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Topic: 9/11 truth documentary among 'most watched' on PBS
s1owhand's photo
Sat 09/08/12 05:16 PM

Slow, you are indeed slow in catching on, so ill leave you with this fact, Homeland Security does indeed moniter all websights in the US since 911 to moneter potential domestic and international terrorists groups. If you watch television, you are being controled by media, how else do comercials sell you a product. Its called SUBLIMINAL DEDUCTION, check it out, you will learn something new.

So you don't think we should monitor domestic and international


And you think that BOTH the Mouseketeers AND subliminal advertising
exercise thought control over you? How can you be sure?!


There is only one logical conclusion.



I use the tinfoil anti-mouseketeer helmet!!


Actually you raise an interesting point on the crucial art of subliminal deduction used in everyda life. Your simplistic analogy useing a cartoon actually represented a subconscious confirmation as to the limited position held, the cartoon has always been used in various forms to influence children to urge parents to submitt to a specific desire or wish. The goverment has always monotored its own citizens. Subliminal influence is often referred to as a stimulus that exists below the threshold of our conscious mind or outside of our conscious awareness. Its an influence that we dont notice. In other words people have no awareness of the stimulus being used which leading towards influencing their motivation and thinking. Its the difference between something that we can process in our conscious mind and something that enters the subconscious mind without any conscious recognition. As for spreading the cancer, most people are alreading infected with the cancer called ignorence and mental slumber. An unfortunate condition most will remain in. Finally the goverment knows the scientific process to condition mental swaying. Our society could not function without it. Political advisores are all masters at subliminal deduction, they understand the mental neutrility the masses maintain. Just watch the presidential advertisments both canidates will use to influence which way you vote. Simple psychology.

Too simple. But it definitely explains my cravings for pop tarts,
Bratz and Pokemon!


I'm going to secure my tinfoil mouse ears and ride them out cold turkey!

I completely understand, subjects such as this is somewhat difficult for some. May I suggest a simpler topic, perhaps you can start a new thread more suited for your responce, im sure you will enlighten me as to the relevence of mickey mouse towards this thread. I to do enjoy cartoons, although I usually regulate them to a more less demanding of intellect forum.

They are part of the Hollywood subliminal mind control.
Without the tinfoil ears one is completely at their mercy.
I know this is why most people have to post gibberish they
can't help it without the mouse ears. The mylar balloons
just aren't as effective.

Ras427's photo
Sat 09/08/12 05:25 PM
Edited by Ras427 on Sat 09/08/12 05:32 PM

Slow, you are indeed slow in catching on, so ill leave you with this fact, Homeland Security does indeed moniter all websights in the US since 911 to moneter potential domestic and international terrorists groups. If you watch television, you are being controled by media, how else do comercials sell you a product. Its called SUBLIMINAL DEDUCTION, check it out, you will learn something new.

So you don't think we should monitor domestic and international


And you think that BOTH the Mouseketeers AND subliminal advertising
exercise thought control over you? How can you be sure?!


There is only one logical conclusion.



I use the tinfoil anti-mouseketeer helmet!!


Actually you raise an interesting point on the crucial art of subliminal deduction used in everyda life. Your simplistic analogy useing a cartoon actually represented a subconscious confirmation as to the limited position held, the cartoon has always been used in various forms to influence children to urge parents to submitt to a specific desire or wish. The goverment has always monotored its own citizens. Subliminal influence is often referred to as a stimulus that exists below the threshold of our conscious mind or outside of our conscious awareness. Its an influence that we dont notice. In other words people have no awareness of the stimulus being used which leading towards influencing their motivation and thinking. Its the difference between something that we can process in our conscious mind and something that enters the subconscious mind without any conscious recognition. As for spreading the cancer, most people are alreading infected with the cancer called ignorence and mental slumber. An unfortunate condition most will remain in. Finally the goverment knows the scientific process to condition mental swaying. Our society could not function without it. Political advisores are all masters at subliminal deduction, they understand the mental neutrility the masses maintain. Just watch the presidential advertisments both canidates will use to influence which way you vote. Simple psychology.

