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Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus
CowboyGH's photo
Sat 07/30/11 04:49 PM

I answered the question, you just refuse to see it. I didn't answer you with who I BELIEVE MY lord God is. I answered who lord God is in genesis. And that would be Jesus. Jesus is OUR lord God, he is the lord God spoken of in Genesis, he is the lord God spoken henceforth. Jesus is lord God.

well actually I was trying to wait on you to grow a pair and just say that your belief was that it was Jesus and not The Father That created man

but anyway as your teacher I will show you why that is wrong and why Jesus is not The Lord God....

since you insist on preaching from The New Testament...I will use The New Testament to show you why Jesus wasn't "The Lord God" in Genesis 2:7

in John 1:1 "In The Beginning was The Word" and you kept insisting That The Word was Jesus

so which is it

In The Beginning who was Jesus

1:The Word
3:The Lord God
3:Jeffrey Hunter
3:William Defoe
3:The AntiChrist

please choose only one Godhead actor or Demon

If you'll notice The Word is capitalised, it is a title of a being. It's not a piece of paper, scroll, or something of such. It is a living being. The Word is Jesus. Jesus only got the "title" Jesus because he had to have a mortal name from his mortal parents on this Earth. He didn't have the name Jesus before he was "birthed" on Earth because he was The Word. But again, his "mortal" parents Mary and Joseph gave him that name while he lived on Earth. If you'll notice also "Lord God" is always capitalised as well, another "title" for whom WE call Jesus. Look up the meaning of the word "Jesus".

Jesus \j(e)-sus\ as a boy's name is pronounced JEE-zus, hay-SOOS. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Jesus is "the Lord is salvation". Short form of Joshua, from the Hebrew name Jehoshua. The name of the biblical Christ is very frequently used as a given name in Hispanic cultures.

The Italian origin of his name Emmanuel means literally "God with us".

It is merely a "title". It doesn't make that much of a difference if it's The Word, Jesus, Emmanuel, or any other translations/titles their may be for him. They are all the same being, they are all The Word, they are all the only begotten child of God our father who art in heaven.

Jesus was both The Word and Lord God. They are both titles of Jesus Christ, our lord and saviour. Again, The Word is a TITLE, it's not a pamphlet, scroll, or anything of such, it's a TITLE.

no photo
Sat 07/30/11 04:59 PM

If you'll notice The Word is capitalised, it is a title of a being. It's not a piece of paper, scroll, or something of such. It is a living being. The Word is Jesus. Jesus only got the "title" Jesus because he had to have a mortal name from his mortal parents on this Earth. He didn't have the name Jesus before he was "birthed" on Earth because he was The Word. But again, his "mortal" parents Mary and Joseph gave him that name while he lived on Earth. If you'll notice also "Lord God" is always capitalised as well, another "title" for whom WE call Jesus. Look up the meaning of the word "Jesus".

Jesus \j(e)-sus\ as a boy's name is pronounced JEE-zus, hay-SOOS. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Jesus is "the Lord is salvation". Short form of Joshua, from the Hebrew name Jehoshua. The name of the biblical Christ is very frequently used as a given name in Hispanic cultures.

The Italian origin of his name Emmanuel means literally "God with us".

It is merely a "title". It doesn't make that much of a difference if it's The Word, Jesus, Emmanuel, or any other translations/titles their may be for him. They are all the same being, they are all The Word, they are all the only begotten child of God our father who art in heaven.

wow look at Cowboy "google cut and paste" off of wikipedia but yet forgot to answer the question

but anyway ..here it is again..

can you please refrain from all the preaching and just choose one of the options

In The Beginning who was Jesus

1:The Word
3:The Lord God
3:Jeffrey Hunter
3:William Defoe
3:The AntiChrist
3:Chuck Norris

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 07/30/11 05:04 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sat 07/30/11 05:06 PM

If you'll notice The Word is capitalised, it is a title of a being. It's not a piece of paper, scroll, or something of such. It is a living being. The Word is Jesus. Jesus only got the "title" Jesus because he had to have a mortal name from his mortal parents on this Earth. He didn't have the name Jesus before he was "birthed" on Earth because he was The Word. But again, his "mortal" parents Mary and Joseph gave him that name while he lived on Earth. If you'll notice also "Lord God" is always capitalised as well, another "title" for whom WE call Jesus. Look up the meaning of the word "Jesus".

Jesus \j(e)-sus\ as a boy's name is pronounced JEE-zus, hay-SOOS. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Jesus is "the Lord is salvation". Short form of Joshua, from the Hebrew name Jehoshua. The name of the biblical Christ is very frequently used as a given name in Hispanic cultures.

