Topic: Do you men miss the gentleman ways?
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Sat 10/22/11 03:03 PM

We have to give the younger generation credit where credit is due...when they want to be, when it counts, they always come through!

Agreed, most are much better mannered then myself, and that's really saying something :)

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 10/22/11 03:33 PM
Some of the younger generation I work with especially this remarkable young man with the gangsta persona is mannered gently due to his mother's ability to teach him with her strong moral values. I admire his dedication to his art of dealing with the elderly. He is definitely Alpha like in his mentality while I am Beta but when we work together I let him lead which is no big problem for me since I am basically lazy to a fault. The fault being I was taught to earn a living at a early age. I admire the way he can tell a resident when we are expected to do the impossible that they aren't going to like what is going to happen to them next but we are honor bound by the state to do our duty. Together we let them know if they are disappointed by our service to take it up with the state because we both believe that the customer is always right no matter how demented they may be.

navygirl's photo
Sat 10/22/11 10:20 PM

Flowers can be a little different than opening up doors. When they start sneezing or have a preference on flowers is a good thing to know.

Not allergic to flowers but personally never really cared for them or jewelry for that matter. As I said; its just good manners to hold open doors whether its a man or woman. Just don't know why men think if they hold a door open for a woman that is is chilvary.

no photo
Sat 10/22/11 10:41 PM
You mean there are men that don't do that?
Must have been raised by wolves. Guess I've just been lucky, in the few dates I've had in the last 1.5 yrs.

vivian2981's photo
Sun 10/23/11 05:33 AM
Most men are gentlemen I think, given the chance. I think women's Lib has confused them at times...should they do this? Not this? Fundamentally I believe they WANT to be a gentleman.

krupa's photo
Sun 10/23/11 05:52 AM

Most men are gentlemen I think, given the chance. I think women's Lib has confused them at times...should they do this? Not this? Fundamentally I believe they WANT to be a gentleman.

No doubt! I get the dirtiest looks when I say "Wash my car after you take out the trash and be quick about it"

I thought chicks wanted equality.

vivian2981's photo
Sun 10/23/11 05:54 AM

Most men are gentlemen I think, given the chance. I think women's Lib has confused them at times...should they do this? Not this? Fundamentally I believe they WANT to be a gentleman.

No doubt! I get the dirtiest looks when I say "Wash my car after you take out the trash and be quick about it"

I thought chicks wanted equality.

You forgot the part about 'chop the wood and bring me a beer'laugh But you know women...always changing their minds.laugh

Benji1010's photo
Sun 10/23/11 05:55 AM
Edited by Benji1010 on Sun 10/23/11 05:56 AM
It would appear that gentlemen are something of a dying breed, sadly. At least, this is what many people have told me - which is a pity. But I and others like me will continue to fly the flag of courtesy, respect, morals and manners.

Was it not Louis, the French king, who said to one of his friends " I can give your son a title but I can never make him a gentleman, for gentlemen are born, not raised".


RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 10/23/11 06:09 AM

Flowers can be a little different than opening up doors. When they start sneezing or have a preference on flowers is a good thing to know.

Not allergic to flowers but personally never really cared for them or jewelry for that matter. As I said; its just good manners to hold open doors whether its a man or woman. Just don't know why men think if they hold a door open for a woman that is is chilvary.

I was working with female aide who has a girlfriend last night. She was so tuckered out when I came in. We had to get this guy under the covers as he was laying on them. He was complaining about being cold. So the low bottom bed we tried to pull out but the wheels weren't rolling. She said she could pull out the bed to get on the other side to help me. I lift the end of the bed with him in it and pull it out. She said, "Well, that is one way to do it."laugh Then she was chivalrous pulling the blanket out caught under the bed while I lifted the bed, again."laugh Either, that or brute force has its advantages.:smile:

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 10/23/11 06:21 AM

Most men are gentlemen I think, given the chance. I think women's Lib has confused them at times...should they do this? Not this? Fundamentally I believe they WANT to be a gentleman.

When I took the classes on Feminism one of the things I was told was that a man of quality is not threatened by a woman of equality. I think if you asked most men if they had to choose between Xena warrior princess and Gabrielle Amazon princess it would be a hard choice.:smile:

vivian2981's photo
Sun 10/23/11 06:49 AM

Most men are gentlemen I think, given the chance. I think women's Lib has confused them at times...should they do this? Not this? Fundamentally I believe they WANT to be a gentleman.

When I took the classes on Feminism one of the things I was told was that a man of quality is not threatened by a woman of equality. I think if you asked most men if they had to choose between Xena warrior princess and Gabrielle Amazon princess it would be a hard choice.:smile:

Point taken:thumbsup:

navygirl's photo
Sun 10/23/11 08:16 AM

Most men are gentlemen I think, given the chance. I think women's Lib has confused them at times...should they do this? Not this? Fundamentally I believe they WANT to be a gentleman.