Too simple. But it definitely explains my cravings for pop tarts,
Bratz and Pokemon!


I'm going to secure my tinfoil mouse ears and ride them out cold turkey!

I completely understand, subjects such as this is somewhat difficult for some. May I suggest a simpler topic, perhaps you can start a new thread more suited for your responce, im sure you will enlighten me as to the relevence of mickey mouse towards this thread. I to do enjoy cartoons, although I usually regulate them to a more less demanding of intellect forum.

They are part of the Hollywood subliminal mind control.
Without the tinfoil ears one is completely at their mercy.
I know this is why most people have to post gibberish they
can't help it without the mouse ears. The mylar balloons
just aren't as effective.

I must concur, "gibberish" is indeed along with cartoon references are mere deflections people use in order to present a premise so as to replace a lack of sound reason and intellgent dialogue. A common tactic often used by people who lack understanding of a subject will often deflect by useing humor and other deflections as a means of ignoring a common shortcoming, lack of understanding and intellect often contribute to those who post "gibberish as a replacement for nothing sound to say.

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/08/12 05:48 PM

Slow, you are indeed slow in catching on, so ill leave you with this fact, Homeland Security does indeed moniter all websights in the US since 911 to moneter potential domestic and international terrorists groups. If you watch television, you are being controled by media, how else do comercials sell you a product. Its called SUBLIMINAL DEDUCTION, check it out, you will learn something new.

So you don't think we should monitor domestic and international


And you think that BOTH the Mouseketeers AND subliminal advertising
exercise thought control over you? How can you be sure?!


There is only one logical conclusion.



I use the tinfoil anti-mouseketeer helmet!!


Actually you raise an interesting point on the crucial art of subliminal deduction used in everyda life. Your simplistic analogy useing a cartoon actually represented a subconscious confirmation as to the limited position held, the cartoon has always been used in various forms to influence children to urge parents to submitt to a specific desire or wish. The goverment has always monotored its own citizens. Subliminal influence is often referred to as a stimulus that exists below the threshold of our conscious mind or outside of our conscious awareness. Its an influence that we dont notice. In other words people have no awareness of the stimulus being used which leading towards influencing their motivation and thinking. Its the difference between something that we can process in our conscious mind and something that enters the subconscious mind without any conscious recognition. As for spreading the cancer, most people are alreading infected with the cancer called ignorence and mental slumber. An unfortunate condition most will remain in. Finally the goverment knows the scientific process to condition mental swaying. Our society could not function without it. Political advisores are all masters at subliminal deduction, they understand the mental neutrility the masses maintain. Just watch the presidential advertisments both canidates will use to influence which way you vote. Simple psychology.

Too simple. But it definitely explains my cravings for pop tarts,
Bratz and Pokemon!


I'm going to secure my tinfoil mouse ears and ride them out cold turkey!

I completely understand, subjects such as this is somewhat difficult for some. May I suggest a simpler topic, perhaps you can start a new thread more suited for your responce, im sure you will enlighten me as to the relevence of mickey mouse towards this thread. I to do enjoy cartoons, although I usually regulate them to a more less demanding of intellect forum.

They are part of the Hollywood subliminal mind control.
Without the tinfoil ears one is completely at their mercy.
I know this is why most people have to post gibberish they
can't help it without the mouse ears. The mylar balloons
just aren't as effective.

I must concur, "gibberish" is indeed along with cartoon references are mere deflections people use in order to present a premise so as to replace a lack of sound reason and intellgent dialogue. A common tactic often used by people who lack understanding of a subject will often deflect by useing humor and other deflections as a means of ignoring a common shortcoming, lack of understanding and intellect often contribute to those who post "gibberish as a replacement for nothing sound to say.


