Topic: Christians have no right to wear cross at work
Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/16/12 04:21 PM

In your example, yes we would have accommodated a rape victim.

In order to accomodate a rape victim you would have to not hire men. Wouldn't that be discriminatory against men? And, what about the man who was abused by his mother his whole childhood? He won't want to see any women. Perhaps we could simply automate everything so people didn't have to deal with people at all. Wait, we already do that on the phone and it doesn't usually work so well.

It is not hard to do. All we had to do was not allow men to address her and make sure she felt safe with the women who helped her.

We didn't have to discriminate to do that.

Still a moot point here.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 04:23 PM

It is not hard to do. All we had to do was not allow men to address her and make sure she felt safe with the women who helped her.

We didn't have to discriminate to do that.

Still a moot point here.

So, if you are a rape victim you need to call ahead and let them know you are coming? I mean, I couldn't just walk in and assume that I would not speak to a man initially at the front counter. Is that right?

RKISIT's photo
Fri 03/16/12 04:23 PM

To be honest if i had a businees i wouldn't mind a few religious thingys around from the employees but if they start bringing in pews and podiums with tithing buckets,then i'd have to stop that.

What if you got a percentage of the tithes?

hmmmmm...good point

Think "tax break"! laugh
laugh that would be the #1 reason.drinker

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/16/12 04:26 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Fri 03/16/12 04:27 PM
There were lots of women at the desks that met the public.

All that had to be said was that she wanted to speak to a woman and one would have been provided for her. She could have stopped a woman outside if she needed to.

We dealt with humans so we dealt with all human issues. There are many many human issues.

But calling ahead would have been a great idea.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 04:31 PM

We dealt with humans so we dealt with all human issues. There are many many human issues.

Exactly. Employees cannot be discriminated against for their race or their gender or their religious beliefs and practices. If the public they come into contact with does not like them for their being black or gay or Christian, they can, if they like, ask to deal with someone else. But, the employee cannot be told they have to change themselves in these specific areas.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 04:40 PM
Dragoness, the bottom line is that it seems to be your personal opinion that no one should be allowed any expression of their religion in the workplace. I disagree as long as it doesn't interefere with their safety or productivity.

No worries, it's a wonderful thing that we can disagree and debate these things.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/16/12 04:43 PM

We dealt with humans so we dealt with all human issues. There are many many human issues.

Exactly. Employees cannot be discriminated against for their race or their gender or their religious beliefs and practices. If the public they come into contact with does not like them for their being black or gay or Christian, they can, if they like, ask to deal with someone else. But, the employee cannot be told they have to change themselves in these specific areas.

Individually that is so, but when you represent the government you represent an entity for all humans, meaning that you have to be respectful of all which means representing or showing no favor to any.

Religions do not respect each other so they cannot be considered benign.

If religions did not have the "we are the right ones and all others are wrong" philosophy they would be able to coexist without conflict but they don't and if they did, it would basically end the appeal of the religion in giving it's member superiority and all the perks of being "right" and "condoned by god".

One of the things I liked about Wicca was that it does recognize all religions as being equal. Too bad no one else's feels the same.

Seakolony's photo
Fri 03/16/12 04:46 PM
Edited by Seakolony on Fri 03/16/12 04:50 PM
We cannot wear any words representing religion at work. We cannot wear anything with large wording about anything at all. We can wear whatever jewelry we wish, but nothing with large readable print.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 03/16/12 04:47 PM

We dealt with humans so we dealt with all human issues. There are many many human issues.

Exactly. Employees cannot be discriminated against for their race or their gender or their religious beliefs and practices. If the public they come into contact with does not like them for their being black or gay or Christian, they can, if they like, ask to deal with someone else. But, the employee cannot be told they have to change themselves in these specific areas.

Individually that is so, but when you represent the government you represent an entity for all humans, meaning that you have to be respectful of all which means representing or showing no favor to any.

Religions do not respect each other so they cannot be considered benign.

If religions did not have the "we are the right ones and all others are wrong" philosophy they would be able to coexist without conflict but they don't and if they did, it would basically end the appeal of the religion in giving it's member superiority and all the perks of being "right" and "condoned by god".

One of the things I liked about Wicca was that it does recognize all religions as being equal. Too bad no one else's feels the same.

as much as i hate to say it, i agree with you...

Seakolony's photo
Fri 03/16/12 04:57 PM

We dealt with humans so we dealt with all human issues. There are many many human issues.

