no photo
Sun 07/29/12 08:36 AM

From my perspective of being engaged in the world around me, be it through the younger adults my kids age or the people I have grown up with or people I have worked with for twenty years, 90% of us find the official version of 911 to be an absurd fraud and those who buy into it rubes or shrills.
then make up your mind how it was done,instead changing the Method every Tuesday!
We have seen very little from the Truthers besides Insults and Namecalling!:laughing:
I am not privy to national security details nor do I need to be to understand that nothing penetrates the air space over Washington without being challenged. Bad Cessna pilots cannot fly jumbo jets and navigate to a target and hit 3 out of 4 times.

Modern steel framed buildings do not collapse straight down due to fires, never have and never will again unless rigged with explosives.

I do not know the who's or why's but being raised to love and protect freedom, I know 911 was used to take all that away and turn this country into a turnkey police state.

The real issues at hand are the freedoms we lost because of 911.

right,you ain't!
Turn the Transponder off in one off those Planes,and they will be invisible!
Besides,the Military does not follow Civilian Craft on Radar!

What Personal Freedom have you lost on account of 9/11?
Personal Freedom!

have you heard about radar? Norad maybe? I gota go Mr. Conrad but lets just hope if another country ever decides to attack Washington they leave their transponders on eh?
yep I have heard about Radar!
And that is exactly the Issue!
Today's Airliners are identified by their Transponder Signatures!
Turn it off,and the Airliner disappears from Airtraffic-Control!

What Personal Freedom have you lost on account of 9/11?
Personal Freedom!

Why is this chit so hard for some to grasp???frustrated The other day the back boxes came up as further proof of a CT....I didn't know a thing about how they are constructed so I learned!!!...No way could they come out of WTC without major damage in spite of the design specifications.....whoa
How about the one that crashed in Shanksville or the Pentagon?

What about them?
according to your "theory" it was the massive impacts and falling buildings that destroyed the black boxes on the planes that hit the twin towers.

Do you not remember what you wrote? Its is conveniently quoted above if you forgot.

four crashes four lost black boxes, how convenient and how unprecedented.

Of course I remember what I wrote, I wasn't the one knocking back beers this weekend while sitting by a by a fire at a cabin no more than 5 minutes from my home....whoa

Don't understand why you would have a problem with my post...Is it my sentence structure?what
According to your post and mocking tone (see above) we just don't get it. You "studied" and claimed there was now way the black boxes could come away from the WTC crash site without damage. (maybe so).

I asked about Shanksville and the Pentagon crashes. What is your "Theory" of those missing black boxes?

Both those crashes seemed to be typical and tons of debris did not crush them.

My theory is they were hidden from the public for whatever reason.


Conrad_73's photo
Sun 07/29/12 08:52 AM

From my perspective of being engaged in the world around me, be it through the younger adults my kids age or the people I have grown up with or people I have worked with for twenty years, 90% of us find the official version of 911 to be an absurd fraud and those who buy into it rubes or shrills.
then make up your mind how it was done,instead changing the Method every Tuesday!
We have seen very little from the Truthers besides Insults and Namecalling!:laughing:
I am not privy to national security details nor do I need to be to understand that nothing penetrates the air space over Washington without being challenged. Bad Cessna pilots cannot fly jumbo jets and navigate to a target and hit 3 out of 4 times.

Modern steel framed buildings do not collapse straight down due to fires, never have and never will again unless rigged with explosives.

I do not know the who's or why's but being raised to love and protect freedom, I know 911 was used to take all that away and turn this country into a turnkey police state.

The real issues at hand are the freedoms we lost because of 911.

right,you ain't!
Turn the Transponder off in one off those Planes,and they will be invisible!
Besides,the Military does not follow Civilian Craft on Radar!

What Personal Freedom have you lost on account of 9/11?
Personal Freedom!

have you heard about radar? Norad maybe? I gota go Mr. Conrad but lets just hope if another country ever decides to attack Washington they leave their transponders on eh?
yep I have heard about Radar!
And that is exactly the Issue!
Today's Airliners are identified by their Transponder Signatures!
Turn it off,and the Airliner disappears from Airtraffic-Control!

