Topic: Theists who believe in evolution.
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Sat 09/10/11 08:06 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/10/11 08:11 PM
But Jeanniebean, if you keep posting a silly reference, it makes your point loses credibility, too. Get good references. Seriously! We live in an age where even Russian scientists (if they are real) are able to communicate legitimate findings - the cold war is OVER. Being open minded enough to look at those Wilcox videos is great - but people also have to be open minded enough to realize when it's not credible and move along to real science.

I like listening to metaphysical things and there may be others who get something out of it too. This is NOT a science forum anyway.

This is a religious forum and it is for discussion. You don't have to agree or even read it.

I don't know that those Russian scientists did not do what they say they did. I have an open mind about anything new like that.

If you think it is silly, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

What is it that you think my point is anyway?

I will tell you.

There are other ways to look at how life may have evolved in this universe than the NO DIVINE FOOTPRINT or atheists Darwinian view points.

I think the atheists viewpoint is ridiculous. I think the universe is alive and intelligent.

I think that since this is the RELIGION FORUM people should stop telling me that I am being silly or unscientific.

I believe that scientists of academia don't have all the answers and they are a long way from it when they keep trying to prove there is NO DIVINE INTELLIGENCE behind life in this universe.

They should just do their science honestly.

no photo
Sat 09/10/11 08:15 PM
That this subject was placed in the religion forum in the first place indicates that the O.P author wanted to argue or discuss the issue of evolution vs. God.

If you don't believe in the divine that's fine. If you want to talk about evolution that's fine. But when you post this topic in the religion forum and mention "original sin" and "Jesus" you are not being scientific, you are just wanting to preach your scientific gospel.

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Sat 09/10/11 08:43 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Sat 09/10/11 09:19 PM

Someone giving you a hard time again, Jeannie ? "laugh :wink:

Let me know and I'll sic the Holy Ghost on

em !!!laugh flowerforyou :heart:

But seriously now..I see what is going on......

it's called




Creative thinkers see BEYOND the norm..and some are especially

driven to explore EVEN FURTHER BEYOND the Norm...

and nothing is Impossible to they never settle

for just so called facts....

they must sail on to other frontiers...and explore beyond.

God BLESS YOur creative mind, Jeannie...flowerforyou

It's a GIFT from God...Rejoice and be glad now.:heart:

It is not unusual to see logical and creative thinkers

CLASHING, especially on a forum .

People just think differently.......that's's all



no photo
Sat 09/10/11 09:31 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/10/11 09:33 PM
"Imagination rules the world."

~~Napoleon Bonaparte

drinker drinker :banana: :banana:

no photo
Sat 09/10/11 09:55 PM
Jeanniebean, When God made You ,

He Most Definitely Made One of a Kind!!!!drinker

Never Stop Being the Special and Unique Person You Are.flowerforyou

My Life, for One, Has Been Made the Richer,

Just in the Short Time of Knowing You, Jeanniebean.:heart:


no photo
Sun 09/11/11 12:19 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Sun 09/11/11 01:02 AM
Jeannie.....there is a lot of false info on the internet.

I just deleted a post here , for the same reason.

The info in the article I started to posted here was correct,

but when I further checked out the website , I found some

incorrect info.

So just letting you know .....that chicken -duck and frog-

salamander info was not from a legit source either.

We both need to thoroughly check out info on the internet

before posting, to make sure

they are from legit sources.:wink:

mykesorrel's photo
Sun 09/11/11 12:31 AM

But Jeanniebean, if you keep posting a silly reference, it makes your point loses credibility, too. Get good references. Seriously! We live in an age where even Russian scientists (if they are real) are able to communicate legitimate findings - the cold war is OVER. Being open minded enough to look at those Wilcox videos is great - but people also have to be open minded enough to realize when it's not credible and move along to real science.

I like listening to metaphysical things and there may be others who get something out of it too. This is NOT a science forum anyway.

This is a religious forum and it is for discussion. You don't have to agree or even read it.

I don't know that those Russian scientists did not do what they say they did. I have an open mind about anything new like that.

If you think it is silly, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

What is it that you think my point is anyway?

I will tell you.

There are other ways to look at how life may have evolved in this universe than the NO DIVINE FOOTPRINT or atheists Darwinian view points.

I think the atheists viewpoint is ridiculous. I think the universe is alive and intelligent.

I think that since this is the RELIGION FORUM people should stop telling me that I am being silly or unscientific.

I believe that scientists of academia don't have all the answers and they are a long way from it when they keep trying to prove there is NO DIVINE INTELLIGENCE behind life in this universe.

They should just do their science honestly.

