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Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus
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Mon 09/12/11 12:29 PM

Well...Thank You... you are kinda cute yourself, Cowboy.:wink:

Glad you are teachable,Cowboy....we all need to stay teachable,

myself included.

I am learning something new every day.


MorningSong....actually what you are teaching Cowboy is that according to the bible it's ok to be Fruitful and Multiply with his sister or a blood relative

since both you and Cowboy claim that God created man once and not twice, then the only way that Man could have carried out God's command to replenish the Earth could have only be accomplished through incest ..

so I guess the question to ask is...is incest a sin?

Think these answer your question.

Leviticus 18:9

9The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

Deuteronomy 27:22

22Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.

if marriage and sex to a sister is a sin and you claim that God only made Man once and not twice....

then can you explain what God meant by " Be Fruitful and Multiply and Replenish the Earth",if Eve were the only woman on Earth

The Hebrew word "adam" literally means man as in mankind, humanity, and not an individual being.

God didn't start with just 2 people, Adam and Eve. He made man and woman.

Cowboy.....see how, out of the "shame of inbreeding" I got you to agree that there had to be other people on Earth besides Adam and Eve before or during the time of their creation ...

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/12/11 01:39 PM

Well...Thank You... you are kinda cute yourself, Cowboy.:wink:

Glad you are teachable,Cowboy....we all need to stay teachable,

myself included.

I am learning something new every day.


MorningSong....actually what you are teaching Cowboy is that according to the bible it's ok to be Fruitful and Multiply with his sister or a blood relative

since both you and Cowboy claim that God created man once and not twice, then the only way that Man could have carried out God's command to replenish the Earth could have only be accomplished through incest ..

so I guess the question to ask is...is incest a sin?

Think these answer your question.

Leviticus 18:9

9The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

Deuteronomy 27:22

22Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.

if marriage and sex to a sister is a sin and you claim that God only made Man once and not twice....

then can you explain what God meant by " Be Fruitful and Multiply and Replenish the Earth",if Eve were the only woman on Earth

The Hebrew word "adam" literally means man as in mankind, humanity, and not an individual being.

God didn't start with just 2 people, Adam and Eve. He made man and woman.

Cowboy.....see how, out of the "shame of inbreeding" I got you to agree that there had to be other people on Earth besides Adam and Eve before or during the time of their creation ...

Adam and Eve are not singular nouns. Adam = mankind. So, no there was no other people on Earth besides "Adam" and Eve. Once again, Adam translates to mankind. So in simpler terms Adam = man, Eve = woman.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/12/11 01:44 PM

Well...Thank You... you are kinda cute yourself, Cowboy.:wink:

Glad you are teachable,Cowboy....we all need to stay teachable,

myself included.

I am learning something new every day.


MorningSong....actually what you are teaching Cowboy is that according to the bible it's ok to be Fruitful and Multiply with his sister or a blood relative

since both you and Cowboy claim that God created man once and not twice, then the only way that Man could have carried out God's command to replenish the Earth could have only be accomplished through incest ..

so I guess the question to ask is...is incest a sin?

Think these answer your question.

Leviticus 18:9

9The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

Deuteronomy 27:22

22Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.

if marriage and sex to a sister is a sin and you claim that God only made Man once and not twice....

then can you explain what God meant by " Be Fruitful and Multiply and Replenish the Earth",if Eve were the only woman on Earth

The Hebrew word "adam" literally means man as in mankind, humanity, and not an individual being.

God didn't start with just 2 people, Adam and Eve. He made man and woman.

Cowboy.....see how, out of the "shame of inbreeding" I got you to agree that there had to be other people on Earth besides Adam and Eve before or during the time of their creation ...

Adam and Eve are not singular nouns. Adam = mankind. So, no there was no other people on Earth besides "Adam" and Eve. Once again, Adam translates to mankind. So in simpler terms Adam = man, Eve = woman.

The exact translation of Eve is -
(Hebrew: חַוָּה, Ḥawwāh; Arabic: حواء‎, Hawwa'; Ge'ez: ሕይዋን Hiywan; "living one" or "source of life"

Without women, there is no life on Earth, life would cease to exist. They are the source of life in the essence they give birth to life, all our lives started inside a woman, eg., they are the source of our life.

no photo
Mon 09/12/11 04:09 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 09/12/11 04:21 PM
I read and checked this out thoroughly, before posting.

