Topic: How To Stop The Rapture
CowboyGH's photo
Sat 02/18/12 08:51 AM


Yes he did die for our sins. Jesus went to HELL for YOU. Jesus shook hands with Satan.

|Please give me exactly where in the bible said that Jesus went to HELL for YOU. Jesus shook hands with Satan.

The "shook hands with Satan" was more or less just descriptive as in shook hands with death, ect. But for the verses that state Jesus being in hell -

Acts 2:31

31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.

have you read the lines before and what Peter was preaching about ??

Peter Addresses the Crowd

29“Brothers, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day. 30But he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that he would place one of his descendants on his throne. 31Seeing what was ahead, he spoke of the resurrection of the Christ,f that he was not abandoned to the grave, nor did his body see decay.

and a bit more :
According to the 1911 Catholic Encyclopedia, the death of St. Peter is at the end of the 2nd century so he can't be a witness where is Jesus and what he done.

So show me now where in the bible said that Jesus went to HELL for YOU. Jesus shook hands with Satan.

because in other matter will appear that Jesus instead to be beside his 'father ' God he is visiting Satan shaking his hand
/ interesting for what / surprised

Again, the shaking hands with the devil was more of a descriptive term. Like shaking hands with death, and sayings of such. And I showed the verse where Jesus went to hell for you. Not specifically the verse where he "went" to hell, but when he came back. You have to keep in mind, some parts of things may be left out of the bible. I forget how large a bible would estimatedly be if it contained all the knowledge. The bible only contains the knowledge that is needed for our salvation.

Acts 2:31

31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.

johnmontell's photo
Sat 02/18/12 08:58 AM
i thought you claim to be a christian and you are unable to understand the process of rapture , that shows you are fake christian .

bcos unbelivers know and believe that they don't know it, and will like to learn it throgh christ way, but you claim to know it, when you don't know it


IF NOT WHAT HAPPEN TO bar-jesus will happen to you

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 02/18/12 09:00 AM

i thought you claim to be a christian and you are unable to understand the process of rapture , that shows you are fake christian .

bcos unbelivers know and believe that they don't know it, and will like to learn it throgh christ way, but you claim to know it, when you don't know it


IF NOT WHAT HAPPEN TO bar-jesus will happen to you

Instead of spreading lies and insults. Why do you now in a polite way show me the error? Cause if there is error, I would truly truly love to know. Again, show me where the error is.

no photo
Sat 02/18/12 09:03 AM

Acts 2:31

31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.

Exactly , that was preaching abt David's oath with God abt David's offspring !!!

The meaning of that has nothing with 'visit of Jesus " in hell

and tell me where he mention it he went to hell for you ?

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 02/18/12 09:15 AM


Acts 2:31

31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.

Exactly , that was preaching abt David's oath with God abt David's offspring !!!

The meaning of that has nothing with 'visit of Jesus " in hell

and tell me where he mention it he went to hell for you ?

1. It's speaking of the resurrection of Christ eg., mentions Jesus right off the bat. So the proceeding information could only pertain to him.

2. It doesn't have anything to do with Jesus in hell? hmm, then please explain why this was included "his soul was not left in hell"

no photo
Sat 02/18/12 09:58 AM
Edited by chocolina on Sat 02/18/12 10:01 AM

Acts 2:31

31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.

Exactly , that was preaching abt David's oath with God abt David's offspring !!!

The meaning of that has nothing with 'visit of Jesus " in hell

and tell me where he mention it he went to hell for you ?

1. It's speaking of the resurrection of Christ eg., mentions Jesus right off the bat. So the proceeding information could only pertain to him.

2. It doesn't have anything to do with Jesus in hell? hmm, then please explain why this was included "his soul was not left in hell"

Now what is true in your claim :

1. He went to hell for you / When ? /


Yes he did die for our sins. Jesus went to HELL for YOU. Jesus shook hands with Satan

2. If Jesus did die for our sins then

how God kept his oath to David abt 'that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. ' ??

