Topic: Will Israel Kill Americans Again? | |
Is Israel a Democracy?
Ending the occupation and discrimination against Arab citizens within its borders will alter our perception of whether Israel began as an imperfect democracy or a false one. The standard line of the country’s boosters is that it’s the only democracy in the Middle East. The most concise criticism is that it is an “ethnocracy,” as Israeli political geographer Oren Yiftachel argues in his 2006 book of that name. An ethnocracy, he explains, is a regime promoting “the expansion of the dominant group in contested territory … while maintaining a democratic façade.” |
Israel isn’t truly a democracy; must move toward peace
May 28, 2011 The Marietta Times "Israel is hardly a democracy as long as nearly half the people under its jurisdiction do not have the right to vote for the government which controls their destiny. " |
Who has Nuclear Weapons: India: Up to 100 nuclear warheads. Israel: Between 75 to 200 nuclear warheads. Pakistan: Between 70 to 90 nuclear warheads. China: About 240 total warheads. France: Fewer than 300 operational warheads. Russia: Approximately 2,400 operational strategic warheads , approximately 2,000 operational tactical warheads, and approximately 7,000 stockpiled strategic and tactical warheads. United Kingdom: Fewer than 160 deployed strategic warheads, total stockpile of up to 225. United States: 5,113 active and inactive [1] nuclear warheads and approximately 3,500 warheads retired and awaiting dismantlement. The 5,113 active and inactive nuclear warhead stockpile includes 1,968 strategic warheads, approximately 500 operational tactical weapons, and approximately 2,645 inactive warheads. Iran: No known weapons or sufficient fissile material stockpiles to build weapons. However, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the institution charged with verifying that states are not illicitly building nuclear weapons, concluded in 2003 that Iran had undertaken covert nuclear activities to establish the capacity to indigenously produce fissile material. The IAEA is continuing its investigation and monitoring of Tehran’s nuclear program. North Korea: Has separated enough plutonium for up to 12 nuclear warheads. Syria: In September 2007, Israel conducted an airstrike on what U.S. officials have alleged was the construction site of a nuclear research reactor similar to North Korea’s Yongbyon reactor. Intelligence officials briefed members of congress on the airstrike eight months later in April 2008, discussing the evidence leading to their judgment that the site was an undeclared nuclear reactor. While the extent of Syrian-North Korean nuclear cooperation is unclear, it is believed to have begun in 1997. Subsequent IAEA investigations into the U.S. claims uncovered traces of undeclared man-made uranium particles at both the site of the destroyed facility and Syria’s declared research reactor. Syria has failed to provide adequate cooperation to the IAEA in order to clarify the nature of the destroyed facility and procurement efforts that could be related to a nuclear program. According to: Ummmmm, what about the other Nuclear countries......... |
I don't know, I got that information from the link provided. Feel free to list another link.
Stuffing my backpack before setting out to board The Audacity of Hope, the U.S. boat to Gaza, I got a familiar-sounding call from yet another puzzled friend, who said as gently as the words allow, “You know you can get killed, don’t you?” I recognize this caution as an expression of genuine concern from friends. From some others—who don’t much care about Gaza’s plight and/or who do not wish us well—the words are phrased somewhat differently: “Aren’t you just asking for it?” That was the obligatory question/accusation at the end of a recent interview of me that was taped for a BBC-TV special scheduled to air this coming week as we try to break—or at least draw attention to—Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza and the suffering it inflicts on the people there. I also have been cautioned by a source with access to very senior staffers at the National Security Council that not only does the White House plan to do absolutely nothing to protect our boat from Israeli attack or illegal boarding, but that White House officials “would be happy if something happened to us.” They are, I am reliably told, “perfectly willing to have the cold corpses of activists shown on American TV.” I mention this informal warning for the benefit of anyone who may have harbored hope that the U.S. government would do something to protect us American citizens from the kind of violence used by the Israelis against last year’s flotilla. It seems best to be up-front and realistic about what to expect. They are gettig what is coming to then for aiding terrorists, Calling people "terrorists" with out knowing anything about them or what you think they have done is just rumor and name calling. Present your evidence, names, dates, etc. or stop spreading rumors. I know quite a lot about Hamas, Hezbullah and the PLO thank you very much. They are ALL terrorists who rely on terror tactics, terror attacks and military attacks on civilian targets in Israel. |
