Topic: Will Israel Kill Americans Again?
no photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:06 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/24/11 11:10 AM
George Bush said (twice) that he saw the first plane hit the tower (on television) before he entered the Florida classroom where he was informed of the second plane.

He told this story twice. This is not "conspiracy theory" you can watch this yourself.

I submit the strong possibility that he may have been watching a CIA or Mossad taping that was "documenting" the event. He is such a moron, he thought he had seen it on television.

no photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:07 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/24/11 11:08 AM

OK - OK - here ya go.

Did you ever for a second think that perhaps you might be mistaken
about the Israelis causing 911 and instead that it might actually
have been Al-Qaida as everyone else in the world has concluded?

That Osama Bin Laden actually did it?


Actually yes I have.

It is what I used to believe but until these questions are addressed instead of laughed at and ignored, I'm keeping my options open.

I also have a built in natural propaganda and lie detector and Bull **** detector.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:08 AM


Now you are accusing Israel of having something to do with the
Al-Qaida attacks on NY World Trade centers with hijacked airplanes
on 911?!?!

I am not "accusing" anyone of anything. I am looking for the truth. I provide links to alternative perspectives that present legitimate information and proof.

Your attempts at ridicule when presented with something you don't like does not give you any credibility. Instead of trying to make fun of people why don't you do some real thinking and investigating?

Silverman himself (Jewish owner of Building #7)is on video saying how they decided to "pull" building number 7. To "pull" a building means to demolish it.

The dancing Israelis admitted that they were there to "document the event." Tell me, how did they even know it was going to happen?

The video of the plane hitting the tower was filmed and it's lengthy approach was filmed from the top of a building that is very difficult to access. They were waiting for it. They knew it was going to happen!

How ignorant can people be to except the official lies and propaganda about 9-11? Yes, I think Israel was behind it, but that is not the point. I demand that these questions be answered instead of covered up and ignored.

These questions are ignored, just as you ignore them.

Take the red pill. Face the truth. Stop defending the lies. Find the truth.

I sit and read these 9-11 conspiracy posts and just shake my head.

What questions are being ignored?

There is a detailed report by NIST on the collapse of building 7.

What else do you want?

No one can refute their findings or offer any other plausible scenario other than some half assed controlled demolition theory which is totally and completely absurd.

Not to mention IMPOSSIBLE.

Questions Unanswered:

Why did Silverman say that they decided to "pull" building 7?
Why did the dancing Israelis say they were there to "document" the event?
Why were they released?
Who benefited most from 9-11?
And loads of other questions.

Why do you think the controlled demolition theory is "totally and completely absurd?" Have you ever seen a controlled demolition?
Building # 7 was "pulled" on purpose.

I lived in Las Vegas for ten months and I saw plenty of them. They looked very similar. Also, buildings are now built with the means to demolish them built right in.

It is not "impossible." You have no clue what is "possible."

If they can get you guys to swallow their lies then I guess anything is possible.

Watching a controlled demolition does nothing for ones understanding of how and why the building falls.

These buildings weren't built right now, so there goes that.

To assert that modern buildings are designed or constructed with demolition in mind is just beyond any reasonable or rational statement.

Controlled demolition of building 7 is absurd because the amount of preparatory work necessary could not be disguised. There is no way that someone didn't notice people drilling holes and running cables.

If you think that you can just paint on a low explosive and that will bring down a reinforced concrete steel structure then there is no use continuing the discussion.

As far as the rest of your questions there are no scientific answers, therefore, I'll leave that for you to theorize.

no photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:15 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/24/11 11:24 AM


Now you are accusing Israel of having something to do with the
Al-Qaida attacks on NY World Trade centers with hijacked airplanes
on 911?!?!

I am not "accusing" anyone of anything. I am looking for the truth. I provide links to alternative perspectives that present legitimate information and proof.

Your attempts at ridicule when presented with something you don't like does not give you any credibility. Instead of trying to make fun of people why don't you do some real thinking and investigating?

Silverman himself (Jewish owner of Building #7)is on video saying how they decided to "pull" building number 7. To "pull" a building means to demolish it.

The dancing Israelis admitted that they were there to "document the event." Tell me, how did they even know it was going to happen?

