Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus
CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 06:36 PM

Cowboy wrote:

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

No Cowboy you're wrong.

A religion that claims to have a "righteous" God has limited their God to only be able to do what is "righteous". Otherwise, it would be an "unrighteous" God.

This is a common pitfall that Christians all too often fall into. They act like their supposed "righteous" God can do anything at all that he wishes to do, with nothing restraining him. But that's false. A God who is not restricted by doing only that which is "righteous", cannot be said to be a "righteous" God.

Since the Christians demand that their God is a "righteous" God, then they must also limit their God to only being "righteous".

Now the Greek Zeus, on the other hand could kill you for no good reason. No one claimed that he had to be "righteous" or anything else. They just recognized that he is God and can therefore do anything he so desires, whether it's "righteous" or not.

The Greek God of Zeus was truly unlimited.

But this is not true of the God of Bible. The God of the Bible is restricted by "righteousness" and therefore cannot do "unrighteous" things.

The Biblical God is not free to do whatever he wishes without any need to excuse himself. Because he would then be an "unrighteous" God, but that flies in the face of what the Bible claims God to be.

So you're not paying attention.

You preach total falsehoods that simply cannot be supported by the Bible.

You can't have the Biblical God going around doing "unrighteous" things simply because he can do anything he wises.

He is NOT Zeus!

He doesn't have that kind of freedom.

He's restricted by the character trait of being "righteous".

In fact, if there is anything in the Bible that this God has done that is "unrighteous" then that is a valid reason to question the validity of this religion. And many people, including myself, seem many of the things that this God has done according to the biblical stories as being totally "unrighteous" and thus we have grounds for rejecting the stories as fables because the stories fail to support the premise that this God is supposed to be "righteous".

If you want a God who can do anything without having to excuse himself, you need to turn to Zeus. Because the Biblical God does not have that freedom. The Biblical God is a limited God. He is limited by his very character trait of being a "righteous" God.

He cannot just do anything he so desires, as you suggest.

That's false.

Unless you are rejecting the ideal that he's a "righteous" God.

But then you'd have a religion with an unrighteous God, and you'd be right back with the Greeks and Zeus.

This is a common pitfall that Christians all too often fall into. They act like their supposed "righteous" God can do anything at all that he wishes to do, with nothing restraining him. But that's false. A God who is not restricted by doing only that which is "righteous", cannot be said to be a "righteous" God.

Of course. But God taking a rib from adam doesn't constitute as not being righteous. There is nothing not righteous about the action, therefore he has all entire choice to do it or not.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 06:38 PM

What does the rib being taken from Adam and free will have ANYTHING to do with one another?

Cowboy....did God ask Adam if he wasn't to give his rib to create his child Eve...if the answer is no....then that is why Adam didn't have any "Free WIll"

God taking one of Adam's ribs didn't cause Adam to do anything though. Again after again, free-will pertains to an action or a thought. God taking one of Adam's ribs did not restrict any action or thought or make Adam do an action or thought. Taking the rib effected Adam's free will not one bit.

Cowboy...your definition of "Free Will" appears to be sort of vague so I decide to pull up one of your previous "Free Will" definitions


That is all free will is, is the ability to choose what to do post 11

so now Cowboy going with your definition of "Free Will"....did God give Adam a choice to choose what to do before God put him asleep and took his rib

Again, the rib being taken out of Adam was not an action Adam took. He was not forced to take any action, therefore his free will was not taken away. said that Free Will was the ability to choose.....when did Adam get to choose to lose his rib?

Choose as in choose to do something or not do something. The rib being taken out of Adam did not cause him to do an action or restrict him from doing an action. Therefore again, no free will was taken away.

God put Adam to sleep so didn't God take away Adam's ability to choose?

Not specifically. "Sleeping" is not an action one takes. One lays down to sleep, yes this is an action one takes, but one doesn't choose when they "fall" asleep.

Adam didn't put himself to sleep, God was the one that put Adam to sleep beofre he took his said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose

Adam wanted a mate and God gave him one. Adam wanting the mate permitted God to do what was needed to bring this to be. Adam didn't put any speculations on how he was to get this mate.

nope...Adam didn't put himself to sleep the bible states that God put Adam to sleep,,,also the bible states nothing about Adam wanting a mate...Adam had no clue what a woman or a human mate was since none had been created yet

so said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose to lose his rib

Sure the bible states that Adam was lonely. Why else would God have known it not good for man to be alone? Why would it not have been good if it wasn't cause the man needed companionship. And again, would you rather be awake when God took a rib out? Or would you rather had been in a deep sleep where you didn't feel the pain? Same reason people are put to sleep in operations.

18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

the passage you provide states what the Lord far you have provide nothing about what Adam said pertaining to his choice of having or not having his rib taken out....... can you provide such a passage or not

Why do you think the LORD would say such a thing if Adam didn't want a mate?

The LORD knows what we want, regardless if we have publicly said it, said it to one other, or even said it at all. God knows our hearts.

you keep telling about God's "Free Will"..I've ask you to provide a passage where Adam had the Free Will" to choose pertaining to his rib being taken out

can you provide this passage or not ...if you can't ....then simply admit it

Your body is not your own. Your body is the temple of God. It belongs to God, he can do with it what he wishes.

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Cowboy, keep providing passages pertaining to God's "Free Will"... I'm not disputing that God has "Free WIll" ...

I'm disputing that God gave "Free Will" to Adam pertaining to the taking of his rib and asked you to provide a passage where Adam had any choice in the matter ...

so once again can you provide such a passage ....and if not....grow a pair and admit it

What are you talking about? Nobody even mention "God's" free will. The taking of Adam's rib did not effect Adam's will one bit. It did not force him to do something, it did not restrict him from doing anything.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 06:40 PM

Cowboy wrote:

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

No Cowboy you're wrong.

A religion that claims to have a "righteous" God has limited their God to only be able to do what is "righteous". Otherwise, it would be an "unrighteous" God.

This is a common pitfall that Christians all too often fall into. They act like their supposed "righteous" God can do anything at all that he wishes to do, with nothing restraining him. But that's false. A God who is not restricted by doing only that which is "righteous", cannot be said to be a "righteous" God.

Since the Christians demand that their God is a "righteous" God, then they must also limit their God to only being "righteous".

Now the Greek Zeus, on the other hand could kill you for no good reason. No one claimed that he had to be "righteous" or anything else. They just recognized that he is God and can therefore do anything he so desires, whether it's "righteous" or not.

