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Topic: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Get Destroyed
Chazster's photo
Mon 08/22/11 08:15 AM

You do not want to know the truth. I will no longer respond to your posts.

Theories are not truth. You whole theory is based on a lack of evidence. An absence of proof is not the proof of absence as they say. There is an official story and you are trying to disprove it. Despite what you say in your posts YOU are the person that has to prove your point. What do you think if Galileo just said "no the Earth orbits the sun. Prove the Sun orbits the Earth." If you are to challenge what is accepted as true you are the one to hold the burden of proof. I was merely pointing out your failed logic in your statements. If the government cant prove it to you its a lie.. well if you cant prove what I want to me its a lie. See how that logic is flawed?

no photo
Mon 08/22/11 11:23 AM

You do not want to know the truth. I will no longer respond to your posts.

Theories are not truth. You whole theory is based on a lack of evidence. An absence of proof is not the proof of absence as they say. There is an official story and you are trying to disprove it. Despite what you say in your posts YOU are the person that has to prove your point. What do you think if Galileo just said "no the Earth orbits the sun. Prove the Sun orbits the Earth." If you are to challenge what is accepted as true you are the one to hold the burden of proof. I was merely pointing out your failed logic in your statements. If the government cant prove it to you its a lie.. well if you cant prove what I want to me its a lie. See how that logic is flawed?

the theory of electricity

electricity is just a theory. i invite you to prove it doesnt exit

for us and yourself

just grab some wires apply voltage and

the theory of gravity

gravity surely doesnt exist

so go climb to the top of a tall building and jump off

and then

Peccy's photo
Mon 08/22/11 01:54 PM
frustrated frustrated frustrated semantics!
A theory is simply the most elaborate form of consistent scientific knowledge not yet disproved by experiment. In experimental sciences, a theory can never be "proved", it can only be "disproved" by experiment. And I don't think gravity or electricity can be disproved.

metalwing's photo
Mon 08/22/11 03:11 PM

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 08/24/11 01:08 PM
9/11 and the Orwellian Redefinition of “Conspiracy Theory”

by Paul Craig Roberts
While we were not watching, conspiracy theory has undergone Orwellian redefinition.

A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.

For example, online news broadcasts of RT have been equated with conspiracy theories by the New York Times simply because RT reports news and opinions that the New York Times does not report and the US government does not endorse.

In other words, as truth becomes uncomfortable for government and its Ministry of Propaganda, truth is redefined as conspiracy theory, by which is meant an absurd and laughable explanation that we should ignore.

When piles of carefully researched books, released government documents, and testimony of eye witnesses made it clear that Lee Harvey Oswald was not President John F. Kennedy’s assassin, the voluminous research, government documents, and verified testimony was dismissed as “conspiracy theory.”

In other words, the truth of the event was unacceptable to the authorities and to the Ministry of Propaganda that represents the interests of authorities.

The purest example of how Americans are shielded from truth is the media’s (including many Internet sites’) response to the large number of professionals who find the official explanation of September 11, 2001 inconsistent with everything they, as experts, know about physics, chemistry, structural engineering, architecture, fires, structural damage, the piloting of airplanes, the security procedures of the United States, NORAD’s capabilities, air traffic control, airport security, and other matters. These experts, numbering in the thousands, have been shouted down by know-nothings in the media who brand the experts as “conspiracy theorists.”

This, despite the fact that the official explanation endorsed by the official media is the most extravagant conspiracy theory in human history.

Let’s take a minute to re-acquaint ourselves with the official explanation, which is not regarded as a conspiracy theory despite the fact that it comprises an amazing conspiracy. The official truth is that a handful of young Muslim Arabs who could not fly airplanes, mainly Saudi Arabians who came neither from Iraq nor from Afghanistan, outwitted not only the CIA and the FBI, but also all 16 US intelligence agencies and all intelligence agencies of US allies including Israel’s Mossad, which is believed to have penetrated every terrorist organization and which carries out assassinations of those whom Mossad marks as terrorists.

In addition to outwitting every intelligence agency of the United States and its allies, the handful of young Saudi Arabians outwitted the National Security Council, the State Department, NORAD, airport security four times in the same hour on the same morning, air traffic control, caused the US Air Force to be unable to launch interceptor aircraft, and caused three well-built steel-structured buildings, including one not hit by an airplane, to fail suddenly in a few seconds as a result of limited structural damage and small, short-lived, low-temperature fires that burned on a few floors.

