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Mon 01/23/12 06:54 PM
Death is not receiving the gift of eternal life

going to hell would be not receiving the git of heaven.

Cowboy......you lie through both sides of your forked tongue, but I have to admit that it's a rare opportunity to run into a pathological liar which you clearly are

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:00 PM

Death is not receiving the gift of eternal life

going to hell would be not receiving the git of heaven.

Cowboy......you lie through both sides of your forked tongue, but I have to admit that it's a rare opportunity to run into a pathological liar which you clearly are

lol, why so many insults to the person discussing with you Funches? I tell no lies..

First quote - Death is not receiving the gift of eternal life
Second quote - Going to hell would be not receiving the gift of Heaven eg., eternal life.

There is only two places one will go after this world.

She'ole, which is the word both translated as hell and grave
The paradise set up by our God.

Death and hell are one in the same. Hell is the grave, it is a holding place.

Hell is the grave and is why there is brimstone and fire, since you seem to have a bit of knowledge in the science area, what is in the middle of this Earth? Is it not molten lava? How would the people in that day know this if not given knowledge from God? They did not have the technology we do now, how would they know the center of the Earth is brimstone and fire?

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:10 PM

Death is not receiving the gift of eternal life

well here on Earth Death is when your brain and body no longer function .....when it's intentionly done to someone without their permission ...it's murder

since you claim that Jesus is God then Jesus as God intentionly caused the great flood and became a Mass Murderer.....

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:17 PM

Death is not receiving the gift of eternal life

well here on Earth Death is when your brain and body no longer function .....when it's intentionly done to someone without their permission ...it's murder

since you claim that Jesus is God then Jesus as God intentionly caused the great flood and became a Mass Murderer.....

You can not intermingle secular terms with this. And again, a judgement does not justify as a murder. And you have again no idea whom received eternal life or not.

Jesus died on that cross, not only because his mortal body passed away, it was because he went to hell for those three days. And was resurrected again defeating hell and death for us all.

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Mon 01/23/12 07:21 PM

You can not intermingle secular terms with this.

your God is the one that is guilty of that

didn't your God give a commandment thou shall not Kill/murder ....

so explain why you are right and your God is wrong for giving such a commandment

andrewzooms's photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:23 PM
Why would God send down his Son to be tortured on the cross? After that send him to hell for the sins of everyone except himself? Jesus never sinned.

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:28 PM
God is omnipotent...he can always make another son

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:28 PM

You can not intermingle secular terms with this.

your God is the one that is guilty of that

didn't your God give a commandment thou shall not Kill/murder ....

so explain why you are right and your God is wrong for giving such a commandment

In the Hebrew Manuscript the word is “Ratsach” which means: Murder; ie - to Murder, a Murderer; to dash to pieces.

Kill and murder are two different things. You kill a cow to eat, you do not murder the cow.

Murder - The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

So for the 10 commandments that say "thou shalt not kill" is inaccurate and is what happens when things are translated to much. The commandment is for us not to murder anyone.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:30 PM

Why would God send down his Son to be tortured on the cross? After that send him to hell for the sins of everyone except himself? Jesus never sinned.

Jesus did sin in a sense at the end on the cross. He bore all of our sins in himself so we would not have to. He took your punishment so your sins even though he committed not one.

Jesus was sent to give us the new covenant, it was man that crucified him for doing that, not God.

