Topic: Theists who believe in evolution.
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Sat 09/10/11 09:52 AM

I totally believe in evolution, but not from an atheist position.

Atheist position?

Yep. Most people who rant about evolution are atheists who believe that everything is random and life was just an accident and they make fun of anyone who believes anything else.


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Sat 09/10/11 09:55 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/10/11 09:58 AM

OMG that was so painful to watch. my head hurts from hearing so much ******** in such a short time. If people want to believe in fairies or leprechauns or magical beings, that's one thing... but to completely abuse scientific ideas and terms they way they do in that video... its a testament to the failure of science education that so many people 'liked' that video.

Wait, so this guy is like a celebrity? And has a following? I thought he was just a wing nut giving a speech with friends who do awesome video editing.

I guess that makes sense. We're always having charismatic nonsense-preachers who bubble up through the capitalist 'inspirational speaker' industry and achieve notoriety with their books and sermons and what-have-you.

I was actually surprised you didn't have more to say about him earlier in the thread. This is the guy who said a beam of energy could change a chicken egg into a duck, etc.

The second video I posted is even "better".happy

This dude is a source of information that (apparently) many people believe. It was sourced on this thread.

That was a Russian scientist and the chicken eggs did not turn into ducks. They were more half duck, and half chicken. Their bills were flatter, their heads looked more like a duck than a chicken and their feet were a little bit webbed. It was done with mild microwaves.

No ducks were harmed in the experiment. laugh

The other experiment was frog embryos that actually were transformed into salamanders... completely.

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/10/11 10:13 AM
Edited by metalwing on Sat 09/10/11 10:28 AM

OMG that was so painful to watch. my head hurts from hearing so much ******** in such a short time. If people want to believe in fairies or leprechauns or magical beings, that's one thing... but to completely abuse scientific ideas and terms they way they do in that video... its a testament to the failure of science education that so many people 'liked' that video.

Wait, so this guy is like a celebrity? And has a following? I thought he was just a wing nut giving a speech with friends who do awesome video editing.

I guess that makes sense. We're always having charismatic nonsense-preachers who bubble up through the capitalist 'inspirational speaker' industry and achieve notoriety with their books and sermons and what-have-you.

Jenniebean wrote:

David Wilcox tells about an experiment that was done where they projected an energy beam through a salamander onto a bunch of frogs eggs. He said the energy beam carried information from DNA from the salamander to the eggs. When the eggs hatched, they were not frogs but salamander's.

A similar experiment was done with a duck onto chicken (or chicken eggs, I can't remember which) The chickens hatched appeared to be half duck and half chicken. Some had flatter bills and were sporting webbing between their toes. There was no cross-breading done in these cases, just some kind of light or energy beam through one animal to the other.

Now if that is true, then I think evolution from one species to another is altogether possible. I think it has to do with DNA information. I believe that DNA CAN TRANSFORM.

Later post
That was a Russian scientist and the chicken eggs did not turn into ducks. They were more half duck, and half chicken. Their bills were flatter, their heads looked more like a duck than a chicken and their feet were a little bit webbed. It was done with mild microwaves.

No ducks were harmed in the experiment. laugh

The other experiment was frog embryos that actually were transformed into salamanders... completely.

This guy, David Wilcox was your source.

Actually, they were not changed into other creatures. The report isn't true. Energy beams can't rewrite dna code anymore than they can rewrite a textbook. I would give David Wilcox some credit for being entertaining, but he doesn't provide anything remotely resembling facts.

no photo
Sat 09/10/11 10:17 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/10/11 10:21 AM
Actually, they were not changed into other creatures. The report isn't true. Energy beams can't rewrite dna code anymore than they can rewrite a textbook. I would give David Wilcox some credit for being entertaining, but he doesn't provide anything remotely resembling facts.

Possible. He did name the scientists. You can google if you want. If you find anything let me know. I wrote down the names of the scientists but I can't find them right now and I have not looked it up. David Wilcox does name scientists and other sources, but not all of them are impressive or embraced by academia.