Sadly, you've been had. One of the mistakes newcomers like you make is that they can't tell the satire and humor from the more mundane discussion. This is the umpteenth ridiculous thread on 9/11 with only a slightly different spin on the previously debunked truther line of BS.

There reaches a point where you simply can't take the truthers seriously anymore.

Trust me, Slow is not the one missing it here.

Ras427's photo
Sat 09/08/12 06:15 PM
Edited by Ras427 on Sat 09/08/12 06:24 PM
METALWING; actually no one has been had at all as no one can nor has presented irrifutable evedence one way or the other. The fact is no one ever agrees on a given subject totally. My position is and has been and will continue to be simply that all goverments have a natural inclination to lie to its own. That is a historical fact. This thread is like anyother thread, as it is for dialogue. We also have a natural inclination to ridicule those we disagree with. As for debunking truthers, that is not only wrong it is impossible, in order to debunk truthers one must know all the facts, of which no one on this thread can realisticly obtain. Nation Security and its integrity prevent from anyone knowing 100% facts, SO HOW CAN YOU DEBUNK ANYONE WITH LIMITED KNOWLEDGE OF THE FACTS. BS is a tag used to refute a opinion without haveing to present anything to the contrary. NO ONE KNOWS THE TRUTH, WE JUST CHOOSE TO BELIEVE THAT WHICH IS CONDUSSIVE TO OUR LINE OF THINKING AND THAT WHICH WILL NOT CHALLENGE OUR PREFERED COMFORTABLE PERCEPTIONS. Finally there is no humor in conspiracy theorys nor satires to replace one fact, goverment never, ever, tell the truth. Those that have been had are those who blindly except everything told to them by media and goverment. I think truthers are better then deniers, as deniers are comfortable in their denial in which facts are not required. We just have a problem with the notion that our false sence of rightouseness can possiably be challenged. The fact is our goverment is a historical lyer. I dont claim to know what the facts are, but I know one thing for sure, the goverment is the greatest obstacle to truth. It does not matter to me who one believes, I dont believe anything coming from professional politicians. Lying to the American people is their jobs.

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/08/12 06:25 PM

METALWING; actually no one has been had at all as no one can nor has presented irrifutable evedence one way or the other. The fact is no one ever agrees on a given subject totally. My position is and has been and will continue to be simply that all goverments have a natural inclination to lie to its own. That is a historical fact. This thread is like anyother thread, as it is for dialogue. We also have a natural inclination to ridicule those we disagree with. As for debunking truthers, that is not only wrong it is impossible, in order to debunk truthers one must know all the facts, of which no one on this thread can realisticly obtain. Nation Security and its integrity prevent from anyone knowing 100% facts, SO HOW CAN YOU DEBUNK ANYONE WITH LIMITED KNOWLEDGE OF THE FACTS. BS is a tag used to refute a opinion without haveing to present anything to the contrary. NO ONE KNOWS THE TRUTH, WE JUST CHOOSE TO BELIEVE THAT WHICH IS CONDUSSIVE TO OUR LINE OF THINKING AND THAT WHICH WILL NOT CHALLENGE OUR PREFERED COMFORTABLE PERCEPTIONS. Finally there is no humor in conspiracy theorys nor satires to replace one fact, goverment never, ever, tell the truth. Those that have been had are those who blindly except everything told to them by media and goverment.

Well, I warned you. If you were to go back and read the previous threads on this subject on this site, you would see just how wrong you are. But you seem to think you have it all figgered out so good luck with it. You may find out some of us are far less limited with the facts than you think... but really tired of the BS.

Ras427's photo
Sat 09/08/12 06:31 PM
As for "trust you" ill kindly decline, I trust my own instinct, the one that tells me, dont believe nothing the goverment says.

