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Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus
CowboyGH's photo
Wed 07/27/11 12:00 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Wed 07/27/11 12:02 PM

In the post you quoted I did not say that Jesus was not in the old testament.

Cowboy it doesn't matter if you did or didn't say it...all the thread ask is that if you wish to claim that Jesus is in Genesis to provide the passage or passages from Genesis that states this or clearly states the existence of three Godheads

Oh thought you were caught up to speed. We've already shown verses referring to "lord". And Jesus is our lord, he is the only lord of any importance especially in Genesis since at that time there was no "hierarchy" in the world. So clearly it could only be referring to Jesus Christ. But all in all, it has Jesus in the second chapter of the bible.

2:4These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

Right there, specifically says "LORD" God made the earth and the heavens. Jesus is our lord. No, Jesus didn't have the name "Jesus" at this time, because it wasn't important, wasn't needed, was irrelevant. Jesus didn't receive the name Jesus till he became one of us, became a man on Earth. Before then he had no need for a name. Jesus is the title his parents gave to him. Jesus is Lord, that is all that is important. His name is irrelevant and is only important because of the secular people of this world and or the people without the Christian faith. Because within the Christian faith he is "LORD". But again, people that lack the faith thereof refer to mere humans as lord, the hierarchy and what not.

If you'll notice some verses refer to "God" some refer to "Lord God". Two separate beings, or else they would have had the same title for the being they were referring to.

no photo
Wed 07/27/11 04:27 PM
Edited by funches on Wed 07/27/11 04:31 PM

Oh thought you were caught up to speed.

Cowboy the problem is that you keep hopping all over the bible trying to play "The Trinity Hustle" and divert.....

what I'm attempting to do is by taking each Genesis passage in sequence we can rest assure that if Jesus is in Genesis that he won't slip thought the cracks and we can find the exact spot in the bible where Jesus indisputably without question makes his first biblical debut...

so far we are at Genesis 1:19 ...can you find anything in those 19 passages and three days of creation presented so far that tells of Jesus or three Godheads

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 07/27/11 05:06 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Wed 07/27/11 05:11 PM

Oh thought you were caught up to speed.

Cowboy the problem is that you keep hopping all over the bible trying to play "The Trinity Hustle" and divert.....

what I'm attempting to do is by taking each Genesis passage in sequence we can rest assure that if Jesus is in Genesis that he won't slip thought the cracks and we can find the exact spot in the bible where Jesus indisputably without question makes his first biblical debut...

so far we are at Genesis 1:19 ...can you find anything in those 19 passages and three days of creation presented so far that tells of Jesus or three Godheads

What in the world are you talking about now Funches? I'm not hopping anywhere or playing anything, not trying to divert anything. The question at hand was about Jesus being in Genesis, so we showed that it specifically states LORD. Who is our lord? Jesus Christ. So bottom line, Jesus is in Genesis. Jesus was not mentioned in Chapter one, because again, Chapter 1 was talking about the creation of the world itself and the things that lived on the earth eg., woman, man, animals. And it went into detail about the separating of the lands ect. Yes again it did not refer to him specifically as JESUS, because he did not have that specific name until he was born into the physical word by Marry. Before he was given birth by Marry, he was referred to specifically as LORD. That is why it is capitalised when it states LORD God and things of that nature, that was/is his title. I don't personally post it that way cause I want to, it is that way in the bible.

no photo
Wed 07/27/11 06:24 PM

Oh thought you were caught up to speed.

Cowboy the problem is that you keep hopping all over the bible trying to play "The Trinity Hustle" and divert.....

what I'm attempting to do is by taking each Genesis passage in sequence we can rest assure that if Jesus is in Genesis that he won't slip thought the cracks and we can find the exact spot in the bible where Jesus indisputably without question makes his first biblical debut...

so far we are at Genesis 1:19 ...can you find anything in those 19 passages and three days of creation presented so far that tells of Jesus or three Godheads

What in the world are you talking about now Funches? I'm not hopping anywhere or playing anything, not trying to divert anything. The question at hand was about Jesus being in Genesis, so we showed that it specifically states LORD. Who is our lord? Jesus Christ. So bottom line, Jesus is in Genesis. Jesus was not mentioned in Chapter one, because again, Chapter 1 was talking about the creation of the world itself and the things that lived on the earth eg., woman, man, animals. And it went into detail about the separating of the lands ect. Yes again it did not refer to him specifically as JESUS, because he did not have that specific name until he was born into the physical word by Marry. Before he was given birth by Marry, he was referred to specifically as LORD. That is why it is capitalised when it states LORD God and things of that nature, that was/is his title. I don't personally post it that way cause I want to, it is that way in the bible.