The video of the plane hitting the tower was filmed and it's lengthy approach was filmed from the top of a building that is very difficult to access. They were waiting for it. They knew it was going to happen!

How ignorant can people be to except the official lies and propaganda about 9-11? Yes, I think Israel was behind it, but that is not the point. I demand that these questions be answered instead of covered up and ignored.

These questions are ignored, just as you ignore them.

Take the red pill. Face the truth. Stop defending the lies. Find the truth.

I sit and read these 9-11 conspiracy posts and just shake my head.

What questions are being ignored?

There is a detailed report by NIST on the collapse of building 7.

What else do you want?

No one can refute their findings or offer any other plausible scenario other than some half assed controlled demolition theory which is totally and completely absurd.

Not to mention IMPOSSIBLE.

Questions Unanswered:

Why did Silverman say that they decided to "pull" building 7?
Why did the dancing Israelis say they were there to "document" the event?
Why were they released?
Who benefited most from 9-11?
And loads of other questions.

Why do you think the controlled demolition theory is "totally and completely absurd?" Have you ever seen a controlled demolition?
Building # 7 was "pulled" on purpose.

I lived in Las Vegas for ten months and I saw plenty of them. They looked very similar. Also, buildings are now built with the means to demolish them built right in.

It is not "impossible." You have no clue what is "possible."

If they can get you guys to swallow their lies then I guess anything is possible.

Watching a controlled demolition does nothing for ones understanding of how and why the building falls.

These buildings weren't built right now, so there goes that.

To assert that modern buildings are designed or constructed with demolition in mind is just beyond any reasonable or rational statement.

Controlled demolition of building 7 is absurd because the amount of preparatory work necessary could not be disguised. There is no way that someone didn't notice people drilling holes and running cables.

If you think that you can just paint on a low explosive and that will bring down a reinforced concrete steel structure then there is no use continuing the discussion.

As far as the rest of your questions there are no scientific answers, therefore, I'll leave that for you to theorize.

If anyone really believes that a small fire in building # 7 caused it to fall they are way too gullible. Building # 7 was not hit by a plane. It was demolished on purpose. Explosions were heard and recorded.

The owner of the Building, Silverman, admitted on video that they decided to "pull" the building. What do you think he meant by that? In the construction business it means to take it down.

Until my questions are answered, yes, I will continue to "theorize."

no photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:20 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/24/11 11:24 AM
I got to looking at your ridiculous questions (and their implied conclusions) and I noticed that they formed a caption under the troll that could not be more fitting!

It is a funny picture. I may use it myself.

But very sincerely I will state and swear to you and everyone that my purpose is NOT to "provoke disruption and anger."

My purpose is to expose the lies and seek the truth.

I have found that it does unfortunately provoke disruption and anger but what I seek is rational thinking, unbiased investigation and answers to my questions.

Instead, I get called names, ridiculed etc. That is immature, emotional and irrational.

Are there any sane rational people out there?

Can you actually answer my questions?

Now, Metalwing why do you call my questions "ridiculous?"

Think about that before you answer, I want an honest rational answer.

no photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:33 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/24/11 11:40 AM
Who benefited by the destruction of the twin towers and building 7?

LARRY SILVERSTEIN, Silverstein Properties.

The World Trade Center complex came under the control of a private owner for the first time only in mid-2001, having been built and managed by the Port Authority as a public resource. The complex was leased to a partnership of Silverstein Properties and Westfield America. 1 2 The new controllers acquired a handsome insurance policy for the complex including a clause that would prove extremely valuable: in the event of a terrorist attack, the partnership could collect the insured value of the property, and be released from their obligations under the 99-year lease. 3

In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7. Silverstein Properties' estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. So: This building's collapse resulted in a profit of about $500 million. 8

Fox News hit piece against 9/11 truth and Jesse Ventura inadvertently reveals a shocking truth; WTC leaseholder was “on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building”


“Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.”


1.Larry Silverstein is very wealthy and very Jewish.

2. Israli (Mossad probably) filmed and celebrated the destruction of the twin towers and admitted that they were there to document the event.

3. George Bush claimed (twice) that he saw the video of the first plane hitting the tower... that morning. Which would have been impossible unless he saw that video that was made to document the event. In order to document the event you would have to have advanced knowledge of it.

