Topic: Disgusting Commemorative coin for seal team 6
HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sun 07/24/11 04:43 PM
The evidence that guys in a cave learned to fly a plane and then flew it into the buildings is ridiculous and laughable. For one, Osama Bin Laden did not hide out in a cave.

Bin Laden knew how to fly planes. His father Mohammed raised his 54 children with a love for aviation. When Mohammed died, his eldest son, Salem, carried on that love and made sure that his brothers and sisters knew how to fly. They privately owned enough planes to then open the first Saudi airport. So yes, those "cave men" knew how to fly. And had access to airplanes.

He was a rich Saudi Prince. He lived in a palace with a swimming pool most of the time.

No, he didn't and no, he wasn't. His family only had a strong connection with the Saudi royal family through their construction contracts to build Saudi highways and to rebuild Makkah and Jeddah. Nothing else. They were never royalty themselves. They were poor Yemenis that migrated to Saudia Arabia to escape a debt their father and uncle created.

Yes, they owned several homes in several countries (that they built themselves) but none of them were palaces. Just luxurious homes like the ones our celebrities reside in and then bankrupt on....

Did you know that after the first bombing in 1994, the Bin Laden family disowned Osama and the Saudi government revoked his citizenship? And anyone, whether family or friend, who came into contact with Osama would be tried for treason?

And did you know that millions of Muslims worldwide cheered when Osama was found dead because he had given such a bad name to Islam?

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sun 07/24/11 04:45 PM

OJ did it.


Doubt it, seems more like a woman scorned. I am blaming Casey Anthony for this one. After all, after it happened, there was partying for 30 days in the desert....


:wink: laugh

mightymoe's photo
Sun 07/24/11 04:57 PM

The evidence that guys in a cave learned to fly a plane and then flew it into the buildings is ridiculous and laughable. For one, Osama Bin Laden did not hide out in a cave.

Bin Laden knew how to fly planes. His father Mohammed raised his 54 children with a love for aviation. When Mohammed died, his eldest son, Salem, carried on that love and made sure that his brothers and sisters knew how to fly. They privately owned enough planes to then open the first Saudi airport. So yes, those "cave men" knew how to fly. And had access to airplanes.

He was a rich Saudi Prince. He lived in a palace with a swimming pool most of the time.

No, he didn't and no, he wasn't. His family only had a strong connection with the Saudi royal family through their construction contracts to build Saudi highways and to rebuild Makkah and Jeddah. Nothing else. They were never royalty themselves. They were poor Yemenis that migrated to Saudia Arabia to escape a debt their father and uncle created.

Yes, they owned several homes in several countries (that they built themselves) but none of them were palaces. Just luxurious homes like the ones our celebrities reside in and then bankrupt on....

Did you know that after the first bombing in 1994, the Bin Laden family disowned Osama and the Saudi government revoked his citizenship? And anyone, whether family or friend, who came into contact with Osama would be tried for treason?

And did you know that millions of Muslims worldwide cheered when Osama was found dead because he had given such a bad name to Islam?

the bin laden construction company is currently building the giant clock in mecca right now...

no photo
Sun 07/24/11 04:59 PM

The evidence that guys in a cave learned to fly a plane and then flew it into the buildings is ridiculous and laughable. For one, Osama Bin Laden did not hide out in a cave.

Bin Laden knew how to fly planes. His father Mohammed raised his 54 children with a love for aviation. When Mohammed died, his eldest son, Salem, carried on that love and made sure that his brothers and sisters knew how to fly. They privately owned enough planes to then open the first Saudi airport. So yes, those "cave men" knew how to fly. And had access to airplanes.

He was a rich Saudi Prince. He lived in a palace with a swimming pool most of the time.

No, he didn't and no, he wasn't. His family only had a strong connection with the Saudi royal family through their construction contracts to build Saudi highways and to rebuild Makkah and Jeddah. Nothing else. They were never royalty themselves. They were poor Yemenis that migrated to Saudia Arabia to escape a debt their father and uncle created.

Yes, they owned several homes in several countries (that they built themselves) but none of them were palaces. Just luxurious homes like the ones our celebrities reside in and then bankrupt on....

