Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 06:47 AM

You are trying to put direct involvement to an action that was indeed pulled off by Islmaic terrorists! You seem to refuse the notion that certain people in the know found out about the attack and sand bagged the people who could do something about it. Yes the idea of a false flag attack is something we would expect of our leadership from behind the scenes BUT when an opportunity arises to let someone else do your dirty work and allow you to aim the blame at them instead then it is a win win for you to sit back and tell your people to stand down.
This is a much further reaching problem than you seem to comprehend. Bank of Islam, World Bank, Federal Reserve, The European Central Bank. Where does all the money flow eventually? Asia? NO. America? Certainly not. It goes through England and the hands of the World Bank! This is all about thought engineering on a global scale to convince people New World Order is for them. It isn't. If I remember Corporations were born in England. The oldest and the biggest are the ones who power monger to create a new aristocracy and monarchy under the Aegis of Democracy. The fact is that all this tolerance for Islam is to allow the problems we have fester and keep war brewing because Economic wars are really wearing on people. Bush could not come out and admit that Iraq was about control of Middle Eastern oil! they had to have Islam and Terrorism and Weapons of mass Destruction and FEAR to keep our attentions from the real reason we were waging war.

Seriously, you need to get out of the box you are thinking in and come to the realization that the snakes hiding in our basement will do everything they can to let someone else do their dirty work! You can get a suicide bomber to do it for $25,000. Think I am kidding? All you need is an Islamic Cleric, a good target, and some financially desperate family who will put a family member up to do the "Soldier for Allah," thing for their family!

I should have included the word "alone" in my post regarding the Islamic Terrorist 911 attack.

I totally agree with all you say in the above post.

The terrrorists were assisted by the non action of your Government.

Your Government was complicit by inaction.

Your Government allowed 3000 Ameican Citizens to die needlesly

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 07/30/12 07:42 AM

You are trying to put direct involvement to an action that was indeed pulled off by Islmaic terrorists! You seem to refuse the notion that certain people in the know found out about the attack and sand bagged the people who could do something about it. Yes the idea of a false flag attack is something we would expect of our leadership from behind the scenes BUT when an opportunity arises to let someone else do your dirty work and allow you to aim the blame at them instead then it is a win win for you to sit back and tell your people to stand down.
This is a much further reaching problem than you seem to comprehend. Bank of Islam, World Bank, Federal Reserve, The European Central Bank. Where does all the money flow eventually? Asia? NO. America? Certainly not. It goes through England and the hands of the World Bank! This is all about thought engineering on a global scale to convince people New World Order is for them. It isn't. If I remember Corporations were born in England. The oldest and the biggest are the ones who power monger to create a new aristocracy and monarchy under the Aegis of Democracy. The fact is that all this tolerance for Islam is to allow the problems we have fester and keep war brewing because Economic wars are really wearing on people. Bush could not come out and admit that Iraq was about control of Middle Eastern oil! they had to have Islam and Terrorism and Weapons of mass Destruction and FEAR to keep our attentions from the real reason we were waging war.

Seriously, you need to get out of the box you are thinking in and come to the realization that the snakes hiding in our basement will do everything they can to let someone else do their dirty work! You can get a suicide bomber to do it for $25,000. Think I am kidding? All you need is an Islamic Cleric, a good target, and some financially desperate family who will put a family member up to do the "Soldier for Allah," thing for their family!

I should have included the word "alone" in my post regarding the Islamic Terrorist 911 attack.

I totally agree with all you say in the above post.

The terrrorists were assisted by the non action of your Government.

Your Government was complicit by inaction.

Your Government allowed 3000 Ameican Citizens to die needlesly


Conrad_73's photo
Mon 07/30/12 07:52 AM

911 was not done by a handful of Islamic

They more than like got a little help from some of their friends below

Some dodgy characters in this list.