Genesis did not use the term "Lord" until the very moment in Genesis 2:7 when Man was about to be created..

the passage itself proves this

Gensis 2:7
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

in none of the passages before Genesis 2:7 will you find the term "Lord" used ...

this is because "The Lord God" points to the creation of Man not two seperate Godheads and clearly not three Godheads

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 07/27/11 07:04 PM

Oh thought you were caught up to speed.

Cowboy the problem is that you keep hopping all over the bible trying to play "The Trinity Hustle" and divert.....

what I'm attempting to do is by taking each Genesis passage in sequence we can rest assure that if Jesus is in Genesis that he won't slip thought the cracks and we can find the exact spot in the bible where Jesus indisputably without question makes his first biblical debut...

so far we are at Genesis 1:19 ...can you find anything in those 19 passages and three days of creation presented so far that tells of Jesus or three Godheads

What in the world are you talking about now Funches? I'm not hopping anywhere or playing anything, not trying to divert anything. The question at hand was about Jesus being in Genesis, so we showed that it specifically states LORD. Who is our lord? Jesus Christ. So bottom line, Jesus is in Genesis. Jesus was not mentioned in Chapter one, because again, Chapter 1 was talking about the creation of the world itself and the things that lived on the earth eg., woman, man, animals. And it went into detail about the separating of the lands ect. Yes again it did not refer to him specifically as JESUS, because he did not have that specific name until he was born into the physical word by Marry. Before he was given birth by Marry, he was referred to specifically as LORD. That is why it is capitalised when it states LORD God and things of that nature, that was/is his title. I don't personally post it that way cause I want to, it is that way in the bible.

Genesis did not use the term "Lord" until the very moment in Genesis 2:7 when Man was about to be created..

the passage itself proves this

Gensis 2:7
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

in none of the passages before Genesis 2:7 will you find the term "Lord" used ...

this is because "The Lord God" points to the creation of Man not two seperate Godheads and clearly not three Godheads

What are you on about three Godheads? We're talking about Jesus being referred to in Genesis. And this is shown when it uses the title LORD God. Even after that it specifically says God or Lord God. It keeps both titles going,showing the separation of two different beings. Now what in the world are you talking about, three different God heads? Once again, we are PURELY discussing the reference of Jesus in Genesis. And you may not find the term "Lord" before 2:7, again what does that matter? That just indicates Jesus didn't personally do anything documented before then. What's your point with that? We have God our father and our Lord God Jesus Christ. Am I missing your point?

no photo
Wed 07/27/11 08:02 PM
Edited by funches on Wed 07/27/11 08:17 PM

What are you on about three Godheads? We're talking about Jesus being referred to in Genesis. And this is shown when it uses the title LORD God. Even after that it specifically says God or Lord God. It keeps both titles going,showing the separation of two different beings. Now what in the world are you talking about, three different God heads? Once again, we are PURELY discussing the reference of Jesus in Genesis. And you may not find the term "Lord" before 2:7, again what does that matter? That just indicates Jesus didn't personally do anything documented before then. What's your point with that? We have God our father and our Lord God Jesus Christ. Am I missing your point?

my point is simple...Christians refer to Jesus as Lord but not all Christians believe that referring to Jesus as lord means that he is God ....

since the name Jesus is clearly not mention in Genesis this is why if you insist that the term "lord" in Genesis refers to Jesus then you have to show evidence in that passage of the existence of at least two seperate beings which is referred to as being Godheads and do this without running to The New Testament

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 07/27/11 09:11 PM

What are you on about three Godheads? We're talking about Jesus being referred to in Genesis. And this is shown when it uses the title LORD God. Even after that it specifically says God or Lord God. It keeps both titles going,showing the separation of two different beings. Now what in the world are you talking about, three different God heads? Once again, we are PURELY discussing the reference of Jesus in Genesis. And you may not find the term "Lord" before 2:7, again what does that matter? That just indicates Jesus didn't personally do anything documented before then. What's your point with that? We have God our father and our Lord God Jesus Christ. Am I missing your point?