3. Larry Silverstein is on tape explaining how they decided to "pull" building number 7.

4. In order to demolish a building it takes advanced preparation and the planting of explosives.

What more would you need to cast a doubt on the official story?

Well there is more, lots more.

If you want the truth.

metalwing's photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:34 AM


Now you are accusing Israel of having something to do with the
Al-Qaida attacks on NY World Trade centers with hijacked airplanes
on 911?!?!

I am not "accusing" anyone of anything. I am looking for the truth. I provide links to alternative perspectives that present legitimate information and proof.

Your attempts at ridicule when presented with something you don't like does not give you any credibility. Instead of trying to make fun of people why don't you do some real thinking and investigating?

Silverman himself (Jewish owner of Building #7)is on video saying how they decided to "pull" building number 7. To "pull" a building means to demolish it.

The dancing Israelis admitted that they were there to "document the event." Tell me, how did they even know it was going to happen?

The video of the plane hitting the tower was filmed and it's lengthy approach was filmed from the top of a building that is very difficult to access. They were waiting for it. They knew it was going to happen!

How ignorant can people be to except the official lies and propaganda about 9-11? Yes, I think Israel was behind it, but that is not the point. I demand that these questions be answered instead of covered up and ignored.

These questions are ignored, just as you ignore them.

Take the red pill. Face the truth. Stop defending the lies. Find the truth.

I sit and read these 9-11 conspiracy posts and just shake my head.

What questions are being ignored?

There is a detailed report by NIST on the collapse of building 7.

What else do you want?

No one can refute their findings or offer any other plausible scenario other than some half assed controlled demolition theory which is totally and completely absurd.

Not to mention IMPOSSIBLE.

Questions Unanswered:

Why did Silverman say that they decided to "pull" building 7?
Why did the dancing Israelis say they were there to "document" the event?
Why were they released?
Who benefited most from 9-11?
And loads of other questions.

Why do you think the controlled demolition theory is "totally and completely absurd?" Have you ever seen a controlled demolition?
Building # 7 was "pulled" on purpose.

I lived in Las Vegas for ten months and I saw plenty of them. They looked very similar. Also, buildings are now built with the means to demolish them built right in.

It is not "impossible." You have no clue what is "possible."

If they can get you guys to swallow their lies then I guess anything is possible.

Watching a controlled demolition does nothing for ones understanding of how and why the building falls.

These buildings weren't built right now, so there goes that.

To assert that modern buildings are designed or constructed with demolition in mind is just beyond any reasonable or rational statement.

Controlled demolition of building 7 is absurd because the amount of preparatory work necessary could not be disguised. There is no way that someone didn't notice people drilling holes and running cables.

If you think that you can just paint on a low explosive and that will bring down a reinforced concrete steel structure then there is no use continuing the discussion.

As far as the rest of your questions there are no scientific answers, therefore, I'll leave that for you to theorize.

If anyone really believes that a small fire in building # 7 caused it to fall they are way too gullible. Building # 7 was not hit by a plane. It was demolished on purpose. Explosions were heard and recorded.

The owner of the Building, Silverman, admitted on video that they decided to "pull" the building. What do you think he meant by that? In the construction business it means to take it down.

Until my questions are answered, yes, I will continue to "theorize."

The building was hit hard by a piece of a falling tower and the design of the building only had two critical interior supports.

When he said "pull ..." he was pulling the firemen out of the building because he was told their lives were in danger of the building falling. The story of "only a small fire" was simply a lie.

The truth will in no way stop you from "theorizing".

no photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:42 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/24/11 11:48 AM
When he said "pull ..." he was pulling the firemen out of the building because he was told their lives were in danger of the building falling. The story of "only a small fire" was simply a lie.

The building had only a small fire on one floor.

That is not what a person would say if he meant to pull the firemen out of the building.

He did not say "pull the firemen" He said "We decided to pull the building."

Also, buildings don't just fall strait down like that. Have you ever seen the remains of buildings in a city that has been bombed? Did they all just fall strait down into dust?

Don't be so gullible.

THEY tell people totally lame explanations and people just believe what they are told. They don't answer the real questions. They just laugh and make fun.

They are now laughing their arses off at how gullible and ignorant the general public is.

They are above the law, above question. They are the criminals and their henchmen spoke persons and defenders who are bought and paid for.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:51 AM

no photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:52 AM


That's all you have to say?