![]() Hamas terrorists who bomb and target innocent civilians are justified? And Israelis who defend themselves and try to prevent arms smuggling are awful and somehow more guilty? ![]() Welcome to the world where up is down and left is right and terrorists are good and peaceloving Israelis are evil. Where Nazi propaganda lives on! If you really wanted to help the Palestinians then you would tell them to put down their bomb vests and live in peace. Every time the terrorist bombings stop there are extended periods of peace and relative prosperity in the Middle East. Stop wasting time on fruitless acts of nonsense and instead teach peace. "There will be peace in the Middle East when the Arabs love their children more than they hate Israel." "We can forgive you for killing our sons. But we will never forgive you for making us kill yours." --Golda Meir The only way there will be piece in the Middle East is when they get rid of Islam, the religion of terror, violence, control, slavery of women and pedophilia. |
Edited by
Thu 06/23/11 03:52 PM
I don't care if there is ever peace in the Middle east I just want America to get the hell out of there and stop supporting Israel.
Let them fight among themselves if they want. JUST STOP SUPPORTING ISRAEL AND ZIONISM. That will never happen because its all about Capitalism and forcing people to comply to it. Lpdon when you talk about "getting rid Islam" that is clearly hate speech. ( Try saying that about Israel and find out how fast some Zionist thug calls you anti-Semitic.) The people of Palestine are actually more "Semitic" racially, than the Jews in Israel. Therefore you are actually promoting anti-Semitism in its true racial context when you make statements like "get rid of Islam, the religion of terror, violence, control, slavery of women and pedophilia" That is religious bigotry, and your cry to "get rid of Islam" is hate speech and prejudice. If you support "getting rid" of people then you support genocide and war. Semite This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre and Tigrinya among others. The Talmud, which is still used as training for Khazarian Jewish Rabbi's of that tribe in Israel permits pedophilia etc. Over a thousand years ago, the far east of Europe was ruled by Jewish kings who presided over numerous tribes, including their own tribe: the Turkic Khazars. After their conversion, the Khazar people used Jewish personal names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had synagogues and rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud, and observed Hanukkah, Pesach, and the Sabbath. The Khazars were an advanced civilization with one of the most tolerant societies of the medieval period. It hosted merchants from all over Asia and Europe. On these pages it is hoped that you may learn more about this fascinating culture. (Fascinating indeed. These are conquerors, not religious peaceful people) |
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Thu 06/23/11 03:59 PM
I don't care if there is ever peace in the Middle east I just want America to get the hell out of there and stop supporting Israel. Let them fight among themselves if they want. JUST STOP SUPPORTING ISRAEL AND ZIONISM. That will never happen because its all about Capitalism and forcing people to comply to it. Lpdon when you talk about "getting rid Islam" that is clearly hate speech. ( Try saying that about Israel and find out how fast some Zionist thug calls you anti-Semitic.) The people of Palestine are actually more "Semitic" racially, than the Jews in Israel. Therefore you are actually promoting anti-Semitism in its true racial context when you make statements like "get rid of Islam, the religion of terror, violence, control, slavery of women and pedophilia" Semite This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre and Tigrinya among others. The Talmud, which is still used as training for Khazarian Jewish Rabbi's of that tribe in Israel permits pedophilia etc. Over a thousand years ago, the far east of Europe was ruled by Jewish kings who presided over numerous tribes, including