The Italian origin of his name Emmanuel means literally "God with us".

It is merely a "title". It doesn't make that much of a difference if it's The Word, Jesus, Emmanuel, or any other translations/titles their may be for him. They are all the same being, they are all The Word, they are all the only begotten child of God our father who art in heaven.

wow look at Cowboy "google cut and paste" off of wikipedia but yet forgot to answer the question

but anyway ..here it is again..

can you please refrain from all the preaching and just choose one of the options

In The Beginning who was Jesus

1:The Word
3:The Lord God
3:Jeffrey Hunter
3:William Defoe
3:The AntiChrist
3:Chuck Norris

What in the world are you talking about? I didn't copy/paste anything but the definition(s). If I would have, I would have given source. AAAAAAAAnyways, in the beginning Jesus was The Word. But again, The Word is not a pamphlet, a piece of paper, a scroll, or anything of such. He was still Lord God. So you're telling me, a woman can't call you Hunny, sweat'ems or any other sweet nic because your name is Funches? You as a being, can't have two titles? People/beings are given different titles for different jobs.

no photo
Sat 07/30/11 05:23 PM

What in the world are you talking about? I didn't copy/paste anything but the definition(s).

so "Cowboy 2" didn't "google cut and paste"

but "Cowboy 1" did "google cut and paste" definitions ....

was it "Cowboy 3" that googled the wikipedia page?

no photo
Sat 07/30/11 05:30 PM

So you're telling me, a woman can't call you Hunny, sweat'ems or any other sweet nic because your name is Funches?

calling you other names does not change what was originally the name on your birth certificate

so which option would be the original name of Jesus In The Beginning

1:The Word
3:The Lord God
3:Jeffrey Hunter
3:William Defoe
3:The AntiChrist
3:Chuck Norris
3:Mel Gibson

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 07/30/11 09:01 PM

What in the world are you talking about? I didn't copy/paste anything but the definition(s).

so "Cowboy 2" didn't "google cut and paste"

but "Cowboy 1" did "google cut and paste" definitions ....

was it "Cowboy 3" that googled the wikipedia page?

care to share the wikipedia page address you're accusing me of copy/pasting. You're a real character Funches.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 07/30/11 09:02 PM

So you're telling me, a woman can't call you Hunny, sweat'ems or any other sweet nic because your name is Funches?

calling you other names does not change what was originally the name on your birth certificate

so which option would be the original name of Jesus In The Beginning

1:The Word
3:The Lord God
3:Jeffrey Hunter
3:William Defoe
3:The AntiChrist
3:Chuck Norris
3:Mel Gibson

The Word.

John 1

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 07/30/11 09:07 PM

What in the world are you talking about? I didn't copy/paste anything but the definition(s).

so "Cowboy 2" didn't "google cut and paste"

but "Cowboy 1" did "google cut and paste" definitions ....

was it "Cowboy 3" that googled the wikipedia page?

care to share the wikipedia page address you're accusing me of copy/pasting. You're a real character Funches.

And once again, yes I copy/pasted the definition. Would have been the same as if I was to have looked it up and typed it out, looked it up in a dictionary and typed it out, or anything. lol, it's always going to be the same weather it was a copy/paste or out of the physical book called a dictionary.

no photo
Sun 07/31/11 05:28 AM
Edited by funches on Sun 07/31/11 05:29 AM

care to share the wikipedia page address you're accusing me of copy/pasting. You're a real character Funches.

didn't you already admit that you "google cut and paste" the definitions...

And once again, yes I copy/pasted the definition. Would have been the same as if I was to have looked it up and typed it out, looked it up in a dictionary and typed it out, or anything. lol, it's always going to be the same weather it was a copy/paste or out of the physical book called a dictionary.

we are the ones having the debate...if you can not bring the person to the forum that you "google cut and paste" from to be questioned....then read what they wrote and bring it to the forum in your own thoughts not theirs....unless of course if you are incapable of thinking for yourself

no photo
Sun 07/31/11 05:52 AM

The Word.

John 1

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

in Genesis 2:7...there were only one entity called "The Lord God" that created Man, no other entity was mention in that passage...but you claim that this one entity was Jesus

according to the belief The Father is supposedly the creator of everything....but according to you he didn't create Man Jesus did

see how your belief that Jesus is "The Lord God" in Genesis 2:7 turns the bible into a book of lies

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 07/31/11 10:34 AM

care to share the wikipedia page address you're accusing me of copy/pasting. You're a real character Funches.

didn't you already admit that you "google cut and paste" the definitions...