The Greek God of Zeus was truly unlimited.

But this is not true of the God of Bible. The God of the Bible is restricted by "righteousness" and therefore cannot do "unrighteous" things.

The Biblical God is not free to do whatever he wishes without any need to excuse himself. Because he would then be an "unrighteous" God, but that flies in the face of what the Bible claims God to be.

So you're not paying attention.

You preach total falsehoods that simply cannot be supported by the Bible.

You can't have the Biblical God going around doing "unrighteous" things simply because he can do anything he wises.

He is NOT Zeus!

He doesn't have that kind of freedom.

He's restricted by the character trait of being "righteous".

In fact, if there is anything in the Bible that this God has done that is "unrighteous" then that is a valid reason to question the validity of this religion. And many people, including myself, seem many of the things that this God has done according to the biblical stories as being totally "unrighteous" and thus we have grounds for rejecting the stories as fables because the stories fail to support the premise that this God is supposed to be "righteous".

If you want a God who can do anything without having to excuse himself, you need to turn to Zeus. Because the Biblical God does not have that freedom. The Biblical God is a limited God. He is limited by his very character trait of being a "righteous" God.

He cannot just do anything he so desires, as you suggest.

That's false.

Unless you are rejecting the ideal that he's a "righteous" God.

But then you'd have a religion with an unrighteous God, and you'd be right back with the Greeks and Zeus.

The Biblical God is not free to do whatever he wishes without any need to excuse himself. Because he would then be an "unrighteous" God, but that flies in the face of what the Bible claims God to be.

He sure as day can do anything he wishes. Because anything he wished to do would be righteous for God is righteous.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 06:42 PM

Cowboy wrote:

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

No Cowboy you're wrong.

A religion that claims to have a "righteous" God has limited their God to only be able to do what is "righteous". Otherwise, it would be an "unrighteous" God.

This is a common pitfall that Christians all too often fall into. They act like their supposed "righteous" God can do anything at all that he wishes to do, with nothing restraining him. But that's false. A God who is not restricted by doing only that which is "righteous", cannot be said to be a "righteous" God.

Since the Christians demand that their God is a "righteous" God, then they must also limit their God to only being "righteous".

Now the Greek Zeus, on the other hand could kill you for no good reason. No one claimed that he had to be "righteous" or anything else. They just recognized that he is God and can therefore do anything he so desires, whether it's "righteous" or not.

The Greek God of Zeus was truly unlimited.

But this is not true of the God of Bible. The God of the Bible is restricted by "righteousness" and therefore cannot do "unrighteous" things.

The Biblical God is not free to do whatever he wishes without any need to excuse himself. Because he would then be an "unrighteous" God, but that flies in the face of what the Bible claims God to be.

So you're not paying attention.

You preach total falsehoods that simply cannot be supported by the Bible.

You can't have the Biblical God going around doing "unrighteous" things simply because he can do anything he wises.

He is NOT Zeus!

He doesn't have that kind of freedom.

He's restricted by the character trait of being "righteous".

In fact, if there is anything in the Bible that this God has done that is "unrighteous" then that is a valid reason to question the validity of this religion. And many people, including myself, seem many of the things that this God has done according to the biblical stories as being totally "unrighteous" and thus we have grounds for rejecting the stories as fables because the stories fail to support the premise that this God is supposed to be "righteous".

If you want a God who can do anything without having to excuse himself, you need to turn to Zeus. Because the Biblical God does not have that freedom. The Biblical God is a limited God. He is limited by his very character trait of being a "righteous" God.

He cannot just do anything he so desires, as you suggest.

That's false.

Unless you are rejecting the ideal that he's a "righteous" God.

But then you'd have a religion with an unrighteous God, and you'd be right back with the Greeks and Zeus.

The Biblical God is not free to do whatever he wishes without any need to excuse himself. Because he would then be an "unrighteous" God, but that flies in the face of what the Bible claims God to be.

He sure as day can do anything he wishes. Because anything he wished to do would be righteous for God is righteous.

Matthew 7:18

18A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Luke 6:43

43For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Therefore, God being righteous would never do anything of the contrary.

no photo
Thu 12/01/11 06:45 PM

Cowboy wrote:

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

No Cowboy you're wrong.

A religion that claims to have a "righteous" God has limited their God to only be able to do what is "righteous". Otherwise, it would be an "unrighteous" God.

This is a common pitfall that Christians all too often fall into. They act like their supposed "righteous" God can do anything at all that he wishes to do, with nothing restraining him. But that's false. A God who is not restricted by doing only that which is "righteous", cannot be said to be a "righteous" God.

Since the Christians demand that their God is a "righteous" God, then they must also limit their God to only being "righteous".

Now the Greek Zeus, on the other hand could kill you for no good reason. No one claimed that he had to be "righteous" or anything else. They just recognized that he is God and can therefore do anything he so desires, whether it's "righteous" or not.

The Greek God of Zeus was truly unlimited.

But this is not true of the God of Bible. The God of the Bible is restricted by "righteousness" and therefore cannot do "unrighteous" things.

The Biblical God is not free to do whatever he wishes without any need to excuse himself. Because he would then be an "unrighteous" God, but that flies in the face of what the Bible claims God to be.

So you're not paying attention.

You preach total falsehoods that simply cannot be supported by the Bible.

You can't have the Biblical God going around doing "unrighteous" things simply because he can do anything he wises.

He is NOT Zeus!

He doesn't have that kind of freedom.

He's restricted by the character trait of being "righteous".

In fact, if there is anything in the Bible that this God has done that is "unrighteous" then that is a valid reason to question the validity of this religion. And many people, including myself, seem many of the things that this God has done according to the biblical stories as being totally "unrighteous" and thus we have grounds for rejecting the stories as fables because the stories fail to support the premise that this God is supposed to be "righteous".

If you want a God who can do anything without having to excuse himself, you need to turn to Zeus. Because the Biblical God does not have that freedom. The Biblical God is a limited God. He is limited by his very character trait of being a "righteous" God.

He cannot just do anything he so desires, as you suggest.

That's false.

Unless you are rejecting the ideal that he's a "righteous" God.

But then you'd have a religion with an unrighteous God, and you'd be right back with the Greeks and Zeus.

Very good Abra .flowerforyou

God will NEVER go against Who He is...and God Will NEVER Go

Against His Word...


no photo
Thu 12/01/11 06:50 PM

What does the rib being taken from Adam and free will have ANYTHING to do with one another?

