Topic: If Romney wins, who will move out of the country?
msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 12:55 PM

Lol keeps changing the story. No slavery in America but black. Then prove there was, then gets changed to it wasn't in the right time frame lol. Well my time frame is 10 days. There was no slavery of anyone is US history.

I have NEVER said there was no slavery in america,, but keep trying to distract, apparently the majority in this thread are on the distraction bandwagon

I can post it as simply as possible, ONE LAST TIME

THE PAST effects the present

a PAST of smoking a pack of cigs per day may have resulted in that lung cancer TODAY

a past of institional segregation and racism may have resulted in the disparity in opportunities TODAY

,, if people choose to remain ignorant to that, I dont really have much else I Can say

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Fri 10/12/12 12:59 PM

Lol keeps changing the story. No slavery in America but black. Then prove there was, then gets changed to it wasn't in the right time frame lol. Well my time frame is 10 days. There was no slavery of anyone is US history.

Don't forget that the story then changed to include rape victims...

Once proof was shown that others were treated the same, if not worse, than the "advocate", the topic then changed to rape victims and lung cancer...

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:01 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 10/12/12 01:02 PM

Lol keeps changing the story. No slavery in America but black. Then prove there was, then gets changed to it wasn't in the right time frame lol. Well my time frame is 10 days. There was no slavery of anyone is US history.

Don't forget that the story then changed to include rape victims...

Once proof was shown that others were treated the same, if not worse, than the "advocate", the topic then changed to rape victims and lung cancer...

the topic hasnt changed, the allegation was 'whining' and a comparison was made

and the who had it 'worst' continues to be a distraction as it has already been typed that even CHINESE have affirmative action in america

but , yall can argue amonst yourself, its obviously a lost cause

there should be no causes for anyone or any group because others somewhere have undoubtedly gone through worse and survived,,,

good luck living in that world,,,

willing2's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:02 PM

I'm still wondering why MH called me a racist?

I think it was the slavery remark because obviously only African Americans were ever slaves.

yeah, in AMERICAN history,, they primarely were

europeans came as indentured servants, fully capable of EARNING their rights and citizenship,and not generationally sold to the highest bidder decade after decade after decade, big difference there

but we can pretend a reference to slavery made towards a black person has NOTHING to do with their race,,,:wink:

No you just went straight to the race card. His point was that most countries don't just hand out citizenship unless people are claiming refugee status and slavery is one thing they would grant refugee status for.

lol,, ok,,,,

I see the claim of being a slave as an excuse almost every other post.

We are, I believe, the only country that accepts and pays refugees a monthly check to be here.

Any other country would demand any immigrants be able to support themselves.

Mexico is very intolerant of immigrants who want gov to help them.

Also. In Mexico, even an ex slave can't take any job that a Mexican can do.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:06 PM

I'm still wondering why MH called me a racist?

I think it was the slavery remark because obviously only African Americans were ever slaves.

yeah, in AMERICAN history,, they primarely were

europeans came as indentured servants, fully capable of EARNING their rights and citizenship,and not generationally sold to the highest bidder decade after decade after decade, big difference there

but we can pretend a reference to slavery made towards a black person has NOTHING to do with their race,,,:wink:

No you just went straight to the race card. His point was that most countries don't just hand out citizenship unless people are claiming refugee status and slavery is one thing they would grant refugee status for.

lol,, ok,,,,

I see the claim of being a slave as an excuse almost every other post.

We are, I believe, the only country that accepts and pays refugees a monthly check to be here.

Any other country would demand any immigrants be able to support themselves.

Mexico is very intolerant of immigrants who want gov to help them.

Also. In Mexico, even an ex slave can't take any job that a Mexican can do.

thats wonderful

Ive conceded, so long as someone has it worse somewhere, we should never 'whine' or even speak about anything that needs to be improved uupon

I am not a true follower of such a mindless philosophy, but I am also not fooolish enough to keep trying to explain the ridiculousness of it to others who are so eager to embrace and promote it,,,

willing2's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:09 PM

I'm still wondering why MH called me a racist?

I think it was the slavery remark because obviously only African Americans were ever slaves.

yeah, in AMERICAN history,, they primarely were

europeans came as indentured servants, fully capable of EARNING their rights and citizenship,and not generationally sold to the highest bidder decade after decade after decade, big difference there

but we can pretend a reference to slavery made towards a black person has NOTHING to do with their race,,,:wink:

No you just went straight to the race card. His point was that most countries don't just hand out citizenship unless people are claiming refugee status and slavery is one thing they would grant refugee status for.

lol,, ok,,,,

I see the claim of being a slave as an excuse almost every other post.