Elliott Abrams (PNAC)
Ken Adelman
Richard Armitage (PNAC)
John David Ashcroft
Fred Barnes
Gary Bauer
William J. Bennett (PNAC)
Jeffrey Bergner (PNAC)
John Bolton (PNAC)
Max Boot
Ellen Bork
Paul Bremer Lewis Paul "Jerry" Bremer III
David Brooks
Shoshana Bryen
Stephen D. Bryen
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Stephen A. Cambone
Eliot A. Cohen
Midge Decter
Paula J. Dobriansky (PNAC)
Thomas Donnelly
John Doolittle
Douglas Jay Feith
David Frum
Francis Fukuyama (PNAC)
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. (PNAC)
Reuel Marc Gerecht (PNAC)
Newt Gingrich
Joshua Goldberg
Owen Harries
Bruce P. Jackson
Michael Johns
Robert Kagan (PNAC)
Zalmay Khalilzad (PNAC)
Jeane Kirkpatrick
Henry Kissinger
Neal Kozodoy
Charles Krauthammer
Irving Kristol
William Kristol (PNAC)
Michael Arthur Ledeen
Jay Lefkowitz
I. Lewis Libby a.k.a. "Scooter"
Michael H. Mobbs
Joshua Muravchik
Rupert Murdoch
Richard J. Neuhaus
Michael Novak
Martin Peretz
Richard N. Perle (PNAC)
Daniel Pipes
Norman Podhoretz
Howard Raines
Peter W. Rodman (PNAC)
Karl Rove
Donald H. Rumsfeld (PNAC)
Richard Mellon Scaife
Gary J. Schmitt
William Schneider, Jr. (PNAC)
Abram N. Shulsky
Robert W. Tucker
Harlan Ullman
Vin Weber (PNAC)
Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (PNAC)
R. James Woolsey, Jr. (PNAC)
David Wurmser
Meyrav Wurmser
Dov Zakheim
Karl Zinsmeister
Robert B. Zoellick
this List is lacking many names!

Bill Clinton (Didn't finish the Job in '93)
Hilarius Schartenmeyr
Megerle Mukki
Dr.Eldad Paldi
Prof.Jay McDonald
Col.ret.Paul Runnels
just to name a few.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 09:28 AM
The other factor that ought to give any thoughtful citizen cause to reflect is the significant
number of dissenting opinions registered in the months after 9/11. We have assembled
some of these here for inspection. Naturally, few if any of these critical strictures on 9/11
were ever presented in the US news media. That was unconscionable, since many of
those who manifested serious doubts on the main issues of 9/11 were eminently
respectable, experienced persons with decades of background in government, politics,
academia, and military affairs. There were prime ministers and ministers, generals,
professors, and well-established experts. Even in the midst of the shock and trauma
experienced by world public opinion in the wake of 9/11, they were able to formulate
coherent objections to the official version, objections which in many cases have been
ignored and not answered down to the present day.

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 07/30/12 10:47 AM
And what about Pearl Harbor. It was proven the president KNEW the attack was coming but intentionally sandbagged the Japaneses ambassador so the Japanese had no ability to declare war on us BEFORE THEY STRUCK! Had the ambassador had made the declaration the president would have been forced to activate the pacific Fleet and then the war would have had a much different start! No we needed an Epic tragedy to really motivate the American people. So anyone want to talk conspiracy now! All this was proven! Even the early Radar we had was detecting the attack but pacific Command was told to ignore the blips. Even the radar men commented to their command that what they were seeing was not a flight of B-17s but something MUCH larger in scale. They were still ignored. A small plane seen the Japanese coming and radioed frantically a large group of foreign planes was coming in armed and they were ignored. Pearl Harbor was asleep when they got hit. Had they been on alert it would have been raining Japanese planes!

