Thank you again Morning Song. I did find a perfect audio bible, that I better understand.
One thing is becoming very clear to me now, that I really questioned before. Why the Lord seemed to be so harsh, to those who sinned against him? I am coming to see now, that the Lord had a plan from day one, as I also feel, that he still has, in ALL of our lives. He designed this plan, to work for the betterment, of the quality of, life of all of his people. So when one rose against him, or defiled him, or disrespected him, by not following his plan, he was put to death, for the sake, of the rest of the people. So he didnt just randomly strike people down, but he struck down, those who went against him, and his plan for the world, for the betterment of all. Forsake the few, for the betterment of many. Im not sure, if it says that in the bible or not, I havent read that as of yet, but it seems to me, to be, why he chooses to forsake individuals, and whole groups, or towns of people. I used to say that "if God wanted us to be perfect and not sin, then why didnt he make us perfect and unable to sin". I now believe it was because, he wants to allow us the freedom of choice. Whether it be right, or wrong, we are allowed to choose our destiny, with the Lord. We are given a choice, to come to him, or not, we are given a choice, to be obedient, or not, and we were given, the freedom of choice, from the beginning, when Adam and Eve were put in the garden, and given the choice of having EVERYTHING, with the exception, of one thing. Unfortunately, they chose that one thing. And for that, God produced a great flood, that washed away everything, that he had created, with the exception of Noah, and his family, and the animals aboard the ark. I believe, that God wants it to be our choice, not his force, that brings us to him, allowing us to become, obedient to him, thus, making the world a better place, overall. And to me, that makes alot of sense. God Bless |
Keep Growinging the Word,Luv.
There is Life in the Word. God IS the Word. The more we Know the more we Grow....The more we Grow the more we Know. And None of us have Arrived yet... (((((((Luv)))))) |
Keep Growinging the Word,Luv. There is Life in the Word. God IS the Word. The more we Know the more we Grow....The more we Grow the more we Know. And None of us have Arrived yet... (((((((Luv)))))) AMEN!! |
Keep Growinging the Word,Luv. There is Life in the Word. God IS the Word. The more we Know the more we Grow....The more we Grow the more we Know. And None of us have Arrived yet... (((((((Luv)))))) AMEN!! So how do you, as a seasoned Christian, feel about my interpretation, so far? |
Edited by
Sun 01/29/12 02:58 PM
Dear Luv...
From what you shared,You are hearing from God,and growing in the Word. He is leading and guiding you thru His Holy Spirit, as you continue to grow in Him. But I'm gonna share something here with you ,Precious. When we are born again,The Holy Spirit INDWELLING us, becomes our TEACHER now....The Holy Spirit Indwelling us now, is the ONLY One Who is able to Gives us the Correct Interpretation of God's Word...not man. It is not our OWN interpretation that we should seek ,but ONLY the Holy Spirit's Interpretation that we should seek, Luv. Always Ask God to lead and guide you,Precious ....and God thru The Holy Spirit will. Again...The Holy Spirit becomes our Teacher now, whem we are born again...and will also LEAD AND GUIDE US INTO ALL TRUTH. And will NEVER lead us astray. Amen? God says, "My Sheep hear MY VOICE, and the voice of a stranger they will NOT follow." That is because God thru The Power of The Holy Spirit, has Now come to DWELL in EVERY BELIEVER....... and therefore, ALL believers will be able to recognize if and when The Holy Sprit is speaking thru someone giving an Interpretation of God's Word , as to whether that Interpretation is correct or not. In other words, believers are able to recognize if the Holy Sprit is speaking thru a person giving the right Interpretation of God's Word , or if it is just a person himself giving us his OWN opinion only. For instance, when a pastor gets up to preach, God''s Sheep are able to know if the Holy Spirit is speaking thru that pastor ,or not. That goes for anyone else teaching God'd Word. We born again Believers are able to recognize Truth from Error now. Amen? Amen. Love You ,Precious. Always Ask God to lead and gude you ,not man . After God thru the Power of The Holy Sprit comes to dwell in us Believers, He will NEVER lead us wrong. (((((Hugs from the Heart))))))) |
Edited by
Thu 02/02/12 10:41 AM
