of AMERICANS,, are victims dependent upon government with a sense of entitlement? Romney,,

what president passed civil rights act with NO SUPPORT From southern republicans? President Johnson

what president promoted legislation that put black males in jail at disproportionate rates? Ronald Reagan, war on drugs

as I was saying though,, through the tit for tat, I can find similar 'offenses' whatever you name,, and yet for those Presidents I don't feel HATRED

and for those who feel a similar HATRED for those Presidents , I have respect for their consistency

and those who don't HATE the others for their policies and choices, I will continue to charge with hypocrisy and very likely racism,,since the only difference between the men being compared is their RACE

are you eliminating the possibility that many reasons INCLUDING Racsim drives the opposition to this president? but mostly racism drives the HATRED (personal vitriol) for this president?

You are claiming that "mostly racism drives the HATRED (personal vitriol) for this president", but you are not doing a good job of proving it.

It is one thing to point out the falseness of false claims about President Obama's background ... as I keep doing.

It is another thing to try to assign "racism" as the cause of opposition to President Obama, because doing so is an attempt to judge the heart.

If you want everyone to believe your claim of racism, then you'd help your cause if you'd admit that there are legitimate reasons to object to President Obama's policies.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/25/13 03:02 PM

some people do some of everything

some hate OBama for doing the same things as other presidents before him did without earning the same type of hatred

SOME have that hypocritical and extreme difference in PERSONAL VIRULENCE Against him, with the only difference being his RACE

,,if that reality causes some to become defensive,, perhaps they should do some inner soul searching as to why....

just a suggestion


What other president criticized conservatives as bitterly clinging to their guns and Bibles?

What other president has told people who started their own businesses "You didn't build that"?

What other president signed into law legislation that had absolutely no bipartisan support?

What other president keeps promoting legislation that has cost people their insurance policies?

Have you really eliminated the possibility that something other than racism is driving the opposition to President Obama's policies?

what other president criticized single mothers as being 'welfare queens driving cadillacs'? the American hero , Reagan

what other presidential candidate has said that those who support OBama,, 47percent of AMERICANS,, are victims dependent upon government with a sense of entitlement? Romney,,

what president passed civil rights act with NO SUPPORT From southern republicans? President Johnson

what president promoted legislation that put black males in jail at disproportionate rates? Ronald Reagan, war on drugs

as I was saying though,, through the tit for tat, I can find similar 'offenses' whatever you name,, and yet for those Presidents I don't feel HATRED

and for those who feel a similar HATRED for those Presidents , I have respect for their consistency

and those who don't HATE the others for their policies and choices, I will continue to charge with hypocrisy and very likely racism,,since the only difference between the men being compared is their RACE

are you eliminating the possibility that many reasons INCLUDING Racsim drives the opposition to this president? but mostly racism drives the HATRED (personal vitriol) for this president?

You are claiming that "mostly racism drives the HATRED (personal vitriol) for this president", but you are not doing a good job of proving it.

It is one thing to point out the falseness of false claims about President Obama's background ... as I keep doing.

It is another thing to try to assign "racism" as the cause of opposition to President Obama, because doing so is an attempt to judge the heart.

If you want everyone to believe your claim of racism, then you'd help your cause if you'd admit that there are legitimate reasons to object to President Obama's policies.

as I have said already,, perhaps not clearly enough

there are those with legitimate and CONSISTENT opposition to presidential policy or decisions REGARDLESS OF THE PRESIDENT

that includes this administration

there are others who seem to have inconsistent and hypocritical opposition to presidential policy where the only difference is race,, which leads me to believe they are racist

and those who have an actual seemingly PERSONAL HATRED for the man, that they haven't had for other Presidents merely over a disagreement in policy,, which leads me to also believe, being that the only difference is the race, they are driven by RACISM

no , I cant prove anyones heart, I cant prove, for instance , that a man who constantly hits and cheats on his women hates women,, but I can have a REASONABLE belief he might, not being able to 'prove his heart' and all,,

d24's photo
Fri 10/25/13 04:18 PM
Just cause someone doesn't like Obamas policys don't make them bigoted. How do you explain the supporters of him in the first election. Now changing their minds. If they were racist they would not have voted for him regardless. I really hate bringing this up because it's a rhetorical question and I'm not a liberal Democrat so I always try to not use loaded questions.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 10/25/13 04:53 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 10/25/13 04:55 PM

some people do some of everything

some hate OBama for doing the same things as other presidents before him did without earning the same type of hatred

SOME have that hypocritical and extreme difference in PERSONAL VIRULENCE Against him, with the only difference being his RACE

,,if that reality causes some to become defensive,, perhaps they should do some inner soul searching as to why....

just a suggestion


What other president criticized conservatives as bitterly clinging to their guns and Bibles?