It all correctly lines up with the Word of God.

(note: click on and read the parts that are highlighted in

red also.)

Funches... this will help answer your question posed earlier.


Therefore, even as through ONE man sin entered into the

world, and death by sin, and so death passed on all men inasmuch as

all sinned (Romans 5:12).

In 1 Corinthians 15:45 ,it says Adam was “the FIRST man.”

God did NOT start by making a whole group of men.

The Bible makes this very clear.


no photo
Mon 09/12/11 04:19 PM

Well...Thank You... you are kinda cute yourself, Cowboy.:wink:

Glad you are teachable,Cowboy....we all need to stay teachable,

myself included.

I am learning something new every day.


MorningSong....actually what you are teaching Cowboy is that according to the bible it's ok to be Fruitful and Multiply with his sister or a blood relative

since both you and Cowboy claim that God created man once and not twice, then the only way that Man could have carried out God's command to replenish the Earth could have only be accomplished through incest ..

so I guess the question to ask is...is incest a sin?

Think these answer your question.

Leviticus 18:9

9The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

Deuteronomy 27:22

22Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.

if marriage and sex to a sister is a sin and you claim that God only made Man once and not twice....

then can you explain what God meant by " Be Fruitful and Multiply and Replenish the Earth",if Eve were the only woman on Earth

The Hebrew word "adam" literally means man as in mankind, humanity, and not an individual being.

God didn't start with just 2 people, Adam and Eve. He made man and woman.

Cowboy.....see how, out of the "shame of inbreeding" I got you to agree that there had to be other people on Earth besides Adam and Eve before or during the time of their creation ...

Adam and Eve are not singular nouns. Adam = mankind. So, no there was no other people on Earth besides "Adam" and Eve. Once again, Adam translates to mankind. So in simpler terms Adam = man, Eve = woman.

The exact translation of Eve is -
(Hebrew: חַוָּה, Ḥawwāh; Arabic: حواء‎, Hawwa'; Ge'ez: ሕይዋን Hiywan; "living one" or "source of life"

Without women, there is no life on Earth, life would cease to exist. They are the source of life in the essence they give birth to life, all our lives started inside a woman, eg., they are the source of our life.

Cowboy...I'm not sure what Adam and Eve's names has to do with anything especially since you have once again changed your mind and now claim that there were no other people on the planet but those two

but anyway since you presented verses that indicate that incest is a sin, and since Eve was the only woman on the planet, therefore she would be the only one to bear children that could only multiply and replenish the Earth through incest, this is proof that it was obviously God's intention to plunged Man into Sin when he gave the command to be "Fruitful and Multiply"

no photo
Mon 09/12/11 04:31 PM

I read and checked this out thoroughly, before posting.

It all correctly lines up with the Word of God.

Funches... this will help answer your question posed earlier.


Therefore, even as through ONE man sin entered into the

world, and death by sin, and so death passed on all men inasmuch as

all sinned (Romans 5:12).

In 1 Corinthians 15:45 ,it says Adam was “the FIRST man.”

God did NOT start by making a whole group of men.

The Bible makes this very clear.


in Genesis 1:26 the bible claim that Man will be created in God's image and in his likeness...since God's image and likeness is not of Flesh and Blood but of Spirit would this not indicate that the first Men and Women was created as Spirit during Genesis 1:27

but in Genesis 2:7 it states nothing about Man being created in the image and likeness of God but instead claim that Man was created as a living soul

the question becomes...if Flesh and Blood is of a living soul .....the what type of soul if any is a Spirit ...is it a dead or undead soul?

no photo
Mon 09/12/11 05:15 PM
IF God had ONLY made man just a spirit in genesis one,

God's Word would have just said so...

but that is not what God's Word says.

God created man from the dust of the earth and breathed His spirit into man....

and gave man dominion over all things..and said to be fruitful and multiply.

Now...how can a mere spirit have dominion over all things and be fruitful and multiply?

Genesis chapter 2, is simply giving us more details of the

genesis ONE account.


wux's photo
Mon 09/12/11 05:46 PM
I don't understand this religious type.

A religious type, be he a fanatic or not, will argue 'till you are blue in the face that the bible is right, he is right, and there are no logical contradicions in the bible. If you corner the religious debater, he will quote the scriptures and put words into the mouth of god.