my point is simple...Christians refer to Jesus as Lord but not all Christians believe that referring to Jesus as lord means that he is God ....

since the name Jesus is clearly not mention in Genesis this is why if you insist that the term "lord" in Genesis refers to Jesus then you have to show evidence in that passage of the existence of at least two seperate beings which is referred to as being Godheads and do this without running to The New Testament

You're still combining the two. No, referring to Jesus as lord does not me he is "God". Jesus is our LORD God. Our father is our Father God. ect. Here's some verses as an example.
Genesis 1:1-3
1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

All three of the above mentioned verses clearly just states "GOD". No other titles or anything. So we can clearly see who is being referred to here is God our father. I'll show you why in the following verses.

Genesis 2:7-9
7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

8And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

9And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The two different section of verses are referring to two totally different beings or there would have been absolutely no reason to have given one the title "lord" and one no title at all. The term born again explains it a little further and will give a little more understanding on the subject. When someone is "born again", they have laid their life down and picked up the life our Lord has set out before us. They have laid their flesh down and risen a new person so to speak. They no longer live by the flesh, but they live by the spirit. They are a new creation and left the old one there to die. They have become a child of God.

And I do not know what you are meaning by "Godheads". The three different being, the father, the son, and the holy ghost are all separate entities, but are still one. They have the same will, they have the same goals, they work for the same thing. They work in harmony.

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 05:00 AM

The two different section of verses are referring to two totally different beings or there would have been absolutely no reason to have given one the title "lord" and one no title at all.

Cowboy......Baal was also a Lord God in the bible...which means that I can say that the term "Lord" in Genesis was referring To Baal .....

Baal was also mention as a God in the bible which means in Genesis 1:1 In The beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth....that the God they were referring to was Baal...

also if you insist on claiming that the term "The Lord God" was two seperate entities then those two entities could have been Baal and Yahweh

see how I explain how the term "The Lord God" was two seperate entities and I didn't have to resort to using your Christian word games or running to The New Testament to do this

so are you also capable of excerting this type of self control and stop running to the New Testament like an "Addict in Withdrawal" and just resort to finding the evidence in Genesis of Baal.....oops ...I meant evidence of Jesus... or perhaps Jesus is Baal

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/11 08:54 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Thu 07/28/11 08:55 AM

The two different section of verses are referring to two totally different beings or there would have been absolutely no reason to have given one the title "lord" and one no title at all.

Cowboy......Baal was also a Lord God in the bible...which means that I can say that the term "Lord" in Genesis was referring To Baal .....

Baal was also mention as a God in the bible which means in Genesis 1:1 In The beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth....that the God they were referring to was Baal...

also if you insist on claiming that the term "The Lord God" was two seperate entities then those two entities could have been Baal and Yahweh

see how I explain how the term "The Lord God" was two seperate entities and I didn't have to resort to using your Christian word games or running to The New Testament to do this

so are you also capable of excerting this type of self control and stop running to the New Testament like an "Addict in Withdrawal" and just resort to finding the evidence in Genesis of Baal.....oops ...I meant evidence of Jesus... or perhaps Jesus is Baal

Perhaps you should reread the verses you are thinking of. For they do not claim Baal to be lord. It brought our lord anger that people served Baal. Notice especially in verse 11, it definitly separates Lord and Baal. Two separate entities, two different beings. Baal was not being referred to as "Lord".

Judges 2:11-13

11And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim:

12And they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that were round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger.

13And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth.

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 09:14 AM
Edited by funches on Thu 07/28/11 10:10 AM

Perhaps you should reread the verses you are thinking of. For they do not claim Baal to be lord. It brought our lord anger that people served Baal. Notice especially in verse 11, it definitly separates Lord and Baal. Two separate entities, two different beings. Baal was not being referred to as "Lord".

that's because Baal was referred to as being God..which is why when the term "The Lord God" was introduced in Genesis 2:7 they were referring to Baal as God and referring to Yahweh as lord ....

isn't Yahweh Lord in the Christian Religion?

