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Topic: Light Does Not Travel
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Wed 06/22/11 10:27 AM
P.S. Slowhand:

While you ignore and/or criticize my links to information and call it "wrong" or "bias" you post link to websites that are put out by the ADL which are totally biased with a very clear agenda. And you link to websites that use the term "anti-Semitism which I explained was a term coined in Germany by a German Journalist at the beginning of the movement to rid Germany of Jews. The term "anti-Semitism is known for it's secondary meaning which is that movement to rid the world of Jewery and today is only used by people and organizations as propaganda.

Anytime anyone criticizes Zionism or any criminal acts by Israeli nationalists they drag out that "anti-semitism" term. If you investigate what a Semite is, you will find that the tribe of Jews who are the aggressors are not Semites at all.

Therefore when anyone uses the term anti-semitism they have identified themselves as crusaders for Zionism and propaganda and are clearly not an unbiased source.

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Wed 06/22/11 10:38 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 06/22/11 10:40 AM

I am glad to see we have some agreement that to be considered "Jewish" is more than a religion called Judaism. That is what I mean when I say that it is a "Family." You call it "Heritage."

I think if you want to claim "religious persecution" that Jewish had better only mean Judaism. Right? But it apparently means more than Judaism. It means "heritage" or a family bloodline. It is genetics. It is the heritage of a "tribe."

This "Family" has remained strong because of the very strong practice of a Jewish person tending to only marry another person of the same "Jewish heritage." It is like an Italian only marrying another Italian, or a Black only marrying another black. It is for this reason and these "bloodlines" that people have called it a "race" or "racial prejudice."

Apparently "race" sems to mean more than the color of a person's skin. But it is not "race" it is a "tribe" and has to do with genetics of that tribe or family.

In all "races" there are also different "Families." With Blacks, there are different tribes. They are all of the same skin color but their genetics are different because they are from a different tribe. That "tribe" could be considered their "Family" even though they are not closely related enough that they can't intermarry.

In Ireland, there were different tribes, In Italy there were different tribes etc. Families and tribes of gypsies strongly tend to only marry within their genetic tribes.

When we think of "tribes" we tend to think of years ago when people were primitive and lived in tribes. But these tribes still exist. Some people have left their tribes and freely marry any race or any tribe but others have strict "family" codes.

Thanks all for the conversations and links.flowerforyou


Yes, thanks for agreeing that Christians and Muslims have also been "persecuted." I agree. But for some reason they don't go around wearing that on their sleeve or whining about it to get world sympathy like your typical Jewish/zionist mindset.

They are not using that sympathy to gain support for the creation of their own "safe haven." That is the point I wanted to make.

The conflicts and hatred we are seeing among the people of the world, may very possibly be tribal conflicts more than "racial" or "religious" conflicts. They have more to do with tribes, genetics and bloodlines.

This is only your incorrect interpretation. The defining characteristic of being a Jew is still religion not genetics.
There is no disagrrement on that point.

Your posts indicate that you wish to deny the Jews a right
to their ancestral homeland.

Racial my arse. The Crusades and the Inquisition were purely
religious. It is important to denounce persecution everywhere
it occurs. In particular it is important to denounce false
stereotypes and bigotry towards Jews.

It is disgusting that you describe only Jews as "whining".
Your attempt to deny their right to sympathy for the
persecution they have suffered and outrageous unwarranted
attacks on them due to their religious belief is appalling
and singling them out is purely antisemitic.

Revolting Nonsense.

No, this is my conclusion from the evidence I have collected and seen and from my own logic and rational thinking. It is very clear that the conflicts of the world are tribal conflicts and have to do with genetics, not race (color of skin) and not religion.

You have not answered my questions above in this thread about proof and about why you feel that your sources are true and mine are false.

I am not interested in emotional opinions about what you think is "revolting or nonsense." And as long as you use the propaganda term "anti-Semitic" you lose all your credibility with me as being unbiased.

You agreed that both Muslims and Christians have been persecuted, and throughout history. I am comparing them to the Jewish who continue to complain and yes, whine about that to gain sympathy.

No other religion is doing that for the purpose of insisting that they deserve a "safe haven" because they are so persecuted. My question is why do they think they are more persecuted than others and if they are, then why are they?