I find the approach by Ms.Harmony much more straightforward, not at all hypothetical, and completely disarming.

If you talk to MsHarmony about the bible and the complete logical stupidity of the Book, Ms.Marmony will reply, "I understand why you say those things. I still believe in the Bible because it is beautiful, it gives me courage and strength. It helps me in my life, both in the big and the small questions I have to struggle with daily. I won't deny there are logical problems in the bible, and yet I still believe in it."

This is a candid, honest, and mostly WORKABLE way of dealing between bible-de-bunkers and the faithful. The de-bunkers work with logic, a man's tool, and the believers like MsH work with feelings and love, a woman's tool.

The refuters of the claims of the bible's debunkers want to be men, because they are biologically, and yet they can't, because:

if they stick to logic, they must debunk the bible themselves;
if they stick to feelings and the bible, they act against their own nature as men

therefore these guys are complete self-lobotomized zombies. They don't make sense; the will is strong, but the logic is weak. They dressed u p a system of thought that had been designed with feelings in mind, with clothes of logic, and they can't understand why the clothing is ill-fitting. Here a seam is coming apart, there a cheek is showing fromt he pants, and the issue walks around with a constant excrutiatingly painful wedgie.


The self-lobotomized zombies, therefore, ignore logic while they insist they are logical. This leads to a state where they can't even think rationally, and all reasonable suggestions are rejected by them.

What becomes of them is people who can't answer any questions pertinently, who make statements like "the Hebrew word of God is plural; so the old testament talks about the holy trinity (God is not even mentioned once in the torah; it is not permissible to write or utter the word "god". Or if I am wrong here, then the Jews got it all wrong too.) If the torah really says "gods", then it's a far-flung assumption to think it talks about the holy trinity.

Really. I can't argue with people who completely misunderstand the value and the working of logic. I admire you, Funches, for keeping at it, despite your words are obviously not understood, or else ignored if understood, by others. You, Funches, have drive and determination, and probably a lot of time on your hands (like all or most of us here on the forums.)

A psychologist once went into a lumber camp, and hired all lumberjacks who wanted to do it, at double the going rate, to hack a log with the blunt side of the axehead. They were told to keep doing it, and as long as they did not stop (save the coffee-breaks, lunch, and of course the 14 or 15 hours between shifts of 8 hours) they got the double pay. On week-ends, triple pay, and on holidays, quadruple and a half-pay.

Guess what. No lumberjack lasted more than two days. They each quit. Hitting the log with the blunt end of the axe. Of course they saw that there was nothing happening, that's why they quit. "I have to see the chips flying," was one such jack quoted.

I have to see the splinters flying, too, Funches. But you don't get discouraged despite making no headway into the skulls of the religious. I got tired of that several years ago. I can't do something with no results.

Anyway. You are doing a good job. I talked to my partner, and we decided to give triple your wages. You will get three times as much pay as you were getting until today, as long as you keep putting in the same honest day's work for your honest day's pay. That's six time the wages of a regular debater out in the field, cutting down arguments. 'Cept the poor bloke is doing it with the sharp side of his mind -- don't you covet that from him, Funches?

no photo
Mon 09/12/11 06:00 PM
Logic and spirit are on two different planes..

One must come to God in spirit and in truth,not logic;

in order to

understand the things of the Spirit.


no photo
Mon 09/12/11 06:31 PM
Edited by funches on Mon 09/12/11 06:32 PM

IF God had ONLY made man just a spirit in genesis one,

God's Word would have just said so...

are you sure you want to make that argument because wouldn't that also mean that if God was three Godheads and one of them was Jesus wouldn't God in Genesis just say so?

but that is not what God's Word says.

God created man from the dust of the earth and breathed His spirit into man....

and gave man dominion over all things..and said to be fruitful and multiply.

Now...how can a mere spirit have dominion over all things and be fruitful and multiply?

if you claim that Adam a mere Man can do it then why would a mere spirit be unable to ...

Genesis chapter 2, is simply giving us more details of the

genesis ONE account.

perhaps,.. but it might depend on the answer to the question that so far no one has answered...is a spirit a living soul or a dead or undead soul

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/12/11 06:41 PM

Well...Thank You... you are kinda cute yourself, Cowboy.:wink:

Glad you are teachable,Cowboy....we all need to stay teachable,

myself included.

I am learning something new every day.


