Topic: Will Israel Kill Americans Again? | |
Edited by
Sat 06/25/11 07:40 PM
Stop acting so ridiculous, rude and condescending. That is unexceptionable behavior as far as I am concerned. I am not going to respond to you after this post so you can have your last condescending word. Anyone can practice Judaism, and anyone can convert to it and call themselves "Jewish." But not everyone will be accepted as part of the bloodline of that particular tribe. Even people who do may not be involved in the war crimes and criminal activity that are associated with the Warburgs and the Rothchilds. Their organization has been called "The Hidden Hand." That is like "The Black Hand" of the Italian Mafia. "The Hidden Hand" is a lot larger, more brutal than the "Black Hand." It was this secret society that forged the Protocols under the guise of being written by so-called "Jews." I am going to ask you politely to stop calling me anti-semitic because you don't even know what that means and it is an ignorant slur used by Zionist propaganda. I am not anti-semitic, so stop calling me that. It just shows how much you don't know about the research I am doing. It involves more than Israel, and more that Jews. The Hidden Hand is operating all over the world, including this Country. They use organizations like the ADL to harass and threaten anyone who tries to expose them or appose them. The ridiculous and false world domination conspiracy theories you advocate here and in the other threads are well known antisemitic propaganda - plagairized from fictional stories that were not about jews. These discredited theories were absolutely used by Nazis to incite religious hatred against jews in WWII. It is revolting to see them appear and even be defended here and I will not refrain from pointing out these lies. There is no dispute of these facts among true scholars of history and it's correctly described in the Wikipedia. =-=-=-= The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a fraudulent, antisemitic text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for achieving global domination. It was first published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the twentieth century. Henry Ford funded printing of 500,000 copies which were distributed throughout the United States in the 1920s. Adolf Hitler was a major proponent. It was studied, as if factual, in German classrooms after the Nazis came to power in 1933, despite having been exposed as fraudulent years before. In the opinion of historian Norman Cohn, the Protocols was Hitler's primary justification for initiating the Holocaust — his "warrant for genocide."[1] The Protocols purports to document the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting of Jewish leaders discussing their goal of global Jewish hegemony by subverting the morals of Gentiles, and by controlling the press and the world's economies. It is still widely available today, often offered as a genuine document, on the Internet and in print, in numerous languages. =-=-=-= =-=-=-= Anyone can practice Judaism, convert, and correctly call themselves Jewish BECAUSE THEY WILL BE JEWISH! ![]() The "Hidden Hand" stuff is straight out of Nazi Germany! It is the stuff of Julius Streicher's Der Giftpilz! No one is spooked by your jewish world conspiracy lies anymore! ![]() No intelligent reasonable people buy into this nonsense!! So go ahead and advocate these outdated and discredited conspiracies. I and others will call you on it and reveal it's complete fabrication and true bigotry. You will do everyone a service in helping to reveal the persistence and resilience and utter ridiculous nature of all this antisemitic garbage! ![]() I thank you for helping shed light on this putrid and vile corner of ethnic slander and religious hatred! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bottom line is that he believed in a fake religion and a fake God of Abraham when Abraham is a fictional character. Find the truth and end the conflicts. You CLAIM he is fictional but is their proof he never existed? I hear there is archaeological evidence to support his existence in Principles of Archaeology by professor T. Douglas Price. Nope there is no credible proof he ever existed as far as I know of. Same goes for Jesus. If you have any links share them. I will google Price and see what I can find. The absence of proof is not the proof of absence. Saying there is no proof of his existence is different than saying he is fictional. He lived a really long time ago. How would they have proof of anyone truly being him. I don't even know what that proof would be. There was once no proof the world was round or that it revolved around the sun. There was once no proof of atoms or protons neutrons or electrons. Did that mean at that time they were fiction? |
Scientology, fake religion based on lies. Eckankar, fake religion based on lies. Islam, fake religion based on lies. Mormons, fake, based on lies. Judaism, fake, based on lies. All religions are based on false information. None of them can prove any of it. Take the red pill of truth. ![]() You can't prove they are false or lies. Lots of things in teh science community don't have proof to support them but are widely believed by scientists. They are called theories. |
Edited by
Sat 06/25/11 09:25 PM
You can't prove they are false or lies. Lots of things in teh science community don't have proof to support them but are widely believed by scientists. They are called theories.
Scientific theories have lots of evidence and math to support them. They can't be "proven" so that is why they call them "theories." (But I dare you to make that statement in the Science forum. ![]() But the ones who are making the claim that their religion is true and based on true information (The Bible) are the ones who should shoulder the responsibility to present their evidence or proof. If they can't or won't, then I will remain convinced that their information is not only inaccurate, but a carefully constructed lie. That is my conclusion. Of course you can believe on faith if you want. That is your choice. I'm done with that. It is not my job to prove that all religions are based on false information. There is no evidence that their information is anything but fiction and myth. I'm tired of being told to "have faith" in their authority or to believe their authorities without credible, verifiable, convincing evidence to evaluate. |
[color-purple] At this time and point we feel the only option there is is that it is time to come to a conclusion as far as this thread goes.
Regardless what Religion one practices or if they choose none at all who is it to say what one believes in is a lie or a theory? Sometimes it comes to a point it is best to agree that many disagree and move on. We feel it has come to that point.Therefore this thread is being locked. Site Mod Kristi |