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Topic: Where in the Genesis is Jesus
CowboyGH's photo
Sat 08/13/11 08:38 AM

Genesis 2:1
Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

so Creation is completed and still no Jesus ...I guess he was still The Word

but isn't that one of the deceptions of the trinity...wouldn't all creation be "The Word" before it became seperated from God

Funches wrote,

"so Creation is completed and still no Jesus ...I guess

he was still The Word."

Yes Funches...Jesus was still the WORD here in Genesis.....

He had not

yet come

in the flesh...that was to happen at a later time....as was

prophesized...and of course, this did come to pass...

In The Beginning...everyone and everything was "The Word" ,until becaming seperated from God during the moment of Creation

Adam was also "The Word" and was the first Man to be turned into flesh

Adam was never "The Word".

no photo
Sat 08/13/11 09:26 AM

Adam was never "The Word".

Adam was The only Man that wasn't born from a Womb and the first to be turned into flesh .....the first man that existed on Earth and the only man that ever existed among the Heavens alone..he was the only Man in all of Creation not born from Sin.....name someone else that can make more than one of these claimes ....if you can't..then you will Understand why Adam was The Word

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 08/13/11 02:12 PM

Adam was never "The Word".

Adam was The only Man that wasn't born from a Womb and the first to be turned into flesh .....the first man that existed on Earth and the only man that ever existed among the Heavens alone..he was the only Man in all of Creation not born from Sin.....name someone else that can make more than one of these claimes ....if you can't..then you will Understand why Adam was The Word

???? How would that make Adam "The Word"?

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 08/13/11 02:22 PM

Adam was never "The Word".

Adam was The only Man that wasn't born from a Womb and the first to be turned into flesh .....the first man that existed on Earth and the only man that ever existed among the Heavens alone..he was the only Man in all of Creation not born from Sin.....name someone else that can make more than one of these claimes ....if you can't..then you will Understand why Adam was The Word

???? How would that make Adam "The Word"?

"The Word" is a title, it is a name of a being. Just as "Funches" is a title, it is a name of a being, you. So please share with us where "The Word" is associated with Adam.

no photo
Sat 08/13/11 02:52 PM

Adam was never "The Word".

Adam was The only Man that wasn't born from a Womb and the first to be turned into flesh .....the first man that existed on Earth and the only man that ever existed among the Heavens alone..he was the only Man in all of Creation not born from Sin.....name someone else that can make more than one of these claimes ....if you can't..then you will Understand why Adam was The Word

???? How would that make Adam "The Word"?

Cowboy....the fact that you can not name any other Man since the dawn of all Creation that can make the same claims as Adam, means you already understand why that would make Adam "The Word"

MichaelATL44's photo
Sat 08/13/11 03:19 PM
Edited by MichaelATL44 on Sat 08/13/11 03:20 PM
Genesis 3:15

"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

The phrase, "her seed" here was a direct reference to the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. In every other birth the seed or sperm is supplied by the man, but not so in the case of the birth of Jesus, hence the phrase once again, her seed.

Paul makes a great reference to this in Galatians 3:16

"Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ."

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 08/13/11 04:37 PM

Adam was never "The Word".

Adam was The only Man that wasn't born from a Womb and the first to be turned into flesh .....the first man that existed on Earth and the only man that ever existed among the Heavens alone..he was the only Man in all of Creation not born from Sin.....name someone else that can make more than one of these claimes ....if you can't..then you will Understand why Adam was The Word

???? How would that make Adam "The Word"?

Cowboy....the fact that you can not name any other Man since the dawn of all Creation that can make the same claims as Adam, means you already understand why that would make Adam "The Word"

How does that make him "The Word" though? What reference to Adam has to do with "The Word"? How are you relating Adam and The Word?

no photo
Sun 08/14/11 05:07 AM
Edited by funches on Sun 08/14/11 05:08 AM

Genesis 3:15

"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

The phrase, "her seed" here was a direct reference to the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. In every other birth the seed or sperm is supplied by the man, but not so in the case of the birth of Jesus, hence the phrase once again, her seed.

"her seed" and "thy seed" does not a virgin birth make ..but anyway that passage was in reference to Satan and Eve ...not Jesus

Paul makes a great reference to this in Galatians 3:16

"Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ."

even the term "seed" can point to the many as in descendents ....also back in those biblical days everyone was related in one way of other because they were all descendent from Adam and Eve

also the name of The Messiah was supposed to be Immanuel not Jesus

no photo
Sun 08/14/11 05:25 AM

Adam was never "The Word".

Adam was The only Man that wasn't born from a Womb and the first to be turned into flesh .....the first man that existed on Earth and the only man that ever existed among the Heavens alone..he was the only Man in all of Creation not born from Sin.....name someone else that can make more than one of these claimes ....if you can't..then you will Understand why Adam was The Word

???? How would that make Adam "The Word"?

Cowboy....the fact that you can not name any other Man since the dawn of all Creation that can make the same claims as Adam, means you already understand why that would make Adam "The Word"

How does that make him "The Word" though? What reference to Adam has to do with "The Word"? How are you relating Adam and The Word?

John 1:13
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 08/14/11 09:49 AM

Adam was never "The Word".

