Topic: Mixed Terms,,,
Goofball73's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:20 PM
Ok. So Casper the friendly ghost was born....well hell I don't know. What if he was black....scuse me....African American, but now is white!!!!shocked scared :tongue: laugh

EmmiSam's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:22 PM

So Charlize Theron was born in South Africa. Charlize Theron was born in Africa but is not an African American

You where born in America. You call yourself an African Amercian but you where not born in Africa.

Makes no sense to me. Why do we have to fill that bubble for race on an application anyway.

It is a separatism tactic.
They feel mo special.

My negro friends, again, are not from africa and they get very upset being called african. They say it's an extreme insult.

it doesnt make me feel special at all
and it is no more a 'tactic' than a biological description of male vs female

it is just a way to categorize a common biology/ancestry ,,etc,,,

I dont like to be called 'black' because nowhere in the english language does the word hold anything but NEGATIVE connotations semantically and it comes nowhere close to describing anything about me

in the uk you are black, white, Asian etc. I don't think being called "black" is any different to calling someone "white" or "Arab" . And white does not describe me, I am not the same colour as paper.

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:22 PM

Ok. So Casper the friendly ghost was born....well hell I don't know. What if he was black....scuse me....African American, but now is white!!!!shocked scared :tongue: laugh

ghosts hae a seperate race, for their common ancestry is the grave,,,,laugh

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:26 PM

So Charlize Theron was born in South Africa. Charlize Theron was born in Africa but is not an African American

You where born in America. You call yourself an African Amercian but you where not born in Africa.

Makes no sense to me. Why do we have to fill that bubble for race on an application anyway.

It is a separatism tactic.
They feel mo special.

My negro friends, again, are not from africa and they get very upset being called african. They say it's an extreme insult.

it doesnt make me feel special at all
and it is no more a 'tactic' than a biological description of male vs female

it is just a way to categorize a common biology/ancestry ,,etc,,,

I dont like to be called 'black' because nowhere in the english language does the word hold anything but NEGATIVE connotations semantically and it comes nowhere close to describing anything about me

in the uk you are black, white, Asian etc. I don't think being called "black" is any different to calling someone "white" or "Arab" . And white does not describe me, I am not the same colour as paper.

I would call myself african american in the UK too, although my experiences there tell me they would be more judgmental about the 'american' part than the african...

white does not describe most peoples skin(although some do have pasty complexion, just as some 'black' people have very dark complexions)

but 'white' has a semantic history tied to POSITIVE Attributes

white as the pure snow
white christmas
snow white

unlike black which is always negative

black friday
black as night
pitch black
black plague,,,etc

I dont care to be associated with 'blackness', being associated with 'whiteness' doesnt carry the same stigma or negativity

EmmiSam's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:28 PM
White devil????

Goofball73's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:30 PM

Ok. So Casper the friendly ghost was born....well hell I don't know. What if he was black....scuse me....African American, but now is white!!!!shocked scared :tongue: laugh

ghosts hae a seperate race, for their common ancestry is the grave,,,,laugh

Wonder if they get to choose their color down in the grave? Hmmmmmm :tongue: laugh

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:30 PM

White devil????

thats a term that really originates amongst minority groups,, and isnt a mainstream term like the others, doesnt have a UNIVERSALLY excepted connotation,,,

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:30 PM

Ok. So Casper the friendly ghost was born....well hell I don't know. What if he was black....scuse me....African American, but now is white!!!!shocked scared :tongue: laugh

ghosts hae a seperate race, for their common ancestry is the grave,,,,laugh

Wonder if they get to choose their color down in the grave? Hmmmmmm :tongue: laugh

ahh,, but race isnt about color, rather about ancestry,,,


EmmiSam's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:31 PM
There's positive and negative in all racial descriptions. But its only really Americans who avoid the word black. And I never understand either why Americans call mixed race people black, that confuses British people. One white Parent? Not black! Mixed race! Maybe it's a British thing but were kind of "state the obvious"

EmmiSam's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:32 PM

White devil????

thats a term that really originates amongst minority groups,, and isnt a mainstream term like the others, doesnt have a UNIVERSALLY excepted connotation,,,

Lol everyone seems to know it though.

Goofball73's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:34 PM

Ok. So Casper the friendly ghost was born....well hell I don't know. What if he was black....scuse me....African American, but now is white!!!!shocked scared :tongue: laugh

ghosts hae a seperate race, for their common ancestry is the grave,,,,laugh

Wonder if they get to choose their color down in the grave? Hmmmmmm :tongue: laugh

ahh,, but race isnt about color, rather about ancestry,,,


But down in the valley of the grave, it could be different. Ghost terminology might be different than human terminology. :wink: bigsmile

Goofball73's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:36 PM

White devil????

