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Topic: Do You Have The Right To Believe - part 2
CowboyGH's photo
Thu 03/08/12 12:48 PM

when you harm others with what you believe

Just to clarify though.

"If I believe A, with all my heart."

How does me believing in A (B)cause harm to another person (B)?

A - Is a spiritual thing; holds no 'physical' properties.

B - Is an action caused from something physical.

a BELIEF can't do HARM.

Actions do.

That's falsely blaming something for "harm".

Exactly, a "belief" harms no one. The person is accountable for their "actions", but you can not directly blame a belief for a person's actions. For it was still their choice to do that action or not.

Belief and action(s) are two totally different things.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 03/08/12 12:50 PM

when you harm others with what you believe

Just to clarify though.

"If I believe A, with all my heart."

How does me believing in A (B)cause harm to another person (B)?

A - Is a spiritual thing; holds no 'physical' properties.

B - Is an action caused from something physical.

a BELIEF can't do HARM.

Actions do.

That's falsely blaming something for "harm".

Exactly, a "belief" harms no one. The person is accountable for their "actions", but you can not directly blame a belief for a person's actions. For it was still their choice to do that action or not.

Belief and action(s) are two totally different things.

For instance, a person may claim to be say Catholic thus the belief. And they are caught stealing an object, which is TOTALLY against their belief(s). Thus showing, actions and beliefs be two totally different things. Thus showing a belief in general can not harm anyone.

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 04:00 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 03/08/12 04:02 PM
Cowboy..we see you HARMING people on here every

day with your FALSE GOSPEL...

We decided because you are unteachable, to just let you

be....and let God.

That's all.

We are not supposed to continue bothering with an unteachable person.

But we do continue to pray for you... and for the Precious People

on here to be protected from false teachers .

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 03/08/12 04:11 PM

Cowboy..we see you HARMING people on here every

day with your FALSE GOSPEL...

We decided because you are unteachable, to just let you

be....and let God.

That's all.

We are not supposed to continue bothering with an unteachable person.

But we do continue to pray for you... and for the Precious People

on here to be protected from false teachers .

..like Choco? o.o

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 04:44 PM

Cowboy..we see you HARMING people on here every

day with your FALSE GOSPEL...

We decided because you are unteachable, to just let you

be....and let God.

That's all.

We are not supposed to continue bothering with an unteachable person.

But we do continue to pray for you... and for the Precious People

on here to be protected from false teachers .


The false teachings are yours as I so plainly showed you numerous times.

You believe a myth and support it as truth.

You deny the words that are in the Bible to propagate pagan heresies.

Remember, the simple believeth every word...

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 05:36 PM

I said something that was false, this is true. But I did not "spread" that false statement(s). I was mistaken, again after being showed my error I stopped.

Spreading false gospel would be spreading the same message even after being shown the error. So why spread lies? Why accuse people falsely?

Cowboy you spread false things for pages and pages...it would be different if you didn't have the Internet right in front of you to check if these things were true or not ....it's the fact that you don't even bother to check ...which is an indication that you want to spread a false view

Not true, and this is my last post on your badgering. If one believes something to be true, why would they then relook? So I was wrong... guess what, I am still just a man. People make mistakes. We're not all perfect like you Funches.

no one has to be prefect like me to know that The freaking Holy Ghost and The freaking Holy Spirit are the same freaking entity....all they have to do is read the freaking bible or look it up on the freaking internet before they post freaking pages after freaking pages about it and then at the freaking end claim that they make a freaking mistake and that they are not freaking perfect or only a freaking man ...what the freak???????????? ...oops I meant WTF?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 03/08/12 05:41 PM

no one has to be prefect like me to know that The freaking Holy Ghost and The freaking Holy Spirit are the same freaking entity....all they have to do is read the freaking bible or look it up on the freaking internet before they post freaking pages after freaking pages about it and then at the freaking end claim that they make a freaking mistake and that they are not freaking perfect or only a freaking man ...what the freak???????????? ...oops I meant WTF?

*chalks that up as another one of Funches hypocritical statements*

*whistles and goes back to checking out the sports news*

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 05:48 PM

to help pay for a tombstone?

No, for naming your band after my copyrighted name.

Keep focused my pussycat apparently has you distracted. xD

I'm using that pussycat incident as a way to explain the point of the thread.."the right to believe"

you had thoughts which formed the belief that it's ok to kick cats....which is the same as a belief to harm

since belief also dictates ones thoughts and/or actions....this is why you kicked the cat

and that is one of the points to this thread...do you have the right to believe if that belief is capable of bringing great harm to others

Yes, you do.

You have the "right" to believe in whatever the eff you want.

If your belief, however, effects the well-being of someone, else it will cause a "problem", but overall, YES, as I said 50 pages ago.