You are clearly biased as you are still using the propaganda term "anti-Semitic" and you are pointing to websites that clearly have an agenda to promote Israeli Nationalism, Zionism, and to squash anyone who disagrees with that agenda.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 06/22/11 11:40 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Wed 06/22/11 11:49 AM
Balderdash. JB, Your sources are Nazi propaganda!

My sources are scholarly articles, the Encyclopedia or Wikipedia,
Mark Twain, the NY Times etc.

I have explained repeatedly why the Protocols of the Elders of
Zion is a hoax for example. It is not a matter of opinion. You
have also denied a religious basis for the persecution of Jews.
What else...you claim some Jews are fake even though they believe
in Judaism the same as all other Jews.

You call Israel a dictatorship...

You liken Zionism to the mafia...

You repeat trite and discredited Jewish world domination conspiracy
theories from a century ago...

There is no end to your factual errors here. As far as the ADL goes
their work is well documented. You can't deny the truth of their
message just because it is the ADL...


You've got nothing but lies and unsupported innuendo. Good show!
You just keep hanging on to your white supremacist sources and
Nazi babble.

Helps to make your position clear and helps publicize the ongoing
problem with bigoted antisemitism.


Your vehemence, nastiness, bigotry and intransigence in the face
of overwhelming evidence of the fallacy of you anti-Jewish
positions only goes to show how deeply rooted and irrational this
kind of hatred can be.

I hope everyone reads this embarrassing and outrageous thread
and learns the truth about the Protocols and other such
antisemitic garbage.

The fact that you keep insisting on the authenticity of the Protocols despite overwhelming evidence of its fabrication as
a method of Jewish persecution at once astonishes me and sickens
me. It was one of Hitler's favorite lies.

What overwhelming evidence are you referring to?

A few people's opinions and a wikipedia cut and paste is certainly NOT evidence.

Do you know the name of the person who declared it to be a forgery?
Do you know what HIS bloodline or politics are?

It has been known as a forgery for about 90 years. I learned about
it in High School history. Read the Wiki article and
it gives a lot of the sources. Not really disputable.

That issue was settled ages ago.

Wait a sec and I will look it up in the Wiki article...

Literary forgery

The forgery contains numerous elements typical of what is known in literature as a "false document": a document that is deliberately written to fool the reader into believing that what is written is truthful and accurate even though, in actuality, it is not.[6] It is also one of the best-known and most-discussed examples of literary forgery, with analysis and proof of its fraudulent origin going as far back as 1921.[7] The forgery is also an early example of "Conspiracy Theory" literature.[8] Written mainly in the first person plural,[9] the text embodies generalizations, truisms and platitudes on how to take over the world: take control of the media and the financial institutions, change the traditional social order, etc. It does not contain specifics.[citation needed]

Maurice Joly

Elements of the Protocols were plagiarized from Joly's fictional Dialogue in Hell, a thinly-veiled attack on the political ambitions of Napoleon III, who, represented by the non-Jewish character Machiavelli,[10] plots to rule the world. Joly, a monarchist and legitimist, was imprisoned in France for 15 months as a direct result of his book's publication. Ironically, scholars have noted that Dialogue in Hell was itself a plagiarism, at least in part, of a novel by Eugene Sue, Les Mystères du Peuple (1849–1856).[11]

Ref 7 is here:


The article by Graves on the hoax was published in the NY Times
in 1921:

Pretty much it is a standard lie of antisemites to justify mistreatment of Jews. Hitler and Goebbels loved it! But it is all a lot of toe jam
of course.


More from the Wiki...