Ras427's photo
Sat 09/08/12 06:50 PM

METALWING; actually no one has been had at all as no one can nor has presented irrifutable evedence one way or the other. The fact is no one ever agrees on a given subject totally. My position is and has been and will continue to be simply that all goverments have a natural inclination to lie to its own. That is a historical fact. This thread is like anyother thread, as it is for dialogue. We also have a natural inclination to ridicule those we disagree with. As for debunking truthers, that is not only wrong it is impossible, in order to debunk truthers one must know all the facts, of which no one on this thread can realisticly obtain. Nation Security and its integrity prevent from anyone knowing 100% facts, SO HOW CAN YOU DEBUNK ANYONE WITH LIMITED KNOWLEDGE OF THE FACTS. BS is a tag used to refute a opinion without haveing to present anything to the contrary. NO ONE KNOWS THE TRUTH, WE JUST CHOOSE TO BELIEVE THAT WHICH IS CONDUSSIVE TO OUR LINE OF THINKING AND THAT WHICH WILL NOT CHALLENGE OUR PREFERED COMFORTABLE PERCEPTIONS. Finally there is no humor in conspiracy theorys nor satires to replace one fact, goverment never, ever, tell the truth. Those that have been had are those who blindly except everything told to them by media and goverment.

Well, I warned you. If you were to go back and read the previous threads on this subject on this site, you would see just how wrong you are. But you seem to think you have it all figgered out so good luck with it. You may find out some of us are far less limited with the facts than you think... but really tired of the BS.
Again there is no way to prove who is right nor who is wrong no matter how many posts are presented one way or the other. How can I have it all figured out when I just posted that no one knows the full facts. And you claim I think I have it all figured out at the same time that you say "you will see how wrong you are" ,this statement clearly suggests that you and those you agree with have it all figured out. When in truth you nor anyone who posted are no more qualified as I in debating this in that none of you nor I have access to classified information that if fully made public would indeed compromise the integrity of National Security. So what warning are you refering to? Opinions of others are not refernces for the truth. My position is still "i dont believe you nor my goverment. Now id love to know how my not believing leads you to think I have it all figured out, and while you are at it, what is your authority to think you have it all figured out, considering you are useing other posters as a reference. The fact is you nor anyone on this thread have no more proof supporting your position as do the truthers. You dont believe truthers, I dont believe deniers. Your warning has little merit in that you have no proof no more then truthers.

Ras427's photo
Sat 09/08/12 07:47 PM
Nobody has the full "facts" we just choose to believe that which is in harmony with ones line of thinking. Some believe the official version of events, some feel there is reason to doubt the official version of events. Considering nobody hear has access to classified information, no one is no more qualified then others in presenting their position. Personally, I never believe politicians, they are like lawyers and banksters, crooks with power seeking more power.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 09/08/12 07:57 PM

As for "trust you" ill kindly decline, I trust my own instinct, the one that tells me, dont believe nothing the goverment says.



This has been proven over and over again and can be demonstrated with
popsicle sticks.

Ras427's photo
Sat 09/08/12 09:19 PM
Edited by Ras427 on Sat 09/08/12 09:22 PM

As for "trust you" ill kindly decline, I trust my own instinct, the one that tells me, dont believe nothing the goverment says.



This has been proven over and over again and can be demonstrated with
popsicle sticks.
Well then ill save the popsicle sticks and await your scientific and engineering analysis to conclude, let me know your results, until then belief is all you have and will continue to have, the facts will remain classified. You believe, I dont, and considering you were not with the scientific community actually involved in their analytical conclusions, you will have to take their word for it. Unless that is your own analysis prove different.

Chazster's photo
Sat 09/08/12 11:00 PM
Edited by Chazster on Sat 09/08/12 11:01 PM

As for "trust you" ill kindly decline, I trust my own instinct, the one that tells me, dont believe nothing the goverment says.