We are, I believe, the only country that accepts and pays refugees a monthly check to be here.

Any other country would demand any immigrants be able to support themselves.

Mexico is very intolerant of immigrants who want gov to help them.

Also. In Mexico, even an ex slave can't take any job that a Mexican can do.

thats wonderful

Ive conceded, so long as someone has it worse somewhere, we should never 'whine' or even speak about anything that needs to be improved uupon

I am not a true follower of such a mindless philosophy, but I am also not fooolish enough to keep trying to explain the ridiculousness of it to others who are so eager to embrace and promote it,,,

I'll ask it a different way.

As long as there are freebies in the US, who will move to another country.

Again. Why did you call me a racist?

Chazster's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:09 PM

Lol keeps changing the story. No slavery in America but black. Then prove there was, then gets changed to it wasn't in the right time frame lol. Well my time frame is 10 days. There was no slavery of anyone is US history.

I have NEVER said there was no slavery in america,, but keep trying to distract, apparently the majority in this thread are on the distraction bandwagon

I can post it as simply as possible, ONE LAST TIME

THE PAST effects the present

a PAST of smoking a pack of cigs per day may have resulted in that lung cancer TODAY

a past of institional segregation and racism may have resulted in the disparity in opportunities TODAY

,, if people choose to remain ignorant to that, I dont really have much else I Can say

I never said you claimed there was no slavery. I am only using your logic. See I am talking about the past 10 days. That is the American history I am referring to. There was no slavery then.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:10 PM
a past of institional segregation and racism may have resulted in the disparity in opportunities TODAY

Michael Jackson Net Worth: $1 Billion – As of 2011

Michael Jordan Net Worth: $500 Million As of 2012

Oprah Winfrey Net Worth: $2.7 billion As of 2012

Shall I go on?

Kobe Bryant Net Worth: $200 million As of 2012

Tiger Woods Net Worth: $600 million As of 2012

Jennifer Hudson Net Worth: $15 million As of 2012

Samuel L Jackson Net Worth: $150 million As of 2012

Halle Berry Net Worth: $70 million As of 2012

Robert Johnson Net Worth: $550 million As of 2012

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:10 PM

I'm still wondering why MH called me a racist?

I think it was the slavery remark because obviously only African Americans were ever slaves.

yeah, in AMERICAN history,, they primarely were

europeans came as indentured servants, fully capable of EARNING their rights and citizenship,and not generationally sold to the highest bidder decade after decade after decade, big difference there

but we can pretend a reference to slavery made towards a black person has NOTHING to do with their race,,,:wink:

No you just went straight to the race card. His point was that most countries don't just hand out citizenship unless people are claiming refugee status and slavery is one thing they would grant refugee status for.

lol,, ok,,,,

I see the claim of being a slave as an excuse almost every other post.

We are, I believe, the only country that accepts and pays refugees a monthly check to be here.

Any other country would demand any immigrants be able to support themselves.

Mexico is very intolerant of immigrants who want gov to help them.

Also. In Mexico, even an ex slave can't take any job that a Mexican can do.

thats wonderful

Ive conceded, so long as someone has it worse somewhere, we should never 'whine' or even speak about anything that needs to be improved uupon

I am not a true follower of such a mindless philosophy, but I am also not fooolish enough to keep trying to explain the ridiculousness of it to others who are so eager to embrace and promote it,,,

I'll ask it a different way.

As long as there are freebies in the US, who will move to another country.

Again. Why did you call me a racist?

I will move to another country as long as I see this one getting closer to a plutocracy/third world country with no middle class and only the haves and have nots

I didnt call you racist, I Said you are a master at racist inuendo,,,,

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:13 PM

Lol keeps changing the story. No slavery in America but black. Then prove there was, then gets changed to it wasn't in the right time frame lol. Well my time frame is 10 days. There was no slavery of anyone is US history.

I have NEVER said there was no slavery in america,, but keep trying to distract, apparently the majority in this thread are on the distraction bandwagon

I can post it as simply as possible, ONE LAST TIME

THE PAST effects the present

a PAST of smoking a pack of cigs per day may have resulted in that lung cancer TODAY

a past of institional segregation and racism may have resulted in the disparity in opportunities TODAY

,, if people choose to remain ignorant to that, I dont really have much else I Can say

I never said you claimed there was no slavery. I am only using your logic. See I am talking about the past 10 days. That is the American history I am referring to. There was no slavery then.

good for you,,,

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:13 PM
still waiting to see the disparity...

oh wait...

Unless you want to whine that a white man, Bill Gates... is the richest man in the world... Well then, you'd be wrong...

That title belongs to Carlos Slim Helu & family
Net Worth $69 B As of March 2012

By the way...