MorningSong....actually what you are teaching Cowboy is that according to the bible it's ok to be Fruitful and Multiply with his sister or a blood relative

since both you and Cowboy claim that God created man once and not twice, then the only way that Man could have carried out God's command to replenish the Earth could have only be accomplished through incest ..

so I guess the question to ask is...is incest a sin?

Think these answer your question.

Leviticus 18:9

9The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

Deuteronomy 27:22

22Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.

if marriage and sex to a sister is a sin and you claim that God only made Man once and not twice....

then can you explain what God meant by " Be Fruitful and Multiply and Replenish the Earth",if Eve were the only woman on Earth

The Hebrew word "adam" literally means man as in mankind, humanity, and not an individual being.

God didn't start with just 2 people, Adam and Eve. He made man and woman.

Cowboy.....see how, out of the "shame of inbreeding" I got you to agree that there had to be other people on Earth besides Adam and Eve before or during the time of their creation ...

Adam and Eve are not singular nouns. Adam = mankind. So, no there was no other people on Earth besides "Adam" and Eve. Once again, Adam translates to mankind. So in simpler terms Adam = man, Eve = woman.

The exact translation of Eve is -
(Hebrew: חַוָּה, Ḥawwāh; Arabic: حواء‎, Hawwa'; Ge'ez: ሕይዋን Hiywan; "living one" or "source of life"

Without women, there is no life on Earth, life would cease to exist. They are the source of life in the essence they give birth to life, all our lives started inside a woman, eg., they are the source of our life.

Cowboy...I'm not sure what Adam and Eve's names has to do with anything especially since you have once again changed your mind and now claim that there were no other people on the planet but those two

but anyway since you presented verses that indicate that incest is a sin, and since Eve was the only woman on the planet, therefore she would be the only one to bear children that could only multiply and replenish the Earth through incest, this is proof that it was obviously God's intention to plunged Man into Sin when he gave the command to be "Fruitful and Multiply"

Adam and Eve's name have everything to do with it. They are not names of singular people.

Adam translates to mean mankind. Eve translates to be the source of life.

WOMEN are the source of life, they are the ones that give life to the next generation.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/12/11 06:48 PM

IF God had ONLY made man just a spirit in genesis one,

God's Word would have just said so...

are you sure you want to make that argument because wouldn't that also mean that if God was three Godheads and one of them was Jesus wouldn't God in Genesis just say so?

but that is not what God's Word says.

God created man from the dust of the earth and breathed His spirit into man....

and gave man dominion over all things..and said to be fruitful and multiply.

Now...how can a mere spirit have dominion over all things and be fruitful and multiply?

if you claim that Adam a mere Man can do it then why would a mere spirit be unable to ...

Genesis chapter 2, is simply giving us more details of the

genesis ONE account.

perhaps,.. but it might depend on the answer to the question that so far no one has answered...is a spirit a living soul or a dead or undead soul

are you sure you want to make that argument because wouldn't that also mean that if God was three Godheads and one of them was Jesus wouldn't God in Genesis just say so?

Why would he? God wasn't created in genesis. Genesis is an explanation of the creation of everything. God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. He is and always will be. God wasn't created. So again, why would genesis say so since genesis is the history on the creation?

if you claim that Adam a mere Man can do it then why would a mere spirit be unable to

Spirits don't have a physical form, they can not reproduce. Man was made to reproduce.

perhaps,.. but it might depend on the answer to the question that so far no one has answered...is a spirit a living soul or a dead or undead soul

A spirit is a living soul. If it was a "dead" soul, it wouldn't be in existence now would it be? No, it would be dead. To be dead is to be none existent.

no photo
Mon 09/12/11 07:12 PM

I don't understand this religious type.

A religious type, be he a fanatic or not, will argue 'till you are blue in the face that the bible is right, he is right, and there are no logical contradicions in the bible. If you corner the religious debater, he will quote the scriptures and put words into the mouth of god.

I find the approach by Ms.Harmony much more straightforward, not at all hypothetical, and completely disarming.

If you talk to MsHarmony about the bible and the complete logical stupidity of the Book, Ms.Marmony will reply, "I understand why you say those things. I still believe in the Bible because it is beautiful, it gives me courage and strength. It helps me in my life, both in the big and the small questions I have to struggle with daily. I won't deny there are logical problems in the bible, and yet I still believe in it."