You have the RIGHT to believe in whatever you want.

you also believed that you didn't have to go to school even though you knew that it would get your mother placed in jail ....

you believe it but didn't want to take the resposnibility for believing it...but when you were dragged to the therapist it proved that you didn't have the right to believe without taking responsibility

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 05:55 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 03/08/12 06:16 PM
Sin_and_Sorrow......Choco does not claim to be a

christian...neither does Funches or you...so therefore , you three

are NOT considered false teachers .:heart:

You three (as well as some others ) are just still unbelievers

who express your opinions....which is welcome and is

fine... I have no problem with that at allflowerforyou

A false teacher however, is one who CLAIMS to BE A BELIEVER


SCRIPTURES.... yet will still CLAIM to be a Christian !!!

Again...I have no problem whatsoever with unbelievers on here...or

with peoples's differences among the denominations

or non -denominations....that is fine too ....( and no Funches,

Cowboy is NOT even a non-denomimational christian...his

beliefs in NO WAY represent Christianity on here at all!!!)

Even when Cowboy says Jesus is OUR GOD, he means Jesus is "our" God

(separate entity ) ONLY...and he beleives The Father is another

God(another entity entirely ), and he beleives The Father is

ONLY Jesus's God, not our God (cause he thinks they are 2

separated ENTITIES ENTIRELY... and not just separate PERSONS

WITHIN ONE ENTITY ,as Christians belieive).

To him Jesus was assigned to be our God only...and The Father is

God only over Jesus.

When he says they are One, he ONLY means they are under "ONE

TITLE called God" ONLY.

God is just a "TITLE " of AUTHORITY to him, not a Supreme Being.

THAT is why he thinks we are "Gods" too....so according to him , we

have authority too..so that maked us Gods too...and we ALL are

also under the " title" of "One God".

(Did not the enemy ALSO try to be like the most High God, too? )

That is why this is all false teaching on Cowboy's part , and

NOT coming from God at all !!

This is NOT what Christiaity teaches at all...tHIS is just his

own FALSE teaching on here !!!

Sin_and+Sorrow.Becasue you are new on here and not a Christian,

I don't like to just stand by and watch while you and

others are contantly being exposed to this false teaching of


But No one can stop him from continuing to COMPLETELEY

MISREPRESENTS GOD'S WORD....and TWIST God's Word on here.....

Again... I am not talking about just some minor denominationaL or

non denomination differences among believers...



But again...the nonbelievers on here are fine...and are

welcome...as are also other christians on here.

There is a Big difference between false teachers ,versus just

unblievers just expressing their opinions.


msharmony's photo
Thu 03/08/12 05:56 PM
when they get personal,, they lost

just saying...

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 03/08/12 06:01 PM

to help pay for a tombstone?

No, for naming your band after my copyrighted name.

Keep focused my pussycat apparently has you distracted. xD

I'm using that pussycat incident as a way to explain the point of the thread.."the right to believe"

you had thoughts which formed the belief that it's ok to kick cats....which is the same as a belief to harm

since belief also dictates ones thoughts and/or actions....this is why you kicked the cat

and that is one of the points to this thread...do you have the right to believe if that belief is capable of bringing great harm to others

Yes, you do.

You have the "right" to believe in whatever the eff you want.

If your belief, however, effects the well-being of someone, else it will cause a "problem", but overall, YES, as I said 50 pages ago.

You have the RIGHT to believe in whatever you want.

you also believed that you didn't have to go to school even though you knew that it would get your mother placed in jail ....

you believe it but didn't want to take the resposnibility for believing it...but when you were dragged to the therapist it proved that you didn't have the right to believe without taking responsibility

Yes, blame an 11 year old for NOT taking responsibility for his actions.

So genius of you.

AND. After the first time and I GAINED that knowledge, amazingly, I went and got through it all and she never spent a day behind bars.

So, I did believe, took responsibility for it.

..amazing concept, tis it not?

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 06:04 PM

to help pay for a tombstone?

No, for naming your band after my copyrighted name.

Keep focused my pussycat apparently has you distracted. xD

I'm using that pussycat incident as a way to explain the point of the thread.."the right to believe"

you had thoughts which formed the belief that it's ok to kick cats....which is the same as a belief to harm

since belief also dictates ones thoughts and/or actions....this is why you kicked the cat

and that is one of the points to this thread...do you have the right to believe if that belief is capable of bringing great harm to others

Yes, you do.

You have the "right" to believe in whatever the eff you want.

If your belief, however, effects the well-being of someone, else it will cause a "problem", but overall, YES, as I said 50 pages ago.