Dear Luv... From what you shared,You are hearing from God,and growing in the Word. He is leading and guiding you thru His Holy Spirit, as you continue to grow in Him. But I'm gonna share something here with you ,Precious. When we are born again,The Holy Spirit INDWELLING us, becomes our TEACHER now....The Holy Spirit Indwelling us now, is the ONLY One Who is able to Gives us the Correct Interpretation of God's Word...not man. It is not our OWN interpretation that we should seek ,but ONLY the Holy Spirit's Interpretation that we should seek, Luv. Always Ask God to lead and guide you,Precious ....and God thru The Holy Spirit will. Again...The Holy Spirit becomes our Teacher now, whem we are born again...and will also LEAD AND GUIDE US INTO ALL TRUTH. And will NEVER lead us astray. Amen? God says, "My Sheep hear MY VOICE, and the voice of a stranger they will NOT follow." That is because God thru The Power of The Holy Spirit, has Now come to DWELL in EVERY BELIEVER....... and therefore, ALL believers will be able to recognize if and when The Holy Sprit is speaking thru someone giving an Interpretation of God's Word , as to whether that Interpretation is correct or not. In other words, believers are able to recognize if the Holy Sprit is speaking thru a person giving the right Interpretation of God's Word , or if it is just a person himself giving us his OWN opinion only. For instance, when a pastor gets up to preach, God''s Sheep are able to know if the Holy Spirit is speaking thru that pastor ,or not. That goes for anyone else teaching God'd Word. We born again Believers are able to recognize Truth from Error now. Amen? Amen. Love You ,Precious. Always Ask God to lead and gude you ,not man . After God thru the Power of The Holy Sprit comes to dwell in us Believers, He will NEVER lead us wrong. (((((Hugs from the Heart))))))) ((((( MORNING SONG ))))) Thank you, and I love you too. |
One of the things amazing about the Bible itself is although it had many many authors the same "theme" is consistent throughout. You can "tell" it is divinely inspired writings.
You Are Very Welcome Luv.
And Oldhippie? What You Wrote: Very Well Said . |
One of the things amazing about the Bible itself is although it had many many authors the same "theme" is consistent throughout. You can "tell" it is divinely inspired writings. |
Actually, the AUTHOR of the Bible is GOD....
but I know what you meant,OldHippie. (You meant Those who WROTE down The God Inspird Words). |
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesussssssssssss kingggggggggg, of all kings. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesussssssssssss makes meeeeeee, wanna sing. -Stryper |
"Thank you Jesus, for giving me another day". -Amen |
Thank you again Morning Song. I did find a perfect audio bible, that I better understand. One thing is becoming very clear to me now, that I really questioned before. Why the Lord seemed to be so harsh, to those who sinned against him? I am coming to see now, that the Lord had a plan from day one, as I also feel, that he still has, in ALL of our lives. He designed this plan, to work for the betterment, of the quality of, life of all of his people. So when one rose against him, or defiled him, or disrespected him, by not following his plan, he was put to death, for the sake, of the rest of the people. So he didnt just randomly strike people down, but he struck down, those who went against him, and his plan for the world, for the betterment of all. Forsake the few, for the betterment of many. Im not sure, if it says that in the bible or not, I havent read that as of yet, but it seems to me, to be, why he chooses to forsake individuals, and whole groups, or towns of people. I used to say that "if God wanted us to be perfect and not sin, then why didnt he make us perfect and unable to sin". I now believe it was because, he wants to allow us the freedom of choice. Whether it be right, or wrong, we are allowed to choose our destiny, with the Lord. We are given a choice, to come to him, or not, we are given a choice, to be obedient, or not, and we were given, the freedom of choice, from the beginning, when Adam and Eve were put in the garden, and given the choice of having EVERYTHING, with the exception, of one thing. Unfortunately, they chose that one thing. And for that, God produced a great flood, that washed away everything, that he had created, with the exception of Noah, and his family, and the animals aboard the ark. I believe, that God wants it to be our choice, not his force, that brings us to him, allowing us to become, obedient to him, thus, making the world a better place, overall. And to me, that makes alot of sense. God Bless I think you might get something about of reading "The Book of Jonah" and "The Book of Ruth" if you haven't already. Both books involve forgiveness, faithfulness and acceptance. |