This is a candid, honest, and mostly WORKABLE way of dealing between bible-de-bunkers and the faithful. The de-bunkers work with logic, a man's tool, and the believers like MsH work with feelings and love, a woman's tool.

if God had a staff of lawyers MsHarmony would be the leader of that team which would master in Damage Control, in a debate she will generally use askew analogies and the dictionary to take the topic, the focus and any hints of blame off of God or the bible and place it on Man, she is the Perry Mason of Mingle2 ..if it doesn't fit...you must a-Quit

The refuters of the claims of the bible's debunkers want to be men, because they are biologically, and yet they can't, because:

if they stick to logic, they must debunk the bible themselves;
if they stick to feelings and the bible, they act against their own nature as men

therefore these guys are complete self-lobotomized zombies. They don't make sense; the will is strong, but the logic is weak. They dressed u p a system of thought that had been designed with feelings in mind, with clothes of logic, and they can't understand why the clothing is ill-fitting. Here a seam is coming apart, there a cheek is showing fromt he pants, and the issue walks around with a constant excrutiatingly painful wedgie.


The self-lobotomized zombies, therefore, ignore logic while they insist they are logical. This leads to a state where they can't even think rationally, and all reasonable suggestions are rejected by them.

What becomes of them is people who can't answer any questions pertinently, who make statements like "the Hebrew word of God is plural; so the old testament talks about the holy trinity (God is not even mentioned once in the torah; it is not permissible to write or utter the word "god". Or if I am wrong here, then the Jews got it all wrong too.) If the torah really says "gods", then it's a far-flung assumption to think it talks about the holy trinity.

Really. I can't argue with people who completely misunderstand the value and the working of logic. I admire you, Funches, for keeping at it, despite your words are obviously not understood, or else ignored if understood, by others. You, Funches, have drive and determination, and probably a lot of time on your hands (like all or most of us here on the forums.)

A psychologist once went into a lumber camp, and hired all lumberjacks who wanted to do it, at double the going rate, to hack a log with the blunt side of the axehead. They were told to keep doing it, and as long as they did not stop (save the coffee-breaks, lunch, and of course the 14 or 15 hours between shifts of 8 hours) they got the double pay. On week-ends, triple pay, and on holidays, quadruple and a half-pay.

Guess what. No lumberjack lasted more than two days. They each quit. Hitting the log with the blunt end of the axe. Of course they saw that there was nothing happening, that's why they quit. "I have to see the chips flying," was one such jack quoted.

I have to see the splinters flying, too, Funches. But you don't get discouraged despite making no headway into the skulls of the religious. I got tired of that several years ago. I can't do something with no results.

Anyway. You are doing a good job. I talked to my partner, and we decided to give triple your wages. You will get three times as much pay as you were getting until today, as long as you keep putting in the same honest day's work for your honest day's pay. That's six time the wages of a regular debater out in the field, cutting down arguments. 'Cept the poor bloke is doing it with the sharp side of his mind -- don't you covet that from him, Funches?

my only aim is to place them on the path to true righteousness

no photo
Mon 09/12/11 07:23 PM

Well...Thank You... you are kinda cute yourself, Cowboy.:wink:

Glad you are teachable,Cowboy....we all need to stay teachable,

myself included.

I am learning something new every day.


MorningSong....actually what you are teaching Cowboy is that according to the bible it's ok to be Fruitful and Multiply with his sister or a blood relative

since both you and Cowboy claim that God created man once and not twice, then the only way that Man could have carried out God's command to replenish the Earth could have only be accomplished through incest ..

so I guess the question to ask is...is incest a sin?

Think these answer your question.

Leviticus 18:9

9The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

Deuteronomy 27:22

22Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.

if marriage and sex to a sister is a sin and you claim that God only made Man once and not twice....

then can you explain what God meant by " Be Fruitful and Multiply and Replenish the Earth",if Eve were the only woman on Earth

The Hebrew word "adam" literally means man as in mankind, humanity, and not an individual being.

God didn't start with just 2 people, Adam and Eve. He made man and woman.

Cowboy.....see how, out of the "shame of inbreeding" I got you to agree that there had to be other people on Earth besides Adam and Eve before or during the time of their creation ...

Adam and Eve are not singular nouns. Adam = mankind. So, no there was no other people on Earth besides "Adam" and Eve. Once again, Adam translates to mankind. So in simpler terms Adam = man, Eve = woman.

