Topic: Update On Obama's Approval ratings
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Sat 07/09/11 11:49 PM
I totally disagree and I think you seriously don't know much about Malcom X. He was a very intelligent upright and moral person. In the end, he was a champion for human rights. He was not a racist.

You should do a little more research.

no photo
Sat 07/09/11 11:50 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 07/09/11 11:54 PM
I like Malcom X. He had a right to be angry at whitie. LOLlaugh

He came from a lot of violent prejudice.

He went from a petty criminal and drug user to a long-term prisoner to an influential minister to a separatist political activist to a humanist to a martyr.

Throughout his life he continually grew upward, unafraid to challenge or refute what he believed, giving hope that any of us can rise above even our deepest convictions to become better people.

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 12:01 AM
Another reason I'm going to vote for Obama is because I know the republicans are not going to come up with anyone any better than Bush.

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 12:04 AM
Also because he looks amazingly like Akhenaten the father of monotheism.:wink:

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Sun 07/10/11 12:07 AM
And the republicans better vote for him too because if they win, and the country goes to hell in a hand basket, (as we suspect it will, no matter who is president)-- then the republicans will get all the blame.

rofl rofl rofl

Lpdon's photo
Sun 07/10/11 01:06 AM

I totally disagree and I think you seriously don't know much about Malcom X. He was a very intelligent upright and moral person. In the end, he was a champion for human rights. He was not a racist.

You should do a little more research.

I didn't say racist, I said TERRORIST(The Nation of Islam is nothing more then a terrorist orginization) but since you played the race card he was that to BTW. Not to mention he was a criminal who did close to ten years in prison!

If you wanna talk about a true humanatarian(eventhough he was a major adulterer) is Dr. King. That man should be admired not Malcom. Malcom was nothing more then a thug in a suit.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 07/10/11 01:08 AM

Another reason I'm going to vote for Obama is because I know the republicans are not going to come up with anyone any better than Bush.

It doesn't get much better then President Bush, no matter who runs on either side. He was a fine man, fantastic President and a TRUE American!

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Sun 07/10/11 09:33 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/10/11 09:34 AM

I totally disagree and I think you seriously don't know much about Malcom X. He was a very intelligent upright and moral person. In the end, he was a champion for human rights. He was not a racist.

You should do a little more research.

I didn't say racist, I said TERRORIST(The Nation of Islam is nothing more then a terrorist orginization) but since you played the race card he was that to BTW. Not to mention he was a criminal who did close to ten years in prison!

If you wanna talk about a true humanatarian(eventhough he was a major adulterer) is Dr. King. That man should be admired not Malcom. Malcom was nothing more then a thug in a suit.

I admire Malcom X more than the sleezy Dr. King. Malcom X was not a terrorist. Just because he scared the pants off of the white man does not make him a terrorist.laugh

Our for-fathers were revolutionaries and they would have been hanged as traitors, criminals and terrorists if we had not won our independence from Britain. They are now our historical heroes.

Malcom X stood for what he believed and he left the radical black Muslims and became a humanitarian. It was the Muslims who killed him.

You don't know your history.

Hats off to Malcom X. He was a brave man to speak out against oppression and racism in a time where it was rampant. drinker

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 09:36 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/10/11 09:38 AM

Another reason I'm going to vote for Obama is because I know the republicans are not going to come up with anyone any better than Bush.

It doesn't get much better then President Bush, no matter who runs on either side. He was a fine man, fantastic President and a TRUE American!

OMG I want to puke.

Do you seriously believe that?

The Bush Cartel are all criminals from Prescott Bush and Co on down. Prescott Bush helped finance Hitler. George Bush was buddy buddy with the Bin Laden family. Geeeeze. They are terrorists. George Bush Sr, was head of the sleezy CIA and terrorists black ops operations all over the globe.

As far as good and evil, right and wrong go... you are backing the wrong pony.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 07/10/11 09:45 AM
Jeaniebean, I am loosing respect for you over this whole Malcolm X thing. There is no justification for his brand of hate! He is part of the reason why the Civil Rights Movement has been set back so badly. If he hated the people directly responsible for his suffering I would not hold a grudge against that greasy headed little piece of crap. he hates ALL white people. I or my forefathers never did anything to him so why must I be hated? My Skin Color? I got plenty of that from the Negro community back in the 70's.