I did see some pictures of the weird chickens... but that probably isn't proof enough of anything.

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/10/11 10:26 AM
Edited by metalwing on Sat 09/10/11 10:29 AM

Actually, they were not changed into other creatures. The report isn't true. Energy beams can't rewrite dna code anymore than they can rewrite a textbook. I would give David Wilcox some credit for being entertaining, but he doesn't provide anything remotely resembling facts.

Possible. He did name the scientists. You can google if you want. If you find anything let me know. I wrote down the names of the scientists but I can't find them right now and I have not looked it up. David Wilcox does name scientists and other sources, but not all of them are impressive or embraced by academia.

I did see some pictures of the weird chickens... but that probably isn't proof enough of anything.

Any energy beam of sufficient power to break the DNA strands in the number of places required would kill the organism. And while a DNA strand could be broken by energy, it can't be repaired with genes of choice using the same technique. It would be like doing heart surgery with a machine gun.

no photo
Sat 09/10/11 10:28 AM
My point is, something causes evolution and I'm not sure anyone really knows how that happens.

The insect eating wall lizard rapidly evolved into a different lizard that lives on plants when moved from one environment to another and within only in 35 years.

So yes, I totally believe in evolution.

But I don't agree with common evolutionists that life was just a random accident.

I think that kind of thinking is jumping the gun with an assumption.

I believe the universe is alive and intelligent.

I think life emerges spontaneously all the time and all throughout the universe.

...and it has been doing that for a very long time and will continue to do that for a very long time.

no photo
Sat 09/10/11 10:30 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/10/11 10:30 AM

Actually, they were not changed into other creatures. The report isn't true. Energy beams can't rewrite dna code anymore than they can rewrite a textbook. I would give David Wilcox some credit for being entertaining, but he doesn't provide anything remotely resembling facts.

Possible. He did name the scientists. You can google if you want. If you find anything let me know. I wrote down the names of the scientists but I can't find them right now and I have not looked it up. David Wilcox does name scientists and other sources, but not all of them are impressive or embraced by academia.

I did see some pictures of the weird chickens... but that probably isn't proof enough of anything.

Any energy beam of sufficient power to break the DNA strands in the number of places required would kill the organism. And while a DNA strand could by broken by energy, it can't be repaired with genes of choice using the same technique. It would be like doing heart surgery with a machine gun.

That is what you believe. But if this experiment truly happened, then you are simply looking at it the wrong way or you don't know what they did.

To just state that it is impossible is not scientific. You have not even investigated to see if it even really happened.

Did you get the name of the scientists and look them up?

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/10/11 10:38 AM
A lot of the finer points of evolution are well understood. That doesn't mean there isn't more to know. Many genes recently thought to be redundant or useless have been found to have complex functions.

Basic evolution is caused by natural selection, radiation and environment gradually over long periods, random errors in gene duplication, and inter specie breeding.

no photo
Sat 09/10/11 11:05 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/10/11 11:06 AM
I did find this page interesting:

..Summarizing all these realizations, one comes to a perfectly new form of the genetic engineering, possibly even to a new gene therapy.

Concerning this Pjotr Garjajev writes: »The majority tries to understand the principles of the DNA biological computer by appointing oneself exclusively to the DNA Watson Crick Chargaff rules: A-T, G-C. That is correct, but it is so not enough! The DNA chromosomale continuum in living systems has wave attributes, which lets us derive the unknown, a computer-similar program for the setting up of the organisms. The well-known genetic code is a code for protein synthesis and nothing further. Chromosomes in vivo work as solitonic holographic computers under use of the endogenous DNA laser radiation.«

This sounds like science of the 21st century and probably is. But don't forget: Garjajevs statements are founded scientifically in theory and experiment.

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/10/11 11:21 AM

I did find this page interesting:

..Summarizing all these realizations, one comes to a perfectly new form of the genetic engineering, possibly even to a new gene therapy.