The Saudi terrorists were even able to confound the laws of physics and cause WTC building seven to collapse at free-fall speed for several seconds, a physical impossibility in the absence of explosives used in controlled demolition.

The story that the government and the media have told us amounts to a gigantic conspiracy; really a script for a James Bond film. Yet, anyone who doubts this improbable conspiracy theory is defined into irrelevance by the obedient media.

Anyone who believes an architect, structural engineer, or demolition expert who says that the videos show that the buildings are blowing up, not falling down, anyone who believes a Ph.D. physicist who says that the official explanation is inconsistent with known laws of physics, anyone who believes expert pilots who testify that non-pilots or poorly-qualified pilots cannot fly airplanes in such maneuvers, anyone who believes the 100 or more first-responders who testify that they not only heard explosions in the towers but personally experienced explosions, anyone who believes University of Copenhagen nano-chemist Niels Harrit who reports finding unreacted nano-thermite in dust samples from the WTC towers, anyone who is convinced by experts instead of by propaganda is dismissed as a kook.
In America today, and increasingly throughout the Western world, actual facts and true explanations have been relegated to the realm of kookiness. Only people who believe lies are socially approved and accepted as patriotic citizens.

Indeed, a writer or newscaster is not even permitted to report the findings of 9/11 skeptics. In other words, simply to report Professor Harrit’s findings now means that you endorse them or agree with them. Everyone in the US print and TV media knows that he/she will be instantly fired if they report Harrit’s findings, even with a laugh. Thus, although Harrit has reported his findings on European television and has lectured widely on his findings in Canadian universities, the fact that he and the international scientific research team that he led found unreacted nano-thermite in the WTC dust and have offered samples to other scientists to examine has to my knowledge never been reported in the American media.

Even Internet sites on which I am among the readers’ favorites will not allow me to report on Harrit’s findings.

WTC 7 was still standing after this announcement.
As I reported earlier, I myself had experience with a Huffington Post reporter who was keen to interview a Reagan presidential appointee who was in disagreement with the Republican wars in the Middle East. After he published the interview that I provided at his request, he was terrified to learn that I had reported findings of 9/11 investigators. To protect his career, he quickly inserted on the online interview that my views on the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions could be dismissed as I had reported unacceptable findings about 9/11.

The unwillingness or inability to entertain any view of 9/11 different from the official view dooms to impotence many Internet sites that are opposed to the wars and to the rise of the domestic US police state. These sites, for whatever the reasons, accept the government’s explanation of 9/11; yet, they try to oppose the ”war on terror” and the police state which are the consequences of accepting the government’s explanation. Trying to oppose the consequences of an event whose explanation you accept is an impossible task.

If you believe that America was attacked by Muslim terrorists and is susceptible to future attacks, then a “war on terror” and a domestic police state to root out terrorists become necessary to make Americans safe. The idea that a domestic police state and open-ended war might be more dangerous threats to Americans than terrorists is an impermissible thought.

A country whose population has been trained to accept the government’s word and to shun those who question it is a country without liberty in its future.

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS has had careers in scholarship and academia, public service, and journalism. He served as Congressional staff and as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration. He can be reached at: PaulCraigRoberts@yahoo.com


metalwing's photo
Wed 08/24/11 01:17 PM

9/11 and the Orwellian Redefinition of “Conspiracy Theory”

by Paul Craig Roberts
While we were not watching, conspiracy theory has undergone Orwellian redefinition.

A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.

For example, online news broadcasts of RT have been equated with conspiracy theories by the New York Times simply because RT reports news and opinions that the New York Times does not report and the US government does not endorse.

In other words, as truth becomes uncomfortable for government and its Ministry of Propaganda, truth is redefined as conspiracy theory, by which is meant an absurd and laughable explanation that we should ignore.

When piles of carefully researched books, released government documents, and testimony of eye witnesses made it clear that Lee Harvey Oswald was not President John F. Kennedy’s assassin, the voluminous research, government documents, and verified testimony was dismissed as “conspiracy theory.”

In other words, the truth of the event was unacceptable to the authorities and to the Ministry of Propaganda that represents the interests of authorities.

The purest example of how Americans are shielded from truth is the media’s (including many Internet sites’) response to the large number of professionals who find the official explanation of September 11, 2001 inconsistent with everything they, as experts, know about physics, chemistry, structural engineering, architecture, fires, structural damage, the piloting of airplanes, the security procedures of the United States, NORAD’s capabilities, air traffic control, airport security, and other matters. These experts, numbering in the thousands, have been shouted down by know-nothings in the media who brand the experts as “conspiracy theorists.”