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/11 09:42 AM

Perhaps you should reread the verses you are thinking of. For they do not claim Baal to be lord. It brought our lord anger that people served Baal. Notice especially in verse 11, it definitly separates Lord and Baal. Two separate entities, two different beings. Baal was not being referred to as "Lord".

that's because Baal was referred to as being God..which is why when the term "The Lord God" was introduced in Genesis 2:7 they were referring to Baal as God and referring to Yahweh as lord ....

isn't Yahweh Lord in the Christian Religion?

Taking stuff out of context and confusing things again. There are many "gods" funches. Know ye not that ye are gods? These people were worshipping Baal before the lord, that is where the error was. They were worshipping Baal as the creator of all and above all things. They weren't just referring to Jesus as "lord". They were referring to him as Lord "god". As in, he is the lord of the gods, he is the lord of us. God would be the "species" so to speak, that is what he is. "Lord" is a title. He is lord of the gods. He was lord of Baal as well, but these people were worshipping Baal and putting him on a pedestal and praising him higher then any other, which again is where the error was and was what cause the "LORD" to be angry. Doesn't say there are no other god's, even in the 10 commandments. We just aren't to put any other gods before our father which art in heaven. The first commandment is "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me". Again, doesn't say there are no other gods, just that we are not to have any other gods before our father.

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 10:47 AM

They weren't just referring to Jesus as "lord". They were referring to him as Lord "god". As in, he is the lord of the gods,

nope...remember you claim that "Lord God" referred to two seperate entities ..that Jesus was Lord and that the other entity was God ...

also no one would be above God and that includes Jesus which is why Jesus is not Lords of the Gods but just plan "Lord" and Baal is God

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/11 11:23 AM

They weren't just referring to Jesus as "lord". They were referring to him as Lord "god". As in, he is the lord of the gods,

nope...remember you claim that "Lord God" referred to two seperate entities ..that Jesus was Lord and that the other entity was God ...

also no one would be above God and that includes Jesus which is why Jesus is not Lords of the Gods but just plan "Lord" and Baal is God

No, now you're twisting words again. "Lord God" does not speak of two separate entities. Genesis does. Sometimes it will say God sometimes it will say LORD God. God and LORD God are two separate entities. Calling Jesus Lord doesn't put him above God our father. God our father is ruler of all.

no photo
Thu 07/28/11 05:11 PM

No, now you're twisting words again. "Lord God" does not speak of two separate entities. Genesis does. Sometimes it will say God sometimes it will say LORD God. God and LORD God are two separate entities. Calling Jesus Lord doesn't put him above God our father. God our father is ruler of all.

but Cowboy.... you tried to claim that Jesus was "Lord God" and said that Jesus was the Lord of all Gods and this means that you are placing Jesus above The Father which in your religion will get you toss into the lake of fire...see how when you make up stuff you get in trouble

so come on and make up your mind and let's get it on record

who do you claim Jesus is in Genesis

is he Lord
is he God
or is he lord God

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/11 09:06 PM

No, now you're twisting words again. "Lord God" does not speak of two separate entities. Genesis does. Sometimes it will say God sometimes it will say LORD God. God and LORD God are two separate entities. Calling Jesus Lord doesn't put him above God our father. God our father is ruler of all.

but Cowboy.... you tried to claim that Jesus was "Lord God" and said that Jesus was the Lord of all Gods and this means that you are placing Jesus above The Father which in your religion will get you toss into the lake of fire...see how when you make up stuff you get in trouble

so come on and make up your mind and let's get it on record

who do you claim Jesus is in Genesis

is he Lord
is he God
or is he lord God

Sorry I do apologise. I should have been more specific. Jesus is lord of all the people of this Earth. Know ye not that ye are Gods? Jesus is the only begotten CHILD of our father God who art in heaven. God our father is above all. Jesus is the lord, he is in lower status then God our father.