Wow horrible retort as usual. let me go step by step, bare with me computer broke. God created Adam and Eve, as Genesis portray, meaning he created man as we are today which evolution objects to. I find it baffling when someone says micro evolution happens all the time, but macro cannot. When did I even reply to your chicken, or duck crap? please cite me. fossils, DNA, etc is evidence for the latter. wow irrefutable proof, wish you had that same logic with whatever God you believe in. So to sum this all up, you would have to witness with your eyes an animal evolving for you to accept it? You ignore all the other evidence? why? Also this circle jerk didn't start until you accused me of deliberately targetting you and again you made accusations I never said, i notice in your earlier response you didn't acknowledge that. You keep saying the "atheist way" is baffling because you want some divine dictator in your life is fine and dandy, but don't sit here saying it like God is the only answer, lets stray away from the arguement of ignorance here. Regardless the central point of the sub forum, the question relates to faith and we're in a religious, so I can ask whatever the hell I want in regards to that, if you want to close your ears and scream lalala that's fine too. I didn't come in here to argue with anyone, if you notice I even said thanks for the responses and seriously thought my post would have just died off. Also if you notice I said from a Deistic stand point evolution could have been invoked by a God, so again you're putting words into my statements, I emphasized Christians because of what Genesis says and what I was told to believe, it was a simple question and I got some answers, was suppose to be as simple as that not all this circle jerk you propose I'm causing.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/11/11 02:04 AM
God created Adam and Eve, as Genesis portray, meaning he created man as we are today which evolution objects to

this does not mean he created tham as they are today, obviously, if they mated and adapted to survival in different climates, they arent exact duplicates of those two who lived in a specific climate in the beginning,,,

It is perfectly reasonable that an intelligent design was responsible for the first people AND that as they mated and spread across the globe they adapted genetically to survive different climates and conditions...

galendgirl's photo
Sun 09/11/11 07:18 AM

But Jeanniebean, if you keep posting a silly reference, it makes your point loses credibility, too. Get good references. Seriously! We live in an age where even Russian scientists (if they are real) are able to communicate legitimate findings - the cold war is OVER. Being open minded enough to look at those Wilcox videos is great - but people also have to be open minded enough to realize when it's not credible and move along to real science.

I like listening to metaphysical things and there may be others who get something out of it too. This is NOT a science forum anyway.

This is a religious forum and it is for discussion. You don't have to agree or even read it.

I don't know that those Russian scientists did not do what they say they did. I have an open mind about anything new like that.

If you think it is silly, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

What is it that you think my point is anyway?

I will tell you.

There are other ways to look at how life may have evolved in this universe than the NO DIVINE FOOTPRINT or atheists Darwinian view points.

I think the atheists viewpoint is ridiculous. I think the universe is alive and intelligent.

I think that since this is the RELIGION FORUM people should stop telling me that I am being silly or unscientific.

I believe that scientists of academia don't have all the answers and they are a long way from it when they keep trying to prove there is NO DIVINE INTELLIGENCE behind life in this universe.

They should just do their science honestly.

That science enters an evolution discussion in a religious thread is kinda the point - the two are apparently inseparable. Everyone can believe in one or both (independently or in tandem)as they choose, of course. I have always believed that the failure of theology and science to co-exist and work together for the right answer is a huge problem. When the sources cited (scientists OR spiritual leaders) come off as illiterate or goofballs, they are not doing a good service to the pursuit of a blended effort at discovery and the promotion of truth. Saying people should do science honestly is 100% correct. People like David Wilcox and Dr. Pjotr Garjajaev hurt the pursuit of truth and science. Of course, that's my opinion, but as you said...this is a discussion in a forum and everyone can believe, not believe, read it or not, etc.

metalwing's photo
Sun 09/11/11 08:00 AM

But Jeanniebean, if you keep posting a silly reference, it makes your point loses credibility, too. Get good references. Seriously! We live in an age where even Russian scientists (if they are real) are able to communicate legitimate findings - the cold war is OVER. Being open minded enough to look at those Wilcox videos is great - but people also have to be open minded enough to realize when it's not credible and move along to real science.

I like listening to metaphysical things and there may be others who get something out of it too. This is NOT a science forum anyway.

This is a religious forum and it is for discussion. You don't have to agree or even read it.

I don't know that those Russian scientists did not do what they say they did. I have an open mind about anything new like that.

If you think it is silly, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

What is it that you think my point is anyway?

I will tell you.

There are other ways to look at how life may have evolved in this universe than the NO DIVINE FOOTPRINT or atheists Darwinian view points.

I think the atheists viewpoint is ridiculous. I think the universe is alive and intelligent.

I think that since this is the RELIGION FORUM people should stop telling me that I am being silly or unscientific.

I believe that scientists of academia don't have all the answers and they are a long way from it when they keep trying to prove there is NO DIVINE INTELLIGENCE behind life in this universe.

They should just do their science honestly.

Oddly, it is you that habitually does not "do their science honestly". I realize that is because you don't understand it, but your constant supply of false facts as science is a reflection on you, not others.

This is not your thread and you do not make the rules. Mykesorrel has presented a thread about science and religion and it is about whatever HE says it is about.