This, despite the fact that the official explanation endorsed by the official media is the most extravagant conspiracy theory in human history.

Let’s take a minute to re-acquaint ourselves with the official explanation, which is not regarded as a conspiracy theory despite the fact that it comprises an amazing conspiracy. The official truth is that a handful of young Muslim Arabs who could not fly airplanes, mainly Saudi Arabians who came neither from Iraq nor from Afghanistan, outwitted not only the CIA and the FBI, but also all 16 US intelligence agencies and all intelligence agencies of US allies including Israel’s Mossad, which is believed to have penetrated every terrorist organization and which carries out assassinations of those whom Mossad marks as terrorists.

In addition to outwitting every intelligence agency of the United States and its allies, the handful of young Saudi Arabians outwitted the National Security Council, the State Department, NORAD, airport security four times in the same hour on the same morning, air traffic control, caused the US Air Force to be unable to launch interceptor aircraft, and caused three well-built steel-structured buildings, including one not hit by an airplane, to fail suddenly in a few seconds as a result of limited structural damage and small, short-lived, low-temperature fires that burned on a few floors.

The Saudi terrorists were even able to confound the laws of physics and cause WTC building seven to collapse at free-fall speed for several seconds, a physical impossibility in the absence of explosives used in controlled demolition.

The story that the government and the media have told us amounts to a gigantic conspiracy; really a script for a James Bond film. Yet, anyone who doubts this improbable conspiracy theory is defined into irrelevance by the obedient media.

Anyone who believes an architect, structural engineer, or demolition expert who says that the videos show that the buildings are blowing up, not falling down, anyone who believes a Ph.D. physicist who says that the official explanation is inconsistent with known laws of physics, anyone who believes expert pilots who testify that non-pilots or poorly-qualified pilots cannot fly airplanes in such maneuvers, anyone who believes the 100 or more first-responders who testify that they not only heard explosions in the towers but personally experienced explosions, anyone who believes University of Copenhagen nano-chemist Niels Harrit who reports finding unreacted nano-thermite in dust samples from the WTC towers, anyone who is convinced by experts instead of by propaganda is dismissed as a kook.
In America today, and increasingly throughout the Western world, actual facts and true explanations have been relegated to the realm of kookiness. Only people who believe lies are socially approved and accepted as patriotic citizens.

Indeed, a writer or newscaster is not even permitted to report the findings of 9/11 skeptics. In other words, simply to report Professor Harrit’s findings now means that you endorse them or agree with them. Everyone in the US print and TV media knows that he/she will be instantly fired if they report Harrit’s findings, even with a laugh. Thus, although Harrit has reported his findings on European television and has lectured widely on his findings in Canadian universities, the fact that he and the international scientific research team that he led found unreacted nano-thermite in the WTC dust and have offered samples to other scientists to examine has to my knowledge never been reported in the American media.

Even Internet sites on which I am among the readers’ favorites will not allow me to report on Harrit’s findings.

WTC 7 was still standing after this announcement.
As I reported earlier, I myself had experience with a Huffington Post reporter who was keen to interview a Reagan presidential appointee who was in disagreement with the Republican wars in the Middle East. After he published the interview that I provided at his request, he was terrified to learn that I had reported findings of 9/11 investigators. To protect his career, he quickly inserted on the online interview that my views on the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions could be dismissed as I had reported unacceptable findings about 9/11.

The unwillingness or inability to entertain any view of 9/11 different from the official view dooms to impotence many Internet sites that are opposed to the wars and to the rise of the domestic US police state. These sites, for whatever the reasons, accept the government’s explanation of 9/11; yet, they try to oppose the ”war on terror” and the police state which are the consequences of accepting the government’s explanation. Trying to oppose the consequences of an event whose explanation you accept is an impossible task.

If you believe that America was attacked by Muslim terrorists and is susceptible to future attacks, then a “war on terror” and a domestic police state to root out terrorists become necessary to make Americans safe. The idea that a domestic police state and open-ended war might be more dangerous threats to Americans than terrorists is an impermissible thought.

A country whose population has been trained to accept the government’s word and to shun those who question it is a country without liberty in its future.

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS has had careers in scholarship and academia, public service, and journalism. He served as Congressional staff and as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration. He can be reached at: PaulCraigRoberts@yahoo.com


What's really sad is this fool hasn't bothered to check out what has been debunked and what is just silly.