their own tribe: the Turkic Khazars. After their conversion, the Khazar people used Jewish personal names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had synagogues and rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud, and observed Hanukkah, Pesach, and the Sabbath. The Khazars were an advanced civilization with one of the most tolerant societies of the medieval period. It hosted merchants from all over Asia and Europe. On these pages it is hoped that you may learn more about this fascinating culture. More pure antisemitic garbage!! ![]() Christian Identity is a religious ideology popular in extreme right-wing circles. Adherents believe that whites of European descent can be traced back to the "Lost Tribes of Israel." Many consider Jews to be the Satanic offspring of Eve and the Serpent, while non-whites are "mud peoples" created before Adam and Eve. Its virulent racist and anti-Semitic beliefs are usually accompanied by extreme anti-government sentiments. Despite its small size, Christian Identity influences virtually all white supremacist and extreme anti-government movements. It has also informed criminal behavior ranging from hate crimes to acts of terrorism. If you really want to know about the Talmud don't believe anything from someone who believes in false Jewish world domination conspiracy theories or racial stereotypes. Read about it here: "Oral Torah: The Talmud In addition to the written scriptures we have an "Oral Torah," a tradition explaining what the above scriptures mean and how to interpret them and apply the Laws. Orthodox Jews believe G-d taught the Oral Torah to Moses, and he taught it to others, down to the present day. This tradition was maintained only in oral form until about the 2d century C.E., when the oral law was compiled and written down in a document called the Mishnah. Over the next few centuries, additional commentaries elaborating on the Mishnah were written down in Jerusalem and Babylon. These additional commentaries are known as the Gemara. The Gemara and the Mishnah together are known as the Talmud. This was completed in the 5th century C.E. There are actually two Talmuds: the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud is more comprehensive, and is the one most people mean if they just say "the Talmud" without specifying which one. There have been additional commentaries on the Talmud by such noted Jewish scholars as Rashi and Rambam. Adin Steinsaltz is currently preparing a new edition of the Talmud, with his own commentary supplementing the Mishnah, Gemara, and Rashi commentaries. The Talmud is not easy to read. It reminds me of someone else's class notes for a college lecture you never attended. There are often gaps in the reasoning where it is assumed that you already know what they are talking about, and concepts are often expressed in a sort of shorthand. Biblical verses that support a teaching are often referenced by only two or three words. The Talmud preserves a variety of views on every issue, and does not always clearly identify which view is the accepted one." Nothing bad is advocated in the Talmud. It is based soley on the teachings of the Bible. ![]() ![]() |
So slowhand if you are Jewish and you support Israel why don't you live there?
Just wondering. |
A Resource for Turkic and Jewish History in Russia and Ukraine. Origins. The Khazars were a Turkic1 people who originated in Central Asia. The early Turkic tribes were quite diverse, although it is believed that reddish hair was predominant among them prior to the Mongol conquests. In the beginning, the Khazars believed in Tengri shamanism, spoke a Turkic language, and were nomadic. Later, the Khazars adopted Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, learned Hebrew and Slavic, and became settled in cities and towns thruout the north Caucasus and Ukraine. The Khazars had a great history of ethnic independence extending approximately 800 years from the 5th to the 13th century. **************************************************** Book: By Kevin Alan Brook The Jews of Khazaria recounts the eventful history of the Turkic kingdom of Khazaria, which was located in eastern Europe and flourished as an independent state from about 650 to 1016. As a major world power, Khazaria enjoyed diplomatic and trade relations with many peoples and nations (including the Byzantines, Alans, Magyars, and Slavs) and changed the course of medieval history in many ways. Did you know that if not for the Khazars, much of eastern Europe would have been overrun by the Arabs and become Islamic? In the same way as Charles Martel and his Franks stopped the advance of Muslims at