Cowboy....did God ask Adam if he wasn't to give his rib to create his child Eve...if the answer is no....then that is why Adam didn't have any "Free WIll"

God taking one of Adam's ribs didn't cause Adam to do anything though. Again after again, free-will pertains to an action or a thought. God taking one of Adam's ribs did not restrict any action or thought or make Adam do an action or thought. Taking the rib effected Adam's free will not one bit.

Cowboy...your definition of "Free Will" appears to be sort of vague so I decide to pull up one of your previous "Free Will" definitions


That is all free will is, is the ability to choose what to do post 11

so now Cowboy going with your definition of "Free Will"....did God give Adam a choice to choose what to do before God put him asleep and took his rib

Again, the rib being taken out of Adam was not an action Adam took. He was not forced to take any action, therefore his free will was not taken away. said that Free Will was the ability to choose.....when did Adam get to choose to lose his rib?

Choose as in choose to do something or not do something. The rib being taken out of Adam did not cause him to do an action or restrict him from doing an action. Therefore again, no free will was taken away.

God put Adam to sleep so didn't God take away Adam's ability to choose?

Not specifically. "Sleeping" is not an action one takes. One lays down to sleep, yes this is an action one takes, but one doesn't choose when they "fall" asleep.

Adam didn't put himself to sleep, God was the one that put Adam to sleep beofre he took his said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose

Adam wanted a mate and God gave him one. Adam wanting the mate permitted God to do what was needed to bring this to be. Adam didn't put any speculations on how he was to get this mate.

nope...Adam didn't put himself to sleep the bible states that God put Adam to sleep,,,also the bible states nothing about Adam wanting a mate...Adam had no clue what a woman or a human mate was since none had been created yet

so said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose to lose his rib

Sure the bible states that Adam was lonely. Why else would God have known it not good for man to be alone? Why would it not have been good if it wasn't cause the man needed companionship. And again, would you rather be awake when God took a rib out? Or would you rather had been in a deep sleep where you didn't feel the pain? Same reason people are put to sleep in operations.

18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

the passage you provide states what the Lord far you have provide nothing about what Adam said pertaining to his choice of having or not having his rib taken out....... can you provide such a passage or not

Why do you think the LORD would say such a thing if Adam didn't want a mate?

The LORD knows what we want, regardless if we have publicly said it, said it to one other, or even said it at all. God knows our hearts.

you keep telling about God's "Free Will"..I've ask you to provide a passage where Adam had the Free Will" to choose pertaining to his rib being taken out

can you provide this passage or not ...if you can't ....then simply admit it

Your body is not your own. Your body is the temple of God. It belongs to God, he can do with it what he wishes.

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Cowboy, keep providing passages pertaining to God's "Free Will"... I'm not disputing that God has "Free WIll" ...

I'm disputing that God gave "Free Will" to Adam pertaining to the taking of his rib and asked you to provide a passage where Adam had any choice in the matter ...

so once again can you provide such a passage ....and if not....grow a pair and admit it

What are you talking about? Nobody even mention "God's" free will. The taking of Adam's rib did not effect Adam's will one bit. It did not force him to do something, it did not restrict him from doing anything.

Cowboy..I really would like to take your word on it but remember you are the guy that claimed that no babies drown in the great flood because God place them all on Noah's Ark ....

so now that you understand why I'm hesistant to take your word on anything is the reason why I've asked you for a passage pertaining to Adam's choice on having his rib taken ....can you provide this passage or not?

come on Cowboy....bird-dog it....admit that you can't...

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 06:53 PM

What does the rib being taken from Adam and free will have ANYTHING to do with one another?

Cowboy....did God ask Adam if he wasn't to give his rib to create his child Eve...if the answer is no....then that is why Adam didn't have any "Free WIll"

God taking one of Adam's ribs didn't cause Adam to do anything though. Again after again, free-will pertains to an action or a thought. God taking one of Adam's ribs did not restrict any action or thought or make Adam do an action or thought. Taking the rib effected Adam's free will not one bit.

Cowboy...your definition of "Free Will" appears to be sort of vague so I decide to pull up one of your previous "Free Will" definitions


That is all free will is, is the ability to choose what to do post 11

so now Cowboy going with your definition of "Free Will"....did God give Adam a choice to choose what to do before God put him asleep and took his rib

Again, the rib being taken out of Adam was not an action Adam took. He was not forced to take any action, therefore his free will was not taken away. said that Free Will was the ability to choose.....when did Adam get to choose to lose his rib?

Choose as in choose to do something or not do something. The rib being taken out of Adam did not cause him to do an action or restrict him from doing an action. Therefore again, no free will was taken away.

God put Adam to sleep so didn't God take away Adam's ability to choose?

Not specifically. "Sleeping" is not an action one takes. One lays down to sleep, yes this is an action one takes, but one doesn't choose when they "fall" asleep.

Adam didn't put himself to sleep, God was the one that put Adam to sleep beofre he took his said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose

Adam wanted a mate and God gave him one. Adam wanting the mate permitted God to do what was needed to bring this to be. Adam didn't put any speculations on how he was to get this mate.

nope...Adam didn't put himself to sleep the bible states that God put Adam to sleep,,,also the bible states nothing about Adam wanting a mate...Adam had no clue what a woman or a human mate was since none had been created yet

so said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose to lose his rib

Sure the bible states that Adam was lonely. Why else would God have known it not good for man to be alone? Why would it not have been good if it wasn't cause the man needed companionship. And again, would you rather be awake when God took a rib out? Or would you rather had been in a deep sleep where you didn't feel the pain? Same reason people are put to sleep in operations.

18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

the passage you provide states what the Lord far you have provide nothing about what Adam said pertaining to his choice of having or not having his rib taken out....... can you provide such a passage or not

Why do you think the LORD would say such a thing if Adam didn't want a mate?

The LORD knows what we want, regardless if we have publicly said it, said it to one other, or even said it at all. God knows our hearts.

you keep telling about God's "Free Will"..I've ask you to provide a passage where Adam had the Free Will" to choose pertaining to his rib being taken out

can you provide this passage or not ...if you can't ....then simply admit it

Your body is not your own. Your body is the temple of God. It belongs to God, he can do with it what he wishes.

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Cowboy, keep providing passages pertaining to God's "Free Will"... I'm not disputing that God has "Free WIll" ...

I'm disputing that God gave "Free Will" to Adam pertaining to the taking of his rib and asked you to provide a passage where Adam had any choice in the matter ...

so once again can you provide such a passage ....and if not....grow a pair and admit it

What are you talking about? Nobody even mention "God's" free will. The taking of Adam's rib did not effect Adam's will one bit. It did not force him to do something, it did not restrict him from doing anything.