Sorry but this is one time I got to say your comments are weak sauce!

Promoting a man who spreads racial bigotry? So maybe I should become Pro David Duke now becasue he hates black people? Come on! MLK Jr. didn't spread hate against whites!

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 10:05 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/10/11 10:08 AM

Jeaniebean, I am loosing respect for you over this whole Malcolm X thing. There is no justification for his brand of hate! He is part of the reason why the Civil Rights Movement has been set back so badly. If he hated the people directly responsible for his suffering I would not hold a grudge against that greasy headed little piece of crap. he hates ALL white people. I or my forefathers never did anything to him so why must I be hated? My Skin Color? I got plenty of that from the Negro community back in the 70's.

Sorry but this is one time I got to say your comments are weak sauce!

Promoting a man who spreads racial bigotry? So maybe I should become Pro David Duke now becasue he hates black people? Come on! MLK Jr. didn't spread hate against whites!

You too do not know the full story of Malcom X.
He lived his life facing racial bigotry against blacks and he had a good reason to be mad. He stood up and fought back.

In the end, he changed. He became a humanitarian, he left the black muslims. He was for peace.

YOU have lost my respect calling him a "greasy headed little piece of crap."

If that is the way you talk and feel, I don't need or want your respect.

Malcom X is dead. He did not "hate all white people." He changed and he learned. Unlike most people.



He was against slavery! DUH!

Your'e damn right I respect him.

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 10:34 AM

Come on! MLK Jr. didn't spread hate against whites!

When an informant infiltrated the black panthers to find weakness in Malcom X they could not find one bit of dirt on him. He was a moral honest man.

Not so for Dr Martin L. King.

Doesn't the truth matter anymore?

Was Martin Luther King, Jr. a good man with some bad traits or a bad man who happened to accomplish some good? Well, each person must decided that for himself, but most Americans don’t know the facts about King since he is considered a saint who must have his image protected at all costs.

It is astounding that Christians are so uninformed about King and while others may be informed, they are intimidated by the media, academia, and the general public. Sure there are bigots out there who hate all Blacks, but most people are more interested in expanding King’s public persona than exposing his personal problems.

I am sympathetic with pastors whose churches are located near Detroit, Washington, D.C., etc., who have to serve in a very sensitive area. Some of them take King’s birthday off but call it a “teacher or staff work day.” All right, I suppose that can be justified as practical, but for major magazines to publish an article without one negative word is absolutely incredible. Doesn’t truth matter anymore?

The January 17, 1986 issue of USA Today is a good illustration of how the media refuse to tell the truth about King. On the Opinion Page, the issue to be debated was King, but not one of the five columns dealing with him said one negative word about him—not one word! Some debate!

For three different years, the editors at USA Today refused my column that revealed the truth about King and his lack of character and morals. Wonder why? I documented the facts, but truth can be devastating to fanatics.

King admitted his many adulterous affairs but justified them because he was away from home so much! If a man won’t keep his marriage vows, I refuse to believe him if he quotes the multiplication table.

The night before his murder (which cannot be defended by any sane person), King spent the night with two women, then fought with a third, knocking her across a bed! Evidently the “non-violent” preacher didn’t practice what he preached to others!


AndyBgood's photo
Sun 07/10/11 11:57 AM
Malcolm X was a total haterator. if he was such a peaceful man why has he not apologized publicly to us whites who didn't harm him? Why hasn't he apologized for any part of him bringing harm to whites due to his rhetoric?

I grew up in Inglewood in the 1970's back when HUD was trying to integrate neighborhoods. I used to get ganged up on a lot when I was a 6 year old kid by Blacks and always groups of them. They were three times my size and they were so tough threatening a six year old. All these misunderstood black youths were singling out white kids in my neighborhood and I got my butt slapped around by them too. they would always put the smallest one of their group in my face saying "We be gonna get your cousins and WE BE gonna burn your house down." It was always "We Be," with them. That is why back then we didn't call blacks ni@@ers in my neighborhood. We called them "Weebies." They taught me how to draw color lines. I didn't pick it up from anyone else! I had to unlearn the ignorance I learned from people in my own neighborhood.