And once again, yes I copy/pasted the definition. Would have been the same as if I was to have looked it up and typed it out, looked it up in a dictionary and typed it out, or anything. lol, it's always going to be the same weather it was a copy/paste or out of the physical book called a dictionary.

we are the ones having the debate...if you can not bring the person to the forum that you "google cut and paste" from to be questioned....then read what they wrote and bring it to the forum in your own thoughts not theirs....unless of course if you are incapable of thinking for yourself

First off, I'm not having a debate with you, nor have I ever. Secondly, again, all I copy/pasted was a definition of a word. What's is your point? I didn't copy/paste anything else outside of the definition.

no photo
Sun 07/31/11 12:50 PM
Edited by funches on Sun 07/31/11 12:50 PM
First off, I'm not having a debate with you, nor have I ever.

I choose to call it a debate...so would you like to debate about whether it's a debate or not

no photo
Sun 07/31/11 01:13 PM

Secondly, again, all I copy/pasted was a definition of a word. What's is your point?

unless you believe that In The Beginning Jesus was hispanic...then the definition that you "google cut and paste" was useless and had nothing to do with Genesis 2:7

but anyway I notice that you didn't answer the question ....you won't be able to anyway and I will explain why

1:according to the belief God the father is the creator of everything

2:in Genesis 2:7 there was only one entity called "The Lord God" that created Man...no other entites were mention in that passage

3:since the father is the creator of everything and only one entity was mentioned in Genesis 2:7 then "The Lord God" in Genesis 2:7 had to be the father,

since it is your belief that God, the holy spirit and Jesus are totally seperate entites and that God the father is the creator of everything....then you will be going against your religion by claiming that the one entity in Genesis 2:7 was Jesus that created Man because that would mean that Man was something that the father didn't create and you would have place Jesus above the father

Cowboy....it appears that you tired to find Jesus but lost God

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 07/31/11 07:31 PM

Secondly, again, all I copy/pasted was a definition of a word. What's is your point?

unless you believe that In The Beginning Jesus was hispanic...then the definition that you "google cut and paste" was useless and had nothing to do with Genesis 2:7

but anyway I notice that you didn't answer the question ....you won't be able to anyway and I will explain why

1:according to the belief God the father is the creator of everything

2:in Genesis 2:7 there was only one entity called "The Lord God" that created Man...no other entites were mention in that passage

3:since the father is the creator of everything and only one entity was mentioned in Genesis 2:7 then "The Lord God" in Genesis 2:7 had to be the father,

since it is your belief that God, the holy spirit and Jesus are totally seperate entites and that God the father is the creator of everything....then you will be going against your religion by claiming that the one entity in Genesis 2:7 was Jesus that created Man because that would mean that Man was something that the father didn't create and you would have place Jesus above the father

Cowboy....it appears that you tired to find Jesus but lost God

Deuteronomy 6:5A nd thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

God our FATHER has given Jesus our LORD responsibility over, control over us, we worship our FATHER through JESUS. God the father is our father because of Jesus. We are made a new creator when we accept Jesus as lord and saviour, we are born of God. When you are born on Earth, you are born of the flesh and blood. By your choice if you wish to accept the gift offered you can be born again, born of the spirit. Jesus is our God, he is the one in control of us, he is the one in command, just as the definition says a God is. All God means in the exact translation again, is the one in control, the leader. Jesus is the one in control of us, he is our leader, he is our LORD, for he is LORD God.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 07/31/11 08:44 PM
God is referenced many times including as I said earlier in the first
line of Genesis. So if you accept that Jesus is God then that's where
he is mentioned.

On the other hand if you are looking for an explicit reference to
Jesus in the Old Testament there is none. None at all. It is all in
the New Testament.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 07/31/11 09:03 PM

God is referenced many times including as I said earlier in the first
line of Genesis. So if you accept that Jesus is God then that's where
he is mentioned.

On the other hand if you are looking for an explicit reference to
Jesus in the Old Testament there is none. None at all. It is all in
the New Testament.