The exact translation of Eve is -
(Hebrew: חַוָּה, Ḥawwāh; Arabic: حواء‎, Hawwa'; Ge'ez: ሕይዋን Hiywan; "living one" or "source of life"

Without women, there is no life on Earth, life would cease to exist. They are the source of life in the essence they give birth to life, all our lives started inside a woman, eg., they are the source of our life.

Cowboy...I'm not sure what Adam and Eve's names has to do with anything especially since you have once again changed your mind and now claim that there were no other people on the planet but those two

but anyway since you presented verses that indicate that incest is a sin, and since Eve was the only woman on the planet, therefore she would be the only one to bear children that could only multiply and replenish the Earth through incest, this is proof that it was obviously God's intention to plunged Man into Sin when he gave the command to be "Fruitful and Multiply"

Adam and Eve's name have everything to do with it. They are not names of singular people.

Adam translates to mean mankind. Eve translates to be the source of life.

WOMEN are the source of life, they are the ones that give life to the next generation.

Cowboy...if God only snatched one singular rib out of one singular Man named Adam...it was to make one singular woman name Eve not a harem of Eves

according to the bible no one but Adam and Eve was created during Genesis 2:7 .....if you are trying to get rid of the inbreeding then you will have to accept the notion that God made Man twice once in Genesis 1:27 and another time in Genesis 2:7

if this is not acceptable...then you have to accept that God from the beginning create Man to inbreed and to sin

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/12/11 07:27 PM

Well...Thank You... you are kinda cute yourself, Cowboy.:wink:

Glad you are teachable,Cowboy....we all need to stay teachable,

myself included.

I am learning something new every day.


MorningSong....actually what you are teaching Cowboy is that according to the bible it's ok to be Fruitful and Multiply with his sister or a blood relative

since both you and Cowboy claim that God created man once and not twice, then the only way that Man could have carried out God's command to replenish the Earth could have only be accomplished through incest ..

so I guess the question to ask is...is incest a sin?

Think these answer your question.

Leviticus 18:9

9The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

Deuteronomy 27:22

22Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.

if marriage and sex to a sister is a sin and you claim that God only made Man once and not twice....

then can you explain what God meant by " Be Fruitful and Multiply and Replenish the Earth",if Eve were the only woman on Earth

The Hebrew word "adam" literally means man as in mankind, humanity, and not an individual being.

God didn't start with just 2 people, Adam and Eve. He made man and woman.

Cowboy.....see how, out of the "shame of inbreeding" I got you to agree that there had to be other people on Earth besides Adam and Eve before or during the time of their creation ...

Adam and Eve are not singular nouns. Adam = mankind. So, no there was no other people on Earth besides "Adam" and Eve. Once again, Adam translates to mankind. So in simpler terms Adam = man, Eve = woman.

The exact translation of Eve is -
(Hebrew: חַוָּה, Ḥawwāh; Arabic: حواء‎, Hawwa'; Ge'ez: ሕይዋን Hiywan; "living one" or "source of life"

Without women, there is no life on Earth, life would cease to exist. They are the source of life in the essence they give birth to life, all our lives started inside a woman, eg., they are the source of our life.

Cowboy...I'm not sure what Adam and Eve's names has to do with anything especially since you have once again changed your mind and now claim that there were no other people on the planet but those two

but anyway since you presented verses that indicate that incest is a sin, and since Eve was the only woman on the planet, therefore she would be the only one to bear children that could only multiply and replenish the Earth through incest, this is proof that it was obviously God's intention to plunged Man into Sin when he gave the command to be "Fruitful and Multiply"

Adam and Eve's name have everything to do with it. They are not names of singular people.

Adam translates to mean mankind. Eve translates to be the source of life.

WOMEN are the source of life, they are the ones that give life to the next generation.

Cowboy...if God only snatched one singular rib out of one singular Man named Adam...it was to make one singular woman name Eve not a harem of Eves

according to the bible no one but Adam and Eve was created during Genesis 2:7 .....if you are trying to get rid of the inbreeding then you will have to accept the notion that God made Man twice once in Genesis 1:27 and another time in Genesis 2:7

if this is not acceptable...then you have to accept that God from the beginning create Man to inbreed and to sin

Again, the word Adam translates to mankind. He didn't take the rib from one singular person to make another singular person. It is a proven fact that men have one less rib then women. If God would have taken one just out of one man, their off spring would have had the original amount of ribs. Again, God took one rib from MANKIND, and made WOMEN.