Exactly. Employees cannot be discriminated against for their race or their gender or their religious beliefs and practices. If the public they come into contact with does not like them for their being black or gay or Christian, they can, if they like, ask to deal with someone else. But, the employee cannot be told they have to change themselves in these specific areas.

Individually that is so, but when you represent the government you represent an entity for all humans, meaning that you have to be respectful of all which means representing or showing no favor to any.

Religions do not respect each other so they cannot be considered benign.

If religions did not have the "we are the right ones and all others are wrong" philosophy they would be able to coexist without conflict but they don't and if they did, it would basically end the appeal of the religion in giving it's member superiority and all the perks of being "right" and "condoned by god".

One of the things I liked about Wicca was that it does recognize all religions as being equal. Too bad no one else's feels the same.

as much as i hate to say it, i agree with you...

I'm a crushing your head......I'm a crushing your head!!!!

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/16/12 05:11 PM

We dealt with humans so we dealt with all human issues. There are many many human issues.

Exactly. Employees cannot be discriminated against for their race or their gender or their religious beliefs and practices. If the public they come into contact with does not like them for their being black or gay or Christian, they can, if they like, ask to deal with someone else. But, the employee cannot be told they have to change themselves in these specific areas.

Individually that is so, but when you represent the government you represent an entity for all humans, meaning that you have to be respectful of all which means representing or showing no favor to any.

Religions do not respect each other so they cannot be considered benign.

If religions did not have the "we are the right ones and all others are wrong" philosophy they would be able to coexist without conflict but they don't and if they did, it would basically end the appeal of the religion in giving it's member superiority and all the perks of being "right" and "condoned by god".

One of the things I liked about Wicca was that it does recognize all religions as being equal. Too bad no one else's feels the same.

as much as i hate to say it, i agree with you...

I know how you hate.....

but this happens on occasion very often with different people I do believe.

Seakolony's photo
Fri 03/16/12 06:15 PM

mightymoe's photo
Fri 03/16/12 06:35 PM

We dealt with humans so we dealt with all human issues. There are many many human issues.

Exactly. Employees cannot be discriminated against for their race or their gender or their religious beliefs and practices. If the public they come into contact with does not like them for their being black or gay or Christian, they can, if they like, ask to deal with someone else. But, the employee cannot be told they have to change themselves in these specific areas.

Individually that is so, but when you represent the government you represent an entity for all humans, meaning that you have to be respectful of all which means representing or showing no favor to any.

Religions do not respect each other so they cannot be considered benign.

If religions did not have the "we are the right ones and all others are wrong" philosophy they would be able to coexist without conflict but they don't and if they did, it would basically end the appeal of the religion in giving it's member superiority and all the perks of being "right" and "condoned by god".

One of the things I liked about Wicca was that it does recognize all religions as being equal. Too bad no one else's feels the same.

as much as i hate to say it, i agree with you...

I know how you hate.....

but this happens on occasion very often with different people I do believe.

well, don't get all excited now, it's just that one statement... and by the way, you left off 3 words when you said "I know how you hate....." to say it...

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 03/16/12 06:40 PM

well, don't get all excited now, it's just that one statement... and by the way, you left off 3 words when you said "I know how you hate....." to say it...

That's okay. She also said it happens "on occasion very often". I'm still trying to figure out which it is.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 03/16/12 06:42 PM

well, don't get all excited now, it's just that one statement... and by the way, you left off 3 words when you said "I know how you hate....." to say it...

That's okay. She also said it happens "on occasion very often". I'm still trying to figure out which it is.

lol, kinda like almost never sometimes

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/17/12 12:24 AM

now this seems to contradict itself

And I don't remember seeing one cross as jewelry. Recognizable religious insignia probably makes a big difference here too. I knew some Wiccans at work who wore their talismans and stuff and had no issues because they were perceived as homedic health aids or something like that.


Spoiled Christians feel "persecuted" because they have been over stepping boundaries for a long time here. So they will have to feel that way until the proper balance is reached in this country.

but then all rules are supposed to be equal for all???

You cannot work in one religious organization outwardly expressing and proselyting another religion and keep your job.

which is what the first post I quote was doing as well...they just weren't Christian

If someone on your job would file a complaint of your outward expression of religion, you would find that chances are it would become a rule that you couldn't wear it either. A judge would rule that no religious expression is more just and fair in the government.