Jesus in Genesis is LORD God/lord God. When it has God by itself it is referring to God our father who art in heaven.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 07/28/11 09:08 PM

No, now you're twisting words again. "Lord God" does not speak of two separate entities. Genesis does. Sometimes it will say God sometimes it will say LORD God. God and LORD God are two separate entities. Calling Jesus Lord doesn't put him above God our father. God our father is ruler of all.

but Cowboy.... you tried to claim that Jesus was "Lord God" and said that Jesus was the Lord of all Gods and this means that you are placing Jesus above The Father which in your religion will get you toss into the lake of fire...see how when you make up stuff you get in trouble

so come on and make up your mind and let's get it on record

who do you claim Jesus is in Genesis

is he Lord
is he God
or is he lord God

Sorry I do apologise. I should have been more specific. Jesus is lord of all the people of this Earth. Know ye not that ye are Gods? Jesus is the only begotten CHILD of our father God who art in heaven. God our father is above all. Jesus is the lord, he is in lower status then God our father.

Jesus in Genesis is LORD God/lord God. When it has God by itself it is referring to God our father who art in heaven.

If you'll notice, yes Jesus says "The father and I are one". But Jesus never puts himself on a higher level then God our father or even equal to God our father. He always is humble and puts our father on higher.

no photo
Fri 07/29/11 04:56 AM

No, now you're twisting words again. "Lord God" does not speak of two separate entities. Genesis does. Sometimes it will say God sometimes it will say LORD God. God and LORD God are two separate entities. Calling Jesus Lord doesn't put him above God our father. God our father is ruler of all.

but Cowboy.... you tried to claim that Jesus was "Lord God" and said that Jesus was the Lord of all Gods and this means that you are placing Jesus above The Father which in your religion will get you toss into the lake of fire...see how when you make up stuff you get in trouble

so come on and make up your mind and let's get it on record

who do you claim Jesus is in Genesis

is he Lord
is he God
or is he lord God

Sorry I do apologise. I should have been more specific. Jesus is lord of all the people of this Earth. Know ye not that ye are Gods? Jesus is the only begotten CHILD of our father God who art in heaven. God our father is above all. Jesus is the lord, he is in lower status then God our father.

Jesus in Genesis is LORD God/lord God. When it has God by itself it is referring to God our father who art in heaven.

Cowboy can you even post without contradicting yourself.....first you claim Jesus is lord of the people on earth because he is below the father then in the same post you claim that Jesus is Lord God which places him above the Father

see this is why it's not the fault of Rome that Jesus was crucified, it was his followers fault ...

Jesus said look Pontius Pilate just kill me because these followers are driving me nuts, I've tried healing them and speaking in parables to them and they still don't have a clue, I'm just at a cross road ...and speaking of a cross just do me a favor and just nail me to one...

it's a sin to committ suicide and God my dear old dad won't kill and I'm beginning to have thoughts of becoming a Satanist so can you make up some trumped up charge that will get me executed so I can get the Hell off of Earth ....remember when I had the conniption fit in the temple of the money changers and I destroyed their property...use that ...look you help me out and I make sure you get into Heaven

so again Cowboy...without the contradictions who is Jesus in Genesis

is he

"Lord God" which would place Jesus above the father

or is he

"Lord" which would place Jesus below the father

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 07/29/11 08:21 AM

No, now you're twisting words again. "Lord God" does not speak of two separate entities. Genesis does. Sometimes it will say God sometimes it will say LORD God. God and LORD God are two separate entities. Calling Jesus Lord doesn't put him above God our father. God our father is ruler of all.

but Cowboy.... you tried to claim that Jesus was "Lord God" and said that Jesus was the Lord of all Gods and this means that you are placing Jesus above The Father which in your religion will get you toss into the lake of fire...see how when you make up stuff you get in trouble

so come on and make up your mind and let's get it on record

who do you claim Jesus is in Genesis

is he Lord
is he God
or is he lord God

Sorry I do apologise. I should have been more specific. Jesus is lord of all the people of this Earth. Know ye not that ye are Gods? Jesus is the only begotten CHILD of our father God who art in heaven. God our father is above all. Jesus is the lord, he is in lower status then God our father.

Jesus in Genesis is LORD God/lord God. When it has God by itself it is referring to God our father who art in heaven.

Cowboy can you even post without contradicting yourself.....first you claim Jesus is lord of the people on earth because he is below the father then in the same post you claim that Jesus is Lord God which places him above the Father

see this is why it's not the fault of Rome that Jesus was crucified, it was his followers fault ...