When I took the classes on Feminism one of the things I was told was that a man of quality is not threatened by a woman of equality. I think if you asked most men if they had to choose between Xena warrior princess and Gabrielle Amazon princess it would be a hard choice.:smile:

I actually I have that to be true. My best male friends accept me for who I am and don't feel threatned by my being a feminist. I think with me its about equality more than anything else. I don't mind a door being held open for me as long as he doesn't mind me opening the door. I have helped many guys with renos as I am good at it as isn't it all about being able to help each other. Why do we need labels such as feminist, independent, chilivary, gentlemen; etc. Why can't we just accept that it is what it is?

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 10/23/11 09:12 AM
In fairness to all the men I've dated, they've never not opened doors, or complained when I've opened doors.

Now, I find it highly amusing that all of the guys I do know who do gripe about it, might start out opening doors, giving flowers or whatever, but then when they become comfortable with the person, it all stops. Kinda hypocritical, IMO.

navygirl's photo
Sun 10/23/11 09:55 AM
Edited by navygirl on Sun 10/23/11 09:57 AM

In fairness to all the men I've dated, they've never not opened doors, or complained when I've opened doors.

Now, I find it highly amusing that all of the guys I do know who do gripe about it, might start out opening doors, giving flowers or whatever, but then when they become comfortable with the person, it all stops. Kinda hypocritical, IMO.

Thats because they do this during the courting stage. Once they have the woman; they don't need to do this stuff anymore. I find it funny actually that women would expect them to keep doing these things. laugh

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 10/23/11 10:31 AM
Most women I know don't expect it after the initial courtship, but they didn't really expect during courtship either, which is why they're rather blase or uncaring about it when a guy does do it. Which in turn, upsets the guys because they're not getting brownie points for it.

kelp1961's photo
Sun 10/23/11 10:43 AM
kind gestures toward me are always long as it is not on my dime...(there is a story that goes with that)
But I tell ya what...When I see a man show/showing genuine kindness, respect, appreciation, interest in strangers, THAT is a total turn on....If you have given me flowers and/or held open a door for me etc.....but can't seem to show that same love and respect for strangers...well that speaks more to me then those flowers in hand. I'm just saying.

teadipper's photo
Sun 10/23/11 10:47 AM
I get annoyed by people who do not hold doors open for other people here in CA but my dad is a southern boy and my mother has good manners.

I was instantly turned off by a guy recently who brought coffee on a date and did not call and ask did I want one or anything and just showed up with him drinking his Starbucks and no, I didn't want a coffee but I might have liked a bottled water...but he lost brownie points but I with me that he could have earned.

But I went out with another guy and I will give guys another hint though if likewise a woman rejects a gesture it may not just be her being rude. A guy I went out with was very polite but half way through the date revealed details about his ex-wife how how much younger she was than him TONS and how long they had be divorced TONS and how long it had been since their divorce LONG and Terri being Terri did the math in my head and it equaled him marrying her as a fetus and thus firmly slotted him out of potential boyfriend and into guy friend slot and when he went to carry some stuff for me, I insisted on carrying it myself though I did let him open doors and such.

I did hug him good bye but the next day when I spoke to him i did tell him of his being slotted into friend and not boyfriend and why. He said he appreciated my honesty. I thanked him as a self employed person for a Terri concept which I call his time/money as all self employed persons when they spend time with you are in fact giving you a chunk of potential cash they could have earned. He is a hugely successful person and had laid out enough time/money in that date to have bought me a nice set of earrings and I explained I appreciated that. And he said it was nice that I saw it that way.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/23/11 10:50 AM

kind gestures toward me are always long as it is not on my dime...(there is a story that goes with that)
But I tell ya what...When I see a man show/showing genuine kindness, respect, appreciation, interest in strangers, THAT is a total turn on....If you have given me flowers and/or held open a door for me etc.....but can't seem to show that same love and respect for strangers...well that speaks more to me then those flowers in hand. I'm just saying.

yes, it speaks alot to character. Sexiest man I ever dated had the old fashioned , cherish females and respect elders,,,character

it was so refreshing and amazing to watch,,,

teadipper's photo
Sun 10/23/11 11:03 AM

kind gestures toward me are always long as it is not on my dime...(there is a story that goes with that)
But I tell ya what...When I see a man show/showing genuine kindness, respect, appreciation, interest in strangers, THAT is a total turn on....If you have given me flowers and/or held open a door for me etc.....but can't seem to show that same love and respect for strangers...well that speaks more to me then those flowers in hand. I'm just saying.

yes, it speaks alot to character. Sexiest man I ever dated had the old fashioned , cherish females and respect elders,,,character

it was so refreshing and amazing to watch,,,

I was just telling a guy friend on here who speaks well of his mother ALWAYS go out with the guy who speaks well of his mother and sisters because the reverence he has for the women he grew up with and who raised him is how he is going to feel about you..........

teadipper's photo
Sun 10/23/11 11:06 AM

Most men are gentlemen I think, given the chance. I think women's Lib has confused them at times...should they do this? Not this? Fundamentally I believe they WANT to be a gentleman.

there is absolutely nothing in the women's lib. movement that says pick men who treat you like crap........