How could anyone look at the 9/11 video and refer to "low temperature fires".

Chazster's photo
Wed 08/24/11 03:18 PM
Edited by Chazster on Wed 08/24/11 03:21 PM

You do not want to know the truth. I will no longer respond to your posts.

Theories are not truth. You whole theory is based on a lack of evidence. An absence of proof is not the proof of absence as they say. There is an official story and you are trying to disprove it. Despite what you say in your posts YOU are the person that has to prove your point. What do you think if Galileo just said "no the Earth orbits the sun. Prove the Sun orbits the Earth." If you are to challenge what is accepted as true you are the one to hold the burden of proof. I was merely pointing out your failed logic in your statements. If the government cant prove it to you its a lie.. well if you cant prove what I want to me its a lie. See how that logic is flawed?

the theory of electricity

electricity is just a theory. i invite you to prove it doesnt exit

for us and yourself

just grab some wires apply voltage and

the theory of gravity

gravity surely doesnt exist

so go climb to the top of a tall building and jump off

and then

Please understand the meaning of words

Theories as for conspiracies

: abstract thought : speculation

Scientific theories.

: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena <the wave theory of light>

Also its the LAW of Gravity not theory. Gravity is a scientific LAW not a theory. Electricity is also not a Theory. Ever heard of Ohms LAW? Didn't think so. This shows you lack of scientific knowledge.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 08/24/11 03:47 PM

9/11 and the Orwellian Redefinition of “Conspiracy Theory”

by Paul Craig Roberts
While we were not watching, conspiracy theory has undergone Orwellian redefinition.

A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps.

For example, online news broadcasts of RT have been equated with conspiracy theories by the New York Times simply because RT reports news and opinions that the New York Times does not report and the US government does not endorse.

In other words, as truth becomes uncomfortable for government and its Ministry of Propaganda, truth is redefined as conspiracy theory, by which is meant an absurd and laughable explanation that we should ignore.

When piles of carefully researched books, released government documents, and testimony of eye witnesses made it clear that Lee Harvey Oswald was not President John F. Kennedy’s assassin, the voluminous research, government documents, and verified testimony was dismissed as “conspiracy theory.”

In other words, the truth of the event was unacceptable to the authorities and to the Ministry of Propaganda that represents the interests of authorities.

The purest example of how Americans are shielded from truth is the media’s (including many Internet sites’) response to the large number of professionals who find the official explanation of September 11, 2001 inconsistent with everything they, as experts, know about physics, chemistry, structural engineering, architecture, fires, structural damage, the piloting of airplanes, the security procedures of the United States, NORAD’s capabilities, air traffic control, airport security, and other matters. These experts, numbering in the thousands, have been shouted down by know-nothings in the media who brand the experts as “conspiracy theorists.”

This, despite the fact that the official explanation endorsed by the official media is the most extravagant conspiracy theory in human history.

Let’s take a minute to re-acquaint ourselves with the official explanation, which is not regarded as a conspiracy theory despite the fact that it comprises an amazing conspiracy. The official truth is that a handful of young Muslim Arabs who could not fly airplanes, mainly Saudi Arabians who came neither from Iraq nor from Afghanistan, outwitted not only the CIA and the FBI, but also all 16 US intelligence agencies and all intelligence agencies of US allies including Israel’s Mossad, which is believed to have penetrated every terrorist organization and which carries out assassinations of those whom Mossad marks as terrorists.

In addition to outwitting every intelligence agency of the United States and its allies, the handful of young Saudi Arabians outwitted the National Security Council, the State Department, NORAD, airport security four times in the same hour on the same morning, air traffic control, caused the US Air Force to be unable to launch interceptor aircraft, and caused three well-built steel-structured buildings, including one not hit by an airplane, to fail suddenly in a few seconds as a result of limited structural damage and small, short-lived, low-temperature fires that burned on a few floors.

The Saudi terrorists were even able to confound the laws of physics and cause WTC building seven to collapse at free-fall speed for several seconds, a physical impossibility in the absence of explosives used in controlled demolition.

The story that the government and the media have told us amounts to a gigantic conspiracy; really a script for a James Bond film. Yet, anyone who doubts this improbable conspiracy theory is defined into irrelevance by the obedient media.