Your generalizations that all practitioners of science spend their life trying to disprove God is silly; as is your statements that science thinks it has all the answers. The more we learn, the more we realize we don't know. However, the more we learn, the easier it is to recognize crap as crap.

However, if it actually your goal to be disruptive and highjack the tread with ridiculous off topic garbage...


no photo
Sun 09/11/11 09:15 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 09/11/11 09:16 AM
Your generalizations that all practitioners of science spend their life trying to disprove God is silly

Just to point out, I didn't say that. But this O.P. clearly mentions "original sin and Jesus." I don't even believe in those things so it really stands out like a sore thumb to me that he is picking a fight with Christians in a religion forum, not discussing science or evolution.

no photo
Sun 09/11/11 09:20 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 09/11/11 09:22 AM
So back to evolution, the question I have been asking, since you think these Russian scientists are all hacks or liars, and since you think David Wilcox is silly.

Can an animal evolve or change into a completely different species?

Does our evolutionary scientists have indisputable evidence that has happened?

It seems like a simple question. Yes or no.

If yes, please state your references or links or names of science papers or scientists.

Thank you.

no photo
Sun 09/11/11 09:28 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Sun 09/11/11 09:29 AM

Let Us be Kind to One Another...flowerforyou Let Us Love One Another...flowerforyou

Especially on this Day of Remembrance of 9/11 :flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou


no photo
Sun 09/11/11 09:38 AM

The Fossil Record

Remains of animals and plants found in sedimentary rock deposits give us an indisputable record of past changes through vast periods of time. This evidence attests to the fact that there has been a tremendous variety of living things. Some extinct species had traits that were transitional between major groups of organisms. Their existence confirms that species are not fixed but can evolve into other species over time.

The evidence also shows that what have appeared to be gaps in the fossil record are due to incomplete data collection. The more that we learn about the evolution of specific species lines, the more that these so-called gaps or "missing links in the chain of evolution" are filled with transitional fossil specimens.

One of the first of these gaps to be filled was between small bipedal dinosaurs and birds. Just two years after Darwin published On the Origin of Species, a 150-145 million year old fossil of Archaeopteryx was found in southern Germany. It had jaws with teeth and a long bony tail like dinosaurs, broad wings and feathers like birds, and skeletal features of both. This discovery verified the assumption that birds had reptilian ancestors.


Do they have any idea from what dinosaur species the Archaeopteryx evolved from?

Also, Charles Darwin still believed in God and simply modified his religious beliefs, as did many others, as a result of the discovery of convincing proof of evolution.

His famous book, On the Origin of Species, was not a denial of his god's existence. However, he did reject a literal interpretation of the Judeo-Christian Bible. His religious beliefs were probably very similar to those who advocate "theistic evolution" today.

no photo
Sun 09/11/11 09:41 AM
I know that "God" exists because I exist.

(and I am pretty certain that you exist also)laugh

That is irrefutable proof!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Sun 09/11/11 09:54 AM

The great diversity of life forms that have been identified in the fossil record is evidence that there has been an accumulation of mutations producing a more or less constant supply of both small and large variations upon which natural selection has operated for billions of years. Mutation has been the essential prerequisite for the evolution of life.

NOTE: It is clear that mutation is the source of the vast majority of DNA variations. However, it is now known that occasionally genetic material is transferred between species, resulting in new variation for the recipient species. This is particularly true at the level of primitive single-cell organisms such as bacteria. Recent research has shown that small amounts of DNA also have been transferred by viruses between more complex organisms such as birds and mammals, including humans. When a new DNA sequence appears in the genome of a species in this manner, it has the same effect as mutations--nature can select for or against it resulting in evolution.

Question about the above if anyone can answer it, then I am done with this thread.

---->It is clear that mutation is the source of the vast majority of DNA variations.<-----

This statement strikes me as wrong. How is it "clear" that mutation is the "source" of the vast majority of DNA variations?

It seems to me that DNA would be more suited to being "the source."

no photo
Sun 09/11/11 09:57 AM
However, it is now known that occasionally genetic material is transferred between species, resulting in new variation for the recipient species..

Hence the saying: "You are what you eat." LOL laugh laugh

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Sun 09/11/11 10:15 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 09/11/11 10:16 AM
7 Animals That Are Evolving Right Before Our Eyes

Read more: 7 Animals That Are Evolving Right Before Our Eyes |

I loved the one about the increased number of elephants that are being born without tusks because of poachers killing them off for their ivory.

mykesorrel's photo
Sun 09/11/11 10:43 AM

I know that "God" exists because I exist.

(and I am pretty certain that you exist also)laugh

That is irrefutable proof!

:banana: :banana: :banana:


no photo
Sun 09/11/11 11:39 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 09/11/11 11:39 AM
I believe in myself therefore I believe in God. tongue2

Yep, that's right.

Yee are all God.