This has been proven over and over again and can be demonstrated with
popsicle sticks.
Well then ill save the popsicle sticks and await your scientific and engineering analysis to conclude, let me know your results, until then belief is all you have and will continue to have, the facts will remain classified. You believe, I dont, and considering you were not with the scientific community actually involved in their analytical conclusions, you will have to take their word for it. Unless that is your own analysis prove different.

Again look up the old posts. That is what they are saying. What you don't know is metalwing is a licensed structural engineer. He has done the math and explained it in great detail in other threads just to have it ignored. All the stuff truthers claim is impossible in the collapse he has proven are possible. Just most people don't have the back ground in physics, strength and materials, etc to really realize what's going on. It is understandable Why he doesn't continue to try to make the argument.

metalwing's photo
Sun 09/09/12 12:19 AM

As for "trust you" ill kindly decline, I trust my own instinct, the one that tells me, dont believe nothing the goverment says.

You really shouldn't believe everything the government says!laugh

s1owhand's photo
Sun 09/09/12 02:32 AM

METALWING; actually no one has been had at all as no one can nor has presented irrifutable evedence one way or the other. The fact is no one ever agrees on a given subject totally. My position is and has been and will continue to be simply that all goverments have a natural inclination to lie to its own. That is a historical fact. This thread is like anyother thread, as it is for dialogue. We also have a natural inclination to ridicule those we disagree with. As for debunking truthers, that is not only wrong it is impossible, in order to debunk truthers one must know all the facts, of which no one on this thread can realisticly obtain. Nation Security and its integrity prevent from anyone knowing 100% facts, SO HOW CAN YOU DEBUNK ANYONE WITH LIMITED KNOWLEDGE OF THE FACTS. BS is a tag used to refute a opinion without haveing to present anything to the contrary. NO ONE KNOWS THE TRUTH, WE JUST CHOOSE TO BELIEVE THAT WHICH IS CONDUSSIVE TO OUR LINE OF THINKING AND THAT WHICH WILL NOT CHALLENGE OUR PREFERED COMFORTABLE PERCEPTIONS. Finally there is no humor in conspiracy theorys nor satires to replace one fact, goverment never, ever, tell the truth. Those that have been had are those who blindly except everything told to them by media and goverment.

Well, I warned you. If you were to go back and read the previous threads on this subject on this site, you would see just how wrong you are. But you seem to think you have it all figgered out so good luck with it. You may find out some of us are far less limited with the facts than you think... but really tired of the BS.


Popular Mechanics addressed all this stuff years ago. But it's popular to ignore it




Bestinshow's photo
Sun 09/09/12 02:51 AM

Slow, you are indeed slow in catching on, so ill leave you with this fact, Homeland Security does indeed moniter all websights in the US since 911 to moneter potential domestic and international terrorists groups. If you watch television, you are being controled by media, how else do comercials sell you a product. Its called SUBLIMINAL DEDUCTION, check it out, you will learn something new.

So you don't think we should monitor domestic and international


And you think that BOTH the Mouseketeers AND subliminal advertising
exercise thought control over you? How can you be sure?!


There is only one logical conclusion.



I use the tinfoil anti-mouseketeer helmet!!


Actually you raise an interesting point on the crucial art of subliminal deduction used in everyda life. Your simplistic analogy useing a cartoon actually represented a subconscious confirmation as to the limited position held, the cartoon has always been used in various forms to influence children to urge parents to submitt to a specific desire or wish. The goverment has always monotored its own citizens. Subliminal influence is often referred to as a stimulus that exists below the threshold of our conscious mind or outside of our conscious awareness. Its an influence that we dont notice. In other words people have no awareness of the stimulus being used which leading towards influencing their motivation and thinking. Its the difference between something that we can process in our conscious mind and something that enters the subconscious mind without any conscious recognition. As for spreading the cancer, most people are alreading infected with the cancer called ignorence and mental slumber. An unfortunate condition most will remain in. Finally the goverment knows the scientific process to condition mental swaying. Our society could not function without it. Political advisores are all masters at subliminal deduction, they understand the mental neutrility the masses maintain. Just watch the presidential advertisments both canidates will use to influence which way you vote. Simple psychology.