Anyone who believes an architect, structural engineer, or demolition expert who says that the videos show that the buildings are blowing up, not falling down, anyone who believes a Ph.D. physicist who says that the official explanation is inconsistent with known laws of physics, anyone who believes expert pilots who testify that non-pilots or poorly-qualified pilots cannot fly airplanes in such maneuvers, anyone who believes the 100 or more first-responders who testify that they not only heard explosions in the towers but personally experienced explosions, anyone who believes University of Copenhagen nano-chemist Niels Harrit who reports finding unreacted nano-thermite in dust samples from the WTC towers, anyone who is convinced by experts instead of by propaganda is dismissed as a kook.
In America today, and increasingly throughout the Western world, actual facts and true explanations have been relegated to the realm of kookiness. Only people who believe lies are socially approved and accepted as patriotic citizens.

Indeed, a writer or newscaster is not even permitted to report the findings of 9/11 skeptics. In other words, simply to report Professor Harrit’s findings now means that you endorse them or agree with them. Everyone in the US print and TV media knows that he/she will be instantly fired if they report Harrit’s findings, even with a laugh. Thus, although Harrit has reported his findings on European television and has lectured widely on his findings in Canadian universities, the fact that he and the international scientific research team that he led found unreacted nano-thermite in the WTC dust and have offered samples to other scientists to examine has to my knowledge never been reported in the American media.

Even Internet sites on which I am among the readers’ favorites will not allow me to report on Harrit’s findings.

WTC 7 was still standing after this announcement.
As I reported earlier, I myself had experience with a Huffington Post reporter who was keen to interview a Reagan presidential appointee who was in disagreement with the Republican wars in the Middle East. After he published the interview that I provided at his request, he was terrified to learn that I had reported findings of 9/11 investigators. To protect his career, he quickly inserted on the online interview that my views on the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions could be dismissed as I had reported unacceptable findings about 9/11.

The unwillingness or inability to entertain any view of 9/11 different from the official view dooms to impotence many Internet sites that are opposed to the wars and to the rise of the domestic US police state. These sites, for whatever the reasons, accept the government’s explanation of 9/11; yet, they try to oppose the ”war on terror” and the police state which are the consequences of accepting the government’s explanation. Trying to oppose the consequences of an event whose explanation you accept is an impossible task.

If you believe that America was attacked by Muslim terrorists and is susceptible to future attacks, then a “war on terror” and a domestic police state to root out terrorists become necessary to make Americans safe. The idea that a domestic police state and open-ended war might be more dangerous threats to Americans than terrorists is an impermissible thought.

A country whose population has been trained to accept the government’s word and to shun those who question it is a country without liberty in its future.

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS has had careers in scholarship and academia, public service, and journalism. He served as Congressional staff and as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration. He can be reached at: PaulCraigRoberts@yahoo.com


What's really sad is this fool hasn't bothered to check out what has been debunked and what is just silly.

How could anyone look at the 9/11 video and refer to "low temperature fires".
excuse me? they were low temperature fires, How well does fire resistant carpet and office furnature burn anyhow?

Not realy much has been debunked except the realy weird stuff anyhow.

The realy interesting things simply are just not addressed.

Its my opinion only the most nieve among us can realy buy into the official version of 911.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 08/24/11 04:30 PM
laugh laugh laugh

only the most ignorant could ignore the sound scientific evidence that
the planes and fires of the terrorist attacks caused the WTC buildings
to collapse!

laugh laugh laugh

metalwing's photo
Wed 08/24/11 04:35 PM

laugh laugh laugh

only the most ignorant could ignore the sound scientific evidence that
the planes and fires of the terrorist attacks caused the WTC buildings
to collapse!

laugh laugh laugh

You are being kind.laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 08/24/11 04:38 PM

laugh laugh laugh

only the most ignorant could ignore the sound scientific evidence that
the planes and fires of the terrorist attacks caused the WTC buildings
to collapse!

laugh laugh laugh
seriously? I find the offical version of 911 to be absurd and so should just about every thinking adult.

The official 9-11 report wasn't a report, it was a sales brochure for a major war.

Peccy's photo
Wed 08/24/11 07:24 PM
The real problem is that you've got an axe to grind with Busch and his administration, right Best. It's kinda clear by your avatar. And anyone who doesn't feel exactly the same way you do is a dolt, is blind, or naive and brainwashed.

Sounds to me like you've got more in common with those you hate than you're willing to admit. You know, like a dictator. "Either you see things how I see them or your opinion is absurd," is basically what your saying.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 08/24/11 08:24 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Wed 08/24/11 08:25 PM

The real problem is that you've got an axe to grind with Busch and his administration, right Best. It's kinda clear by your avatar. And anyone who doesn't feel exactly the same way you do is a dolt, is blind, or naive and brainwashed.