Cowboy..I really would like to take your word on it but remember you are the guy that claimed that no babies drown in the great flood because God place them all on Noah's Ark ....

so now that you understand why I'm hesistant to take your word on anything is the reason why I've asked you for a passage pertaining to Adam's choice on having his rib taken ....can you provide this passage or not?

come on Cowboy....bird-dog it....admit that you can't...

Already did. Adam's will was to have a mate, so God made him a mate. Adam did not say how this mate was to come about.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 12/01/11 06:55 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 12/01/11 06:55 PM
Cowboy wrote:

He sure as day can do anything he wishes. Because anything he wished to do would be righteous for God is righteous.

That's absurd Cowboy. That's just a play on words that is utterly meaningless. The very word "righteous" has no meaning in such a circular circus.

A God that is said to be "righteous" cannot do anything to you that you deem to be "unrighteous". For if he did, he would be an untrustworthy God that is clearly not righteous by your very meaning of the word.

Therefore to call a God "righteous" that you cannot TRUST is foolhardy. If you can't trust God to be "righteous" in terms of what "righteousness" means to you then all is LOST.

Satan would be "righteous" GOD by that definition.

So you don't like what Satan does?

Too bad! Anything that Satan does is righteous because that's the definition of righteousness!

That's basically all you're saying Cowboy.

You're proclaiming that your God has no need to be "righteous" by anyone's meaning of that term. You're claiming that no matter what God does it's automatically "righteous" just because God did it.


No, it can't work that way.

We could not TRUST such a God to be "righteous" in terms of what we mean by righteousness. So it would be utterly meaningless to even use the term to describe such a God.

All you're basically doing is preaching that your God cannot be TRUSTED to be "righteous" in terms of what people understand "righteousness" to mean.

You've just told me that you don't TRUST God, and neither should I.

Because according to you ANYTHING this God does is considers to be "righteous".

That's a totally meaningless definition of "righteousness".

I could make the same claim of Satan. Accept that as a definition and we're done. Anything that Satan does is "righteous".


Typical "Have your cake and eat it too" - Christianity

No Cowboy. The Christian God must adhere to human standards of "righteousness" otherwise it's an unrighteous God that is completely untrustworthy in terms of human standards.

So the Christian God must be "righteous" according to the human who is judging God to be "righteous" or "unrighteous".

Otherwise, it's an utterly meaningless description.

You may as well toss the word in the trash can.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 06:58 PM

Cowboy wrote:

He sure as day can do anything he wishes. Because anything he wished to do would be righteous for God is righteous.

That's absurd Cowboy. That's just a play on words that is utterly meaningless. The very word "righteous" has no meaning in such a circular circus.

A God that is said to be "righteous" cannot do anything to you that you deem to be "unrighteous". For if he did, he would be an untrustworthy God that is clearly not righteous by your very meaning of the word.

Therefore to call a God "righteous" that you cannot TRUST is foolhardy. If you can't trust God to be "righteous" in terms of what "righteousness" means to you then all is LOST.

Satan would be "righteous" GOD by that definition.

So you don't like what Satan does?

Too bad! Anything that Satan does is righteous because that's the definition of righteousness!

That's basically all you're saying Cowboy.

You're proclaiming that your God has no need to be "righteous" by anyone's meaning of that term. You're claiming that no matter what God does it's automatically "righteous" just because God did it.


No, it can't work that way.

We could not TRUST such a God to be "righteous" in terms of what we mean by righteousness. So it would be utterly meaningless to even use the term to describe such a God.

All you're basically doing is preaching that your God cannot be TRUSTED to be "righteous" in terms of what people understand "righteousness" to mean.

You've just told me that you don't TRUST God, and neither should I.

Because according to you ANYTHING this God does is considers to be "righteous".

That's a totally meaningless definition of "righteousness".

I could make the same claim of Satan. Accept that as a definition and we're done. Anything that Satan does is "righteous".


Typical "Have your cake and eat it too" - Christianity

No Cowboy. The Christian God must adhere to human standards of "righteousness" otherwise it's an unrighteous God that is completely untrustworthy in terms of human standards.

So the Christian God must be "righteous" according to the human who is judging God to be "righteous" or "unrighteous".

Otherwise, it's an utterly meaningless description.

You may as well toss the word in the trash can.

A God that is said to be "righteous" cannot do anything to you that you deem to be "unrighteous". For if he did, he would be an untrustworthy God that is clearly not righteous by your very meaning of the word.

You are not the judge on what is righteous or not. God is the judge of what is righteous or not, as a matter of fact he is the judge of us on who is righteous or not.

He can do anything he wants, and it will be righteous. For he would not want to do anything not righteous nor would he do anything no righteous for he is righteous.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:00 PM

Cowboy wrote:

He sure as day can do anything he wishes. Because anything he wished to do would be righteous for God is righteous.

That's absurd Cowboy. That's just a play on words that is utterly meaningless. The very word "righteous" has no meaning in such a circular circus.

A God that is said to be "righteous" cannot do anything to you that you deem to be "unrighteous". For if he did, he would be an untrustworthy God that is clearly not righteous by your very meaning of the word.

Therefore to call a God "righteous" that you cannot TRUST is foolhardy. If you can't trust God to be "righteous" in terms of what "righteousness" means to you then all is LOST.

Satan would be "righteous" GOD by that definition.

So you don't like what Satan does?

Too bad! Anything that Satan does is righteous because that's the definition of righteousness!

That's basically all you're saying Cowboy.

You're proclaiming that your God has no need to be "righteous" by anyone's meaning of that term. You're claiming that no matter what God does it's automatically "righteous" just because God did it.


No, it can't work that way.

We could not TRUST such a God to be "righteous" in terms of what we mean by righteousness. So it would be utterly meaningless to even use the term to describe such a God.

All you're basically doing is preaching that your God cannot be TRUSTED to be "righteous" in terms of what people understand "righteousness" to mean.

You've just told me that you don't TRUST God, and neither should I.

Because according to you ANYTHING this God does is considers to be "righteous".

That's a totally meaningless definition of "righteousness".

I could make the same claim of Satan. Accept that as a definition and we're done. Anything that Satan does is "righteous".


Typical "Have your cake and eat it too" - Christianity

No Cowboy. The Christian God must adhere to human standards of "righteousness" otherwise it's an unrighteous God that is completely untrustworthy in terms of human standards.