With 9\11 the money trail does not end AT Al-Quieda. Where did they get their money? BUT BUT BUT Al-Quieda tried before to do in the WTC. Likewise it has been proven that Islamics pulled this off. But this also played well into the hands of our government. Had these jets been focused on Congress and the Whitehouse, what then? Would they have done us a favor?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 11:39 AM
Another skeptic was former Italian President, Prime Minister, and Interior Minister
Francesco Cossiga, who had been in charge of Italy’s internal security during the 1978
kidnap-murder of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro. Cossiga indicated his suspicion that
the attacks presupposed some form of complicity within the US security system. The
mastermind of the attack, Cossiga observed must have been a “sophisticated mind,
provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly
specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations
in the radar and flight security personnel.” As for Bin Laden, Cossiga added that “it is not thinkable that he did everything by himself.” (La Stampa, September 14, 2001; EIR
September 15, 2001)

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 07/30/12 12:18 PM

911 was not done by a handful of Islamic

They more than like got a little help from some of their friends below

Some dodgy characters in this list.

Elliott Abrams (PNAC)
Ken Adelman
Richard Armitage (PNAC)
John David Ashcroft
Fred Barnes
Gary Bauer
William J. Bennett (PNAC)
Jeffrey Bergner (PNAC)
John Bolton (PNAC)
Max Boot
Ellen Bork
Paul Bremer Lewis Paul "Jerry" Bremer III
David Brooks
Shoshana Bryen
Stephen D. Bryen
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Stephen A. Cambone
Eliot A. Cohen
Midge Decter
Paula J. Dobriansky (PNAC)
Thomas Donnelly
John Doolittle
Douglas Jay Feith
David Frum
Francis Fukuyama (PNAC)
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. (PNAC)
Reuel Marc Gerecht (PNAC)
Newt Gingrich
Joshua Goldberg
Owen Harries
Bruce P. Jackson
Michael Johns
Robert Kagan (PNAC)
Zalmay Khalilzad (PNAC)
Jeane Kirkpatrick
Henry Kissinger
Neal Kozodoy
Charles Krauthammer
Irving Kristol
William Kristol (PNAC)
Michael Arthur Ledeen
Jay Lefkowitz
I. Lewis Libby a.k.a. "Scooter"
Michael H. Mobbs
Joshua Muravchik
Rupert Murdoch
Richard J. Neuhaus
Michael Novak
Martin Peretz
Richard N. Perle (PNAC)
Daniel Pipes
Norman Podhoretz
Howard Raines
Peter W. Rodman (PNAC)
Karl Rove
Donald H. Rumsfeld (PNAC)
Richard Mellon Scaife
Gary J. Schmitt
William Schneider, Jr. (PNAC)
Abram N. Shulsky
Robert W. Tucker
Harlan Ullman
Vin Weber (PNAC)
Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (PNAC)
R. James Woolsey, Jr. (PNAC)
David Wurmser
Meyrav Wurmser
Dov Zakheim
Karl Zinsmeister
Robert B. Zoellick
this List is lacking many names!

Bill Clinton (Didn't finish the Job in '93)
Hilarius Schartenmeyr
Megerle Mukki
Dr.Eldad Paldi
Prof.Jay McDonald
Col.ret.Paul Runnels
just to name a few.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 07/30/12 12:38 PM

There is one thing that everybody can agree with and that is...911 was not done by a handful of Islamic
Certainly not by fanatics who could not fly a Cessna.

My personal theory is they had some rubes set up used drone technology to fly the planes and the reason no "black box" information was released is that the pilots would be screaming how they had no control of the planes.

One does not have to be a card carrying member of the foil hate brigade to have serious doubts about the fact that after both towers had been hit by hijacked planes the airspace over Washington was undefended.

At best it was criminal negligence.

and who says they couldn't fly a CESSNA?
Actually the ones flying the Planes had enough Simulator-Time to fly them!
Didn't need to Take Off or Land the Things which actually are the hardest things in Flying!
Just their flight instructors Mr

n fact, here’s what their flight instructors had to say about the aptitude of these budding aviators:

Mohammed Atta: “His attention span was zero.”

Khalid Al-Mihdhar: “We didn’t kick him out, but he didn’t live up to our standards.”

Marwan Al-Shehhi: “He was dropped because of his limited English and incompetence at the controls.”

Salem Al-Hazmi: “We advised him to quit after two lessons.”