Malcolm X didn't suffer any more at the hands of whites than some whites suffered at the hands of Blacks and Hispanics. A recent and "Modern Revival" of the "Good Malcolm X" is meaningless becasue he can't finish his penance! He is dead. And yet there are those who still cling to his "Ignorant haterator days" views and beliefs. In his wake many blacks still feel the path to their glory is Islam thanks to him. A little penance is meaningless! He didn't do enough to undo the damage he had done. i got to endure his brand of love when I was a kid. He is still a greasy headed piece of crap! And Lewis Pharrkahn is even worst. I wish he would get rat packed on and eaten by pigs! The two were best buds for a while. I never heard one speech where Malcolm X. There were black folks who suffered a lot more than Malcome X and never allowed their hearts to give in to hate against whites.

Hell, I had to endure the short end of the stick with Affirmative Action but I don't hate blacks for that. I hate our congress for that! It was a Black Justice, Clarence Thomas who spoke out against it from day one! Even he said it was unfair and also singled out whites. And look at the Black (COUGH COUGH) president we have now. That political cock sucker made a political career over disparaging whites and equivocating whites to corporations. Look up some of his past rhetoric. He runs for president and suddenly he is a man for the people? TOTAL AND UNMITIGATED BULLSHITTE! Trying in any way to compare Malcolm X and Martin Luther King jr. is a joke! MLK jr. was a man of peace from the beginning. He tried to get people to rise above resorting to hate to accomplish equal rights. When he died all these "activists" rose up spewing vitriol about how whitey has been doing them and us white folk who had nothing to do with any of that BS had to suffer.

Good deeds after the fact do not make up for instigating hatred in the past. It is so easy to stab someone in the back with a knife and say "Sorry, it was a mistake" later. But the damage was done. I would take it all back if the man could tell me to my face he was sorry for his part in my suffering and asked me for my forgiveness and meant it. I could even forgive Lewis Farrakahn if he manned up and apologized to me. That little grease ball would rather eat pork than have anything to do with a white person. Heck, I might even take back what I said if I seen an old film of Malcolm X apologizing for his ignorance. I have not seen anything in all the years of school I had, I have not seen anything posted by anyone wanting to vindicate Malcolm X's past. No apology of any kind I can see for myself? Then his good deeds are meaningless and self serving!

Why is it so many people seem to forget people suffer at the hands of other people no matter what color they are. Color is just an excuse of the overall problem. The human heart!

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 07/10/11 12:07 PM
MLK jr. was a plagiarist, he also was a hound dog. But he was not openly saying "WHITEY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING GOING ON!"

I stand against racism and yet I am called a racist.

I hate based on what has happened to me and likewise I try to rise above my hate but the hatred of others keeps pulling me down. So should I hate EVERYONE ELSE for my situation or just hate those who did do me damage? If they mend their ways and I forgive them am I not rising above my hate? I don't hate a black person for being black. I hate them when they act like stupid ignorant self indulgent pieces of shitte just like I would hate one of my own color or anyone else for that matter.

I am an equal opportunity offender. there are people with lifetime careers of service to their fellow man and one misspoken word and their lives are ruined while people make money spreading hate. Why are those people not sanctioned? Freedom of speech? I thought that freedom ended for a person when their speech led to harm. Why do I hate the Reverends Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton so much? As men of God they spread hate and ignorance in the name of salvation and redemption. it isn't their color, it is what they are and what they are doing!

So if you can show me some film of Malcolm X apologizing for the stupidity and ignorance he was part of I will take back what I said. Until then I stand on what I said! There are people MUCH more deserving of admiration for their service to America and Equality! Malcolm X is not one of them. If anything he set the black man back before setting them foreword again!

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 12:07 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/10/11 12:10 PM
I'm sorry for your bad experiences. I can see why you seem a bit racist.

Malcom X may have apologized, but they KILLED HIM.

ML King should have also apologized for being the amoral sleaze ball he was too. BUT THEY ALSO KILLED HIM.

The American government took long enough to apologize about slavery.

I don't judge a man by 'popular opinion' or by his cause. Or because he is black and I am white. Malcom X stood for up and fought for freedom.

I respect that.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 07/10/11 01:17 PM

Another reason I'm going to vote for Obama is because I know the republicans are not going to come up with anyone any better than Bush.

It doesn't get much better then President Bush, no matter who runs on either side. He was a fine man, fantastic President and a TRUE American!