So the Christian God must be "righteous" according to the human who is judging God to be "righteous" or "unrighteous".

Otherwise, it's an utterly meaningless description.

You may as well toss the word in the trash can.

Satan would be "righteous" GOD by that definition.

So you don't like what Satan does?

Too bad! Anything that Satan does is righteous because that's the definition of righteousness!

That's basically all you're saying Cowboy.

That is absolutely NOT what am saying. God is the judge of what is righteous or not. God is righteous, therefore his judgement will be righteous. And Satan is exactly the opposite of God, therefore he would not be righteous for again, God is righteous.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:04 PM

Cowboy wrote:

He sure as day can do anything he wishes. Because anything he wished to do would be righteous for God is righteous.

That's absurd Cowboy. That's just a play on words that is utterly meaningless. The very word "righteous" has no meaning in such a circular circus.

A God that is said to be "righteous" cannot do anything to you that you deem to be "unrighteous". For if he did, he would be an untrustworthy God that is clearly not righteous by your very meaning of the word.

Therefore to call a God "righteous" that you cannot TRUST is foolhardy. If you can't trust God to be "righteous" in terms of what "righteousness" means to you then all is LOST.

Satan would be "righteous" GOD by that definition.

So you don't like what Satan does?

Too bad! Anything that Satan does is righteous because that's the definition of righteousness!

That's basically all you're saying Cowboy.

You're proclaiming that your God has no need to be "righteous" by anyone's meaning of that term. You're claiming that no matter what God does it's automatically "righteous" just because God did it.


No, it can't work that way.

We could not TRUST such a God to be "righteous" in terms of what we mean by righteousness. So it would be utterly meaningless to even use the term to describe such a God.

All you're basically doing is preaching that your God cannot be TRUSTED to be "righteous" in terms of what people understand "righteousness" to mean.

You've just told me that you don't TRUST God, and neither should I.

Because according to you ANYTHING this God does is considers to be "righteous".

That's a totally meaningless definition of "righteousness".

I could make the same claim of Satan. Accept that as a definition and we're done. Anything that Satan does is "righteous".


Typical "Have your cake and eat it too" - Christianity

No Cowboy. The Christian God must adhere to human standards of "righteousness" otherwise it's an unrighteous God that is completely untrustworthy in terms of human standards.

So the Christian God must be "righteous" according to the human who is judging God to be "righteous" or "unrighteous".

Otherwise, it's an utterly meaningless description.

You may as well toss the word in the trash can.

No Cowboy. The Christian God must adhere to human standards of "righteousness" otherwise it's an unrighteous God that is completely untrustworthy in terms of human standards.

ROFL, sorry abra, but this has got to be one of the funniest posts I've ever read, especially by you. What is righteous?

Righteous: acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin

So since we establish "righteous" is acting accord with divine law or moral law. We can see God is righteous for he is sinless, for a sin is something against God's will. And yes, that definition of righteous came straight from the HUMAN dictionary.

no photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:07 PM

What does the rib being taken from Adam and free will have ANYTHING to do with one another?

Cowboy....did God ask Adam if he wasn't to give his rib to create his child Eve...if the answer is no....then that is why Adam didn't have any "Free WIll"

God taking one of Adam's ribs didn't cause Adam to do anything though. Again after again, free-will pertains to an action or a thought. God taking one of Adam's ribs did not restrict any action or thought or make Adam do an action or thought. Taking the rib effected Adam's free will not one bit.

Cowboy...your definition of "Free Will" appears to be sort of vague so I decide to pull up one of your previous "Free Will" definitions


That is all free will is, is the ability to choose what to do post 11

so now Cowboy going with your definition of "Free Will"....did God give Adam a choice to choose what to do before God put him asleep and took his rib

Again, the rib being taken out of Adam was not an action Adam took. He was not forced to take any action, therefore his free will was not taken away. said that Free Will was the ability to choose.....when did Adam get to choose to lose his rib?

Choose as in choose to do something or not do something. The rib being taken out of Adam did not cause him to do an action or restrict him from doing an action. Therefore again, no free will was taken away.

God put Adam to sleep so didn't God take away Adam's ability to choose?

Not specifically. "Sleeping" is not an action one takes. One lays down to sleep, yes this is an action one takes, but one doesn't choose when they "fall" asleep.

Adam didn't put himself to sleep, God was the one that put Adam to sleep beofre he took his said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose

Adam wanted a mate and God gave him one. Adam wanting the mate permitted God to do what was needed to bring this to be. Adam didn't put any speculations on how he was to get this mate.

nope...Adam didn't put himself to sleep the bible states that God put Adam to sleep,,,also the bible states nothing about Adam wanting a mate...Adam had no clue what a woman or a human mate was since none had been created yet

so said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose to lose his rib

Sure the bible states that Adam was lonely. Why else would God have known it not good for man to be alone? Why would it not have been good if it wasn't cause the man needed companionship. And again, would you rather be awake when God took a rib out? Or would you rather had been in a deep sleep where you didn't feel the pain? Same reason people are put to sleep in operations.

18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

the passage you provide states what the Lord far you have provide nothing about what Adam said pertaining to his choice of having or not having his rib taken out....... can you provide such a passage or not

Why do you think the LORD would say such a thing if Adam didn't want a mate?

The LORD knows what we want, regardless if we have publicly said it, said it to one other, or even said it at all. God knows our hearts.

you keep telling about God's "Free Will"..I've ask you to provide a passage where Adam had the Free Will" to choose pertaining to his rib being taken out

can you provide this passage or not ...if you can't ....then simply admit it

Your body is not your own. Your body is the temple of God. It belongs to God, he can do with it what he wishes.

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Cowboy, keep providing passages pertaining to God's "Free Will"... I'm not disputing that God has "Free WIll" ...

I'm disputing that God gave "Free Will" to Adam pertaining to the taking of his rib and asked you to provide a passage where Adam had any choice in the matter ...

so once again can you provide such a passage ....and if not....grow a pair and admit it

What are you talking about? Nobody even mention "God's" free will. The taking of Adam's rib did not effect Adam's will one bit. It did not force him to do something, it did not restrict him from doing anything.

Cowboy..I really would like to take your word on it but remember you are the guy that claimed that no babies drown in the great flood because God place them all on Noah's Ark ....

so now that you understand why I'm hesistant to take your word on anything is the reason why I've asked you for a passage pertaining to Adam's choice on having his rib taken ....can you provide this passage or not?

come on Cowboy....bird-dog it....admit that you can't...