2:7 is just a recap of the creation of mankind.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/12/11 07:34 PM

Well...Thank You... you are kinda cute yourself, Cowboy.:wink:

Glad you are teachable,Cowboy....we all need to stay teachable,

myself included.

I am learning something new every day.


MorningSong....actually what you are teaching Cowboy is that according to the bible it's ok to be Fruitful and Multiply with his sister or a blood relative

since both you and Cowboy claim that God created man once and not twice, then the only way that Man could have carried out God's command to replenish the Earth could have only be accomplished through incest ..

so I guess the question to ask is...is incest a sin?

Think these answer your question.

Leviticus 18:9

9The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

Deuteronomy 27:22

22Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen.

if marriage and sex to a sister is a sin and you claim that God only made Man once and not twice....

then can you explain what God meant by " Be Fruitful and Multiply and Replenish the Earth",if Eve were the only woman on Earth

The Hebrew word "adam" literally means man as in mankind, humanity, and not an individual being.

God didn't start with just 2 people, Adam and Eve. He made man and woman.

Cowboy.....see how, out of the "shame of inbreeding" I got you to agree that there had to be other people on Earth besides Adam and Eve before or during the time of their creation ...

Adam and Eve are not singular nouns. Adam = mankind. So, no there was no other people on Earth besides "Adam" and Eve. Once again, Adam translates to mankind. So in simpler terms Adam = man, Eve = woman.

The exact translation of Eve is -
(Hebrew: חַוָּה, Ḥawwāh; Arabic: حواء‎, Hawwa'; Ge'ez: ሕይዋን Hiywan; "living one" or "source of life"

Without women, there is no life on Earth, life would cease to exist. They are the source of life in the essence they give birth to life, all our lives started inside a woman, eg., they are the source of our life.

Cowboy...I'm not sure what Adam and Eve's names has to do with anything especially since you have once again changed your mind and now claim that there were no other people on the planet but those two

but anyway since you presented verses that indicate that incest is a sin, and since Eve was the only woman on the planet, therefore she would be the only one to bear children that could only multiply and replenish the Earth through incest, this is proof that it was obviously God's intention to plunged Man into Sin when he gave the command to be "Fruitful and Multiply"

Adam and Eve's name have everything to do with it. They are not names of singular people.

Adam translates to mean mankind. Eve translates to be the source of life.

WOMEN are the source of life, they are the ones that give life to the next generation.

Cowboy...if God only snatched one singular rib out of one singular Man named Adam...it was to make one singular woman name Eve not a harem of Eves

according to the bible no one but Adam and Eve was created during Genesis 2:7 .....if you are trying to get rid of the inbreeding then you will have to accept the notion that God made Man twice once in Genesis 1:27 and another time in Genesis 2:7

if this is not acceptable...then you have to accept that God from the beginning create Man to inbreed and to sin

Again, the word Adam translates to mankind. He didn't take the rib from one singular person to make another singular person. It is a proven fact that men have one less rib then women. If God would have taken one just out of one man, their off spring would have had the original amount of ribs. Again, God took one rib from MANKIND, and made WOMEN.

2:7 is just a recap of the creation of mankind.

And this also doesn't mean woman do or have to have one more rib then men. If you loose a foot in some accident or other, and you have a kid. Will your off spring be missing a foot as well? No. Same with Adam, just because God removed a rib from Adam to make Eve, doesn't mean henceforth all men would have one less rib.

no photo
Mon 09/12/11 07:49 PM

Why would he? God wasn't created in genesis. Genesis is an explanation of the creation of everything. God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. He is and always will be. God wasn't created. So again, why would genesis say so since genesis is the history on the creation?

cool...so you're admitting that God never mention anything about Jesus or any other Godheads in Genesis

Spirits don't have a physical form, they can not reproduce. Man was made to reproduce.

are angels spirits...if so then they were doing a pretty good job reproducing with naughty Earth Woman and creating little baby Nephilim ...didn't God cause a flood because of those horny little devils

A spirit is a living soul. If it was a "dead" soul, it wouldn't be in existence now would it be? No, it would be dead. To be dead is to be none existent.