RKISIT's photo
Sat 02/18/12 10:35 AM
Heres a little story i got to tell about 3 biblical brothers you know so well.According to some christians maybe even all,i really don't know,but Moses,Noah and Isaiah were in hell and Jesus went to go get them from hell cause they accept him as the messiah.Now i'm not making this up i heard it from the horses mouth(no Balaam pun intended,even though it was a donkey).

no photo
Sat 02/18/12 12:11 PM

The rapture is just another part of the on going saga of the genocidal maniac,"GOD".This time he has a sidekick.
First of all the bible doesn't have when it's gonna happen,but gives details of why and how it's gonna happen.Furthermore the guy who supposively wrote Revelations is sort of a mystery.Who is this John dude?Also Jesus himself never mentions anything about the Rapture.The rapture written by this mysterious John dude is his view of what might happen.Also it's in the New Testament which means Christians believe this will happen,y'all started it.tongue2

perhaps John means "Jihad"

just as The Messiah is responsible for bringing in The New Testament, Revelations is responsible for being in the Quran since it's supposedly the next charpter in The Adventures of God

The Second coming of Jesus will being the Holy Wars or Religious Wars ...which is Jihad

RKISIT's photo
Sat 02/18/12 12:22 PM

The rapture is just another part of the on going saga of the genocidal maniac,"GOD".This time he has a sidekick.
First of all the bible doesn't have when it's gonna happen,but gives details of why and how it's gonna happen.Furthermore the guy who supposively wrote Revelations is sort of a mystery.Who is this John dude?Also Jesus himself never mentions anything about the Rapture.The rapture written by this mysterious John dude is his view of what might happen.Also it's in the New Testament which means Christians believe this will happen,y'all started it.tongue2

perhaps John means "Jihad"

just as The Messiah is responsible for bringing in The New Testament, Revelations is responsible for being in the Quran since it's supposedly the next charpter in The Adventures of God

The Second coming of Jesus will being the Holy Wars or Religious Wars ...which is Jihad
Hey Funches i seen you walk on water,know why?Cause i wrote it in my bible The New Investment it's a book based on God the God everyone calls money.By the way hows that ark going,have you made any progress?

no photo
Sat 02/18/12 12:43 PM

The rapture is just another part of the on going saga of the genocidal maniac,"GOD".This time he has a sidekick.
First of all the bible doesn't have when it's gonna happen,but gives details of why and how it's gonna happen.Furthermore the guy who supposively wrote Revelations is sort of a mystery.Who is this John dude?Also Jesus himself never mentions anything about the Rapture.The rapture written by this mysterious John dude is his view of what might happen.Also it's in the New Testament which means Christians believe this will happen,y'all started it.tongue2

perhaps John means "Jihad"

just as The Messiah is responsible for bringing in The New Testament, Revelations is responsible for being in the Quran since it's supposedly the next charpter in The Adventures of God

The Second coming of Jesus will being the Holy Wars or Religious Wars ...which is Jihad
Hey Funches i seen you walk on water,know why?Cause i wrote it in my bible The New Investment it's a book based on God the God everyone calls money.By the way hows that ark going,have you made any progress?

I finished the Ark a long time ago and just in case a Flood occurs, my Ark can see it in this video

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 02/18/12 01:01 PM


Acts 2:31

31He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.

Exactly , that was preaching abt David's oath with God abt David's offspring !!!

The meaning of that has nothing with 'visit of Jesus " in hell

and tell me where he mention it he went to hell for you ?

1. It's speaking of the resurrection of Christ eg., mentions Jesus right off the bat. So the proceeding information could only pertain to him.

2. It doesn't have anything to do with Jesus in hell? hmm, then please explain why this was included "his soul was not left in hell"

Now what is true in your claim :

1. He went to hell for you / When ? /


Yes he did die for our sins. Jesus went to HELL for YOU. Jesus shook hands with Satan

2. If Jesus did die for our sins then

how God kept his oath to David abt 'that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. ' ??