Already did. Adam's will was to have a mate, so God made him a mate. Adam did not say how this mate was to come about.

you provided passages from God excerting his "Free Will"...I asked you for a passage where Adam excerted his "Free Will" pertaining to any choice of the taking of his rib

so can you place a passage from Adam and not God thank you very much

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:10 PM

What does the rib being taken from Adam and free will have ANYTHING to do with one another?

Cowboy....did God ask Adam if he wasn't to give his rib to create his child Eve...if the answer is no....then that is why Adam didn't have any "Free WIll"

God taking one of Adam's ribs didn't cause Adam to do anything though. Again after again, free-will pertains to an action or a thought. God taking one of Adam's ribs did not restrict any action or thought or make Adam do an action or thought. Taking the rib effected Adam's free will not one bit.

Cowboy...your definition of "Free Will" appears to be sort of vague so I decide to pull up one of your previous "Free Will" definitions


That is all free will is, is the ability to choose what to do post 11

so now Cowboy going with your definition of "Free Will"....did God give Adam a choice to choose what to do before God put him asleep and took his rib

Again, the rib being taken out of Adam was not an action Adam took. He was not forced to take any action, therefore his free will was not taken away. said that Free Will was the ability to choose.....when did Adam get to choose to lose his rib?

Choose as in choose to do something or not do something. The rib being taken out of Adam did not cause him to do an action or restrict him from doing an action. Therefore again, no free will was taken away.

God put Adam to sleep so didn't God take away Adam's ability to choose?

Not specifically. "Sleeping" is not an action one takes. One lays down to sleep, yes this is an action one takes, but one doesn't choose when they "fall" asleep.

Adam didn't put himself to sleep, God was the one that put Adam to sleep beofre he took his said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose

Adam wanted a mate and God gave him one. Adam wanting the mate permitted God to do what was needed to bring this to be. Adam didn't put any speculations on how he was to get this mate.

nope...Adam didn't put himself to sleep the bible states that God put Adam to sleep,,,also the bible states nothing about Adam wanting a mate...Adam had no clue what a woman or a human mate was since none had been created yet

so said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose to lose his rib

Sure the bible states that Adam was lonely. Why else would God have known it not good for man to be alone? Why would it not have been good if it wasn't cause the man needed companionship. And again, would you rather be awake when God took a rib out? Or would you rather had been in a deep sleep where you didn't feel the pain? Same reason people are put to sleep in operations.

18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

the passage you provide states what the Lord far you have provide nothing about what Adam said pertaining to his choice of having or not having his rib taken out....... can you provide such a passage or not

Why do you think the LORD would say such a thing if Adam didn't want a mate?

The LORD knows what we want, regardless if we have publicly said it, said it to one other, or even said it at all. God knows our hearts.

you keep telling about God's "Free Will"..I've ask you to provide a passage where Adam had the Free Will" to choose pertaining to his rib being taken out

can you provide this passage or not ...if you can't ....then simply admit it

Your body is not your own. Your body is the temple of God. It belongs to God, he can do with it what he wishes.

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Cowboy, keep providing passages pertaining to God's "Free Will"... I'm not disputing that God has "Free WIll" ...

I'm disputing that God gave "Free Will" to Adam pertaining to the taking of his rib and asked you to provide a passage where Adam had any choice in the matter ...

so once again can you provide such a passage ....and if not....grow a pair and admit it

What are you talking about? Nobody even mention "God's" free will. The taking of Adam's rib did not effect Adam's will one bit. It did not force him to do something, it did not restrict him from doing anything.

Cowboy..I really would like to take your word on it but remember you are the guy that claimed that no babies drown in the great flood because God place them all on Noah's Ark ....

so now that you understand why I'm hesistant to take your word on anything is the reason why I've asked you for a passage pertaining to Adam's choice on having his rib taken ....can you provide this passage or not?

come on Cowboy....bird-dog it....admit that you can't...

Already did. Adam's will was to have a mate, so God made him a mate. Adam did not say how this mate was to come about.

you provided passages from God excerting his "Free Will"...I asked you for a passage where Adam excerted his "Free Will" pertaining to any choice of the taking of his rib

so can you place a passage from Adam and not God thank you very much

I did. In the verse posted, God seen it best for man to have a mate eg., the man's will was to have a mate. So God did according to the MAN's will and made him a mate.

no photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:14 PM



Abracadabra's photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:23 PM
Cowboy wrote:

ROFL, sorry abra, but this has got to be one of the funniest posts I've ever read, especially by you. What is righteous?

Righteous: acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin

So since we establish "righteous" is acting accord with divine law or moral law. We can see God is righteous for he is sinless, for a sin is something against God's will. And yes, that definition of righteous came straight from the HUMAN dictionary.

Well, there you go Cowboy.

Now you have proof positive that the term "righteousness" is utterly meaningless in Christianity because it's based on a God who can do anything he so desires and claims that to be "righteous".

In other words, this God is totally untrustworthy, just as I had said, because the very thing that we are supposed to trust him on has no definition beyond his whim.

Like I say, this very same notion could be applied to Satan or any demonic God.

Moreover all you are basically saying is that if the Christian God condoned the behavior of Hitler then that would make it "righteous". And for all we know, maybe he DID! After all, Hitler was killing "heathens" who refuse to accept Jesus as their LORD. And according to the Bible the Christian God loves to see heathens slaughtered with no mercy. That was his biggest thrill in the Old Testament.

So for all we know, Hitler might have been the most "righteous" man who ever lived in God's eyes.

If the very concept of "righteousness" has no meaning beyond the unbridled whims of some jealous egotistical entity, then it has no meaning at all.

If a human cannot TRUST the Christian God to have the same sense of "righteousness" that they have, then it's an utterly meaningless concept.

All you are doing is verifying that humans have no reason to TRUST the Christian God.

Of course this comes as no surprise to me. This is par for the course when it comes to these ancient Hebrew fables. They never amount to anything more than this kind of utterly meaningless gibberish.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:28 PM

Cowboy wrote:

ROFL, sorry abra, but this has got to be one of the funniest posts I've ever read, especially by you. What is righteous?

Righteous: acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin

So since we establish "righteous" is acting accord with divine law or moral law. We can see God is righteous for he is sinless, for a sin is something against God's will. And yes, that definition of righteous came straight from the HUMAN dictionary.

Well, there you go Cowboy.