Cowboy...the bible states that Adam was created as a living soul...this would mean that according to you Adam was created as a Spirit not as Flesh and Blood

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/12/11 07:57 PM

Why would he? God wasn't created in genesis. Genesis is an explanation of the creation of everything. God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. He is and always will be. God wasn't created. So again, why would genesis say so since genesis is the history on the creation?

cool...so you're admitting that God never mention anything about Jesus or any other Godheads in Genesis

Spirits don't have a physical form, they can not reproduce. Man was made to reproduce.

are angels spirits...if so then they were doing a pretty good job reproducing with naughty Earth Woman and creating little baby Nephilim ...didn't God cause a flood because of those horny little devils

A spirit is a living soul. If it was a "dead" soul, it wouldn't be in existence now would it be? No, it would be dead. To be dead is to be none existent.

Cowboy...the bible states that Adam was created as a living soul...this would mean that according to you Adam was created as a Spirit not as Flesh and Blood

cool...so you're admitting that God never mention anything about Jesus or any other Godheads in Genesis

You act like that's a big deal... like a big discovery. Of course it wouldn't have mentioned Jesus in exacts, Jesus was The Word at this time, he had not taken human form. Jesus is his name in Human form, he is The Word.

are angels spirits...if so then they were doing a pretty good job reproducing with naughty Earth Woman and creating little baby Nephilim ...didn't God cause a flood because of those horny little devils

Angels are not spirits. Angels are physical beings.

Cowboy...the bible states that Adam was created as a living soul...this would mean that according to you Adam was created as a Spirit not as Flesh and Blood

Please share the verse where it specifically says he was made as a spirit.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/12/11 08:02 PM

Why would he? God wasn't created in genesis. Genesis is an explanation of the creation of everything. God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. He is and always will be. God wasn't created. So again, why would genesis say so since genesis is the history on the creation?

cool...so you're admitting that God never mention anything about Jesus or any other Godheads in Genesis

Spirits don't have a physical form, they can not reproduce. Man was made to reproduce.

are angels spirits...if so then they were doing a pretty good job reproducing with naughty Earth Woman and creating little baby Nephilim ...didn't God cause a flood because of those horny little devils

A spirit is a living soul. If it was a "dead" soul, it wouldn't be in existence now would it be? No, it would be dead. To be dead is to be none existent.

Cowboy...the bible states that Adam was created as a living soul...this would mean that according to you Adam was created as a Spirit not as Flesh and Blood

cool...so you're admitting that God never mention anything about Jesus or any other Godheads in Genesis

You act like that's a big deal... like a big discovery. Of course it wouldn't have mentioned Jesus in exacts, Jesus was The Word at this time, he had not taken human form. Jesus is his name in Human form, he is The Word.

are angels spirits...if so then they were doing a pretty good job reproducing with naughty Earth Woman and creating little baby Nephilim ...didn't God cause a flood because of those horny little devils

Angels are not spirits. Angels are physical beings.

Cowboy...the bible states that Adam was created as a living soul...this would mean that according to you Adam was created as a Spirit not as Flesh and Blood

Please share the verse where it specifically says he was made as a spirit.

cool...so you're admitting that God never mention anything about Jesus or any other Godheads in Genesis

But if you'll notice in your readings through Genesis. Sometimes it says God did this or that, but sometimes it will say LORD God did this or that. Two different titles, two different persons. Would not make much sense to continuously go back and forth between two different titles for the same being.

5And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

then we have

6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.


12And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

then last one for here

7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

no photo
Mon 09/12/11 08:16 PM

Again, the word Adam translates to mankind. He didn't take the rib from one singular person to make another singular person. It is a proven fact that men have one less rib then women. If God would have taken one just out of one man, their off spring would have had the original amount of ribs. Again, God took one rib from MANKIND, and made WOMEN.

2:7 is just a recap of the creation of mankind.

Cowboy no matter how you try to spin it, it will still come up to inbreeding

so let's go with your name theory that the rib from Adam was used to make all Women...so no matter who have sex with whom it would still be incest

even if Adam had sex with Eve..it would be incest since she was made from his loins...Adam having sex with Eve would be the same as having sex with his female twin

when God made Eve...he created someone for Adam to incestously sin with and gave the command for it to happen with "Be Fruitful and Multiply".....Man was created to Fall from Grace

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