They are Mexicans...

Not white or black...

One up for the underdog!

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:14 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 10/12/12 01:15 PM

a past of institional segregation and racism may have resulted in the disparity in opportunities TODAY

Michael Jackson Net Worth: $1 Billion – As of 2011

Michael Jordan Net Worth: $500 Million As of 2012

Oprah Winfrey Net Worth: $2.7 billion As of 2012

Shall I go on?

Kobe Bryant Net Worth: $200 million As of 2012

Tiger Woods Net Worth: $600 million As of 2012

Jennifer Hudson Net Worth: $15 million As of 2012

Samuel L Jackson Net Worth: $150 million As of 2012

Halle Berry Net Worth: $70 million As of 2012

Robert Johnson Net Worth: $550 million As of 2012

and? for every list of ten you will be able to find a list of hundreds that are not black,,,,

thats called 'disparity'

people keep confusing 'individual' accomplishments and obstacles with



InvictusV's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:15 PM

My ancestors where either in Canada fleeing the Germans or (on my dad's side) fleeing the the wrath of our ancestors when one of us "went with a non-royal"...

So yeah, we were totally not to blame for slavery, period. We didn't even have a plantation, so I don't know why I have to work harder to support myself and my education when an African American my same age gets free rides.


wow, you folks are seriously duped

show me where you have to 'work' harder than an african american (of which I am one) and what 'free ride' my blackness affords me that INSTITUTIONALLY disadvantages another demographic,,,

again, I challenge you to find a statistic that backs up such ridiculous claims,,,,

and its not about 'blame' its about responsibility

there is no personal blame on any one in this thread for anything someone else did, but there is a COLLECTIVE effect that the us GOVERNMENTS policies has had leading to GLARING discrepancies across race lines in wealth, employment, education , and healthcare

which need to be addressed,,,

addressed how?

reform of the justice system, to make it more about crime and less about money

reform of the educational system, to make it more about quality and less about money

reform of the healthcare system,, well, thats already happening

reform of the 'credit' ranking system, so it is not so much about how much debt one stays on top of

,,to name a few

all the things that are so intertwined with money that make such large disparities Racially (due to the racial disparity in wealth that resulted from the years of institutional segregation and racism)

need to be revisited,

I agree with the justice system.. Poor people are going to jail for the same crimes rich people can pay a lawyer to get them out of..

With education... If you are disciplined and want to learn you can. We see many examples of poor people that overcame incredible odds to become successful. Clarence Thomas was the son of a sharecropper, who walked out on the family when Clarence was 2 years old..They lived in rural Georgia in a shack with dirt floors and no running water.

He survived the white liberal democrats racist assault during his supreme court confirmation hearings..

Unfortunately, because he is a conservative he is not looked up to by some in his own ethnic community.. He would probably lose a popularity contest to Suge Knight or Chris Brown..

But that is for someone else to sort out..

Healthcare isn't fixed.. The rich will still get better care and when caps are placed on medicaid and medicare doctors they will stop seeing patients. Then the lines will grow, quality of care will decline and the poor will be the ones on the outside looking in..

But that will be down the road..

The credit issue.. Don't really know where you are going with that.. There is CRA and Fannie and Freddie for home loans to the poor. There is a government lending agency for practically every possible business loan. The car companies and still lending to subprime buyers.

Be specific on that..

The less credit or smaller debt one has.. the better off they are in my opinion..

You can certainly blame banks for the subprime lending that led to the financial collapse, but no one pointed a gun to the borrowers head forcing them into a mortgage they knew they couldn't afford..

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:15 PM
and? for every list of ten you will be able to find a list of hundreds that are not black,,,,

thats called 'disparity'

Yeah, because they are Mexican, Chinese, Saudi, etc....

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:17 PM

My ancestors where either in Canada fleeing the Germans or (on my dad's side) fleeing the the wrath of our ancestors when one of us "went with a non-royal"...

So yeah, we were totally not to blame for slavery, period. We didn't even have a plantation, so I don't know why I have to work harder to support myself and my education when an African American my same age gets free rides.


wow, you folks are seriously duped

show me where you have to 'work' harder than an african american (of which I am one) and what 'free ride' my blackness affords me that INSTITUTIONALLY disadvantages another demographic,,,

again, I challenge you to find a statistic that backs up such ridiculous claims,,,,

and its not about 'blame' its about responsibility

there is no personal blame on any one in this thread for anything someone else did, but there is a COLLECTIVE effect that the us GOVERNMENTS policies has had leading to GLARING discrepancies across race lines in wealth, employment, education , and healthcare

which need to be addressed,,,

addressed how?

reform of the justice system, to make it more about crime and less about money

reform of the educational system, to make it more about quality and less about money

reform of the healthcare system,, well, thats already happening

reform of the 'credit' ranking system, so it is not so much about how much debt one stays on top of

,,to name a few

all the things that are so intertwined with money that make such large disparities Racially (due to the racial disparity in wealth that resulted from the years of institutional segregation and racism)

need to be revisited,

I agree with the justice system.. Poor people are going to jail for the same crimes rich people can pay a lawyer to get them out of..