You have the RIGHT to believe in whatever you want.

you also believed that you didn't have to go to school even though you knew that it would get your mother placed in jail ....

you believe it but didn't want to take the resposnibility for believing it...but when you were dragged to the therapist it proved that you didn't have the right to believe without taking responsibility

Yes, blame an 11 year old for NOT taking responsibility for his actions.

So genius of you.

AND. After the first time and I GAINED that knowledge, amazingly, I went and got through it all and she never spent a day behind bars.

So, I did believe, took responsibility for it.

..amazing concept, tis it not?

in case no one told you...having to be dragged to the therapist by police officers is not you taking responsibility

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 06:12 PM

What was the discussion about?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 03/08/12 06:15 PM

in case no one told you...having to be dragged to the therapist by police officers is not you taking responsibility

In case no one told you: "An 11 year old doesn't "have" "responsibilities."

In case no one told you: "Not going to school; isn't a religious or spiritual belief; as in, I didn't "worship" anything, I didn't "pray" to anything, and, point in fact, it wasn't even a "belief", it's defiance.

Even so, my "belief" as you call it; was because of the harm being done to me. Again, there is reasons behind it, wasn't just a "random" belief.

"Feel Threatened" = "Remove yourself from situation".

You can make it personal all you want, but truth of the matter is; my opinion on it remains the same.

Your pathetic attempt to belittle who I am, isn't going to work.
You making it personal, isn't going to work.

..and you do recall the part where I said "PHYSICAL" harm, do you not?

Oh, right, trolls can't read.

Well, even despite that, since you'll probably troll your way into saying something dumb like, "that is physical harm"..

I was ELEVEN (11). Double One's. 4,015 days.

Usually have to be a bit older (mature) to be expected to be held "accountable" for a "belief".

Not to mention, if such was ALL my fault:

Why did my therapy sessions end up being free?
Why did my mom sue the school district and win?

Oh, right, because my BELIEF was justified.



Got a free education.
My mom got apology letters.
She even got paid for my "belief".

Take responsibility?


Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 03/08/12 06:15 PM

What was the discussion about?


before he got offended I made him to be a troll?

..or after when he's making it personal?

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 06:35 PM

What was the discussion about?


before he got offended I made him to be a troll?

..or after when he's making it personal?

He himself admitted to being a troll, but that wasn't news to anyone.


You need to learn to play the game, else you get squished...

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 03/08/12 06:37 PM

What was the discussion about?


before he got offended I made him to be a troll?

..or after when he's making it personal?

He himself admitted to being a troll, but that wasn't news to anyone.


You need to learn to play the game, else you get squished...

You, like him, also need to learn how to read.

Bold print.

We were discussing something.
He suddenly got offended, oddly after my troll comments.
No such is personal.

So, which discussion did you mean?

Before he became "offended".
Or after and he became personal?

no photo
Thu 03/08/12 06:40 PM

What was the discussion about?


before he got offended I made him to be a troll?

..or after when he's making it personal?

He himself admitted to being a troll, but that wasn't news to anyone.


You need to learn to play the game, else you get squished...

You, like him, also need to learn how to read.

Bold print.

We were discussing something.
He suddenly got offended, oddly after my troll comments.
No such is personal.

So, which discussion did you mean?

Before he became "offended".
Or after and he became personal?


Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 03/08/12 06:51 PM
Before. ((Overview))

"What crime did (if any) Jesus commit that got him crucified."

After. ((Overview))

"Is it your right to believe in whatever you want without being "imprisoned", "in trouble", or breaking the law for believing in said belief?"

..which is when he began making it personal.

My thoughts:

1. Jesus committed no crimes; only "played" the part to make them "believe" he was, in fact, a "threat". All charges were both false and "conjured" up; and as such, he was crucified for it.

2. Yes, you have the "right" to believe whatever you want. It isn't until you put that belief into action, and that action comes to harm others; that you're belief now becomes an issue.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 03/08/12 07:25 PM

when you harm others with what you believe

Just to clarify though.

"If I believe A, with all my heart."

How does me believing in A (B)cause harm to another person (B)?

A - Is a spiritual thing; holds no 'physical' properties.

B - Is an action caused from something physical.

a BELIEF can't do HARM.

Actions do.

That's falsely blaming something for "harm".

Exactly, a "belief" harms no one. The person is accountable for their "actions", but you can not directly blame a belief for a person's actions. For it was still their choice to do that action or not.

Belief and action(s) are two totally different things.

Beg to differ.

Belief can harm.

There is a false belief in some religions that Women are inferior to men.

This causes harm to a Woman from the moment she is born.

Because a firm belief will color all action and just the fact that the belief is present will create harm as she absorbes her 'place'...

The harm follows her then for the rest of her life.

Leaving a hole where truth ought to be.

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