Now you have proof positive that the term "righteousness" is utterly meaningless in Christianity because it's based on a God who can do anything he so desires and claims that to be "righteous".

In other words, this God is totally untrustworthy, just as I had said, because the very thing that we are supposed to trust him on has no definition beyond his whim.

Like I say, this very same notion could be applied to Satan or any demonic God.

Moreover all you are basically saying is that if the Christian God condoned the behavior of Hitler then that would make it "righteous". And for all we know, maybe he DID! After all, Hitler was killing "heathens" who refuse to accept Jesus as their LORD. And according to the Bible the Christian God loves to see heathens slaughtered with no mercy. That was his biggest thrill in the Old Testament.

So for all we know, Hitler might have been the most "righteous" man who ever lived in God's eyes.

If the very concept of "righteousness" has no meaning beyond the unbridled whims of some jealous egotistical entity, then it has no meaning at all.

If a human cannot TRUST the Christian God to have the same sense of "righteousness" that they have, then it's an utterly meaningless concept.

All you are doing is verifying that humans have no reason to TRUST the Christian God.

Of course this comes as no surprise to me. This is par for the course when it comes to these ancient Hebrew fables. They never amount to anything more than this kind of utterly meaningless gibberish.

Moreover all you are basically saying is that if the Christian God condoned the behavior of Hitler then that would make it "righteous". And for all we know, maybe he DID! After all, Hitler was killing "heathens" who refuse to accept Jesus as their LORD. And according to the Bible the Christian God loves to see heathens slaughtered with no mercy. That was his biggest thrill in the Old Testament.

You almost had the truth... aaalmost. God in no way condones the behaviour of Hitler. We are not under the covenant of the old testament any more, so that comment is mute and pointless. Reason they were instructed to in the old covenant, was cause we were the judges of ourselves. But as God seen this was not done "righteously", he sent his only begotten son to end the covenant and bring forth a new where Jesus is the judge of us all to ensure a righteous judgement.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:29 PM

Cowboy wrote:

ROFL, sorry abra, but this has got to be one of the funniest posts I've ever read, especially by you. What is righteous?

Righteous: acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin

So since we establish "righteous" is acting accord with divine law or moral law. We can see God is righteous for he is sinless, for a sin is something against God's will. And yes, that definition of righteous came straight from the HUMAN dictionary.

Well, there you go Cowboy.

Now you have proof positive that the term "righteousness" is utterly meaningless in Christianity because it's based on a God who can do anything he so desires and claims that to be "righteous".

In other words, this God is totally untrustworthy, just as I had said, because the very thing that we are supposed to trust him on has no definition beyond his whim.

Like I say, this very same notion could be applied to Satan or any demonic God.

Moreover all you are basically saying is that if the Christian God condoned the behavior of Hitler then that would make it "righteous". And for all we know, maybe he DID! After all, Hitler was killing "heathens" who refuse to accept Jesus as their LORD. And according to the Bible the Christian God loves to see heathens slaughtered with no mercy. That was his biggest thrill in the Old Testament.

So for all we know, Hitler might have been the most "righteous" man who ever lived in God's eyes.

If the very concept of "righteousness" has no meaning beyond the unbridled whims of some jealous egotistical entity, then it has no meaning at all.

If a human cannot TRUST the Christian God to have the same sense of "righteousness" that they have, then it's an utterly meaningless concept.

All you are doing is verifying that humans have no reason to TRUST the Christian God.

Of course this comes as no surprise to me. This is par for the course when it comes to these ancient Hebrew fables. They never amount to anything more than this kind of utterly meaningless gibberish.

If a human cannot TRUST the Christian God to have the same sense of "righteousness" that they have, then it's an utterly meaningless concept.

He doesn't have the same sense of "righteousness". His sense of righteousness is far greater then anyone could ever imagine having.

no photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:31 PM

What does the rib being taken from Adam and free will have ANYTHING to do with one another?

Cowboy....did God ask Adam if he wasn't to give his rib to create his child Eve...if the answer is no....then that is why Adam didn't have any "Free WIll"

God taking one of Adam's ribs didn't cause Adam to do anything though. Again after again, free-will pertains to an action or a thought. God taking one of Adam's ribs did not restrict any action or thought or make Adam do an action or thought. Taking the rib effected Adam's free will not one bit.

Cowboy...your definition of "Free Will" appears to be sort of vague so I decide to pull up one of your previous "Free Will" definitions


That is all free will is, is the ability to choose what to do post 11

so now Cowboy going with your definition of "Free Will"....did God give Adam a choice to choose what to do before God put him asleep and took his rib

Again, the rib being taken out of Adam was not an action Adam took. He was not forced to take any action, therefore his free will was not taken away. said that Free Will was the ability to choose.....when did Adam get to choose to lose his rib?

Choose as in choose to do something or not do something. The rib being taken out of Adam did not cause him to do an action or restrict him from doing an action. Therefore again, no free will was taken away.

God put Adam to sleep so didn't God take away Adam's ability to choose?

Not specifically. "Sleeping" is not an action one takes. One lays down to sleep, yes this is an action one takes, but one doesn't choose when they "fall" asleep.

Adam didn't put himself to sleep, God was the one that put Adam to sleep beofre he took his said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose

Adam wanted a mate and God gave him one. Adam wanting the mate permitted God to do what was needed to bring this to be. Adam didn't put any speculations on how he was to get this mate.

nope...Adam didn't put himself to sleep the bible states that God put Adam to sleep,,,also the bible states nothing about Adam wanting a mate...Adam had no clue what a woman or a human mate was since none had been created yet

so said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose to lose his rib

Sure the bible states that Adam was lonely. Why else would God have known it not good for man to be alone? Why would it not have been good if it wasn't cause the man needed companionship. And again, would you rather be awake when God took a rib out? Or would you rather had been in a deep sleep where you didn't feel the pain? Same reason people are put to sleep in operations.

18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

the passage you provide states what the Lord far you have provide nothing about what Adam said pertaining to his choice of having or not having his rib taken out....... can you provide such a passage or not

Why do you think the LORD would say such a thing if Adam didn't want a mate?

The LORD knows what we want, regardless if we have publicly said it, said it to one other, or even said it at all. God knows our hearts.

you keep telling about God's "Free Will"..I've ask you to provide a passage where Adam had the Free Will" to choose pertaining to his rib being taken out

can you provide this passage or not ...if you can't ....then simply admit it

Your body is not your own. Your body is the temple of God. It belongs to God, he can do with it what he wishes.