What Personal Freedom have you lost on account of 9/11?
Personal Freedom!

Why is this chit so hard for some to grasp???frustrated The other day the back boxes came up as further proof of a CT....I didn't know a thing about how they are constructed so I learned!!!...No way could they come out of WTC without major damage in spite of the design specifications.....whoa
How about the one that crashed in Shanksville or the Pentagon?

What about them?
according to your "theory" it was the massive impacts and falling buildings that destroyed the black boxes on the planes that hit the twin towers.

Do you not remember what you wrote? Its is conveniently quoted above if you forgot.

four crashes four lost black boxes, how convenient and how unprecedented.

Of course I remember what I wrote, I wasn't the one knocking back beers this weekend while sitting by a by a fire at a cabin no more than 5 minutes from my home....whoa

Don't understand why you would have a problem with my post...Is it my sentence structure?what
According to your post and mocking tone (see above) we just don't get it. You "studied" and claimed there was now way the black boxes could come away from the WTC crash site without damage. (maybe so).

I asked about Shanksville and the Pentagon crashes. What is your "Theory" of those missing black boxes?

Both those crashes seemed to be typical and tons of debris did not crush them.

My theory is they were hidden from the public for whatever reason.

yep,hidden by Fire and tons of debris!laugh
But since,according to the CT,no Planes flew into the Building,how could the Bad Guys hide those Boxes from the Public!laugh

no photo
Sun 07/29/12 09:05 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sun 07/29/12 09:06 AM
Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 07/29/12 09:45 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 07/29/12 09:53 AM
Donald [Tricky] Rumsfeld:

September 25 2001

Of course, this conjures up Winston Churchill’s famous phrase
when he said – don’t quote me on this, okay? I don’t want to be quoted on
this, so don’t quote me. He said sometimes the truth is so precious that it must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies…. That is a piece of history,
and I bring it up just for the sake of background. I don’t recall that I’ve
ever lied to the press, I don’t intend to, and it seems to me that there will
not be reason for it. There are dozens of ways to avoid having to put
yourself in a position where you’re lying. And I don’t do it.

no photo
Sun 07/29/12 09:56 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving

Hello my prettyflowerforyou

laugh laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/29/12 09:59 AM
No interceptors scrambled, no black boxes out of four planes, three buildings collapsing into their own basements at or near free fall speed. BBC reports collapse of WTC7 half hour before it happen, Guys who could not fly a Cessna manage to fly jumbo jets, navigate and hit three out of four targets preforming complex maneuvers unchallenged over Washington air space.....

I could go on all day how absurd it all sounds.

We have spent how much to defend against this?

At the end of the day we lost three buildings and the Pentagon was lightly damaged and we have killed how many? Wasted how much of our nations resources?

Its well past time to evaluate 911 and its impact on our nations health and wealth.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 07/29/12 09:59 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving

Hello my prettyflowerforyou

laugh laugh

laugh flowers Except it isn't Stuff that CTs want to hear!

no photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:02 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving

Hello my prettyflowerforyou

laugh laugh

laugh flowers Except it isn't Stuff that CTs want to hear!

Well, lets just hope and pray it is to topic, I don't want to get stuck in detention, did enough of that in grade school......pitchfork

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:03 AM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Sun 07/29/12 10:05 AM
Bin Laden was a creation of the CIA.

Taken by themselves, Bin Laden and his band represent supermarket-caliber terrorists, capable of bombing a shopping center, or of destroying a bus. Any capabilities above and beyond this can only be explained through assistance provided by intelligence agencies, primarily
but not limited to the American ones.
There is no doubt that Bin Laden and his benighted gaggle would have desired to inflict destruction on the scale of 9/11. What is at issue is their physical and technical capability of doing so on their own. From this point of view, Bin Laden and company emerge perhaps as actors in the plot, but playing the parts of patsies, dupes, fall-guys, or useful idiots.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:08 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving
OMg this is it?