the Battle of Poitiers in the West, the Khazars blunted the northward advance of the Arabs that was surging across the Caucasus in the 8th century. The Khazar people belonged to a grouping of Turks who wrote in a runic script that originated in Mongolia. The royalty of the Khazar kingdom was descended from the Ashina Turkic dynasty. In the ninth century, the Khazarian royalty and nobility as well as a significant portion of the Khazarian Turkic population embraced the Jewish religion. After their conversion, the Khazars were ruled by a succession of Jewish kings and began to adopt the hallmarks of Jewish civilization, including the Torah and Talmud, the Hebrew script, and the observance of Jewish holidays. A portion of the empire's population adopted Christianity and Islam. This volume traces the development of the Khazars from their early beginnings as a tribe to the decline and fall of their kingdom. It demonstrates that Khazaria had manufacturing industries, trade routes, an organized judicial system, and a diverse population. It also examines the many migrations of the Khazar people into Hungary, Ukraine, and other areas of Europe and their subsequent assimilation, providing the most comprehensive treatment of this complex issue to date. The final chapter enumerates the Jewish communities of eastern Europe which sprung up after the fall of Khazaria and proposes that the Jews from the former Russian Empire are descended from a mixture of Khazar Jews, German Jews, Greek Jews, and Slavs. The Jews of Khazaria draws upon the latest archival, linguistic, genetic, and archaeological discoveries. The weaponry, agriculture, horticulture, fishing, burial practices, architecture, and religions of the peoples of Khazaria are among the many findings revealed here. The book also includes a map of the Khazar kingdom; a map of Khazarian-ruled Crimea; tables illustrating royal genealogies, the Turkic language family, and Turkic Khazarian personal names; a glossary of Khazarian words and other important terms which may be unfamiliar to readers; and an extensive bibliography listing hundreds of books and articles. Students and other people interested in history who desire a thorough yet easy-to-read account of the Khazar kingdom will gain in their understanding of this important but previously obscure topic. Ashkenazic Jews who wish to explore their distant ancestry in eastern Europe will greatly benefit from reading this book, particularly Chapter 10, which traces Jewish migrations across Europe in medieval times. Hungarians, Ukrainians, Turks, Arabs, and Ossetians will find a wealth of information concerning the historical interactions between their peoples and the Khazars. Kevin Alan Brook Credentials: Citizenship[s]: United States of America Languages: English (native), Spanish (advanced), French (basic/reading), Portuguese (basic/reading), West Frisian (keywords), Russian (keywords) Education: Bryant College (Smithfield, Rhode Island), 1993-1997, Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude, 1997. Major: Computer Information Systems. Other areas of study: Russian History, Russian Politics, Marketing. Areas of Specialization: Khazars, medieval Armenian Jews, East European Jews, East European Karaites, Mountain Jews of the Caucasus, Jewish genetics, trade routes, Russian steppe archaeology. *************************************************************** This book, now available in paperback, chronicles the eventful history of the Turkic kingdom of Khazaria, which was located in eastern Europe and flourished as an independent state from about 650 to 1016. |
Edited by
Thu 06/23/11 06:30 PM
The Khazars were a Turkic1 people who originated in Central Asia. The early Turkic tribes were quite diverse, although it is believed that reddish hair was predominant among them prior to the Mongol conquests. In the beginning, the Khazars believed in Tengri shamanism, spoke a Turkic language, and were nomadic. Later, the Khazars adopted Judaism, Islam, and Christianity... And the resulting Muslims were just as Islamic as any other Muslims, and the converted Christians were just as Christian as any of the other Christians...and the Jews the same. ![]() These must have been the Turkic Jews and Christians and Muslims... I have been to Israel and the West Bank and Gaza. Never lived there though. I do think that Israel would be a fine safe place to live regardless of your religion. It is a lovely country and the people there I met were just great Christians, Jews and Muslims alike and all of them would find your antisemitic rubbish disgusting. Over there people are generally well educated about the religious