Thank you again Morning Song. I did find a perfect audio bible, that I better understand. One thing is becoming very clear to me now, that I really questioned before. Why the Lord seemed to be so harsh, to those who sinned against him? I am coming to see now, that the Lord had a plan from day one, as I also feel, that he still has, in ALL of our lives. He designed this plan, to work for the betterment, of the quality of, life of all of his people. So when one rose against him, or defiled him, or disrespected him, by not following his plan, he was put to death, for the sake, of the rest of the people. So he didnt just randomly strike people down, but he struck down, those who went against him, and his plan for the world, for the betterment of all. Forsake the few, for the betterment of many. Im not sure, if it says that in the bible or not, I havent read that as of yet, but it seems to me, to be, why he chooses to forsake individuals, and whole groups, or towns of people. I used to say that "if God wanted us to be perfect and not sin, then why didnt he make us perfect and unable to sin". I now believe it was because, he wants to allow us the freedom of choice. Whether it be right, or wrong, we are allowed to choose our destiny, with the Lord. We are given a choice, to come to him, or not, we are given a choice, to be obedient, or not, and we were given, the freedom of choice, from the beginning, when Adam and Eve were put in the garden, and given the choice of having EVERYTHING, with the exception, of one thing. Unfortunately, they chose that one thing. And for that, God produced a great flood, that washed away everything, that he had created, with the exception of Noah, and his family, and the animals aboard the ark. I believe, that God wants it to be our choice, not his force, that brings us to him, allowing us to become, obedient to him, thus, making the world a better place, overall. And to me, that makes alot of sense. God Bless I think you might get something about of reading "The Book of Jonah" and "The Book of Ruth" if you haven't already. Both books involve forgiveness, faithfulness and acceptance. |
Thank you again Morning Song. I did find a perfect audio bible, that I better understand. One thing is becoming very clear to me now, that I really questioned before. Why the Lord seemed to be so harsh, to those who sinned against him? I am coming to see now, that the Lord had a plan from day one, as I also feel, that he still has, in ALL of our lives. He designed this plan, to work for the betterment, of the quality of, life of all of his people. So when one rose against him, or defiled him, or disrespected him, by not following his plan, he was put to death, for the sake, of the rest of the people. So he didnt just randomly strike people down, but he struck down, those who went against him, and his plan for the world, for the betterment of all. Forsake the few, for the betterment of many. Im not sure, if it says that in the bible or not, I havent read that as of yet, but it seems to me, to be, why he chooses to forsake individuals, and whole groups, or towns of people. I used to say that "if God wanted us to be perfect and not sin, then why didnt he make us perfect and unable to sin". I now believe it was because, he wants to allow us the freedom of choice. Whether it be right, or wrong, we are allowed to choose our destiny, with the Lord. We are given a choice, to come to him, or not, we are given a choice, to be obedient, or not, and we were given, the freedom of choice, from the beginning, when Adam and Eve were put in the garden, and given the choice of having EVERYTHING, with the exception, of one thing. Unfortunately, they chose that one thing. And for that, God produced a great flood, that washed away everything, that he had created, with the exception of Noah, and his family, and the animals aboard the ark. I believe, that God wants it to be our choice, not his force, that brings us to him, allowing us to become, obedient to him, thus, making the world a better place, overall. And to me, that makes alot of sense. God Bless I think you might get something about of reading "The Book of Jonah" and "The Book of Ruth" if you haven't already. Both books involve forgiveness, faithfulness and acceptance. And with EVERY BREATH of that Gift of Life......comes Understanding...and......Wisdom!!!!! Soak it up Hun!!!!! |