Concerning this Pjotr Garjajev writes: »The majority tries to understand the principles of the DNA biological computer by appointing oneself exclusively to the DNA Watson Crick Chargaff rules: A-T, G-C. That is correct, but it is so not enough! The DNA chromosomale continuum in living systems has wave attributes, which lets us derive the unknown, a computer-similar program for the setting up of the organisms. The well-known genetic code is a code for protein synthesis and nothing further. Chromosomes in vivo work as solitonic holographic computers under use of the endogenous DNA laser radiation.«

This sounds like science of the 21st century and probably is. But don't forget: Garjajevs statements are founded scientifically in theory and experiment.

Nothing in that "paper", and I use the term loosely, came anywhere near being science. It sounded more like the ramblings of someone who overdosed on LSD.

no photo
Sat 09/10/11 11:27 AM
DNA programming

The most astonishing experiment that was performed by Garjajev’s group is the reprogramming of the DNA codon sequences using modulated laser light. From their discovered grammatical syntax of the DNA language they were able to modulate coherent laser light and even radio waves and add semantics (meaning) to the carrier wave. In this way they were able to reprogram in vivo DNA in living organisms, by using the correct resonant frequencies of DNA. The most impressive discovery made so far is that spoken language can be modulated to the carrier wave with the same reprogramming effect. Now this is a baffling and stunning scientific discovery! Our own DNA can simply be reprogrammed by human speech, supposing that the words are modulated on the correct carrier frequencies!

Whereas western science uses complicated bio chemical processes to cut and paste DNA triplets in the DNA molecule, Russian scientist use modulated laser light to do exactly the same thing. The Russians have proven to be very successful in repairing damaged DNA material in vivo!

Laser light therapies based on Garjajev’s findings are already applied in some European academic hospitals with success on various sorts of skin cancer. The cancer is cured without any remaining scars.


Daniel Winter and his heart coherence team have found proof that human emotions can reprogram DNA as well. The sonic beatings of the heart in rhythm with our feelings, our emotions, are transformed into electromagnetic energy in the body’s glands that act like piezoelectric couplers creating smaller electromagnetic counterpart wavelengths of the emotional sounds of the heart. The emotion becomes energy in motion, e-motion, sending it right down to the DNA of every cell of our body as blue coherent laser light that is able to modulate the DNA codons just like the lasers of the Russians did.

On close examination from the top view of the DNA it has a dodecahedron shape. It takes ten Phi spirals to create the dodecahedral helical shape of the DNA spiral. The DNA molecule as a wave shape is attuned to the heart and able to receive its sonic emotions. Daniel Winter explains the implosion of long waves into short waves as the mechanism that conveys the emotions of the heart to our DNA. The scale (wavelength) is different but the ratio of the wavelengths is the same maintaining the Golden Mean ratio. Not only do emotions feed our DNA with blue ultraviolet light, but also cellular metabolism, the consumption of food, is all about creating short wave blue light that feeds our DNA. Plants receive this light directly from the Sun using chlorophyll in their leaves and use a process called photosynthesis to bind the photons of the Sun. Animals consuming these plants get these bio photons indirectly from plants, the accumulation however has become less effective. Eventually the coherent light of the Sun is stored as bio photons in the organism. The purpose of the metabolisms in both plants and animals is to create highly coherent ultraviolet laser light inside the DNA that drives cell replication.

Many studies have revealed that there is a clear relation between our mental and emotional state and our health. People who suffer from depression and negative emotions for long periods will eventually suffer damage to their physical health as well. Have you noticed that the one who talks the most about a disease often is the one who eventually gets it? Fear is a very negative emotion that does not benefit health. Scientific studies have proven that no matter how well babies are fed, when they lack the caressing and loving touch of their mothers they could eventually die! The loving hugs of the mother are sent right down to the DNA of the baby!

Daniel Winter makes it abundantly clear that our emotions program our DNA and shape the immune system of our cells. Negative emotions destroy the coherence of the immune system while positive emotions enhance it. According to Winter the healthiest thing to do is to have as much bliss and ecstasy as possible in our lives since it is the healthiest emotion, which in the long run gives us longevity.

no photo
Sat 09/10/11 11:29 AM

I did find this page interesting:

..Summarizing all these realizations, one comes to a perfectly new form of the genetic engineering, possibly even to a new gene therapy.