So if someone filed a complaint on the pagan symbol...then they wouldn't be allowed to wear it anymore...let's keep it fair and equal

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

so tricky to get people to understand the 'of prohibint gree exercise thereof' part, or the 'congress shall pass no law'

individual employers are not congress, they can set pretty much the requirements they want UNLESS it conflicts with discrimination laws which protect things like religion, race, sexual preference,,,etc,,,,

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/17/12 12:29 AM

Back on topic here.

If you were a person who had been persecuted by a religious organization that happened to use a cross as their insignia and you entered a government building that had promised you that they were neutral on the religious issues and you were served by someone wearing a cross, you would not feel safe nor believe that this government really was unbiased.

thats not true unless EVERYONE there was wearing a cross

,, on the contrary, if some were wearing crosses and some were wearing wiccan jewelry, and some were wearing no jewelry or accessories,etc,, it would indicate how UNBIASED that institution was

just like I wouldnt feel there was racial bias if I saw a white person working as long as I Saw other races too

when they explicitly FORBID a cross, that would imply to me a bias
just like it would imply a bias if they explicitly FORBID blacks employment (or if I saw NO blacks there but did see other races)

now, if there is simply a no accessories rule, thats not biased

when you specificly zero in on one TYPE of accessory,, that is a bias

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/17/12 12:34 AM

We dealt with humans so we dealt with all human issues. There are many many human issues.

Exactly. Employees cannot be discriminated against for their race or their gender or their religious beliefs and practices. If the public they come into contact with does not like them for their being black or gay or Christian, they can, if they like, ask to deal with someone else. But, the employee cannot be told they have to change themselves in these specific areas.

Individually that is so, but when you represent the government you represent an entity for all humans, meaning that you have to be respectful of all which means representing or showing no favor to any.

Religions do not respect each other so they cannot be considered benign.

If religions did not have the "we are the right ones and all others are wrong" philosophy they would be able to coexist without conflict but they don't and if they did, it would basically end the appeal of the religion in giving it's member superiority and all the perks of being "right" and "condoned by god".

One of the things I liked about Wicca was that it does recognize all religions as being equal. Too bad no one else's feels the same.

a religion cant 'respect' anything

people can be respectful or disrespectful regardless of religion

and people who have religion deserve the same RESPECT to express how they identify themself as any other group does

including people does not show bias or favor, EXCLUDING people does

TJN's photo
Sat 03/17/12 10:23 AM
What a bunch of crappity crap crap.
I work for the go ernment and never heard of such a policy.
I have a tattoo of a cross does that mean I have to cut if off?
Oh no I also has a tattoo of the American flag and military units and schools I went to. Do I have to get them cu off also because I offend someone? Guess the government made a mistake when they hired me.

Come to think of it women wearing bras and loose fitting shirts offend me. From now on all women need to not wear bras and can only wear tight white shirts!!! You hear that Obama? Get on it make it law!!!!

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/17/12 11:59 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 03/17/12 12:01 PM

What a bunch of crappity crap crap.
I work for the go ernment and never heard of such a policy.
I have a tattoo of a cross does that mean I have to cut if off?
Oh no I also has a tattoo of the American flag and military units and schools I went to. Do I have to get them cu off also because I offend someone? Guess the government made a mistake when they hired me.

Come to think of it women wearing bras and loose fitting shirts offend me. From now on all women need to not wear bras and can only wear tight white shirts!!! You hear that Obama? Get on it make it law!!!!

this is the issue. Employers set mandates and requirements all the time that are not related to any laws 'congress' has passed but based upon their personal preferences for their workers. There used to be a time when an employee would have an actual 'job description' of duties they were specifically responsible for. This way, they could have something concrete to use to argue decisions against their continued employment by proving they performed their duties.

Now , employers add that nice little 'other duties as assigned' to leave the door open so they can let someone go for any reason without actual documentation it was ever their job responsibility.

Their used to be a time when employers had to have valid documented reasons for terminating employment, now contracts actually have the phrase 'can be terminated at any time' to avoid having to have any real reason to let employees go.

Employers get away with alot of BS in this culture, and the masses insist government stays out of it, so we continue to just get screwed over and over again when we are trying to live 'the american dream' by being productive workers. And people are so desperate to work, and society belittles those without jobs so badly, that people feel obliged to accept all the bs thrown at them just to 'have a job'.