Did you know that after the first bombing in 1994, the Bin Laden family disowned Osama and the Saudi government revoked his citizenship? And anyone, whether family or friend, who came into contact with Osama would be tried for treason?

And did you know that millions of Muslims worldwide cheered when Osama was found dead because he had given such a bad name to Islam?

That's nice that Osama could fly a plane, but he did not fly the planes that crashed into the twin towers.

Yes I know that Osama's family disowned him. He was a rebel.

I'm sure many people cheered when he died.

I'm not so sure he was not related to the royal family though. Those people screw around an awful lot. :tongue:

He did not live in a cave though. He lived quite well and he was not poor.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 07/24/11 05:12 PM

The people in power are above the law. They truly believe that the ends justify the means. They truly feel they have the authority to just kill anyone who gets in their way for any political reason they have.

Not in the US. The law applies to everyone in our society.
Presidents and Dog Catchers alike.

The only people who can take the attitude of "kill anyone who gets
in the way" are the criminals and terrorists like Bin Laden.

The rich are not above the law. Look at the many wealthy people
who have been successfully prosecuted. Nixon, Martha Stewart,
L. Dennis Kozlowski, Bernie Madoff, Leona Helmsley, Al Capone...

Eventually they were brought to justice.
By US officers of the law - people just like the Seals.


If you really believe there is true justice for those in power you need your head examined. If there was true justice Bush Jr. would have been arrested for war crimes a long time ago. And that's just one example of many where justice was NOT served.

laugh laugh laugh


Kleisto's photo
Sun 07/24/11 05:54 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Sun 07/24/11 05:54 PM

The people in power are above the law. They truly believe that the ends justify the means. They truly feel they have the authority to just kill anyone who gets in their way for any political reason they have.

Not in the US. The law applies to everyone in our society.
Presidents and Dog Catchers alike.

The only people who can take the attitude of "kill anyone who gets
in the way" are the criminals and terrorists like Bin Laden.

The rich are not above the law. Look at the many wealthy people
who have been successfully prosecuted. Nixon, Martha Stewart,
L. Dennis Kozlowski, Bernie Madoff, Leona Helmsley, Al Capone...

Eventually they were brought to justice.
By US officers of the law - people just like the Seals.


If you really believe there is true justice for those in power you need your head examined. If there was true justice Bush Jr. would have been arrested for war crimes a long time ago. And that's just one example of many where justice was NOT served.

laugh laugh laugh


You really have no idea. How exactly is it just that we are expected to pay every little cent of our taxes, yet a company like GE can get off paying slim to none?

It's the definition of a double standard, and that's just one example. It's time for you to wake up.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sun 07/24/11 07:39 PM
That's nice that Osama could fly a plane, but he did not fly the planes that crashed into the twin towers.

Yes I know that Osama's family disowned him. He was a rebel.

I'm sure many people cheered when he died.

I'm not so sure he was not related to the royal family though. Those people screw around an awful lot. :tongue:

He did not live in a cave though. He lived quite well and he was not poor.

I know he was not poor. But he actually did live in caves after 9-11. Pre-9-11 he had a home and an office that he used to promote his propaganda.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 07/24/11 07:49 PM

The people in power are above the law. They truly believe that the ends justify the means. They truly feel they have the authority to just kill anyone who gets in their way for any political reason they have.

Not in the US. The law applies to everyone in our society.
Presidents and Dog Catchers alike.

The only people who can take the attitude of "kill anyone who gets
in the way" are the criminals and terrorists like Bin Laden.

The rich are not above the law. Look at the many wealthy people
who have been successfully prosecuted. Nixon, Martha Stewart,
L. Dennis Kozlowski, Bernie Madoff, Leona Helmsley, Al Capone...

Eventually they were brought to justice.
By US officers of the law - people just like the Seals.


If you really believe there is true justice for those in power you need your head examined. If there was true justice Bush Jr. would have been arrested for war crimes a long time ago. And that's just one example of many where justice was NOT served.

laugh laugh laugh


You really have no idea. How exactly is it just that we are expected to pay every little cent of our taxes, yet a company like GE can get off paying slim to none?