Concerning this Pjotr Garjajev writes: »The majority tries to understand the principles of the DNA biological computer by appointing oneself exclusively to the DNA Watson Crick Chargaff rules: A-T, G-C. That is correct, but it is so not enough! The DNA chromosomale continuum in living systems has wave attributes, which lets us derive the unknown, a computer-similar program for the setting up of the organisms. The well-known genetic code is a code for protein synthesis and nothing further. Chromosomes in vivo work as solitonic holographic computers under use of the endogenous DNA laser radiation.«

This sounds like science of the 21st century and probably is. But don't forget: Garjajevs statements are founded scientifically in theory and experiment.

Nothing in that "paper", and I use the term loosely, came anywhere near being science. It sounded more like the ramblings of someone who overdosed on LSD.

I guess that is just your opinion. Pjotr Garjajev is a scientist. He worked with a team.

The Russians are doing some pretty amazing things that our own scientists are scoffing at. That, to me, is not being a good scientist.

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Sat 09/10/11 11:31 AM
In fact our own scientific community has been suppressing new discoveries and information. More on this later.

mykesorrel's photo
Sat 09/10/11 12:32 PM
My brain is just bleeding now.

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Sat 09/10/11 12:37 PM
MUTATIONS - the severe problems for "Darwinian Evolution" theory

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Sat 09/10/11 12:39 PM

A lot of the finer points of evolution are well understood. That doesn't mean there isn't more to know. Many genes recently thought to be redundant or useless have been found to have complex functions.

Basic evolution is caused by natural selection, radiation and environment gradually over long periods, random errors in gene duplication, and inter specie breeding.

Long periods? Not always. Evolution of a particular species can happen quite fast.

Recent work on the Galapagos Islands by the Princeton University biologists Peter and Rosemary Grant revealed something far more startling than the slow evolution of beak sizes. The Grants caught and banded thousands of finches and traced their elaborate lineage, enabling them to document the changes that individual species make in reaction to the environment. During prolonged drought, for instance, beaks may become longer and sharper, to reach the tiniest of seeds. Here is the problem: We are talking about thousands of birds, not millions. We are talking about beaks that change over periods of years, not thousands of years. How can evolution proceed so quickly?

no photo
Sat 09/10/11 12:40 PM

My brain is just bleeding now.

You better see a doctor then. laugh laugh laugh

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Sat 09/10/11 12:47 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/10/11 12:49 PM

If you don't accept evolution why is that?

Also, if you do, especially for a Christian how does that coincide with original sin (considering there would be no need for Adam and Eve)? Also that would dismantle the need for Jesus to die on the cross.

Thanks for the responses to come.

The title of your thread is "Theists who believe in evolution" then you ask the question "If you don't accept evolution why is that?"

(1. Evolution has nothing to do with "original sin.")

(2. I don't see any connection to Jesus either.)

So, it appears that you are not so much a student or scientist of evolution as you are someone who seeks to question Christianity or maybe some other kind of belief in God.

It is clear that evolution happens, but Darwinian evolution has some problems.

When they (the scientists) get it all figured out, (if ever) then I will spend some time on the details.

Meanwhile, using Darwin to promote atheism is just pointless.

Its not productive either.

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Sat 09/10/11 01:00 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 09/10/11 01:03 PM
Do evolutionary scientists actually have any solid proof of one species changing into another species?

I tried to tell you about the frogs eggs that hatched as a salamander but you said you did not believe that. You said you did not believe the chicken to duck experiment happened either.

So where is Darwinian proof that evolution resulted in one species actually changing into another? Do scientists have actual irrefutable proof of that?

Can you get your brain to stop bleeding long enough to actually post something useful?

metalwing's photo
Sat 09/10/11 04:01 PM
My brain is bleeding too!