Topic: Christians have no right to wear cross at work
msharmony's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:35 PM

I think if there is a uniform dress code all adhere to, that is fine.

If the cross is singled out from other types of dress that 'represent' a religion, thats not so fine.

The fact that in many places most people can wear just about any jewelry or clothing they want that isnt vulgar, and in other places employers are now forced to allow men to dress like women if thats their choice to express their 'sexual' identity, BUT christians cant wear anything remotely that expresses their 'religious' identity,,,,

is scary,,,

especially since I thought religion AND sexual orientation were protected classes in America,,,,

well, this is happening in Britain, so your safe for the moment...

true. they are big on preventive laws but usually consistent

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:37 PM

They should just make public displays of being offended illegal. Go be offended in private!

laugh :thumbsup:

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:38 PM

Exactly. The only purpose of it is thought control, oppression and striping people of their rights.

My sentiments exactly. This makes me very sad.

no photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:40 PM

Exactly. The only purpose of it is thought control, oppression and striping people of their rights.

My sentiments exactly. This makes me very sad.
Me2, Id fight for your rights to believe, and wear whatever symbols you want!

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:44 PM

I meant shouldn't or eventually will be

They are working it out of the government slowly but surely. When I worked for the government we were not allowed to bring our religions to work at all. Nothing on our desks or bodies. And I will continue to work to get it so that no religion is represented in the government at all.

I see. What part of the government did you work for? And, was this a written policy?

State/City and it was policy. They did allow a Christmas tree since it comes from a non religious tradition before Christianity but no baby Jesus or any stuff like that.

On the holidays we have a display at our court house here that has all religions that want to display displayed. Even if you made up a religion and wanted to display there you could. The fight is going to come and end it all when a satanistic religion decides it wants to display there. That will be the day it all ends because people cannot be fair to what they see as evil. Which is the reason religion is private and should be kept there.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:45 PM

Exactly. The only purpose of it is thought control, oppression and striping people of their rights.

My sentiments exactly. This makes me very sad.
Me2, Id fight for your rights to believe, and wear whatever symbols you want!


I work for local city government. I have for most of my adult life. At different times I have worn a pentacle pendant, a crucifix, various Saint images, etc. And, I am very much in the public eye as I reguarly go out and do presentations to the public for the city. My employer has never had a problem with it. They've never mentioned it at all. Nor have any of the citizens who see me on TV and in person in public places discussing city business. It was never an issue. No one really gave a rats azz about it. Nor did I care about others wearing Star of David, Thor hammers or whatever else they wore.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:47 PM

State/City and it was policy.

What State and city? And, when was this that there was a written policy stating you could not wear religious jewelry?

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:50 PM

Exactly. The only purpose of it is thought control, oppression and striping people of their rights.

My sentiments exactly. This makes me very sad.
Me2, Id fight for your rights to believe, and wear whatever symbols you want!

on this we agree, its all out war against 'christian' expression while everyone else is free to express who they 'feel' they are,,,,

RKISIT's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:55 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 03/16/12 12:55 PM
Why is this so surprising it's europe christianity is dying,islam and atheism is rising.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:58 PM

State/City and it was policy.

What State and city? And, when was this that there was a written policy stating you could not wear religious jewelry?

We had a system here that combined State and City employees, they have since done away with it but we were under both jurisdictions.

And I don't remember seeing one cross as jewelry. Recognizable religious insignia probably makes a big difference here too. I knew some Wiccans at work who wore their talismans and stuff and had no issues because they were perceived as homedic health aids or something like that.

Spoiled Christians feel "persecuted" because they have been over stepping boundaries for a long time here. So they will have to feel that way until the proper balance is reached in this country.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 01:00 PM

Based on this, an employer cannot arbitrarily make a policy forbidding religious jewelry. So, Dragoness, I am really curious as to this policy you worked under.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 01:02 PM
Edited by Ruth34611 on Fri 03/16/12 01:03 PM

State/City and it was policy.

What State and city? And, when was this that there was a written policy stating you could not wear religious jewelry?

We had a system here that combined State and City employees, they have since done away with it but we were under both jurisdictions.

And I don't remember seeing one cross as jewelry. Recognizable religious insignia probably makes a big difference here too. I knew some Wiccans at work who wore their talismans and stuff and had no issues because they were perceived as homedic health aids or something like that.

Spoiled Christians feel "persecuted" because they have been over stepping boundaries for a long time here. So they will have to feel that way until the proper balance is reached in this country.

Okay, so you are saying that in Denver, Colorado there is a written policy for government employees stating that they cannot wear religious jewelry or display any religious item on their desk?

I think that makes them in direct violation of Title 7. Perhaps I should get a job there so I can sue them and retire early. :wink:

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/16/12 01:12 PM

Based on this, an employer cannot arbitrarily make a policy forbidding religious jewelry. So, Dragoness, I am really curious as to this policy you worked under.

It was part of our agreement to employment, EEOC only battles if there was no agreement between employer and employee about issues. Religious organization do the same. You cannot work in one religious organization outwardly expressing and proselyting another religion and keep your job.

