Topic: Employer/Employees Market
msharmony's photo
Mon 10/10/11 08:37 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 10/10/11 08:39 AM
When I think of the employment situation, it seems like its definitely an employers market.

Much like with housing, there are periods there where sellers are having a hard time finding those who will buy and have to lower their price ( a buyers market)

and other times when consumers are more prosperous and more available for long time investments so houses are swept up quickly(a sellers market)

financially speaking, it feels like an employers market where people are having really hard times finding employment and employers are able to abuse that by decreasing wages, benefits, etc,,,,

I wonder what we can do collectively to take it back towards an 'employees' market, or if there will ever be such a thing again,,,

or maybe this is the 2012 change in the system as we knew it and the birth of a culture where people will say screw the employers and create their own jobs and income somehow,,,,(shrugs)

justme659's photo
Mon 10/10/11 08:55 AM
I also feel that you are correct. The unemployed are forced to take lower paying jobs because they are desparate for any job. Employers know this. Plus compeating with so many folks that are here working under-the-table I ask, who would you hire if you are a small business looking for workers? Someone with a degree, someone with years of experience or someone who will work for next to nothing?

As a person of the over 50 crowd, I am experiencing the joblessness first hand. I got my first interview in 3 years and still do not know if I got the job. It is the most terrifying thing anyone can go through. I am going to school and living on my loans. This year my loans were cut in half. I barely made it before, now I do not know if I can make it the rest of the month. I am in a ton of debt because of my loans. I just want a job. See I am a part of the problem. At this point I am willing to work at below minimum wage just to have some money comming in. But you know what? There are not even fast food jobs available here where I live. I see that the cleaners down the street is looking for a seamstress. I can sew but that is not a wage that I can live on, but I am going to apply today.

There is a grass roots gathering that I feel is trying to get the word out and make a difference. Check it out.

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/10/11 09:00 AM

I also feel that you are correct. The unemployed are forced to take lower paying jobs because they are desparate for any job. Employers know this. Plus compeating with so many folks that are here working under-the-table I ask, who would you hire if you are a small business looking for workers? Someone with a degree, someone with years of experience or someone who will work for next to nothing?

As a person of the over 50 crowd, I am experiencing the joblessness first hand. I got my first interview in 3 years and still do not know if I got the job. It is the most terrifying thing anyone can go through. I am going to school and living on my loans. This year my loans were cut in half. I barely made it before, now I do not know if I can make it the rest of the month. I am in a ton of debt because of my loans. I just want a job. See I am a part of the problem. At this point I am willing to work at below minimum wage just to have some money comming in. But you know what? There are not even fast food jobs available here where I live. I see that the cleaners down the street is looking for a seamstress. I can sew but that is not a wage that I can live on, but I am going to apply today.

There is a grass roots gathering that I feel is trying to get the word out and make a difference. Check it out.

ty,, I am fortunate to have family to lean on but I know many, many, people dont even have that,,,,

krupa's photo
Mon 10/10/11 05:07 PM
Edited by krupa on Mon 10/10/11 05:08 PM
I hear that it is like that in a lot of places but, Texas has a pretty wide open job market with alot of availability. Not sure why but, It seems like most places are hiring.

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 10/10/11 05:48 PM

I hear that it is like that in a lot of places but, Texas has a pretty wide open job market with alot of availability. Not sure why but, It seems like most places are hiring.

I call BS! I've been out for a year and couldn't find squat. I was dropping 20+resumes a week to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I could find. I finally, finally, started a job today. Texas is doing no better then the rest of the country, despite all of the hype.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 10/10/11 05:56 PM
I completely changed fields at 50 so I can stay working.

As long as peopleoids come to the
beach to vacation I'll stay working.

It is tough out there though, for sure!

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 10/12/11 01:54 AM
The medical field is doing great. Obama really helped us on our taxes and helped us is we chose to upgrade from CNAs to Nurses.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 10/12/11 02:04 AM
It is certainly an employers market. There are a lot of talented
people out of work and available - much more than usual because of
the unemployment situation. But there are also a lot of unskilled
and unreliable people who are much more difficult to employ.

Wages will be lower according to the law of supply and demand as
always....but the most highly skilled and valuable will still be
in demand, find work faster and garner a premium wage.

Personally I'm going to try for one of the free flights to Japan.


TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 10/12/11 11:41 AM

I hear that it is like that in a lot of places but, Texas has a pretty wide open job market with alot of availability. Not sure why but, It seems like most places are hiring.

I call BS! I've been out for a year and couldn't find squat. I was dropping 20+resumes a week to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I could find. I finally, finally, started a job today. Texas is doing no better then the rest of the country, despite all of the hype.

Humm guess I have to agree to disagree...Even though I was out of work for 19 months and could not find what I wanted I have to admit that many places where hiring just not what I was looking for.

Texas is not as bad off as the rest of the States.

Not saying many are without jobs just saying we do have more business that are hiring then other States do.

justme659's photo
Wed 10/12/11 02:46 PM
Edited by justme659 on Wed 10/12/11 02:48 PM

I beleive every word justme. I see it all around me. I am tremendously fortunate to have what I have and that isnt much. I take none of it for granted.

Like MsH, I have family to lean on if something happens. Im sure its frightening for those who do not.

It is the worst fear/terror of my life. I wish I had family to help me. Even a cousin to come over and hang out while I go through my stuff to have a garage sale. Dozens live here, yet not one will help, and I have never asked for anything from any of them before. I have lived here in OH for over 32 years. I loved it here, but now it is a different place. No jobs, not safe to walk the streets and crime skyrocketing. Desparation everywhere. It is heart breaking to see the town of my childhood going to ruin.

Every week I want to change my degree, Politics to make changes, social services to help others in my situation or interior design. LOL That last one would only help me. But we have SO much of govt. sticking their noses in our business that the first 2 choices would be pointless. I better quit before I get this moved.

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 10/12/11 03:39 PM
The biggest fears of the rich are; inflation where their investments are worth less, and rising labor costs when they have to give up more profit to pay the people who produce goods and services.

Yes it is now an employers market. It is meant to be that way.

krupa's photo
Wed 10/12/11 03:50 PM
The day I can figure out how to make "Beach Bum" a professional occupation, I am gonna go for it. Should be a fairly open market.

grizz11952001's photo
Wed 10/12/11 05:35 PM
think the only two who been hiring alot are bechart an glad in rogers arkansas other than that if you got a job in arkansas hang on to it because alot of people here out of work .an looking.