I'm not a bit surprised.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 06/24/11 11:56 AM

Who benefited by the destruction of the twin towers and building 7?

LARRY SILVERSTEIN, Silverstein Properties.

The World Trade Center complex came under the control of a private owner for the first time only in mid-2001, having been built and managed by the Port Authority as a public resource. The complex was leased to a partnership of Silverstein Properties and Westfield America. 1 2 The new controllers acquired a handsome insurance policy for the complex including a clause that would prove extremely valuable: in the event of a terrorist attack, the partnership could collect the insured value of the property, and be released from their obligations under the 99-year lease. 3

In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7. Silverstein Properties' estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. So: This building's collapse resulted in a profit of about $500 million. 8

Fox News hit piece against 9/11 truth and Jesse Ventura inadvertently reveals a shocking truth; WTC leaseholder was “on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building”


“Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.”


1.Larry Silverstein is very wealthy and very Jewish.

2. Israli (Mossad probably) filmed and celebrated the destruction of the twin towers and admitted that they were there to document the event.

3. George Bush claimed (twice) that he saw the video of the first plane hitting the tower... that morning. Which would have been impossible unless he saw that video that was made to document the event. In order to document the event you would have to have advanced knowledge of it.

3. Larry Silverstein is on tape explaining how they decided to "pull" building number 7.

4. In order to demolish a building it takes advanced preparation and the planting of explosives.

What more would you need to cast a doubt on the official story?

Well there is more, lots more.

If you want the truth.

jew bashing 101?... how nice...good to see that there is such nice people left in the world

metalwing's photo
Fri 06/24/11 12:10 PM

When he said "pull ..." he was pulling the firemen out of the building because he was told their lives were in danger of the building falling. The story of "only a small fire" was simply a lie.

The building had only a small fire on one floor.

That is not what a person would say if he meant to pull the firemen out of the building.

He did not say "pull the firemen" He said "We decided to pull the building."

Also, buildings don't just fall strait down like that. Have you ever seen the remains of buildings in a city that has been bombed? Did they all just fall strait down into dust?

Don't be so gullible.

THEY tell people totally lame explanations and people just believe what they are told. They don't answer the real questions. They just laugh and make fun.

They are now laughing their arses off at how gullible and ignorant the general public is.

They are above the law, above question. They are the criminals and their henchmen spoke persons and defenders who are bought and paid for.

I see you did not read or accept one word of what I posted (as usual) and you did not understand because you are not capable of understanding what actually happened.

I did not post one word from the internet on mingle about what happened although I posted in great detail because I am extremely well versed in 100% of the structural design, material science, and physics of what happened at 9/11. To be gullible I would have to rely on what someone told me contrary to what I already know, and then believe it.

It is you who are unable to discern the facts from the bs. I have read the scientific papers on the event and could easily pick out the errors in them, however small.

You wouldn't understand the scientific papers if you read them so you stick to the conspiracy posts.

Israel attacking the twin towers is just conspiracy crap.
Explosives being used is just stupid.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 06/24/11 12:12 PM


Now you are accusing Israel of having something to do with the
Al-Qaida attacks on NY World Trade centers with hijacked airplanes
on 911?!?!

I am not "accusing" anyone of anything. I am looking for the truth. I provide links to alternative perspectives that present legitimate information and proof.

Your attempts at ridicule when presented with something you don't like does not give you any credibility. Instead of trying to make fun of people why don't you do some real thinking and investigating?

Silverman himself (Jewish owner of Building #7)is on video saying how they decided to "pull" building number 7. To "pull" a building means to demolish it.

The dancing Israelis admitted that they were there to "document the event." Tell me, how did they even know it was going to happen?

The video of the plane hitting the tower was filmed and it's lengthy approach was filmed from the top of a building that is very difficult to access. They were waiting for it. They knew it was going to happen!

How ignorant can people be to except the official lies and propaganda about 9-11? Yes, I think Israel was behind it, but that is not the point. I demand that these questions be answered instead of covered up and ignored.

These questions are ignored, just as you ignore them.

Take the red pill. Face the truth. Stop defending the lies. Find the truth.

I sit and read these 9-11 conspiracy posts and just shake my head.

What questions are being ignored?

There is a detailed report by NIST on the collapse of building 7.