Because Jesus defeated death. He was resurrected from hell, and his soul was not kept in hell, nor did his flesh see corruption. When he resurrected 3 days later his body was not ate up with worms, was not decayed in any way.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 02/18/12 01:24 PM

The rapture is just another part of the on going saga of the genocidal maniac,"GOD".This time he has a sidekick.
First of all the bible doesn't have when it's gonna happen,but gives details of why and how it's gonna happen.Furthermore the guy who supposively wrote Revelations is sort of a mystery.Who is this John dude?Also Jesus himself never mentions anything about the Rapture.The rapture written by this mysterious John dude is his view of what might happen.Also it's in the New Testament which means Christians believe this will happen,y'all started it.tongue2

perhaps John means "Jihad"

just as The Messiah is responsible for bringing in The New Testament, Revelations is responsible for being in the Quran since it's supposedly the next charpter in The Adventures of God

The Second coming of Jesus will being the Holy Wars or Religious Wars ...which is Jihad
Hey Funches i seen you walk on water,know why?Cause i wrote it in my bible The New Investment it's a book based on God the God everyone calls money.By the way hows that ark going,have you made any progress?

I finished the Ark a long time ago and just in case a Flood occurs, my Ark can see it in this video
nice it's looking gooddrinker

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Sat 02/18/12 02:18 PM

perhaps John means "Jihad"

"Jihad" to English mean "Struggle".
I believe it's used in the Quran like over 50 times.

"Youhanna" to English mean "John".


..jut saying.

no photo
Sat 02/18/12 03:53 PM

"Jihad" to English mean "Struggle".

I'm pretty sure Homeland Security would regard Jihad to mean "Struggle" to get rid of infidels

just saying

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Sat 02/18/12 03:58 PM

"Jihad" to English mean "Struggle".

I'm pretty sure Homeland Security would regard Jihad to mean "Struggle" to get rid of infidels

just saying

..agreed. Heh.

Was just being 'literal'.

no photo
Mon 02/20/12 03:29 PM

CowboyGH said:

Because Jesus defeated death. He was resurrected from hell

Whaaaaaaat ? !
Show me where in the bible is written that ?

no photo
Mon 02/20/12 03:29 PM

CowboyGH said:

Because Jesus defeated death. He was resurrected from hell

Whaaaaaaat ? !
Show me where in the bible is written that ?

no photo
Tue 02/21/12 05:33 AM

CowboyGH said:

Because Jesus defeated death. He was resurrected from hell

Whaaaaaaat ? !
Show me where in the bible is written that ?

the fact that Jesus was in Hell only means that he didn't defeat Death, he was "resurrected /reincarnated" from Hell into another body, this is why his body did not have decay and why no one recognized him

resurrected from Hell generally refers to the term as to how demons are brought onto Earth

RKISIT's photo
Tue 02/21/12 05:45 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Tue 02/21/12 05:49 AM

CowboyGH said:

Because Jesus defeated death. He was resurrected from hell

Whaaaaaaat ? !
Show me where in the bible is written that ?

the fact that Jesus was in Hell only means that he didn't defeat Death, he was "resurrected /reincarnated" from Hell into another body, this is why his body did not have decay and why no one recognized him

resurrected from Hell generally refers to the term as to how demons are brought onto Earth
Wow the plot thickens now Jesus may have been a Zombie Demon.So then Jesus may have actually been Baal?

no photo
Tue 02/21/12 06:39 AM

CowboyGH said:

Because Jesus defeated death. He was resurrected from hell

Whaaaaaaat ? !
Show me where in the bible is written that ?

the fact that Jesus was in Hell only means that he didn't defeat Death, he was "resurrected /reincarnated" from Hell into another body, this is why his body did not have decay and why no one recognized him

resurrected from Hell generally refers to the term as to how demons are brought onto Earth
Wow the plot thickens now Jesus may have been a Zombie Demon.So then Jesus may have actually been Baal?

this is when it turns into either Zombieism or Possession or Reincarnation

if Jesus was resurrected into the same body then the body would have three days of decay and he would be a Zombie, you can't get to many people wanting to become followers if you come back looking like Zombieland ..which means that he did not come back in his original body

if the body didn't have decay then it points to "Reincarnation"..but reincarnation begins at conception, and the body that Jesus came back in was an adult

since Jesus was in an Adult body which was not at first recognized by those closest to him is why it points to the spirit of Jesus being resurrected like a demon from hell and placed into another body and this would be "Possession"