Topic: Michael Vicks plea bargain
s1owhand's photo
Wed 08/22/07 03:13 AM
ha ha Dayv - the chew toys are apparently on sale now.
somebody is going to make a mint!!

oldsage's photo
Wed 08/22/07 03:25 AM
With lose of contract, attorney's fees, fines, things bought on credit; bet he files bankruptcy & is broke.
When will they learn.

cajunwhitetiger's photo
Wed 08/22/07 04:50 AM
he should get his full sentence. 2. he should be banned from the nfl for life. what he did was not called for at all. he is respenting the nfl and he let alot of his fans down. (no i am not one them GEAUX SAINTS ). but still alot of people look up to him.

no photo
Wed 08/22/07 06:38 AM
they should make him clean dog kennels with just his bare hands as part of his sentence!!!!

Lakeman's photo
Wed 08/22/07 10:51 PM
There's some real justice...they are going to kill the 50 dogs that were taken from the property if nobody claims them. Who in there right mind would come forward to claim them!!!
The dogs now will die. I thought that this was the crime!! Killing dogs. Now the courts will kill them all.

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 08/23/07 03:59 PM
The courts aren't the ones in charge of killing them, its the Human Society's decision, and known fighting dogs cannot be placed in a home, ie, it can't be adopted. Its a horrible fate, but those who controlled the dog fighters knew that, and it makes them even sicker than people first thought. :angry:

Redmond2007's photo
Thu 08/23/07 05:05 PM
Michael Vick has never been charged with any prior crimes.
he,s donated millions of dollars and time to charities.
He,s beloved in his home state of Virginia.
And he,s tossed himself upon the mercy of the people.
Jail time is not likely.

Does anyone recall the name Scooter Libby?
What he did was far worst!

willy_cents's photo
Thu 08/23/07 05:23 PM
and Hitler was loved by the germans. and he poured money into youth look where he ended up. Not to campare Vick to hitler, just the same line of reasoning

Redmond2007's photo
Thu 08/23/07 07:59 PM
No its not.
Hitler was the author of the holocast which destoyed a generations of jewish people and any of race that opposed him.

Michael Vick did not!

It would not serve Justice to send him to jail.

The fine, community service at some public kennel and a healthy donation to the animal rights people will do.

willy_cents's photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:09 PM
I respectfully disagree with no jail time. What would they do to one of us in the same situation. Probably a year or so in jail, a fine, community service, probation ...he deserves no more and no less than what any one else would do. Sad thing is.he will probably never play in the NFL again due to loss of skils while he is sitting benind bars.

Redmond2007's photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:14 PM
I don,t think his lawyer would have advised to take a plead that involved jail time.

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:15 PM it will not do!! This dog killer must make his ammends for what he did to those dogs. The dead ones, as well as the live ones. These poor dogs came into a life worthy of living to a life of pain and death. These dogs can never be placed in a loving home. They are trained and abused into a world of mean.

I could care a damm whether he was the most wondeful player in the world. He should not be allowd to re inter any game again. He needs to be punished for all who looked up to him to see.

I am sick and tired of people with money or stardom being let off what others would have to pay for.

Feel sorry for him!!?? He was responsible for murdering dogs! Torture and running an illegal activity. He has showed me and many more that he is not a man, rather than, a sick, greedy,horrible person of the lowest kind. People who abuse animals usually abuse people.

He should get time for each animal individually, that was killed and all that will be put to death because of him and his cohorts.
With the kind of money he has made, he will never be broke. But, I wish he would lose all of it, and have to pay exuberant amounts of money to humane society's and animal rescue farms all over. I feel better knowing that usually if someone is found guilty they can never own another animal again. Any animal.

What difference does it make whether he killed people or dogs? They are both lives, breath, hearts, feelings, and God given.


willy_cents's photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:17 PM
my opinion of lawyers...he must be about out of money so they advised him to take whatever to cut their losses. With the other three going to rat on him, I think he pead to keep from getting deeper in the doodoo. His begger concern now might be the charges the state could file against him, and you know they will

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:18 PM
i actually think the lawyer advised a plea because they think they would get a lighter jail sentence then if some of the facts that the prosecutors had collected came to light before a jury. even if he gets jail time it's not likely to be more than a year.

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:19 PM
the feds usually persuade the state to not prosecute when they cut a plea deal on a federal case but i don't think this guy is going to do that. i think he has an election coming up or something.

willy_cents's photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:20 PM
I agree with king...not more than a year in the fed I said..give him what any one of us would get...and for scctr..there is a difference between killing dogs and ppl...both are morally wrong, but, life without parole for a dog?

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:20 PM
It isn't known whether the stae will file yet, but they should. I guess it depends on if they really want to make an example of him. Let's not forget about his buddies... they ratted on him. Wonder if they got off because they did? Plea bargains should be outlawed too.

willy_cents's photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:21 PM
never been in the fed court so I rally do not know. I suspect that because of the media blitz on this the local guy will do something to get his name on the news

Redmond2007's photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:21 PM
scttrbrain, I agree his misjudged actions are horrible.
But not worthy of jail time.

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 08/23/07 08:24 PM
It wasn't A was several. And we will never know how many. Not to mention, as we said...the numbers that will be put to daeth because of him.

I never mentioned death for him. I think he should get time, and I mean a few years, not one or two.

As for a difference in people and animals? Animals have as much right to life as we do. He was responsible for their lives. They deserved health and happiness.