teachings and writings of the other religions and generally respect each other's points of views and share very much the same ethics even if observing in different ways. They all worship the same God and believe in each others right to observe according to their own traditions much like here in the U.S.A. It would be seen as unseemly and vile to disrespect the Talmud or the Quran or the Gospels as you attempt to denigrate the Talmud for example. Such bigotry would be repudiated as I have repudiated your misrepresentations of the Talmud here. People of all religions in Israel would find your comment above very ugly and disgusting and I share that sentiment when you say and I quote JB: I don't care if there is ever peace in the Middle east... People in Israel want peace for the most part regardless of their religion and if Hamas and Hezbollah and their terrorist supporters in Syria and Iran and elsewhere stopped terrorist attacks then there has always been immediate and long lasting peace. |
It's a stupid and pointless publicity stunt. Israel cannot allow open access to Gaza ports because they justifiably fear weapons smuggling and increased terrorist attacks. Humanitarian aid is already available through known channels which preclude arms deliveries. If people want to deliver aid then all they have to do it to use the inspected channels. But aid is not the point. Conflict is. The Audacity of Hoping for conflict boat is just a political ploy having nothing to do with anything humanitarian. The ships will be redirected to a neutral port, the cargoes inspected and redirected through approved channels all a gigantic waste of time and energy which could be instead put to a more productive use. Oh well. This is from the press release: "The U.S. says those participating may face arrest, prosecution and deportation. Israeli authorities say they will seek to ban anyone attempting to break the blockade from traveling to Israel for 10 years." And this is from "Animal House" ![]() Bluto's right. Psychotic...but absolutely right. We got to take these bastards. We could fight them with conventional weapons. That could take years...cost millions of lives. In this case...I think we have to go all out. I think this situation absolutely requires...a really futile and stupid done on somebody's part. We're just the guys to do it. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 06/23/11 06:49 PM
It's a stupid and pointless publicity stunt. Israel cannot allow open access to Gaza ports because they justifiably fear weapons smuggling and increased terrorist attacks. Humanitarian aid is already available through known channels which preclude arms deliveries. If people want to deliver aid then all they have to do it to use the inspected channels. But aid is not the point. Conflict is. The Audacity of Hoping for conflict boat is just a political ploy having nothing to do with anything humanitarian. The ships will be redirected to a neutral port, the cargoes inspected and redirected through approved channels all a gigantic waste of time and energy which could be instead put to a more productive use. Oh well. This is from the press release: "The U.S. says those participating may face arrest, prosecution and deportation. Israeli authorities say they will seek to ban anyone attempting to break the blockade from traveling to Israel for 10 years." And this is from "Animal House" ![]() Bluto's right. Psychotic...but absolutely right. We got to take these bastards. We could fight them with conventional weapons. That could take years...cost millions of lives. In this case...I think we have to go all out. I think this situation absolutely requires...a really futile and stupid done on somebody's part. We're just the guys to do it. ![]() ![]() Not at all Apartheid - Not even close to Fascist. I guess I hit a sore spot for you to lash out irrationally. There is more racial segregation in France and the U.S. And the situation is dramatically worse in terms of segregation and discrimination in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Libya. Observing the wrong religion or proselytizing in these Islamic countries and see what happens. Look at how they treat their women for example. There are tremendous individual freedoms protected in Israel including their free and open press and it is a plural democracy with frequent changes in their Parliament and many active and influential political parties.... Calling Israel apartheid or fascist is simply humorously ignorant. But then again so is wasting your time on the voyage of the useless Audacity of Hoping for Conflict... ![]() |
The speed of enlightenment is sometimes slow.