Very true, because before Marry gave birth to Jesus, he did not have the name "Jesus". He was LORD, he still is LORD, but he has an Earthly title now as well, Jesus.

no photo
Sun 07/31/11 10:09 PM

Secondly, again, all I copy/pasted was a definition of a word. What's is your point?

unless you believe that In The Beginning Jesus was hispanic...then the definition that you "google cut and paste" was useless and had nothing to do with Genesis 2:7

but anyway I notice that you didn't answer the question ....you won't be able to anyway and I will explain why

1:according to the belief God the father is the creator of everything

2:in Genesis 2:7 there was only one entity called "The Lord God" that created Man...no other entites were mention in that passage

3:since the father is the creator of everything and only one entity was mentioned in Genesis 2:7 then "The Lord God" in Genesis 2:7 had to be the father,

since it is your belief that God, the holy spirit and Jesus are totally seperate entites and that God the father is the creator of everything....then you will be going against your religion by claiming that the one entity in Genesis 2:7 was Jesus that created Man because that would mean that Man was something that the father didn't create and you would have place Jesus above the father

Cowboy....it appears that you tired to find Jesus but lost God

Deuteronomy 6:5A nd thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

God our FATHER has given Jesus our LORD responsibility over, control over us, we worship our FATHER through JESUS. God the father is our father because of Jesus. We are made a new creator when we accept Jesus as lord and saviour, we are born of God. When you are born on Earth, you are born of the flesh and blood. By your choice if you wish to accept the gift offered you can be born again, born of the spirit. Jesus is our God, he is the one in control of us, he is the one in command, just as the definition says a God is. All God means in the exact translation again, is the one in control, the leader. Jesus is the one in control of us, he is our leader, he is our LORD, for he is LORD God.

Cowboy...it's amazing and at the same time scary the way you just rant about nothing ....but it's no getting around what I posted...there was only one entity mention in Genesis 2:7 that created man...and since the father is the creator of everyting that is proof postive that the one entity mention in genesis 2:7 as the Lord God as the creator of Man had to be the father and not Jesus... it's simply no way around this logic

you were wrong about Jesus being The Lord God mention in Genesis 2:7 and it's time that you accept this so that we can move on with the teachings...

no photo
Sun 07/31/11 10:39 PM

God is referenced many times including as I said earlier in the first
line of Genesis. So if you accept that Jesus is God then that's where
he is mentioned.

you could also accept that Gomer Pyle is God and is mention under another name in Genesis...which is why you are require to provide proof beyond faith and delusion that Gomer Pyle and/or Jesus are mention in Genesis

On the other hand if you are looking for an explicit reference to
Jesus in the Old Testament there is none. None at all. It is all in
the New Testament.

wrong slowhand....it doesn't require that the name of Jesus or reference to Jesus be mention in genesis, Cowboy tried that when he "google cut and paste" definitions from the dictionary....

all you have to do is show that another God entity other than "God the father" existed in Genesis ...so far no one has

s1owhand's photo
Mon 08/01/11 03:14 AM

God is referenced many times including as I said earlier in the first
line of Genesis. So if you accept that Jesus is God then that's where
he is mentioned.

you could also accept that Gomer Pyle is God and is mention under another name in Genesis...which is why you are require to provide proof beyond faith and delusion that Gomer Pyle and/or Jesus are mention in Genesis

On the other hand if you are looking for an explicit reference to
Jesus in the Old Testament there is none. None at all. It is all in
the New Testament.

wrong slowhand....it doesn't require that the name of Jesus or reference to Jesus be mention in genesis, Cowboy tried that when he "google cut and paste" definitions from the dictionary....

all you have to do is show that another God entity other than "God the father" existed in Genesis ...so far no one has

I don't think that Gomer Pyle or looking for "other Gods" in the
Old Testament is any kind of credible rebuttal to my points.


no photo
Mon 08/01/11 04:21 AM

God is referenced many times including as I said earlier in the first
line of Genesis. So if you accept that Jesus is God then that's where
he is mentioned.

you could also accept that Gomer Pyle is God and is mention under another name in Genesis...which is why you are require to provide proof beyond faith and delusion that Gomer Pyle and/or Jesus are mention in Genesis

On the other hand if you are looking for an explicit reference to
Jesus in the Old Testament there is none. None at all. It is all in
the New Testament.

wrong slowhand....it doesn't require that the name of Jesus or reference to Jesus be mention in genesis, Cowboy tried that when he "google cut and paste" definitions from the dictionary....

all you have to do is show that another God entity other than "God the father" existed in Genesis ...so far no one has

I don't think that Gomer Pyle or looking for "other Gods" in the
Old Testament is any kind of credible rebuttal to my points.


s1owhand...only points you need to make is to point to some evidence of another God entity beyond God the Father or Gomer pyle...next you're be claiming That Aunt Bee is Lord God in Genesis 2:7 ...

you guys have got to stop running to wikipedia and those Satan websites looking for loop holes to place Jesus into The Old Testament

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