It's the definition of a double standard, and that's just one example. It's time for you to wake up.

Hey we were not talking about tax law here. Of course every person
and every corporation does their best to pay as little in taxes as
the law allows. There is a vigorous debate always about how to tax
everyone individuals and corporations as well. Loopholes are closed
but other ways around them crop up.

The same law still applies to everyone. If they cheat on their taxes
they get raked over the coals. Did you see me reference Leona
Helmsley above?


Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying everything is always fair.
But we are talking about the military victory against the world's
most wanted terrorist - Osama Bin Laden. Seals went in and got him
and the world is a better place without his religious bigotry
fueled hijackings and bombings of innocent people. And in this case,
our leaders were right and the Seals did a great job and a great
threat to peace and security was eliminated.

Nothing at all wrong with that.

This is one of the many instances where we got it right. And I thank
our leaders and military for persevering and bringing justice to
Osama Bin Laden. RIP.


Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:09 PM

Not only do they imply that Osama Bin Laden is responsible for 9-11, (which could never have been proven in a court of law had they taken him alive) they are using 9-11 to help make sales for the worthless commemorative coin honoring the team of navy seal assassins who invaded his home and killed him and his family.

The powers that be, who own the mint, are no doubt laughing their heads off at people who are spending $49.95 for this disgusting thing. You can get it cheaper on the Internet too, at $29.95 - $19.95.

ill ill It makes me ill....

"Now, the Historic Coin Mint is making available this rare, commemorative coin paying tribute to the Navy Seals who carried out Operation Geronimo, Seal Team 6."

Sorry, I don't condone assassinations.


Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:15 PM

by brother served 2 tours over there almost lost his lfe due to ieds sniper fire and enemy fighting to protect our freedom and I ask wat he thought.... He said hoorahh he was goddamn proud and they should of done this years ago....who care about this coin u should juss be damn happy that the freedom u take for granted was paid by the brave innocent men and womens spilt blood of the armed forces fighting for us so we can continue to enjoy or freedoms we still enjoy today!!!!!

:thumbsup: Kudos to your brother..........

Unfortuntely they don't realize that we are over there fighting for the very freedom for them to believe in their conspiracy theroy's.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:17 PM

They invaded a country without permission, in the middle of the night, a black ops operation, and they murdered a sick old man, his employees and probably his family.

Now they want to honor or make heros out of the assassins.

Bad taste. Very bad taste.

It is just a sick scam to make money. And guess who owns the mint? The same people who own the banks and start wars. Money grubbing greedy bankers.

I dont know that they 'invaded'. That 'sick' old man was armed and used a woman as a human shiled, and the employees were also most likely armed.

I dont believe these were just average joes sitting around harmless who were 'executed'. I believe this was similar to a military base, with guards/'employees' armed to protect their 'employer' Bin Laden and even give their life for him if need be.

I do believe these were people trained to kill for the cause and dont believe referring to them as mere 'employees and family' paints an accurate picture of what the seals went in up against

Well it always helps the conscience to believe such things. But I don't think the people in that house had a chance in hell. I doubt if there are any witnesses left either.

Your damn right they didn't have a chance in hell. They had the best of the best going in after them. I will agree with you there, they didn't stand a chance in hell. I guess they should have thought of that before they started their terrorist orginizations and attacking civilian and military targets worldwide.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:18 PM

And have an rpg come at them???? He would of blown them all to kingdom come...better him than our boys!!

Are you saying that the seal teams aren't good enough, or well armed enough to have taken him alive? That they had to just go in and start shooting at anything that moved?

I don't think so.

They had orders to kill.

No matter how good they are, there is no way to know if someone is wearing an explosive vest until it's to late. Better safe then sorry.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:19 PM

I don't doubt they found weapons in the house. I doubt if Osama had any in his hands, he was watching television. laugh

They say they "exchanged fire" but who knows? I have my doubts about that. If they went in there and shot everyone in their sleep do you think they are going to admit that? Of course not.