Too simple. But it definitely explains my cravings for pop tarts,
Bratz and Pokemon!


I'm going to secure my tinfoil mouse ears and ride them out cold turkey!

I completely understand, subjects such as this is somewhat difficult for some. May I suggest a simpler topic, perhaps you can start a new thread more suited for your responce, im sure you will enlighten me as to the relevence of mickey mouse towards this thread. I to do enjoy cartoons, although I usually regulate them to a more less demanding of intellect forum.

They are part of the Hollywood subliminal mind control.
Without the tinfoil ears one is completely at their mercy.
I know this is why most people have to post gibberish they
can't help it without the mouse ears. The mylar balloons
just aren't as effective.

I must concur, "gibberish" is indeed along with cartoon references are mere deflections people use in order to present a premise so as to replace a lack of sound reason and intellgent dialogue. A common tactic often used by people who lack understanding of a subject will often deflect by useing humor and other deflections as a means of ignoring a common shortcoming, lack of understanding and intellect often contribute to those who post "gibberish as a replacement for nothing sound to say.


Sadly, you've been had. One of the mistakes newcomers like you make is that they can't tell the satire and humor from the more mundane discussion. This is the umpteenth ridiculous thread on 9/11 with only a slightly different spin on the previously debunked truther line of BS.

There reaches a point where you simply can't take the truthers seriously anymore.

Trust me, Slow is not the one missing it here.
How absurd the only debunking that has been done is a few photo buckets and snide comments.

Again I say the 911 commision has disowned its own report yet somehow we truthers deserve a foil hate.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 09/09/12 02:56 AM

From the earlier thread on this topic 3 years ago....




Bestinshow's photo
Sun 09/09/12 04:56 AM
Edited by Bestinshow on Sun 09/09/12 05:04 AM
Farmer states...“at some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened... I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The [Norad air defense] tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years. This is not spin.”

The 9/11 Commission head, Thomas Kean, was the Republican governor of New Jersey. He had the following to say... “We to this day don’t know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth. . . " When Bush's own handpicked commission failed to go along with the cover up and requested a criminal investigation, why was nothing done?


Farmer, Dean of Rutger Universities' School of Law and former Attorney General of New Jersey, was responsible for drafting the original flawed 9/11 report.

Ras427's photo
Sun 09/09/12 05:07 AM

As for "trust you" ill kindly decline, I trust my own instinct, the one that tells me, dont believe nothing the goverment says.



This has been proven over and over again and can be demonstrated with
popsicle sticks.
Well then ill save the popsicle sticks and await your scientific and engineering analysis to conclude, let me know your results, until then belief is all you have and will continue to have, the facts will remain classified. You believe, I dont, and considering you were not with the scientific community actually involved in their analytical conclusions, you will have to take their word for it. Unless that is your own analysis prove different.

Again look up the old posts. That is what they are saying. What you don't know is metalwing is a licensed structural engineer. He has done the math and explained it in great detail in other threads just to have it ignored. All the stuff truthers claim is impossible in the collapse he has proven are possible. Just most people don't have the back ground in physics, strength and materials, etc to really realize what's going on. It is understandable Why he doesn't continue to try to make the argument.
unfortunately many people on public forums claim to be experts on this subject. The fact is his so called expertise is one of millions no more credible then the next, fact, THE TRUTH WILL NEVER BE KNOWN, WE WILL JUST BELIEVE THAT WHICH COMFORTS OUR CONSCIOUS. BESIDES, EXPERTS SAID THE WORLD WAS FLAT.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 09/09/12 05:30 AM

As for "trust you" ill kindly decline, I trust my own instinct, the one that tells me, dont believe nothing the goverment says.