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Cowboy, keep providing passages pertaining to God's "Free Will"... I'm not disputing that God has "Free WIll" ...

I'm disputing that God gave "Free Will" to Adam pertaining to the taking of his rib and asked you to provide a passage where Adam had any choice in the matter ...

so once again can you provide such a passage ....and if not....grow a pair and admit it

What are you talking about? Nobody even mention "God's" free will. The taking of Adam's rib did not effect Adam's will one bit. It did not force him to do something, it did not restrict him from doing anything.

Cowboy..I really would like to take your word on it but remember you are the guy that claimed that no babies drown in the great flood because God place them all on Noah's Ark ....

so now that you understand why I'm hesistant to take your word on anything is the reason why I've asked you for a passage pertaining to Adam's choice on having his rib taken ....can you provide this passage or not?

come on Cowboy....bird-dog it....admit that you can't...

Already did. Adam's will was to have a mate, so God made him a mate. Adam did not say how this mate was to come about.

you provided passages from God excerting his "Free Will"...I asked you for a passage where Adam excerted his "Free Will" pertaining to any choice of the taking of his rib

so can you place a passage from Adam and not God thank you very much

I did. In the verse posted, God seen it best for man to have a mate eg., the man's will was to have a mate. So God did according to the MAN's will and made him a mate.

sorry Cowboy.,,..but Man does not have Will over God..and God does not bow down to man's's funny how I have to teach you this ...and this is why those passages you provide only applies to God's "Free Will"

and now all you have to do is provide a passage where Adam has "Free Will' in the taking of his rib

no photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:33 PM

what is not written or explained in the bible is told by Satan

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 12/01/11 07:41 PM

What does the rib being taken from Adam and free will have ANYTHING to do with one another?

Cowboy....did God ask Adam if he wasn't to give his rib to create his child Eve...if the answer is no....then that is why Adam didn't have any "Free WIll"

God taking one of Adam's ribs didn't cause Adam to do anything though. Again after again, free-will pertains to an action or a thought. God taking one of Adam's ribs did not restrict any action or thought or make Adam do an action or thought. Taking the rib effected Adam's free will not one bit.

Cowboy...your definition of "Free Will" appears to be sort of vague so I decide to pull up one of your previous "Free Will" definitions


That is all free will is, is the ability to choose what to do post 11

so now Cowboy going with your definition of "Free Will"....did God give Adam a choice to choose what to do before God put him asleep and took his rib

Again, the rib being taken out of Adam was not an action Adam took. He was not forced to take any action, therefore his free will was not taken away. said that Free Will was the ability to choose.....when did Adam get to choose to lose his rib?

Choose as in choose to do something or not do something. The rib being taken out of Adam did not cause him to do an action or restrict him from doing an action. Therefore again, no free will was taken away.

God put Adam to sleep so didn't God take away Adam's ability to choose?

Not specifically. "Sleeping" is not an action one takes. One lays down to sleep, yes this is an action one takes, but one doesn't choose when they "fall" asleep.

Adam didn't put himself to sleep, God was the one that put Adam to sleep beofre he took his said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose

Adam wanted a mate and God gave him one. Adam wanting the mate permitted God to do what was needed to bring this to be. Adam didn't put any speculations on how he was to get this mate.

nope...Adam didn't put himself to sleep the bible states that God put Adam to sleep,,,also the bible states nothing about Adam wanting a mate...Adam had no clue what a woman or a human mate was since none had been created yet

so said that "Free Will" is the ability to choose point out where Adam got to choose to lose his rib

Sure the bible states that Adam was lonely. Why else would God have known it not good for man to be alone? Why would it not have been good if it wasn't cause the man needed companionship. And again, would you rather be awake when God took a rib out? Or would you rather had been in a deep sleep where you didn't feel the pain? Same reason people are put to sleep in operations.

18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

the passage you provide states what the Lord far you have provide nothing about what Adam said pertaining to his choice of having or not having his rib taken out....... can you provide such a passage or not

Why do you think the LORD would say such a thing if Adam didn't want a mate?

The LORD knows what we want, regardless if we have publicly said it, said it to one other, or even said it at all. God knows our hearts.

you keep telling about God's "Free Will"..I've ask you to provide a passage where Adam had the Free Will" to choose pertaining to his rib being taken out

can you provide this passage or not ...if you can't ....then simply admit it

Your body is not your own. Your body is the temple of God. It belongs to God, he can do with it what he wishes.

He created it, so it is his privilege to change it, alter it, destroy it, renew it, or do whatever he wishes with it.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Cowboy, keep providing passages pertaining to God's "Free Will"... I'm not disputing that God has "Free WIll" ...

I'm disputing that God gave "Free Will" to Adam pertaining to the taking of his rib and asked you to provide a passage where Adam had any choice in the matter ...

so once again can you provide such a passage ....and if not....grow a pair and admit it

What are you talking about? Nobody even mention "God's" free will. The taking of Adam's rib did not effect Adam's will one bit. It did not force him to do something, it did not restrict him from doing anything.

Cowboy..I really would like to take your word on it but remember you are the guy that claimed that no babies drown in the great flood because God place them all on Noah's Ark ....

so now that you understand why I'm hesistant to take your word on anything is the reason why I've asked you for a passage pertaining to Adam's choice on having his rib taken ....can you provide this passage or not?

come on Cowboy....bird-dog it....admit that you can't...

Already did. Adam's will was to have a mate, so God made him a mate. Adam did not say how this mate was to come about.

you provided passages from God excerting his "Free Will"...I asked you for a passage where Adam excerted his "Free Will" pertaining to any choice of the taking of his rib

so can you place a passage from Adam and not God thank you very much

I did. In the verse posted, God seen it best for man to have a mate eg., the man's will was to have a mate. So God did according to the MAN's will and made him a mate.

sorry Cowboy.,,..but Man does not have Will over God..and God does not bow down to man's's funny how I have to teach you this ...and this is why those passages you provide only applies to God's "Free Will"

and now all you have to do is provide a passage where Adam has "Free Will' in the taking of his rib

LoL!!! You're getting funnier Funches. No God doesn't have to bow down to man's will. NEVER said he did or even insinuated it. But our God is a loving God. He loves us so much, he wishes for us to have what we need and what we want when we deserve it. He saw Adam was unhappy by himself, so he created a woman to be by his side. He could have left Adam all by himself if he would have wanted to. But Adam would have just continued to get more and more sad as time passed without someone to call his own. So again, God made him a partner in life.