What else do you want?

No one can refute their findings or offer any other plausible scenario other than some half assed controlled demolition theory which is totally and completely absurd.

Not to mention IMPOSSIBLE.

Questions Unanswered:

Why did Silverman say that they decided to "pull" building 7?
Why did the dancing Israelis say they were there to "document" the event?
Why were they released?
Who benefited most from 9-11?
And loads of other questions.

Why do you think the controlled demolition theory is "totally and completely absurd?" Have you ever seen a controlled demolition?
Building # 7 was "pulled" on purpose.

I lived in Las Vegas for ten months and I saw plenty of them. They looked very similar. Also, buildings are now built with the means to demolish them built right in.

It is not "impossible." You have no clue what is "possible."

If they can get you guys to swallow their lies then I guess anything is possible.

Watching a controlled demolition does nothing for ones understanding of how and why the building falls.

These buildings weren't built right now, so there goes that.

To assert that modern buildings are designed or constructed with demolition in mind is just beyond any reasonable or rational statement.

Controlled demolition of building 7 is absurd because the amount of preparatory work necessary could not be disguised. There is no way that someone didn't notice people drilling holes and running cables.

If you think that you can just paint on a low explosive and that will bring down a reinforced concrete steel structure then there is no use continuing the discussion.

As far as the rest of your questions there are no scientific answers, therefore, I'll leave that for you to theorize.

If anyone really believes that a small fire in building # 7 caused it to fall they are way too gullible. Building # 7 was not hit by a plane. It was demolished on purpose. Explosions were heard and recorded.

The owner of the Building, Silverman, admitted on video that they decided to "pull" the building. What do you think he meant by that? In the construction business it means to take it down.

Until my questions are answered, yes, I will continue to "theorize."

There was debris from WTC 1 that landed on BLDG7 after it collapsed. There is video evidence of fires burning in BLDG7 almost immediately after the debris impacted it. The building was damaged by debris on 3 sides and there are pictures of the outer columns destroyed. Small fires? HAHA.. There were several large capacity containers filled with fuel that supplied the buildings backup generators. The backup fire suppression system was gravitational and not meant to deal with MULTIPLE fires on MULTIPLE floors.

It seems that the conspiracy theorists love to overlook the damage inflicted on all 3 of the WTC buildings.

As if planes and falling piles of debris have no consequence as pertaining to the collapses.

Its comical.

no photo
Fri 06/24/11 12:27 PM
You wouldn't understand the scientific papers if you read them so you stick to the conspiracy posts.

blah blah blah... I have a very accurate bull **** detector. And no, I wouldn't understand the scientific blather contrived by people who are paid to cover up the truth.

metalwing's photo
Fri 06/24/11 01:03 PM

You wouldn't understand the scientific papers if you read them so you stick to the conspiracy posts.

blah blah blah... I have a very accurate bull **** detector. And no, I wouldn't understand the scientific blather contrived by people who are paid to cover up the truth.

You, once again, missed the point. I posted on Mingle all the "stuff" about what made the buildings fall and you ignored it all. I wasn't paid by any cover-up and no one involved in the formal investigation is more qualified than me.

It is I who detect the total BS of your posts because it is I who know the truth, without relying on any other source.

You always scoff at anyone like Slowhand who has any actual knowledge of a topic while expecting people to believe that you somehow have acquired more knowledge that the actual knowledgeable person. You pretend that the garbage sources that you quote are the real truth.

How can you expect to be taken seriously?

InvictusV's photo
Fri 06/24/11 01:38 PM

You wouldn't understand the scientific papers if you read them so you stick to the conspiracy posts.

blah blah blah... I have a very accurate bull **** detector. And no, I wouldn't understand the scientific blather contrived by people who are paid to cover up the truth.

The only people making money are the conspiracy theorists that get paid to give lectures and write books.

Richard Gage has probably made more money since he began his BS campaign than he ever made as an architect.

no photo
Fri 06/24/11 01:56 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/24/11 02:17 PM

You wouldn't understand the scientific papers if you read them so you stick to the conspiracy posts.

blah blah blah... I have a very accurate bull **** detector. And no, I wouldn't understand the scientific blather contrived by people who are paid to cover up the truth.

The only people making money are the conspiracy theorists that get paid to give lectures and write books.