We may never know really what happened or who died that night.

Ummmmm, the people in the neighboring area heard gunfire from different weapons. The guns the Seals used don't make any noise at all, so that confirms they were fired on by people inside the compound.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:20 PM

I'm sure he had very little to say about it.

Presidents are pretty much just puppets installed by the money brokers.

surprised You can't be serious, HE HAD to sign off on it and give the order. shocked

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:25 PM

Assassination is what it is. Assassination. It is not "war fare."

Osama Bid Laden could not have been convicted for 9-11 and that has been admitted. They did not want him alive. It was purely a political assassination. Call it what it is.

I am astonished that by speaking out against a policy of assassination for this country I get criticized. I am not talking about a "conspiracy" I am talking about an event. An historical event. You are the one who is preaching praises for it and ranting.

Osam bin Laden was blamed for 9-11, and accused so many times people believe it. I guess "Innocent innocent until proven guilty" does not apply when propaganda is applied. People believe the propaganda. I don't know if he is "responsible" or not, even indirectly but an accusation does not give anyone the right to assassinate him in the dead of the night and then brag about it all over the media.

It's become a circus.

I will not join the cheering crowd at this disgraceful public execution.

It is wrong. I'm surprised people don't know that.

It's just wrong.

The hell he couldn't. He has already been convicted in absentia on other major terrorism charges! He would have gotten executed either way, this just saved the tax payers years of housing and guarding that criminal.

no photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:25 PM

I'm sure he had very little to say about it.

Presidents are pretty much just puppets installed by the money brokers.

surprised You can't be serious, HE HAD to sign off on it and give the order. shocked

You are right about that.

HE HAD TO sign off on it.

Emphasis on HE HAD TO.

They insisted he do it. They are the puppet masters. Presidents sometimes find themselves with very little choice in the matter.

I saw the look on his face. It was ashen. He did not like it at all.
He had little choice. That operation, that plan, had been in the works for a long time.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:30 PM

Although I don't believe in assassinations as a positive form of anything. I would prefer then to the supposed "military actions" we are involved in now.

They should have done this for Hitler, Saddam etc... since we are capable.

It would have saved millions of lives, innocent lives of women and children. It would have saved peoples property and keepsakes.

So although I don't approve of assassinations, they prove more effective then war.

I was tried on Hitler on SEVERAL occasions by the United States, England, Russia, other members of the Nazi Party and even the Vatican was involved in the assasination attempts and the Pope personally gave his blessing. Hitler was a hard mad to get close to and was well protected.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:32 PM

The alleged "war on terror" is propaganda.

Before that it was "The war on drugs." Also propaganda.

Did the "war on drugs" give us the license to invade the homes of suspected drug dealers and kill them?


actually, yes,,lol

several americans have lost their lives in their homes to armed police officers there to 'bring in' a suspect,,,

Ummmmm, not to mention Bill Clinton ok'd the assasination and the use of the military in the assasination of major drug cartel kingpins and members.

no photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:33 PM
Michael Moore on Bin Laden:

"We've lost something of our soul here in this country" by "executing" Osama bin Laden without a trial. Moore is disappointed that the unarmed bin Laden was not taken alive, because he still believes in due process and crap like the Magna Carta. Moore contends the Al Qaeda leader was intentionally executed, and he thinks the right to a trial is "something that separates us from other parts, other countries where we say everybody has their day in court no matter how bad of a person, no matter what piece of scum they are, they have a right to a trial...after World War II, we just didn't go in and put a bullet to the head of all the top Nazis. We put them on trial."

no photo
Mon 07/25/11 03:34 PM

The alleged "war on terror" is propaganda.

Before that it was "The war on drugs." Also propaganda.

Did the "war on drugs" give us the license to invade the homes of suspected drug dealers and kill them?


actually, yes,,lol

several americans have lost their lives in their homes to armed police officers there to 'bring in' a suspect,,,

Ummmmm, not to mention Bill Clinton ok'd the assasination and the use of the military in the assasination of major drug cartel kingpins and members.

Really? Do you have any more information on that? Was it done in America or in Old Mexico?