Hani Hanjour: “His English was horrible, and his mechanical skills were even worse. It was like he had hardly even ever driven a car. I’m still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon. He could not fly at all.”
Like those Sites!laugh

How much skills do you need to fly a Plane that practically flies itself through GPS?
You Guys reaching bad now!
You all really need to do some Research,instead of relying on those CT-Sites,then accusing those that do Research at all Sources,except CT-Sites ,of wearing those ALU-Caps of yours!
Besides,I am not the one seeing a Conspiracy behind every-day Occurrences!
So Mr Conrad, let me see if I understand you.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Your saying a jumbo jet is easier to fly than a Cessna trainer?

no photo
Mon 07/30/12 12:48 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 07/30/12 12:48 PM
Lunatics are running the asylum.

If you vote, you must vote for RON Paul, even if you have to write him in.

Obama is going to run this country into the ground and Mitt Romney is in bed with Israel and will start world war III with Iran.

Vote for Ron Paul

Don't join the service.

Don't pay taxes.

Just say no to these criminals.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:12 PM
I love Mingle2, it's like visiting another planet.


Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:14 PM

I love Mingle2, it's like visiting another planet.


Well you are a Southern Hemisphericrofl

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:19 PM

I love Mingle2, it's like visiting another planet.


Well you are a Southern Hemisphericrofl

Yes, it would seem that our distance helps us maintain our perspective.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:20 PM

Don't pay taxes.

That's sound advice. scared

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:24 PM

I love Mingle2, it's like visiting another planet.


Well you are a Southern Hemisphericrofl

Yes, it would seem that our distance helps us maintain our perspective.

We are equidistant from each otherbigsmile

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:28 PM

I love Mingle2, it's like visiting another planet.


Well you are a Southern Hemisphericrofl

Yes, it would seem that our distance helps us maintain our perspective.

We are equidistant from each otherbigsmile

Yes, but you missed my point. Most of the topics discussed here occur within the Northern Hemisphere.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 02:33 PM

I love Mingle2, it's like visiting another planet.


Well you are a Southern Hemisphericrofl

Yes, it would seem that our distance helps us maintain our perspective.

We are equidistant from each otherbigsmile

Yes, but you missed my point. Most of the topics discussed here occur within the Northern Hemisphere.

Lots of people seem to be missing your point.laugh laugh laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 07/30/12 04:12 PM

I love Mingle2, it's like visiting another planet.


Well you are a Southern Hemisphericrofl

Yes, it would seem that our distance helps us maintain our perspective.

We are equidistant from each otherbigsmile

Yes, but you missed my point. Most of the topics discussed here occur within the Northern Hemisphere.

Lots of people seem to be missing your point.laugh laugh laugh

The point is, we are supposed to ignore first hand accounts like the flight instructors who claim the "terrorists" could not fly a Cessna trainer correctly.

Ignore that and its plausible to think a person can take a few hours simulation training and then manage to navigate at 500 miles an hour in a jumbo jet, at many thousands of feet hitting three out of four targets.


Optomistic69's photo
Mon 07/30/12 04:16 PM
Another critical view of the 9/11 story came from Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, a former
official in the German Defense Ministry, and an advisor to the former NATO General
Secretary, Manfred Woerner. Koeppl told Mike Ruppert: “The interests behind the Bush
administration, such as the CFR, the Trilateral Commission – founded by Brzezinski for
David Rockefeller – and the Bilderberger group, have prepared for and are now moving
to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting
against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.” (From the Wilderness, November 6,

no photo
Mon 07/30/12 04:23 PM

Its not worth arguing about anymore.

There are not very many people left who believe the official account of 9/11.

We may never know what really happened exactly.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 07/30/12 04:35 PM

Another critical view of the 9/11 story came from Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, a former
official in the German Defense Ministry, and an advisor to the former NATO General
Secretary, Manfred Woerner. Koeppl told Mike Ruppert: “The interests behind the Bush
administration, such as the CFR, the Trilateral Commission – founded by Brzezinski for
David Rockefeller – and the Bilderberger group, have prepared for and are now moving
to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting
against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.” (From the Wilderness, November 6,

That is the Truth and reality. It does not really matter how they did it it matters what they are doing because of it.