OMG I want to puke.

Do you seriously believe that?

The Bush Cartel are all criminals from Prescott Bush and Co on down. Prescott Bush helped finance Hitler. George Bush was buddy buddy with the Bin Laden family. Geeeeze. They are terrorists. George Bush Sr, was head of the sleezy CIA and terrorists black ops operations all over the globe.

As far as good and evil, right and wrong go... you are backing the wrong pony.

Actually you the one who doesn't know their hostory apparently. Since he did business with PRE Nazi Germany. Thats like saying when Obama hosts members of the German Government he supports Nazi's and hitler. whoa

Lpdon's photo
Sun 07/10/11 01:22 PM

I totally disagree and I think you seriously don't know much about Malcom X. He was a very intelligent upright and moral person. In the end, he was a champion for human rights. He was not a racist.

You should do a little more research.

I have and this tells me all that I need to know.

He moved to New York City in 1943. Living in Harlem, he became involved in drug dealing, gambling, racketeering, robbery, and pimping. Little occasionally engaged in sex with other men, usually for money.

In 1943, the U.S. draft board ordered Little to register for military service. He later recalled that he put on a display to avoid the draft by telling the examining officer that he could not wait to "steal us some guns, and kill us crackers." Military physicians classified him as "mentally disqualified for military service". He was issued a 4-F card, relieving him of his service obligations. In late 1945, Little returned to Boston. With a group of associates, he began a series of elaborate burglaries targeting the residences of wealthy white families. On January 12, 1946, Little was arrested for burglary while trying to pick up a stolen watch he had left for repairs at a jewelry shop. The shop owner called the police because the watch was very expensive, and the police had alerted all Boston jewelers that it had been stolen. Little told the police that he had a gun on his person and surrendered so the police would treat him more leniently.

Three days later, Little was indicted for carrying firearms. On January 16, he was charged with larceny and breaking and entering, and eventually sentenced to eight to ten years in prison.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 07/10/11 01:24 PM

Jeaniebean, I am loosing respect for you over this whole Malcolm X thing. There is no justification for his brand of hate! He is part of the reason why the Civil Rights Movement has been set back so badly. If he hated the people directly responsible for his suffering I would not hold a grudge against that greasy headed little piece of crap. he hates ALL white people. I or my forefathers never did anything to him so why must I be hated? My Skin Color? I got plenty of that from the Negro community back in the 70's.

Sorry but this is one time I got to say your comments are weak sauce!

Promoting a man who spreads racial bigotry? So maybe I should become Pro David Duke now becasue he hates black people? Come on! MLK Jr. didn't spread hate against whites!

Dr. King had a Dream, he wanted to bring all people together and for everyone to be treated equally.

Malcom X had a dream, he wanted to kill all the "Crackers" (in his exact words).

Lpdon's photo
Sun 07/10/11 01:25 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Sun 07/10/11 01:28 PM

Jeaniebean, I am loosing respect for you over this whole Malcolm X thing. There is no justification for his brand of hate! He is part of the reason why the Civil Rights Movement has been set back so badly. If he hated the people directly responsible for his suffering I would not hold a grudge against that greasy headed little piece of crap. he hates ALL white people. I or my forefathers never did anything to him so why must I be hated? My Skin Color? I got plenty of that from the Negro community back in the 70's.

Sorry but this is one time I got to say your comments are weak sauce!

Promoting a man who spreads racial bigotry? So maybe I should become Pro David Duke now becasue he hates black people? Come on! MLK Jr. didn't spread hate against whites!

You too do not know the full story of Malcom X.
He lived his life facing racial bigotry against blacks and he had a good reason to be mad. He stood up and fought back.

In the end, he changed. He became a humanitarian, he left the black muslims. He was for peace.

YOU have lost my respect calling him a "greasy headed little piece of crap."

If that is the way you talk and feel, I don't need or want your respect.

Malcom X is dead. He did not "hate all white people." He changed and he learned. Unlike most people.



He was against slavery! DUH!

Your'e damn right I respect him.

Dr. King lived in the same enviornment and he didn't want to hurt or kill ANYONE.

no photo
Sun 07/10/11 01:26 PM
Malcolm X was a total haterator.

Very authoritative for somebody who wasn't even born for at least 15 years after he was assassinated.