Jesus said look Pontius Pilate just kill me because these followers are driving me nuts, I've tried healing them and speaking in parables to them and they still don't have a clue, I'm just at a cross road ...and speaking of a cross just do me a favor and just nail me to one...

it's a sin to committ suicide and God my dear old dad won't kill and I'm beginning to have thoughts of becoming a Satanist so can you make up some trumped up charge that will get me executed so I can get the Hell off of Earth ....remember when I had the conniption fit in the temple of the money changers and I destroyed their property...use that ...look you help me out and I make sure you get into Heaven

so again Cowboy...without the contradictions who is Jesus in Genesis

is he

"Lord God" which would place Jesus above the father

or is he

"Lord" which would place Jesus below the father

Not to cause an argument or anything. But either you aren't listening or you're just playing games to cause irritation. Now listen closely please. God our father is ruler of all, he is the creator of all, he is the one in charge, the one in control, he is the father. Jesus is the SON, he is the LORD, he is second in command. Jesus is lord of the people of Earth, the God's here. Know ye not that ye are Gods? Lord God does not in any put Jesus above the father, for the father is ruler, he is creator. In a family who is in charge, the son or the father? The father is in charge of the family. That's all we are. That's why in the Christian community we are referred to as brothers and sisters in Christ. Some denominations even use that title when talking to someone. You for instance would be brother Funches if you shared the belief. Once again, God is our father, he is creator, he is the top dog so to speak. Then comes Jesus, the lord. God has given Jesus power over us, but that does not mean he has power over God our father.

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 07/29/11 08:26 AM

No, now you're twisting words again. "Lord God" does not speak of two separate entities. Genesis does. Sometimes it will say God sometimes it will say LORD God. God and LORD God are two separate entities. Calling Jesus Lord doesn't put him above God our father. God our father is ruler of all.

but Cowboy.... you tried to claim that Jesus was "Lord God" and said that Jesus was the Lord of all Gods and this means that you are placing Jesus above The Father which in your religion will get you toss into the lake of fire...see how when you make up stuff you get in trouble

so come on and make up your mind and let's get it on record

who do you claim Jesus is in Genesis

is he Lord
is he God
or is he lord God

Sorry I do apologise. I should have been more specific. Jesus is lord of all the people of this Earth. Know ye not that ye are Gods? Jesus is the only begotten CHILD of our father God who art in heaven. God our father is above all. Jesus is the lord, he is in lower status then God our father.

Jesus in Genesis is LORD God/lord God. When it has God by itself it is referring to God our father who art in heaven.

Cowboy can you even post without contradicting yourself.....first you claim Jesus is lord of the people on earth because he is below the father then in the same post you claim that Jesus is Lord God which places him above the Father

see this is why it's not the fault of Rome that Jesus was crucified, it was his followers fault ...

Jesus said look Pontius Pilate just kill me because these followers are driving me nuts, I've tried healing them and speaking in parables to them and they still don't have a clue, I'm just at a cross road ...and speaking of a cross just do me a favor and just nail me to one...

it's a sin to committ suicide and God my dear old dad won't kill and I'm beginning to have thoughts of becoming a Satanist so can you make up some trumped up charge that will get me executed so I can get the Hell off of Earth ....remember when I had the conniption fit in the temple of the money changers and I destroyed their property...use that ...look you help me out and I make sure you get into Heaven

so again Cowboy...without the contradictions who is Jesus in Genesis

is he

"Lord God" which would place Jesus above the father

or is he

"Lord" which would place Jesus below the father

so again Cowboy...without the contradictions who is Jesus in Genesis

is he

"Lord God" which would place Jesus above the father

or is he

"Lord" which would place Jesus below the father

He is LORD God to us. He is OUR lord. He is not our father's lord, he is our lord. He is our fathers son. Through Jesus we become children of God our father. We are made a new creation.

2 Corinthians 5:17-18

17Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

18And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

no photo
Fri 07/29/11 10:40 AM
Edited by funches on Fri 07/29/11 10:41 AM

He is LORD God to us. He is OUR lord. He is not our father's lord, he is our lord. He is our fathers son. Through Jesus we become children of God our father. We are made a new creation.

hiding in The New Testament won't work in this thread because what took place in it hasn't happen yet...but anyway allow me to remind you what you posted earlier

They weren't just referring to Jesus as "lord". They were referring to him as Lord "god". As in, he is the lord of the gods

so again Cowboy

in Genesis 2:7 ..who is The "Lord God" that created Man

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