Do you not comprehend what you read?

The very short list of Black boxes not recovered lists the reasons some at an extreme altitude, others in very deep water etc etc. This is no case for an argument at all in fact it supports the fact that it is totally odd the boxes were not recovered on all four planes involved on 911. laugh

Optomistic69's photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:11 AM
Those Black Boxes should have been made out of Passport materialbigsmile

no photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:12 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sun 07/29/12 10:21 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving
OMg this is it?

Do you not comprehend what you read?

The very short list of Black boxes not recovered lists the reasons some at an extreme altitude, others in very deep water etc etc. This is no case for an argument at all in fact it supports the fact that it is totally odd the boxes were not recovered on all four planes involved on 911. laugh

Cool your jet skies, just breath.....Now have another look at my post...A smidgen...You do know what a smidgen is don't you?...I thought this would be enough to get you started down that long road to redemption Best...

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:16 AM
From your link

1965-08-16 389 United Airlines Boeing 727-22 Lake Michigan, off Chicago, Illinois Resting in 76 m (249 ft) of water; FDR recording media never found[1]

73-07-22 816 Pan American World Airways Boeing 707-321B Pacific Ocean, off Papeete, Tahiti Resting in 700 m (2,300 ft) of water; neither recorder found[2]

1975-09-30 240 Malév Tupolev Tu-154 near the Lebanese shoreline Resting in between 600 and 1,000 m (2,000 and 3,300 ft) of water[3]

985-01-01 980 Eastern Air Lines Boeing 727-225 25 nmi (46 km) from La Paz at the 19,600 ft (5,970 m) level of Andean peak Mt. Illimani. Due to the extreme high altitude and inaccessibility of the accident location, the FDR and CVR were never recovered.[5]

OMg laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:20 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving
OMg this is it?

Do you not comprehend what you read?

The very short list of Black boxes not recovered lists the reasons some at an extreme altitude, others in very deep water etc etc. This is no case for an argument at all in fact it supports the fact that it is totally odd the boxes were not recovered on all four planes involved on 911. laugh
seems you haven't read it!
Pentagon was found!
Still wondering why nothing at WTC?
Well,think again!
Think DEBRIS and FIRE!a bit more Temperature than the 500F they could stand,for much longer!
But like I have said before,physical Facts have never stopped CTs before!laugh

no photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:25 AM

From your link

1965-08-16 389 United Airlines Boeing 727-22 Lake Michigan, off Chicago, Illinois Resting in 76 m (249 ft) of water; FDR recording media never found[1]

73-07-22 816 Pan American World Airways Boeing 707-321B Pacific Ocean, off Papeete, Tahiti Resting in 700 m (2,300 ft) of water; neither recorder found[2]

1975-09-30 240 Malév Tupolev Tu-154 near the Lebanese shoreline Resting in between 600 and 1,000 m (2,000 and 3,300 ft) of water[3]

985-01-01 980 Eastern Air Lines Boeing 727-225 25 nmi (46 km) from La Paz at the 19,600 ft (5,970 m) level of Andean peak Mt. Illimani. Due to the extreme high altitude and inaccessibility of the accident location, the FDR and CVR were never recovered.[5]

OMg laugh

Me thinks thou doth protest juuuuuuuuuuusssst a little too much....shades

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:25 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 07/29/12 10:34 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving
OMg this is it?

Do you not comprehend what you read?

The very short list of Black boxes not recovered lists the reasons some at an extreme altitude, others in very deep water etc etc. This is no case for an argument at all in fact it supports the fact that it is totally odd the boxes were not recovered on all four planes involved on 911. laugh
why ain't I surprised?
How much would be left of you if you had a burning Building dropped onto you?
Go read what the Black Boxes can stand and what they can't!
actually the one at Shanksville was recovered too!
Only leaves the ones at the WTC,for obvious reasons!
So,Shanksville and Pentagon were recovered!
Seems you didn't give it a good Read after all!laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:30 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving
OMg this is it?