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:33 PM

So for the 10 commandments that say "thou shalt not kill" is inaccurate and is what happens when things are translated to much. The commandment is for us not to murder anyone.

that why I include Kill/murder in my question ...so now can you answer it

so if according to you no one dies then explain why your God would leave a false commandment "thou shall not Kill/Murder"

because if people do die that mean that Jesus as God killed/murdered innocent babies in the great flood

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:35 PM

In the Hebrew Manuscript the word is “Ratsach” which means: Murder; ie - to Murder, a Murderer; to dash to pieces.

in hebrew "funches" means the father of God

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:41 PM

So for the 10 commandments that say "thou shalt not kill" is inaccurate and is what happens when things are translated to much. The commandment is for us not to murder anyone.

that why I include Kill/murder in my question ...so now can you answer it

so if according to you no one dies then explain why your God would leave a false commandment "thou shall not Kill/Murder"

because if people do die that mean that Jesus as God killed/murdered innocent babies in the great flood

But man can murder. Man can take the physical life of another. Kill and murder are not the same. Murder is the unlawful taking of another's life. You kill animals to eat them, nothing unlawful about that. And the commandment is thou shall not murder, it is not thou shall not kill. Only in the newer translations of the bible does it say "kill".

because if people do die that mean that Jesus as God killed/murdered innocent babies in the great flood

Again, no. You know not of the judgement placed on these people and babies in general have a straight ticket to Heaven, for they did not have the chance to make a choice on their faith nor have they made a sinful action. They are innocent and have nothing to be punished for.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:42 PM

In the Hebrew Manuscript the word is “Ratsach” which means: Murder; ie - to Murder, a Murderer; to dash to pieces.

in hebrew "funches" means the father of God

Glad you think so highly of yourself :)

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:54 PM

. And the commandment is thou shall not murder, it is not thou shall not kill. Only in the newer translations of the bible does it say "kill".

but you claim that you follow the King James Version and in that version the commandement states that God shall not Kill...

so are you claiming that God's words in the KJV bible is inaccurate?

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:56 PM

In the Hebrew Manuscript the word is “Ratsach” which means: Murder; ie - to Murder, a Murderer; to dash to pieces.

in hebrew "funches" means the father of God

Glad you think so highly of yourself :)

I was being humble

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/23/12 07:59 PM

. And the commandment is thou shall not murder, it is not thou shall not kill. Only in the newer translations of the bible does it say "kill".

but you claim that you follow the King James Version and in that version the commandement states that God shall not Kill...

so are you claiming that God's words in the KJV bible is inaccurate?

I follow no translation of the bible. I read, search, and investigate. I generally use the king james version, yes. But by no means am I saying that it has exact perfect translation of the scriptures. I use king james for it is translated less then say the New American version or many others.

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 08:07 PM

I follow no translation of the bible. I read, search, and investigate. I generally use the king james version, yes. But by no means am I saying that it has exact perfect translation of the scriptures. I use king james for it is translated less then say the New American version or many others.

so according to you the KJV bible is inaccuarate and there are some things in it that is not the true word of God

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/23/12 08:15 PM

I follow no translation of the bible. I read, search, and investigate. I generally use the king james version, yes. But by no means am I saying that it has exact perfect translation of the scriptures. I use king james for it is translated less then say the New American version or many others.

so according to you the KJV bible is inaccuarate and there are some things in it that is not the true word of God

I do not know that for absolute, nor did I say that specifically.

no photo
Mon 01/23/12 08:26 PM

I follow no translation of the bible. I read, search, and investigate. I generally use the king james version, yes. But by no means am I saying that it has exact perfect translation of the scriptures. I use king james for it is translated less then say the New American version or many others.

so according to you the KJV bible is inaccuarate and there are some things in it that is not the true word of God

I do not know that for absolute, nor did I say that specifically.

if you do not know absoulutely...then why are you making negative accusations about God's Word

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/23/12 08:39 PM

I follow no translation of the bible. I read, search, and investigate. I generally use the king james version, yes. But by no means am I saying that it has exact perfect translation of the scriptures. I use king james for it is translated less then say the New American version or many others.

so according to you the KJV bible is inaccuarate and there are some things in it that is not the true word of God

I do not know that for absolute, nor did I say that specifically.

if you do not know absoulutely...then why are you making negative accusations about God's Word

Only you have made any accusations about God's word. I am done with you for tonight though Funches, you have taken this thread entirely off topic and now getting personal. Good night friend.

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