Further reading

Stephen Eric Bronner: A Rumor About the Jews: Reflections on Antisemitism and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (Oxford University Press, 2003) ISBN 0-19-516956-5
Chanes, Jerome A., Antisemitism: a reference handbook, ABC-CLIO, 2004
Eisner, Will: The Plot: The Secret Story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. ISBN 0393060454
Hagemeister, Michael: "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Between History and Fiction - Hagemeister 35 (1103)". Retrieved 2009-09-15.
Hagemeister, Michael. The 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' and the Myth of a Jewish Conspiracy in Post Soviet Russia, in: Brinks, Jan Herman; Rock, Stella; Timms, Edward (ed.): Nationalist Myths and Modern Media. Contested Identities in the Age of Globalization, London / New York 2006, pp. 243–255.
Jacobs, Steven Leonard and Weitzman, Mark: Dismantling the Big Lie: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (2003) ISBN 0-88125-785-0
Lüthi, Urs: Der Mythos von der Weltverschwörung: die Hetze der Schweizer Frontisten gegen Juden und Freimaurer, am Beispiel des Berner Prozesses um die "Protokolle der Weisen von Zion" (Basel: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1992), ISBN 3719011976 9783719011970, OCLC: 30002662
Katz, Steven; Landes, Richard (eds.): Reconsidering 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion': 100 Years After the Forgery, New York 2008 (in print)
Kis, Danilo: The Book Of Kings And Fools in The Encyclopedia of the Dead, 1989 (Faber and Faber)
Goldberg, Isaac: The so-called "Protocols of the Elders of Zion": a Definitive Exposure of One of the Most Malicious Lies in History (Girard, Kansas, Haldeman-Julius Publications, 1936).
Shibuya, Eric, "The Struggle with Right-Wing Extremist Groups in the United States, in Countering terrorism and insurgency in the 21st century, vol 3, Forest, James (Ed.), Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007
Stauber, Roni; Webman, Esther (eds.): The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - The One-Hundred Year Myth and Its Impact, Tel Aviv 2008 (in print)
Timmerman, Kenneth R.: Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America (2003), Crown Forum. ISBN 1-4000-4901-6
Wolf, Lucien: The Myth of the Jewish Menace in World Affairs or, The Truth About the Forged Protocols of the Elders of Zion (New York, The Macmillan company, 1921).
The truth about "The Protocols" : a literary forgery (1921) The original Times articles exposing the book collected in a contemporary pamphlet.
Bernstein, Herman (1921): The History of a Lie at Project Gutenberg As page images at archive.org Internet Archive: Details: The history of a lie, "The protocols of the wise men of Zion"; a study Archive.org. Retrieved on 2009-02-01

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Wed 06/22/11 11:59 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 06/22/11 11:59 AM
Slowhand your responses are emotional, not rational. In fact they are irrational.

I have continued this discussion in this scientific forum because I respect the rational thinking of scientific minded people.

You have not offered any proof that your sources are true or reasons why you believe they are true, except that you believe them to be "scholarly." You have not offered any proof that my sources are false other than name calling and emotional slanderous terms.

I am asking you to convince me that you are right in a more factual and logical manner. You are failing miserably because you only repeat the same emotional B.S. over and over.

I offer an alternative theory that all conflicts are tribal conflicts. It has been proven that being classified as "Jewish" is not strictly a religion, it is a genetic heritage. This means it is a genetic bloodline.

I have stated that if Jews are going to cry and whine about "religious persecution" they damn well better be practicing their religion. Otherwise they are just spewing propaganda to gain support and sympathy.

That the Jews of Zionism are mostly part of a particular tribe or bloodline is one fact they do not want to be known. They have been hiding behind "religion" for a very long time.

I personally think that "Jewish" should be about Judaism, but the fact is that it is not. It is about the culture, heritage and genetics of a particular tribe. That tribe converted to the religion Judaism for political reasons centuries ago according to my sources. This information is what they definitely do not want known.

I have heard hatred spewed from the mouths of so-call self styled Zionist Jews against the real Semitic religious Jews where they call them "freaks" and tell them that they don't deserve to live. I have never heard that kind of hatred coming from the real religious Jews against anyone. They are peaceful people.

So don't tell me to believe your propaganda. It cannot stand up against the truth I have witnessed and seen for myself.

I will judge people for their deeds, not for the quality of their lies or propaganda.

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Wed 06/22/11 12:12 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 06/22/11 12:15 PM

Here is evidence that to be "Jewish" (according to certain Jews) involves having a Jewish mother.

Below are some relevant clips from the article. Here is the link:


“This is potentially the biggest case in the British Jewish community’s modern history,” said Stephen Pollard, editor of the Jewish Chronicle newspaper here. “It speaks directly to the right of the state to intervene in how a religion operates.”