This has been proven over and over again and can be demonstrated with
popsicle sticks.
Well then ill save the popsicle sticks and await your scientific and engineering analysis to conclude, let me know your results, until then belief is all you have and will continue to have, the facts will remain classified. You believe, I dont, and considering you were not with the scientific community actually involved in their analytical conclusions, you will have to take their word for it. Unless that is your own analysis prove different.

Again look up the old posts. That is what they are saying. What you don't know is metalwing is a licensed structural engineer. He has done the math and explained it in great detail in other threads just to have it ignored. All the stuff truthers claim is impossible in the collapse he has proven are possible. Just most people don't have the back ground in physics, strength and materials, etc to really realize what's going on. It is understandable Why he doesn't continue to try to make the argument.
unfortunately many people on public forums claim to be experts on this subject. The fact is his so called expertise is one of millions no more credible then the next, fact, THE TRUTH WILL NEVER BE KNOWN, WE WILL JUST BELIEVE THAT WHICH COMFORTS OUR CONSCIOUS. BESIDES, EXPERTS SAID THE WORLD WAS FLAT.


If the world is FLAT as you say then how could the twin towers have
ever fallen if they were only 2-dimensional? Huh?


metalwing's photo
Sun 09/09/12 06:30 AM

As for "trust you" ill kindly decline, I trust my own instinct, the one that tells me, dont believe nothing the goverment says.



This has been proven over and over again and can be demonstrated with
popsicle sticks.
Well then ill save the popsicle sticks and await your scientific and engineering analysis to conclude, let me know your results, until then belief is all you have and will continue to have, the facts will remain classified. You believe, I dont, and considering you were not with the scientific community actually involved in their analytical conclusions, you will have to take their word for it. Unless that is your own analysis prove different.

Again look up the old posts. That is what they are saying. What you don't know is metalwing is a licensed structural engineer. He has done the math and explained it in great detail in other threads just to have it ignored. All the stuff truthers claim is impossible in the collapse he has proven are possible. Just most people don't have the back ground in physics, strength and materials, etc to really realize what's going on. It is understandable Why he doesn't continue to try to make the argument.
unfortunately many people on public forums claim to be experts on this subject. The fact is his so called expertise is one of millions no more credible then the next, fact, THE TRUTH WILL NEVER BE KNOWN, WE WILL JUST BELIEVE THAT WHICH COMFORTS OUR CONSCIOUS. BESIDES, EXPERTS SAID THE WORLD WAS FLAT.

Chaz is an engineer also.

Ras427's photo
Sun 09/09/12 07:16 AM
Edited by Ras427 on Sun 09/09/12 07:23 AM

As for "trust you" ill kindly decline, I trust my own instinct, the one that tells me, dont believe nothing the goverment says.



This has been proven over and over again and can be demonstrated with
popsicle sticks.
Well then ill save the popsicle sticks and await your scientific and engineering analysis to conclude, let me know your results, until then belief is all you have and will continue to have, the facts will remain classified. You believe, I dont, and considering you were not with the scientific community actually involved in their analytical conclusions, you will have to take their word for it. Unless that is your own analysis prove different.

Again look up the old posts. That is what they are saying. What you don't know is metalwing is a licensed structural engineer. He has done the math and explained it in great detail in other threads just to have it ignored. All the stuff truthers claim is impossible in the collapse he has proven are possible. Just most people don't have the back ground in physics, strength and materials, etc to really realize what's going on. It is understandable Why he doesn't continue to try to make the argument.
unfortunately many people on public forums claim to be experts on this subject. The fact is his so called expertise is one of millions no more credible then the next, fact, THE TRUTH WILL NEVER BE KNOWN, WE WILL JUST BELIEVE THAT WHICH COMFORTS OUR CONSCIOUS. BESIDES, EXPERTS SAID THE WORLD WAS FLAT.


If the world is FLAT as you say then how could the twin towers have
ever fallen if they were only 2-dimensional? Huh?


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