Do you not comprehend what you read?

The very short list of Black boxes not recovered lists the reasons some at an extreme altitude, others in very deep water etc etc. This is no case for an argument at all in fact it supports the fact that it is totally odd the boxes were not recovered on all four planes involved on 911. laugh
seems you haven't read it!
Pentagon was found!
Still wondering why nothing at WTC?
Well,think again!
Think DEBRIS and FIRE!a bit more Temperature than the 500F they could stand,for much longer!
But like I have said before,physical Facts have never stopped CTs before!laugh
Did they make it public Mr Conrad?

Would it not be in the public interest to hear and see what exactly happened?

I would suggest though that it was a plant.

light data recorder expert Dennis Cimino, commercial pilot with more than 2000 hours, reveals government's claims about a flight data recorder found at the Pentagon from Flight 77 are totally fraudulent, with zeros instead of the plane's identification number and flight number! The recorder did not come from an airliner but was apparently created at a workbench and was also missing data that an actual flight would have, such as mandatory barometric adjustments and even any record of the cockpit door opening. The talk was given June 17, 2012 at the Vancouver 911 Hearing. Please visit for more information.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:37 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 07/29/12 10:43 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving
OMg this is it?

Do you not comprehend what you read?

The very short list of Black boxes not recovered lists the reasons some at an extreme altitude, others in very deep water etc etc. This is no case for an argument at all in fact it supports the fact that it is totally odd the boxes were not recovered on all four planes involved on 911. laugh
seems you haven't read it!
Pentagon was found!
Still wondering why nothing at WTC?
Well,think again!
Think DEBRIS and FIRE!a bit more Temperature than the 500F they could stand,for much longer!
But like I have said before,physical Facts have never stopped CTs before!laugh
Did they make it public Mr Conrad?

Would it not be in the public interest to hear and see what exactly happened?

I would suggest though that it was a plant.

light data recorder expert Dennis Cimino, commercial pilot with more than 2000 hours, reveals government's claims about a flight data recorder found at the Pentagon from Flight 77 are totally fraudulent, with zeros instead of the plane's identification number and flight number! The recorder did not come from an airliner but was apparently created at a workbench and was also missing data that an actual flight would have, such as mandatory barometric adjustments and even any record of the cockpit door opening. The talk was given June 17, 2012 at the Vancouver 911 Hearing. Please visit for more information.
yep,love your Expert!laugh

Another one up to his Neck into absurd Conspiracy Theories!

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/29/12 10:38 AM

Just a smidgen of my studies concerning the black boxes...

The third link includes a list of several plane crashes in which the flight data recorders were destroyed...
Interesting Stuff!:thumbsup: waving
OMg this is it?

Do you not comprehend what you read?

The very short list of Black boxes not recovered lists the reasons some at an extreme altitude, others in very deep water etc etc. This is no case for an argument at all in fact it supports the fact that it is totally odd the boxes were not recovered on all four planes involved on 911. laugh
seems you haven't read it!
Pentagon was found!
Still wondering why nothing at WTC?
Well,think again!
Think DEBRIS and FIRE!a bit more Temperature than the 500F they could stand,for much longer!
But like I have said before,physical Facts have never stopped CTs before!laugh
Did they make it public Mr Conrad?

Would it not be in the public interest to hear and see what exactly happened?

I would suggest though that it was a plant.

light data recorder expert Dennis Cimino, commercial pilot with more than 2000 hours, reveals government's claims about a flight data recorder found at the Pentagon from Flight 77 are totally fraudulent, with zeros instead of the plane's identification number and flight number! The recorder did not come from an airliner but was apparently created at a workbench and was also missing data that an actual flight would have, such as mandatory barometric adjustments and even any record of the cockpit door opening. The talk was given June 17, 2012 at the Vancouver 911 Hearing. Please visit for more information.
yep,love your Expert!laugh
so Mr Conrad if they found the black box from the pentagon site were is it?