Adam was The only Man that wasn't born from a Womb and the first to be turned into flesh .....the first man that existed on Earth and the only man that ever existed among the Heavens alone..he was the only Man in all of Creation not born from Sin.....name someone else that can make more than one of these claimes ....if you can't..then you will Understand why Adam was The Word

???? How would that make Adam "The Word"?

Cowboy....the fact that you can not name any other Man since the dawn of all Creation that can make the same claims as Adam, means you already understand why that would make Adam "The Word"

How does that make him "The Word" though? What reference to Adam has to do with "The Word"? How are you relating Adam and The Word?

John 1:13
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God

Gotta keep things in context Funches. This verse of John 1:13 is way after Adam, way after we were kicked out of the garden of Eden. And when you take verses into consideration, you have to take the surrounding verses as well.

John 1:10-14
10He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

11He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Obviously this could not be referring to Adam, for the simple fact that the world was not made by Adam. And he didn't have problems with being received by the world or not, the people didn't crucify Adam.

no photo
Sun 08/14/11 11:22 AM

Gotta keep things in context Funches. This verse of John 1:13 is way after Adam,

keeping it in context would mean leaving The New Testament out of the debate....so far you have shown that you are incapable of doing that ...therefore I will show you how I can use The New Testament to prove how Adam is "The Word"

in the case of Genesis ...the verse John 1:13 applies to Adam ...Adam was the first Man turned into flesh ....before creation Adam was part of God and all things where made through him before he became seperated from God when he was made into Flesh

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 08/14/11 12:16 PM

Gotta keep things in context Funches. This verse of John 1:13 is way after Adam,

keeping it in context would mean leaving The New Testament out of the debate....so far you have shown that you are incapable of doing that ...therefore I will show you how I can use The New Testament to prove how Adam is "The Word"

in the case of Genesis ...the verse John 1:13 applies to Adam ...Adam was the first Man turned into flesh ....before creation Adam was part of God and all things where made through him before he became seperated from God when he was made into Flesh

I'm incapable of doing that you say? You were the one that used the verse from John. And not debating anything. This is a discussion forum for the community, it's not being replied directly at you. So when I reply, it's not directed at you. I reply for enlightenment of those whom wish to listen and are not left with your confusion.

Jesus is The Word in flesh. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. This is before Adam was even mentioned and or created. Adam wasn't there in the beginning, he was only there in the beginning of man. God was there before man. Don't know the exact amount of time as it's not given to us.

no photo
Sun 08/14/11 12:43 PM

I'm incapable of doing that you say? You were the one that used the verse from John. And not debating anything. This is a discussion forum for the community, it's not being replied directly at you. So when I reply, it's not directed at you. I reply for enlightenment of those whom wish to listen and are not left with your confusion.

Cowboy I've constantly asked you to leave The New Testament out of the debate...but it's like asking an alcoholic to put down the bottle.....also if your remarks are not directed toward me then don't "google quote and paste" my posts into your nonsensical responses

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 08/14/11 12:48 PM

I'm incapable of doing that you say? You were the one that used the verse from John. And not debating anything. This is a discussion forum for the community, it's not being replied directly at you. So when I reply, it's not directed at you. I reply for enlightenment of those whom wish to listen and are not left with your confusion.

Cowboy I've constantly asked you to leave The New Testament out of the debate...but it's like asking an alcoholic to put down the bottle.....also if your remarks are not directed toward me then don't "google quote and paste" my posts into your nonsensical responses

Now how am I going to show what I'm replying to if I don't? I don't include your name in the post, I don't put something like

Cowboy I've constantly asked you to leave the New Testament out of the debate.

And again, I'm not debating with you. Please stay on topic of the thread and don't take this thread out in the middle of no where. This is my last response to you till you wish to discuss the topic of this thread.

no photo
Sun 08/14/11 01:11 PM

Now how am I going to show what I'm replying to if I don't? I don't include your name in the post,


now you finally understand why this is a debate and why my post that you "google quote and paste" are directed towards me

txmomof2's photo
Mon 08/15/11 11:14 PM

actually eric clapton is god.....
is that in genesis

No that's Phil Collins he was in genesis

wux's photo
Tue 08/16/11 01:20 AM
Edited by wux on Tue 08/16/11 01:21 AM

actually eric clapton is god.....
is that in genesis

No that's Phil Collins he was in genesis

Common mistake: But it was actually the other lead singer, Peter Gabriel, who was in Genesis.

St. Peter and St. Gabriel.

txmomof2's photo
Tue 08/16/11 01:56 PM

actually eric clapton is god.....
is that in genesis

No that's Phil Collins he was in genesis

Common mistake: But it was actually the other lead singer, Peter Gabriel, who was in Genesis.

St. Peter and St. Gabriel.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Mon 08/29/11 10:45 AM
Genesis 2:5
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground

wow so that's why God created Man.....to till the soil

so throught-out the history of Mankind, Man's neverending quest to find his purpose in life, to find the reason for being created was all the time right there in Genesis 2:5 and it was to simply till the soil because God forgot to make it rain ...what a ripoff

no photo
Fri 09/09/11 05:45 AM
Genesis 2:6
But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

it doesn't say if the mist was caused by God or by the Earth itself, which might indicate that the Earth has become or was a sentient entity, and why some religion would have pre-dated the Abrahamic religions and worshipped the Earth as God

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