What other president has told people who started their own businesses "You didn't build that"?

What other president signed into law legislation that had absolutely no bipartisan support?

What other president keeps promoting legislation that has cost people their insurance policies?

Have you really eliminated the possibility that something other than racism is driving the opposition to President Obama's policies?

what other president criticized single mothers as being 'welfare queens driving cadillacs'? the American hero , Reagan

what other presidential candidate has said that those who support OBama,, 47percent of AMERICANS,, are victims dependent upon government with a sense of entitlement? Romney,,

what president passed civil rights act with NO SUPPORT From southern republicans? President Johnson

what president promoted legislation that put black males in jail at disproportionate rates? Ronald Reagan, war on drugs

as I was saying though,, through the tit for tat, I can find similar 'offenses' whatever you name,, and yet for those Presidents I don't feel HATRED

and for those who feel a similar HATRED for those Presidents , I have respect for their consistency

and those who don't HATE the others for their policies and choices, I will continue to charge with hypocrisy and very likely racism,,since the only difference between the men being compared is their RACE

are you eliminating the possibility that many reasons INCLUDING Racsim drives the opposition to this president? but mostly racism drives the HATRED (personal vitriol) for this president?

So all that you have shown is that the 2 party system is prone to corruption and vice and could care less about the peoples opinion on anything.

Your messiah is the worst of the bunch, he has declared the American public, its service personnel and veterans as terrorists because they oppose his policy.

No other POTUS has ever played the the race card, or been black, but this dimwit is abusing the privilege and bringing shame and division among ALL minority peoples, even foreigners.

His legacy....

1st to spy on ALL Americans
1st to claim the right to kill Americans without due process
Did so to a 17 yr old on foreign soil
Targeted opposition party with alphabet agencies
Subverted investigations of his past as well as recent scandals
Raised taxes while destroying jobs
Rules by edict
Bypasses congress
unconstitutionally exempts some from laws, but not all
Appoints tzars to head depts while congress is still in session
Expands, not ends, policies he swore while campaigning would be his first official act
Sat on the UN while serving as POTUS....serving 2 masters (3 actually.... none of which are the American public)?
Broken every campaign promise that got him elected
Stained the Nobel prize with the blood of innocents
Apologized for American superiority
Bowed to a foreign dictator
Is costing millions of Americans their healthcare and jobs
and every day it seems there is something new!

This narcissist is not racist, he's a bigot, unprincipled, divisive, unqualified, apologetic, delusional, aanti-American and hates everyone but his financial backers ..... mainly Soros and Ayres.... 2 anti-American socialists by self proclaimation!

What's not to disagree with?

Oh, but I'm just racist!

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 10/25/13 08:31 PM
and those who have an actual seemingly PERSONAL HATRED for the man, that they haven't had for other Presidents merely over a disagreement in policy,, which leads me to also believe, being that the only difference is the race, they are driven by RACISM

Apparently, you never noticed all of the PERSONAL HATRED that plenty of liberal Democrats had for President GWB when he was in the Oval Office, hatred that they didn't have for other Presidents merely over a disagreement in policy.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/26/13 03:17 AM

Just cause someone doesn't like Obamas policys don't make them bigoted. How do you explain the supporters of him in the first election. Now changing their minds. If they were racist they would not have voted for him regardless. I really hate bringing this up because it's a rhetorical question and I'm not a liberal Democrat so I always try to not use loaded questions.

frustrated frustrated frustrated

I never said not liking his policies makes someone a bigot

I said the HYPCRISY of PERSONAL HATRED for him allegedly for policies that other presidents also supported without evoking the same PERSONAL HATRED towards them,,,,is PROBABLY racist in nature

IM also not talking about mere support or non support, I didn't support Bush, but I also don't and didn't HATE him

that passionate of an emotion towards one you don't personally know, signals some other underlying cause to me,, and in this case, the most apparent cause would be race,,,