That is a gross untruth.

Look who made millions on the destruction of the twin towers.

LARRY SILVERSTEIN, Silverstein Properties.

Silverstein Properties' estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. So: This building's collapse alone resulted in a profit of about $500 million. That's only one example.
These are facts.

Bush knew.
The dancing Israelis knew.

They documented the event. They knew.

Murderers they are.

And now they use their own crime to terrorize people and pass laws to take away our rights.


no photo
Fri 06/24/11 02:11 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 06/24/11 02:14 PM
I see you did not read or accept one word of what I posted (as usual) and you did not understand because you are not capable of understanding what actually happened.

Is this your "scientific evidence?" I looked but this was all I could find.

The building was hit hard by a piece of a falling tower and the design of the building only had two critical interior supports.

When he said "pull ..." he was pulling the firemen out of the building because he was told their lives were in danger of the building falling. The story of "only a small fire" was simply a lie.

The truth will in no way stop you from "theorizing".

You see, I don't theorize.

I evaluate many sources of information. Many.

You claim that you are a scientist, and you know more than me. I am having my doubts about that now.

"There are no photographs that show large fires in Building 7. Tom Franklin did not take any photos of the building before heeding firemen's orders to evacuate the area. Had there been large fires, one would expect that the professional photographer would have documented them."

You can call dozens and dozens of websites that have an enormous amount of information and evidence all over the Internet "conspiracy theories" if you want, or Nazi propaganda or what ever you want.

The truth cannot be hidden when chip chip chip it gets out.

It is unstoppable.

There are more. Many more. I am not claiming that they are all true, but I am saying that there are too many unanswered questions and too much evidence that points to..... a planed sinister destruction by overwhelmingly powerful people to initiate this and to cover it up.

Everything was classified, and cleaned up. There is no "transparency." There is only cover up.

Building 7 was the third skyscraper to be reduced to rubble on September 11, 2001. According to the government, fires, primarily, leveled this building, but fires have never before or since destroyed a steel skyscraper.

The team that investigated the collapse were kept away from the crime scene. By the time they published their inconclusive report in May, 2002, the evidence had been destroyed.

Why did the government rapidly recycle the steel from the largest and most mysterious engineering failure in world history, and why has the media remained silent

Unintended structural failures are less common in steel-framed highrises than in aircraft. Being the only such building in history in which fire is blamed for total collapse, Building 7's remains warranted the most painstaking examination, documentation, and analysis.

There was no legitimate reason not to dismantle the rubble pile carefully, documenting the position of each piece of steel and moving it to a warehouse for further study. No one was thought buried in the pile, since, unlike the Twin Towers, Building 7 had been evacuated hours before the collapse. The pile was so well confined to the building's footprint that the adjacent streets could have been cleared without disturbing it.

Yet, despite the paramount importance of the remains, they were hauled away and melted down as quickly as possible. The steel was sold to scrap metal vendors and most of it was soon on ships bound for China and India. Some of the smaller pieces and a few token large pieces of steel marked 'save' were allowed to be inspected at Fresh Kills landfill by FEMA's BPAT volunteers.

Building 7's rubble pile was at least as important as any archeological dig. It contained all the clues to one of the largest structural failures in history. Without understanding the cause of the collapse, all skyscrapers become suspect, with profound implications for the safety of occupants and for the ethics of sending emergency personnel into burning buildings to save people and fight fires.


no photo
Fri 06/24/11 02:25 PM
I am still waiting for an answer to these questions:

1. Do you support a police state that does home invasions and assassinates suspected "terrorists" without proof or without a trial?

2. Do you support a police state that engages in torture?

3. Do you think America should be the police state of the world?

4. Do you think Israel should be the police state of the world?

5. How do you feel about Israel's attack on the USS Liberty?
Don't you think that should have been investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice? How inept are they if it was an "accident" as they claim? Do you think everyone agrees with that?

no photo
Fri 06/24/11 02:27 PM

LARRY SILVERSTEIN, Silverstein Properties.

SilverSTEIN? Ah, a Jew. So you think he's a reptile alien out to do something nefarious, right?

You guys really are delusional about this stuff. Who rents without getting renters insurance? So he rented the buildings and they were destroyed, you seem to be missing the fact that he's required by law to rebuild them.