I used to call my dad that. laugh

EmmiSam's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:41 PM

White devil????

I used to call my dad that. laugh


msharmony's photo
Thu 10/04/12 05:50 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 10/04/12 05:52 PM

There's positive and negative in all racial descriptions. But its only really Americans who avoid the word black. And I never understand either why Americans call mixed race people black, that confuses British people. One white Parent? Not black! Mixed race! Maybe it's a British thing but were kind of "state the obvious"

mixed race doesnt truly group a common ancestry, that is why we dont use it as a racial distinction

'mixed' could imply african and irish, or mexican and indian, or indian and irish, or any number of combinations, many which have no common ancestry

most americans , to be truthful have a 'mixed' heritage, but we associate by the heritage that we MOST connect with

I also have scot(white) and west indian ancestry far back , for instance, but noone who saw me commit a crime would ever describe me as white or west indian, they would say it was a black woman

its not as obvious to most black folks what 'black ' is, because we have so much variance in our appearance, because of the historically FORCED mixing many of our ancestors were subjected to

so, the 'obvious' than becomes subjective based upon a persons experience,,,to me it is 'obvious' that mariah carey is black,,not because she has no white ancestry, but because I see more african than white in her when I look at her (Except her skin tone) and because I see features in her that I see in many of my own 'black' family members

,,,basically, race is largely PRESUMED by the observer based on asthetics, and different people have different experiences that ause them to categorize certain asthetics as 'black' and not others

and those who fit neither category can neatly fit in a 'mixed' box

but most , can fit people into one of the boxes offered,,,

and most are probably going to have a category they MOST associate with based upon their life experiences and treatment by others,,,

willing2's photo
Thu 10/04/12 06:04 PM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 10/04/12 06:05 PM

White devil????

White devil is a derrogatory term extremist negros like kang shabitch and the leader of the Nation of Islam calls Caucasians and Jews.

It doesn't matter where you're from, to them, because of your race, you and all Caucasians are the enemy.

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/04/12 06:08 PM

White devil????

White devil is a derrogatory term extremist negros like kang shabitch and the leader of the Nation of Islam calls Caucasians and Jews.

It doesn't matter where you're from, to them, because of your race, you and all Caucasians are the enemy.

not true at all

white devil does not indicate all whites as devil

anymore than white woman indicates all women are white

willing2's photo
Thu 10/04/12 06:22 PM

White devil????

White devil is a derrogatory term extremist negros like kang shabitch and the leader of the Nation of Islam calls Caucasians and Jews.

It doesn't matter where you're from, to them, because of your race, you and all Caucasians are the enemy.

not true at all

white devil does not indicate all whites as devil

anymore than white woman indicates all women are white

More BS.

Farycan was very specific!

I forget. Who said this?? What Extremist group is he with??

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/04/12 06:23 PM

White devil????

White devil is a derrogatory term extremist negros like kang shabitch and the leader of the Nation of Islam calls Caucasians and Jews.

It doesn't matter where you're from, to them, because of your race, you and all Caucasians are the enemy.

not true at all

white devil does not indicate all whites as devil

anymore than white woman indicates all women are white

More BS.

Farycan was very specific!

I forget. Who said this?? What Extremist group is he with??

that is the NEW BPP,,,,not having to do with FArrakhan, who is rep for the NOI

willing2's photo
Thu 10/04/12 06:37 PM

White devil????

White devil is a derrogatory term extremist negros like kang shabitch and the leader of the Nation of Islam calls Caucasians and Jews.

It doesn't matter where you're from, to them, because of your race, you and all Caucasians are the enemy.

not true at all

white devil does not indicate all whites as devil

anymore than white woman indicates all women are white

More BS.

Farycan was very specific!

I forget. Who said this?? What Extremist group is he with??

that is the NEW BPP,,,,not having to do with FArrakhan, who is rep for the NOI

Are you telling all of us, the leader of the NOI apologized for his white devil comment?

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/04/12 07:23 PM

White devil????

White devil is a derrogatory term extremist negros like kang shabitch and the leader of the Nation of Islam calls Caucasians and Jews.

It doesn't matter where you're from, to them, because of your race, you and all Caucasians are the enemy.

not true at all

white devil does not indicate all whites as devil

anymore than white woman indicates all women are white

More BS.

Farycan was very specific!

I forget. Who said this?? What Extremist group is he with??

that is the NEW BPP,,,,not having to do with FArrakhan, who is rep for the NOI

Are you telling all of us, the leader of the NOI apologized for his white devil comment?

apologized for it ? no

but why should he if he was referring to those who are both white and devil

just like some refer to ghetto people who are 'ferals' but insists they arent claiming EVERYONE in the ghetto is feral,,,