The case began when a 12-year-old boy, an observant Jew whose father is Jewish and whose mother is a Jewish convert, applied to the school, JFS. Founded in 1732 as the Jews’ Free School, it is a centerpiece of North London’s Jewish community. It has around 1,900 students, but it gets far more applicants than it accepts.

By many standards, the JFS applicant, identified in court papers as “M,” is Jewish. But not in the eyes of the school, which defines Judaism under the Orthodox definition set out by Jonathan Sacks, chief rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth. Because M’s mother converted in a progressive, not an Orthodox, synagogue, the school said, she was not a Jew — nor was her son. It turned down his application.

That would have been the end of it. But M’s family sued, saying that the school had discriminated against him. They lost, but the ruling was overturned by the Court of Appeal this summer.

In an explosive decision, the court concluded that basing school admissions on a classic test of Judaism — whether one’s mother is Jewish — was by definition discriminatory. Whether the rationale was “benign or malignant, theological or supremacist,” the court wrote, “makes it no less and no more unlawful.”

The case rested on whether the school’s test of Jewishness was based on religion, which would be legal, or on race or ethnicity, which would not. The court ruled that it was an ethnic test because it concerned the status of M’s mother rather than whether M considered himself Jewish and practiced Judaism.

“The requirement that if a pupil is to qualify for admission his mother must be Jewish, whether by descent or conversion, is a test of ethnicity which contravenes the Race Relations Act,” the court said. It added that while it was fair that Jewish schools should give preference to Jewish children, the admissions criteria must depend not on family ties, but “on faith, however defined.”

The case has stirred up long-simmering resentments among the leaders of different Jewish denominations, who, for starters, disagree vehemently on the definition of Jewishness. They also disagree on the issue of whether an Orthodox leader is entitled to speak for the entire community.

“How dare they question our beliefs and our Jewishness?” David Lightman, an observant Jewish father whose daughter was also denied a place at the school because it did not recognize her mother’s conversion, told reporters recently. “I find it offensive and very upsetting.”


Now the question arises, if you want to cover all details, is why a Jewish mother?

Why not a Jewish father?

In the case above, the boy's father was Jewish and the mother was a convert.

I know the answer to that question but that is for you to investigate. It has to do with genetics.

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Wed 06/22/11 12:31 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 06/22/11 12:36 PM
You guys could take this to private message and spare us seeing this at the top of the sci/philo forum when in fact it is neither.

Pls, I beg you!

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Wed 06/22/11 01:00 PM

I am glad to see we have some agreement that to be considered "Jewish" is more than a religion called Judaism.

JB, there are many individual points being made by all sides that I agree with. Sometimes when we are invested in a point of view, and another has a contrary view that we find inaccurate or immoral or both, then we don't like to acknowledge the individual pieces of that persons view which might be factual or logically sound.

This conversation has caused me to reflect enough to realize that my statements about the definition and use of "Jew", and atheist Jews, is limited to modern times and to the US. I lack knowledge of how Jews identify themselves, or are identified by others, in other regions and in other times.

no photo
Wed 06/22/11 01:03 PM

You guys could take this to private message and spare us seeing this at the top of the sci/philo forum when in fact it is neither.

Pls, I beg you!

Aside from the question about light and dreams, this has had nothing to do with Sci/Phi for pages now. It shouldn't be moved, since the OP was science, but maybe it should be locked and the participants encouraged to start a new thread in....maybe politics?

no photo
Wed 06/22/11 01:09 PM

You guys could take this to private message and spare us seeing this at the top of the sci/philo forum when in fact it is neither.

Pls, I beg you!

Aside from the question about light and dreams, this has had nothing to do with Sci/Phi for pages now. It shouldn't be moved, since the OP was science, but maybe it should be locked and the participants encouraged to start a new thread in....maybe politics?

I am satisfied with the thread being locked but I don't intend to move it to the political forum. There you will find too much bigotry and emotion and I wanted a more rational and logical look at information, which is the only reason I continued the conversation here.

So I will not post here again. I am satisfied and I appreciate everyone's input. I shall take these perspectives and evaluate them.

Goodbye then.flowerforyou

markecephus's photo
Wed 06/22/11 01:30 PM

This topic has deviated from the original posting, to the point, that it has no direction, other than insults. Topic locked.

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