With education... If you are disciplined and want to learn you can. We see many examples of poor people that overcame incredible odds to become successful. Clarence Thomas was the son of a sharecropper, who walked out on the family when Clarence was 2 years old..They lived in rural Georgia in a shack with dirt floors and no running water.

He survived the white liberal democrats racist assault during his supreme court confirmation hearings..

Unfortunately, because he is a conservative he is not looked up to by some in his own ethnic community.. He would probably lose a popularity contest to Suge Knight or Chris Brown..

But that is for someone else to sort out..

Healthcare isn't fixed.. The rich will still get better care and when caps are placed on medicaid and medicare doctors they will stop seeing patients. Then the lines will grow, quality of care will decline and the poor will be the ones on the outside looking in..

But that will be down the road..

The credit issue.. Don't really know where you are going with that.. There is CRA and Fannie and Freddie for home loans to the poor. There is a government lending agency for practically every possible business loan. The car companies and still lending to subprime buyers.

Be specific on that..

The less credit or smaller debt one has.. the better off they are in my opinion..

You can certainly blame banks for the subprime lending that led to the financial collapse, but no one pointed a gun to the borrowers head forcing them into a mortgage they knew they couldn't afford..

our credit system, which requires one to have credit to , for instance, rent a car

or which requires a credit record for major purchases like home and vehicle and even jobs now

but in order to have a credit record, one has to have accumulated 'bills' that they pay,, so those who dont wish to be tied to bills but to pay for the things they need, are screwed,,,,

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:18 PM

and? for every list of ten you will be able to find a list of hundreds that are not black,,,,

thats called 'disparity'

Yeah, because they are Mexican, Chinese, Saudi, etc....

no, for every list of ten affluent black people, you can find a list of hundreds who are WHITE

is that more specific?

thats called DISPARITY,,,,as mentioned before

Chazster's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:23 PM

and? for every list of ten you will be able to find a list of hundreds that are not black,,,,

thats called 'disparity'

Yeah, because they are Mexican, Chinese, Saudi, etc....

no, for every list of ten affluent black people, you can find a list of hundreds who are WHITE

is that more specific?

thats called DISPARITY,,,,as mentioned before

Same could very said for every other minority race. See a minority is a group of people that are less populous than other groups of people.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:25 PM

sorry that some "white" people actually work for their living and don't bother gleaning from the system...

As far as the black billionaires, they busted rear to get were they are. I don't think Oprah claimed "slavery" to become the world's most awesome woman... I think she used her brain God gave her and worked her way to the top.

The real billionaires did the work for themselves and didn't look for a hand out.

Regardless of their skin color.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:25 PM
IM talking about much more RECENT and CONTINUAL oppression

Continual oppression? Where?

That's the problem with your claim.

The playing field in the USA has been leveled; equal opportunity exists.
However, equal opportunity does not guarantee results, which is what you assume will be the outcome of equal opportunity.

Thus, when you don't see equal results, you claim that someone succeeded because that person had some kind of unfair advantage.

You also assume that hard work is all that is necessary for economic success. Well, that's not true. One has to make wise decisions and to take risks as well as work hard in order to reach the top of the economic ladder. If a person works hard, but also makes foolish decisions, then that person will remain on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.

Granted, the USA's economic system isn't perfect, and elderly minority citizens experienced ethnic/racial discrimination during the previous century, but we are living in the 21st Century now. Social conditions in the USA have changed significantly, and yet you act as if we are still living in the 1960s.

Sure, you can go live in another nation where you can pursue the equal results that you want. However, there will be a price to pay.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:26 PM

and? for every list of ten you will be able to find a list of hundreds that are not black,,,,

thats called 'disparity'

Yeah, because they are Mexican, Chinese, Saudi, etc....

no, for every list of ten affluent black people, you can find a list of hundreds who are WHITE

is that more specific?

thats called DISPARITY,,,,as mentioned before

Same could very said for every other minority race. See a minority is a group of people that are less populous than other groups of people.

I completely understand what 'minority' means, and the disparity goes further than the numbers suggest they SHOULD

so the age old excuse of it just being about the numbers doesnt hold,,,