Sounds to me like you've got more in common with those you hate than you're willing to admit. You know, like a dictator. "Either you see things how I see them or your opinion is absurd," is basically what your saying.

What's most hIlArIoUs is that all the totally wacky conspiracy theories
and complete disregard for logic on the part of the truthers ironically
makes those who are anti-Bush look like they are complete lunatics!


I'm no great fan of W (solid as a rock and with the same density)
but the truthers appear to be trying to demonstrate that they can in
fact rival W for the title om most inane and cornpone!!


So I say....

Go for it! Let it all hang out! You have found a market for the
ridiculous and entertaining which you will never glut!!


The more absurd the arguments the funnier they are!!!


no photo
Thu 08/25/11 12:57 AM



Kleisto's photo
Thu 08/25/11 01:12 AM

The real problem is that you've got an axe to grind with Busch and his administration, right Best. It's kinda clear by your avatar. And anyone who doesn't feel exactly the same way you do is a dolt, is blind, or naive and brainwashed.

Sounds to me like you've got more in common with those you hate than you're willing to admit. You know, like a dictator. "Either you see things how I see them or your opinion is absurd," is basically what your saying.

And that's different from the other side.......HOW? Oh that's right, it's not.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/25/11 02:16 AM

The real problem is that you've got an axe to grind with Busch and his administration, right Best. It's kinda clear by your avatar. And anyone who doesn't feel exactly the same way you do is a dolt, is blind, or naive and brainwashed.

Sounds to me like you've got more in common with those you hate than you're willing to admit. You know, like a dictator. "Either you see things how I see them or your opinion is absurd," is basically what your saying.

And that's different from the other side.......HOW? Oh that's right, it's not.


One difference. Science and Engineering and Logic do not favor
the truther conspiracies.


Chazster's photo
Thu 08/25/11 08:12 AM

The real problem is that you've got an axe to grind with Busch and his administration, right Best. It's kinda clear by your avatar. And anyone who doesn't feel exactly the same way you do is a dolt, is blind, or naive and brainwashed.

Sounds to me like you've got more in common with those you hate than you're willing to admit. You know, like a dictator. "Either you see things how I see them or your opinion is absurd," is basically what your saying.

And that's different from the other side.......HOW? Oh that's right, it's not.


One difference. Science and Engineering and Logic do not favor
the truther conspiracies.


Yea like the guy that tried to say gravity and electricity are theories a few posts back. You call them out on their lack of knowledge and then they completely ignore it and act like they never wrote it.

metalwing's photo
Thu 08/25/11 08:27 AM
The "truth" is that the whole conspiracy theory of 9/11 is an excuse for Bush haters to show their hate for Bush over and over. When it comes to the actual facts like the use of explosives, guided missiles, and the like ... no one is that stupid...especially after the debunking process.

But wait! When this thread eventually dies, a new one will appear and state that the fires weren't hot enough to cause the steel to fail, explosives were used, Bush was in on it, partially trained pilots couldn't point the planes, gravity doesn't act downward, etc., etc., etc.

Peccy's photo
Thu 08/25/11 09:00 AM

The real problem is that you've got an axe to grind with Busch and his administration, right Best. It's kinda clear by your avatar. And anyone who doesn't feel exactly the same way you do is a dolt, is blind, or naive and brainwashed.

Sounds to me like you've got more in common with those you hate than you're willing to admit. You know, like a dictator. "Either you see things how I see them or your opinion is absurd," is basically what your saying.

And that's different from the other side.......HOW? Oh that's right, it's not.

LOL............offering logical explanations with scientific PROOF to back it up is totally different! When you give me proof instead of off the wall personal theories, then I will undoubtedly listen, because your argument will have merit.

Until then it's only personal THEORY like, "But what about this? Explain this to me!" Seriously, every THEORY you have presented has been shot down with scientific PROOF! Proof trumps theory no matter how it's presented.

Peccy's photo
Thu 08/25/11 09:10 AM
"excuse me? they were low temperature fires, How well does fire resistant carpet and office furnature burn anyhow?"

Okay low temperature fire? I would think that any fire is hot. It's an oxymoron. Fire is fire. You think furniture is low temp? Stand in a small room with just a few chairs and the carpet on fire. Bet you won't call it "low temperature" any more. Fire is fire.

1 2 38 39 40 42 44 45 46 49 50