So far, ive just started at the beginning, and am working my way to the end. I love the book of Job. I used to say that I was Job, when I was just in the beginning of quitting meth, and then got breast cancer, and then severe manic depression. But like Job, I never lost my faith in God, and was rewarded with my life. You are just an absolute joy. Someone with your story should do a talk circuit or something, people need to know about all you have overcome. |
Thank you again Morning Song. I did find a perfect audio bible, that I better understand. One thing is becoming very clear to me now, that I really questioned before. Why the Lord seemed to be so harsh, to those who sinned against him? I am coming to see now, that the Lord had a plan from day one, as I also feel, that he still has, in ALL of our lives. He designed this plan, to work for the betterment, of the quality of, life of all of his people. So when one rose against him, or defiled him, or disrespected him, by not following his plan, he was put to death, for the sake, of the rest of the people. So he didnt just randomly strike people down, but he struck down, those who went against him, and his plan for the world, for the betterment of all. Forsake the few, for the betterment of many. Im not sure, if it says that in the bible or not, I havent read that as of yet, but it seems to me, to be, why he chooses to forsake individuals, and whole groups, or towns of people. I used to say that "if God wanted us to be perfect and not sin, then why didnt he make us perfect and unable to sin". I now believe it was because, he wants to allow us the freedom of choice. Whether it be right, or wrong, we are allowed to choose our destiny, with the Lord. We are given a choice, to come to him, or not, we are given a choice, to be obedient, or not, and we were given, the freedom of choice, from the beginning, when Adam and Eve were put in the garden, and given the choice of having EVERYTHING, with the exception, of one thing. Unfortunately, they chose that one thing. And for that, God produced a great flood, that washed away everything, that he had created, with the exception of Noah, and his family, and the animals aboard the ark. I believe, that God wants it to be our choice, not his force, that brings us to him, allowing us to become, obedient to him, thus, making the world a better place, overall. And to me, that makes alot of sense. God Bless I think you might get something about of reading "The Book of Jonah" and "The Book of Ruth" if you haven't already. Both books involve forgiveness, faithfulness and acceptance. And with EVERY BREATH of that Gift of Life......comes Understanding...and......Wisdom!!!!! Soak it up Hun!!!!! I do know, I feel closer to Jesus everyday. |
Edited by
Tue 02/07/12 12:08 PM
You are just an absolute joy.
Someone with your story should do a talk circuit or something, people need to know about all you have overcome. Awwwwwwwwe, thanks Spidey! I'm going to give my testimony, at my church, and hopefully,(im praying) I will be hired on with the "Cancer Society", where I have volunteered my time to help others, facing this struggle. I have also volunteered, my time, to "Narcotics Annonomoyous", to help others with that struggle too. I have gotton through alot, but im far from perfect. I am still a work in progress. |
You are just an absolute joy.
Someone with your story should do a talk circuit or something, people need to know about all you have overcome. Awwwwwwwwe, thanks Spidey! I'm going to give my testimony, at my church, and hopefully,(im praying) I will be hired on with the "Cancer Society", where I have volunteered my time to help others, facing this struggle. I have also volunteered, my time, to "Narcotics Annonomoyous", to help others with that struggle too. You rock. |
You are just an absolute joy.
Someone with your story should do a talk circuit or something, people need to know about all you have overcome. Awwwwwwwwe, thanks Spidey! I'm going to give my testimony, at my church, and hopefully,(im praying) I will be hired on with the "Cancer Society", where I have volunteered my time to help others, facing this struggle. I have also volunteered, my time, to "Narcotics Annonomoyous", to help others with that struggle too. You rock. So do you Spidey! I have gotton through alot, but im far from perfect. I am still a work in progress. I still have a ways to go, but I WILL get there. |