![]() Is there a Nobel prize for patience? |
Edited by
Thu 06/23/11 11:36 PM
Friends of Israel — Enemies Inside the Gates
It cannot be said, too often or too loudly: The interests of a Nation's own Citizens must come first. The 9/11 cover-up is falling apart at the seams, and politicians should be made accountable, either for their ignorance about issues that affect their nation, or because they have been protecting the official story, knowing that is is false. Watch this Video: It shows video of the approach of a plane clear across the sky that hit a tower and this video was taken from a hard to reach rooftop. They had to have known of the event before it happened. "Our purpose was to document the event..." (From the dancing Israelis who were caught celebrating on 9-11 when the twin towers fell.) |
Hey Best,
I am impressed. Good luck and stay safe. Hope you find what you are looking for. ![]() |
Friends of Israel — Enemies Inside the Gates It cannot be said, too often or too loudly: The interests of a Nation's own Citizens must come first. The 9/11 cover-up is falling apart at the seams, and politicians should be made accountable, either for their ignorance about issues that affect their nation, or because they have been protecting the official story, knowing that is is false. Watch this Video: It shows video of the approach of a plane clear across the sky that hit a tower and this video was taken from a hard to reach rooftop. They had to have known of the event before it happened. "Our purpose was to document the event..." (From the dancing Israelis who were caught celebrating on 9-11 when the twin towers fell.) ![]() Now you are accusing Israel of having something to do with the Al-Qaida attacks on NY World Trade centers with hijacked airplanes on 911?!?! ![]() ![]() ![]() As if Osama Bin Laden never existed! ![]() ![]() I mean really! You always come through with astounding howlers of lies and crazy conspiracies but this is THE BEST YET! ![]() Well there is always the videos of the terrorist getting on the planes...(and they weren't Israelis) hint hint ![]() There is a long trail of documentation of their financing and training which traces directly back to Al-Qaida bank accounts... ![]() And lastly but not leastly...There is the loud public claim of joyful responsibility by the leader of Al-Qaida - Osama Bin Laden who swore to attack the US any way that he could - and not because of Israel but because we didn't support radical Islamic ideology! ![]() Well - here we see what kind of logical thinking arrives at rabid anti-Israel, anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist false conclusions! ![]() And here is where all the 911 conspiracy theories like the one you are now proposing are debunked... ![]() And to think, at the circus you have to pay for such entertainment!! ![]() |
The speed of enlightenment is sometimes slow. ![]() Is there a Nobel prize for patience? "There comes a time in the affairs of a man when he has to take the bull by the tail and face the situation." -W. C. Fields ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 06/24/11 08:53 AM
I value truth above all things and I am willing to put my feelings on the back burner and suspend my own belief in order to let the truth be realized. All religions that depend on the truth concerning the Bible stories of Abraham, as I have said, do have the same common interest to keep the truth hidden. But it is the truth of the origins of the Jewish people that will eventually unravel the entire lie that supports all of the Abrahamic religions. Credibility should not involve holding on to unproven beliefs.(belief in unproven information) In order to find the truth one has to consider the possibility that their unproven belief(about the information) might wrong. You cannot cling to unproven beliefs or attach personal belief to unproven information and call that "credible." You can still believe in God without attaching your belief to false information. You can still practice love and acceptance for people without agreeing with the particular false information they have attached to their personal belief. People are so mired in their own personal and emotional religious notions and beliefs and so dependent and entangled into the false information that has be foisted upon them that they cannot think rationally or clearly about the truth. Only an atheist stands out from the crowd as someone who thinks rationally and clearly. I accept that people lie for their own agendas. I accept that people will reject the truth and persecute the people who seek it because in finding the truth, the lies are exposed. If the Bible is true then stop defending it as if it needed defended. The truth shall always prevail. You will not lose God if you find the truth. You need not lose faith if you find the truth. You will only lose the lie. That can only be a good thing. The truth about the true lineage and history of the Jewish people will unravel all the Abrahamic religions. The Christian churches, all based on this lie, have a vested interest in keeping the truth hidden. P.S. Don't be afraid of the truth. Take the red pill. |
Edited by
Fri 06/24/11 09:10 AM
Now you are accusing Israel of having something to do with the
Al-Qaida attacks on NY World Trade centers with hijacked airplanes on 911?!?! I am not "accusing" anyone of anything. I am looking for the truth. I provide links to alternative perspectives that present legitimate information and proof. Your attempts at ridicule when presented with something you don't like does not give you any credibility. Instead of trying to make fun of people why don't you do some real thinking and investigating? Silverman himself (Jewish owner of Building #7)is on video saying how they decided to "pull" building number 7. To "pull" a building means to demolish it. The dancing Israelis admitted that they were there to "document the event." Tell me, how did they even know it was going to happen? The video of the plane hitting the tower was filmed and it's lengthy approach was filmed from the top of a building that is very difficult to access. They were waiting for it. They knew it was going to happen! How ignorant can people be to except the official lies and propaganda about 9-11? Yes, I think Israel was behind it, but that is not the point. I demand that these questions be answered instead of covered up and ignored. These questions are ignored, just as you ignore them. Take the red pill. Face the truth. Stop defending the lies. Find the truth. |