If someone on your job would file a complaint of your outward expression of religion, you would find that chances are it would become a rule that you couldn't wear it either. A judge would rule that no religious expression is more just and fair in the government. Of course................ that is unless you live down south and then they are so far behind the times in this area and other areas like race relations, it might be allowed.slaphead

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 01:23 PM

It was part of our agreement to employment, EEOC only battles if there was no agreement between employer and employee about issues. Religious organization do the same. You cannot work in one religious organization outwardly expressing and proselyting another religion and keep your job.

If someone on your job would file a complaint of your outward expression of religion, you would find that chances are it would become a rule that you couldn't wear it either. A judge would rule that no religious expression is more just and fair in the government. Of course................ that is unless you live down south and then they are so far behind the times in this area and other areas like race relations, it might be allowed.slaphead

So, everyone who worked for the government in Denver, Colorado made an agreement never to wear anything that was of religious significance to them? Jews, Muslims, Christians, Pagans? They all agreed to this? This is fascinating. I'm going to have to more research on this.

According to Title 7, other employees complaining about my expressions of religion is not enough to pass a rule forbidding it.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 01:32 PM

According the Anti-Defamation League, employers cannot forbid the wearing of religious jewelry or have appearance rules that violate one's religious beliefs without there being a good reason such as safety.

I found nothing on Denver, Colorado government employees having such a rule. So, unless you can show me some proof of your statement that Denver, Colorado employees were forbidden from such expressions of their religion, I'm going to have to say I don't believe you. I am certainly open to seeing evidence to the contrary.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/16/12 01:38 PM

As an atheist I just wonder . . . . why does it matter what they wear? Shesh, talk about fighting over something that just doesn't matter.

Make me king of engalnd, you can wear your pasta strainer, or cross, or satan neck tie, whatevs peps.


I agree! I'm Christian but if a pagan wanted to wear a pentagrams, I will respect their right to. It does hurt me any.

If someone is butt hurt by a piece of jewelry, then go home and cry in your pillow. There is no crying in baseball!

no photo
Fri 03/16/12 01:43 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 03/16/12 01:44 PM

Exactly. The only purpose of it is thought control, oppression and striping people of their rights.

My sentiments exactly. This makes me very sad.
Me2, Id fight for your rights to believe, and wear whatever symbols you want!


I work for local city government. I have for most of my adult life. At different times I have worn a pentacle pendant, a crucifix, various Saint images, etc. And, I am very much in the public eye as I reguarly go out and do presentations to the public for the city. My employer has never had a problem with it. They've never mentioned it at all. Nor have any of the citizens who see me on TV and in person in public places discussing city business. It was never an issue. No one really gave a rats azz about it. Nor did I care about others wearing Star of David, Thor hammers or whatever else they wore.
I would sooooooo pimp a Thor's hammer!

Exactly. The only purpose of it is thought control, oppression and striping people of their rights.

My sentiments exactly. This makes me very sad.
Me2, Id fight for your rights to believe, and wear whatever symbols you want!

on this we agree, its all out war against 'christian' expression while everyone else is free to express who they 'feel' they are,,,,
Its not really about Christians, it is a tribal Us Vs Them, we are good they are bad mentality.

It exists independent of affiliation and sadly prevents open and honest discussion far too often.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/16/12 01:43 PM
now this seems to contradict itself

And I don't remember seeing one cross as jewelry. Recognizable religious insignia probably makes a big difference here too. I knew some Wiccans at work who wore their talismans and stuff and had no issues because they were perceived as homedic health aids or something like that.


Spoiled Christians feel "persecuted" because they have been over stepping boundaries for a long time here. So they will have to feel that way until the proper balance is reached in this country.

but then all rules are supposed to be equal for all???

You cannot work in one religious organization outwardly expressing and proselyting another religion and keep your job.

which is what the first post I quote was doing as well...they just weren't Christian

If someone on your job would file a complaint of your outward expression of religion, you would find that chances are it would become a rule that you couldn't wear it either. A judge would rule that no religious expression is more just and fair in the government.

So if someone filed a complaint on the pagan symbol...then they wouldn't be allowed to wear it anymore...let's keep it fair and equal

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

metalwing's photo
Fri 03/16/12 01:44 PM

As an atheist I just wonder . . . . why does it matter what they wear? Shesh, talk about fighting over something that just doesn't matter.

Make me king of engalnd, you can wear your pasta strainer, or cross, or satan neck tie, whatevs peps.


I agree! I'm Christian but if a pagan wanted to wear a pentagrams, I will respect their right to. It does hurt me any.

If someone is butt hurt by a piece of jewelry, then go home and cry in your pillow. There is no crying in baseball!

If some pagen wants to get naked ... I'm all for it!!!! happy

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/16/12 01:45 PM

As an atheist I just wonder . . . . why does it matter what they wear? Shesh, talk about fighting over something that just doesn't matter.

Make me king of engalnd, you can wear your pasta strainer, or cross, or satan neck tie, whatevs peps.


I agree! I'm Christian but if a pagan wanted to wear a pentagrams, I will respect their right to. It does hurt me any.

If someone is butt hurt by a piece of jewelry, then go home and cry in your pillow. There is no crying in baseball!

If some pagen wants to get naked ... I'm all for it!!!! happy

you would no matter what belief they have. You just want to see them naked laugh